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Safelist Mailer
Joy Healey's review...
Updated June 2024

Still a happy user, over a year on, and noticing that there are regular additions of trusted sites.


I fail to understand why people don't jump on the extremely affordable paid version of Traffic Zipper.

As I continue with the occasional surfing sessions in various sites, it's obvious to me that the successful affiliates are using Traffic Zipper to automate their mailings and get the maximum benefit from their mailer packages. Why wouldn't you?

What is Traffic Zipper?

Traffic Zipper is a superb piece of software that lets you automate sending emails to up to 25 list-mailers. It also includes a downline builder for these sites, so that people who join Traffic Zipper can join your downline in the mailers included.

My experience with the program so far:

  • I joined this program as a free member about 18 months ago. The free trial lets you link up to two of your mailers and send broadcast messages.
  • To use the full suite of features, which includes Traffic Autopilot, I quickly took the Starter Upgrade to automate mailing to 4 of the 25 supported sites.
  • Having experienced the power of the autopilot mailing I took the Pro upgrade to be able to integrate 10 out of 25 supported sites.
  • Elite allows you to integrate with all 25 sites, but I haven't yet taken that upgrade.

Why I Joined

It took a while, but eventually in my online marketing career I realised just how many 'eye-balls' you need to get on your offer before someone will opt-in. For anyone reading this: it's thousands a DAY, unless you're marketing to a warm market with social media marketing - but that doesn't suit my busy life-style.

Instead I started using list mailers for my marketing but was finding it increasingly difficult to keep on top of when I could send out each mailing to use my credits to maximum effect.

Then a friend explained that I could more easily keep track of them all with Traffic Zipper - and, even better, automate them.

What I Like

  • TrafficZipper is an affordable way to send my promotional emails out, hands-free. Even when I'm on holiday my business continues on auto-pilot.
  • TrafficZipper includes a large down-line builder to benefit from referrals to other programs.
  • You can even add your links and banners to rotators
  • The support is superb. My questions were promptly and patiently answered.
  • It's extremely affordable compared to the hours (and wasted credits) it saves me.
  • There are great statistics to show you the mailings sent and your click through rates.
  • New sites are added regularly - once the TZ owners have checked out the quality

What I Dislike

It's a shame that free members don't seem to understand that they're missing the Auto-Pilot feature by not upgrading; but that's not the fault of the site owners. Perhaps this should be 'pushed' more?

Once I had spent the couple of hours getting it set up, there's nothing I dislike.

Final Verdict

Traffic Zipper saves me hours, and makes sure that every credit on every mailer is used to maximum effect. As long as I use list-mailers I will continue using Traffic Zipper.


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Raghavendra Baswa's review... is a unique platform that has been serving online marketers for quite some time now, and after spending some time exploring its features and services, I can confidently say that it's a valuable resource for anyone looking to generate leads and grow their online business.

User-Friendly Interface: One of the first things that struck me about LeadsLeap is its user-friendly interface. The website is clean, well-organized, and easy to navigate. Whether you're a seasoned marketer or a beginner, you won't find it challenging to get started and explore the various tools and services it offers.

Lead Generation: LeadsLeap primarily focuses on lead generation, and it does this remarkably well. The platform provides several tools to help you build your email list and capture leads effectively. The Real Tracker tool is especially useful for tracking the performance of your advertising campaigns, ensuring you're getting the most out of your efforts.

Traffic Exchange: The traffic exchange feature is a standout offering on LeadsLeap. It allows you to earn credits by visiting other members' websites, and in return, your website is displayed to other members. This can be an effective way to drive targeted traffic to your site, and it's an excellent option for those on a budget.

Ad Revenue Sharing: While the ad revenue sharing feature is intriguing, it's not the strongest aspect of LeadsLeap. Earning credits through ad revenue sharing can be slow, and the potential income is relatively modest compared to other revenue-sharing platforms. However, it's an additional way to supplement your marketing efforts.

