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Web Service
Frank Svendsen's review...
My experience with the program so far

I joined GOT Backup in late 2023, and primarily bought it for the cloud service. I looked at the website what was included, and quickly determined this is a great deal. I have tried several cloud services, including those "one-time price" types that disappear after a year or 3. But GOT Backup is from a company operating for many years, so I knew I could trust this company. They own their office building where all equipment is, servers, backup power system, RAID system, Argon fire control system, etc. They even use an off-site backup solution that kicks in if everything else fails (which is nearly impossible). GOT Backup is without a doubt a trustworthy company.

Enough of that, let's talk about the juicy stuff. What do you get when you invest just $9.95? It can't be much, right? Wrong!

For under $10, you get a whopping 6 Terabytes of cloud storage! 1 terabyte allows you to store roughly: 250,000 photos taken with a 12MP camera OR. 250 movies or 500 hours of HD video OR. 6.5 million document pages, commonly stored as Office files, PDFs, and presentations. Plenty of space, in other words - you get 6 times that!

Not only that, you can add 5 accounts, so you can share this space with your family. The extra account holder doesn't even have to live at the same address as you, as some require. No - you decide who you want to share this space with. Or keep it all for yourself, it's up to you. One cool usage can be to create accounts for your kids, so they can backup their extensive amounts of pictures to GOT Backup, instead of costly iCloud or Dropbox accounts. Just a free tip :)

One unique thing with GOT Backup is that you can install it on UNLIMITED devices! That is so cool. But I would create an account for each person, as you will sync your device to your designated account in the cloud. Could be messy with everything on one cloud account, haha.

What I Like

You get a lot for under $10. 6TB of data, 5 extra accounts, unlimited devices on all accounts.
The speed of the app and software is impressive! It syncs Gigabytes in minutes!

What I Dislike

There is only a migration tool from Dropbox and Google One. So if you want to migrate from OneDrive, you have to figure it out. But luckily, it is extremely easy to do, and GOT Backup has a great support team ready to help. Also, if you decide to join from my link, I can set up a Zoom to help you get started - at no cost of course. Contact me if you need help.

Final Verdict

To go for GOT Backup is a no-brainer. For under $10 you get 6TB of cloud data on extremely secure servers in USA. You can add 5 accounts for your family or others. And if you want, you can even earn money by telling others about it, as they have an excellent affiliate system that is unmatched in the industry!


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Isabel Miranda's review...
Here are three examples of orders I made in Udimi

50 clicks ordered, 54 clicks received, 6 leads and 1 sale. 
50 clicks ordered, 52 clicks received, 9 leads and 0 sales.
100 clicks ordered, 115 clicks received, 32 leads and 1 sale.

You can select to receive 100% Top Tier Countries clicks only. 

It is a very good source of quality traffic.


Categorized under:
Internet Marketing
Mike Merz Sr's review...
A Quick Word Or Two From Mike Merz Sr.

I've been an Affiliate Marketer since 1998, became an Internet Marketing Start-up Consultant in 2000, and began focusing on JV Brokering & Affiliate Program Management in 2003, resulting in the creation and launch of JVNotifyPro in 2005.

In an effort to stay on top of the latest Online Business strategies, I've invested my share of time and money into what I considered quality products and services. Just because I've been at this for the last 26+ years, doesn't mean I've learned all I need to know to continue doing business at a high level. Every day there's something new popping up, and if you don't stay ahead of the pack by continuing to be open to learning and trying new things you can quickly fall behind.

That being said, I've recently decided to invest in becoming a MAP (Master Affiliate Profits) backer. MAP is currently in the 2nd of 3 phases, and you have until June 26th 2024 to get in at the Platinum level for a one-time investment.

IMPORTANT! Just because I've known, and worked with, MAP creators John Thornhill, Omar & Melinda Martin for many years does not mean I was comped, or offered a special discount to get on board. I gladly paid what every one of the other nearly 800 MAP backers (thus far) has paid, and I consider it a bargain.

MAP focuses on helping its members become better Affiliate Marketers, which has always been the heart and soul of my work with JVNP/JVNW, so I consider it a match made in Heaven, featuring beginner to advanced training in list building, email, ad, & video marketing, blogging, social media, traffic generation and conversion, and more.

Additionally, if you decide to join me as a backer by June 26th, you'll have access to advanced features and benefits like a higher commission %, a 2-tier referral option, gratis traffic, and more advantages than I have time and space to reveal here, all for a one-time only investment.

Hey, listen you know that I don't directly sell to fellow affiliates and JV partners. The only reason I'm mentioning this is because I've personally invested in MAP, and I'm inviting you to do the same period.

If this is something you feel you and your business might benefit from, you can find out everything you need to know about MAP right here, including a webinar featuring John and Omar.

If not enjoy the rest of your day. ;)

Mike Merz Sr


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Clive Anderson's review...
A Completely Comprehensive Online Business System with Integrated Earning Capabilities that go Above and Beyond Expectancy

When it comes to every aspect of online activity including: branding, residual earnings, business building, traffic and exposure, list building, extensive tracking and much more, one of the most resourceful 'must have' systems you will want at your fingertips is LeadsLeap.

You will see many of the internets top marketers using LeadsLeap as a way of life. You can create and promote simple ads on LeadsLeap, right up to creating wealth providing funnels.

There really is no minimum or maximum capabilities. It just plain makes common sense.