Support and Community: LeadsLeap boasts an active and supportive community. The support team is responsive to inquiries, and the community forums are filled with helpful discussions and tips. This sense of community is a significant asset for marketers looking to learn and grow.

Affordability: LeadsLeap offers a free membership option, which is a fantastic way to get started and test the waters. However, for serious marketers, the Pro membership offers more features and greater earning potential. The pricing is reasonable, making it accessible to a wide range of users.

When I joined this program as a free member I thought only a few features I could use in this but I was wrong about it.

It allows me to use all the amazing features like

  • Get Traffic
  • Track Links
  • Post Credit-Ads
  • Email Marketing
  • Page Builder
  • Daily Active Bonus
  • The list goes on and on

What I Like:

One of the best parts is when you post Ads in POST PRO Ads.

Just Post Pro Ads will get a Traffic Average: of 3000/month without doing anything much.

I like this program for me it's like learning and earning.

I upgraded to pro member and now am trying to use the best out of it & guess what I am getting signed up for my lists.

I am receiving Emails just like this:

SendSteed - [Notice] Someone has opted into your list

That makes My Day...

I will do my best to learn more and earn.

What I Dislike:

When we get opt-in in the list emails should get verified, If it is unverified after 30 days the email is removed from the list.

Final Thoughts: is a valuable platform for online marketers seeking to enhance their lead-generation efforts. Its user-friendly interface, traffic exchange, and supportive community make it a worthwhile resource. While the ad revenue-sharing aspect may not be the main attraction, it's an additional perk. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced marketer, LeadsLeap has something to offer, and I recommend giving it a try to boost your online marketing efforts.

3 Recommendation from me

1. Have an Attitude to learning.

2. Be Consistent in what you're doing.

3. Keep Hope success is on the way.

All The Best I Wish You Success...


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Ray Trainer's review...
In the world of online marketing, I have found Leadsleap to be one of the best platforms for online marketers. It has cutting-edge technology and proven marketing strategies.

The Leadsleap system has brought me a steady stream of high-quality leads. Whether it's PPC ads, banner ads, or text ads, the platform provides comprehensive analytics and tracking tools.

I like the fact LeadsLeap has a revenue-sharing program, where members can earn passive income by simply engaging with the platform. Leadleap equips businesses with the tools they need to optimize their campaigns and achieve better results.

I like that Leadsleap is very cost effective. The many marketing tools under one roof is a blessing.

Lastly Leadsleap has a very good customer support team. I really have no negative complaints against Leadsleap.

I suggest you sign up. It is totally free to join. Try it out! You will be glad you did.


Categorized under:
IM Tool
Paolo Angelini's review...
My experience with the program so far

I discovered ContentGenie 2.0 on a business website I follow. I got a good deal and decided to try this AI tool. Besides creating content easily, what impressed me most is its ability to manage publishing on multiple social sites like TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, WordPress, and Medium. Learning to use it is easy with the guides available. You add your accounts, choose to post on social media or write blog articles, upload content or have it created by the virtual assistant. With one click, articles are published on all selected sites. Plus, the scheduling feature allows me to plan my posts ahead of time. It simplifies my online presence and saves time by letting me publish on all my accounts from one platform.

What I Like

What I like most about ContentGenie 2.0 is how easy it is to use. The interface is really simple and straightforward, so you don't need to be a tech whiz to figure it out. Plus, it's got all the features I need, like creating content and managing social media. I especially love that I can schedule posts ahead of time. It saves me a ton of effort and keeps my online presence consistent without me having to do much. Overall, ContentGenie 2.0 makes running my online business a whole lot easier.

What I Dislike

I think ContentGenie 2.0 could offer more options for customizing content templates. While it's great for quick content generation, sometimes I want more control over how things look. Also, the AI-generated content can be a bit basic, so I end up spending extra time editing it to make it unique.

Initially, I had some trouble figuring out how to use ContentGenie 2.0, mainly because I didn't dive into the guides. But the support chat was super helpful whenever I had questions. Overall, these are minor things, but some improvements could make a big difference.

Final Verdict

In conclusion, ContentGenie 2.0 is a valuable tool for streamlining content creation and social media management. Its ability to publish across multiple platforms from a single dashboard is a game-changer for efficiency. While there are some areas for improvement in terms of customization and content uniqueness, the overall benefits outweigh the drawbacks. For anyone looking to save time and simplify their online presence, ContentGenie 2.0 is definitely worth considering.


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Linda Bomba's review...
My experience with the program so far

The Downliner is a cooperative traffic exchange that is not like others in that it has a COOP you can promote.

Its drives targeted traffic to your website today. Increase your search rankings and drive the visitors you deserve to your websites, videos, affiliate links, and more.

It has 5 membership types starting with a free version. Where you can earn 10% commissions for referrals.

The next one is their go-getter membership where you get 3,000 points monthly and is $9.97 where you get the following features: 1:1 Point Ratio, 30% Commissions, 15 Campaigns Limit, Custom Pages, Profile Rotator, TDL Machine Access, Random Referrals, Social Posting and no AutoResponder Integration.

Next is their serious marketer membership where you get 6,500 points monthly and is $19.97 where you get all the same as above except you get 30 campaign limit instead of 15 and you can get an autoresponder integration.

The next one their go-getter yearly membership where you get all the same as above except you get 85,000 points yearly for $110 which is a 40% bonus points, 15 campaigns and no auto responder integration.

The last one is their serious marketer yearly membership where you get all the same as above except you get 180K points years for $217 which is a 104% bonus points, 30 campaigns and it has an auto responder. Integration.

What I Like

I like that you can advertise their COOP link and earn shop points to advertise your own websites.

I really like the stats as you can see where your traffic is coming from which is great for tracking.

What I Dislike

Nothing so far.

Final Verdict

I have been testing this over the last few weeks and promoting Leads Leap COOP link and I am getting a lot of traffic everyday to my link and earning from it so this has good traffic.

I will continue to test this on other programs but I feel certain from my own experience and what I have read from others that this is a good traffic source and you can try it for free so there is no risk.


Categorized under:
List Building
Stephanie 's review...
Updated for April 2024

My experience with the program so far

My experience with List Infinity has been a very positive experience so far.

It is a viral list building program that gives you the tools & training to help you build your list fast.

All memberships allow you to earn 100% commissions (more details below).

So, not only will you be building a viral list, but you'll also be building a list of buyers and action takers.

Once I saw the value of the List Infinity System I upgraded my account within a few days, and have now been paid $1300+ in commissions, and added 160+ subscribers to my list.

You get access to the viral list building system and ability to earn 100% instant commissions. The memberships include:

  • Basic Level - $7 one time
  • Starter Level - $25 one time
  • Pro Level - $100 one time
  • Elite Level - $300 one time

Quick outline of what you get as a Pro Member

Basic and Starter member features plus:

  • 30 days email follow up series
  • 15 lead capture pages
  • Additional training
  • Earn $7 - $100 commissions on all upgrades.
  • Can earn on 7 additional income streams
  • You can also add your own recommended business opportunities for additional income

Also, there is now a Viral Traffic Builder which allows you to build your downlines and credits in some of the top mailers.

What I Like

  • Low cost to start
  • Viral list building feature helps you build your list, and MANY more benefits
  • I made a 100% ROI within just a few days & I'm able to build my list fast with the efforts of my referrals
  • High converting landing pages & DFY Follow up series
  • Paid via Paypal and/or Stripe & more
  • No monthly fees
  • Promotional tools & resources in the back office

What I Dislike

So far, nothing I dislike.

Final Verdict

I believe that List Infinity is a great program for anyone wanting to build their list and paid instantly while doing so.

It can work for both newbie marketers who want to earn while building their list & seasoned marketers looking for another income stream to add to their portfolio.

It's easy to get started today with the low cost of $7 one time, but if you don't want to miss out on multiple income streams, then you can choose from any of the higher upgrade options.

I hope you found my review helpful :)


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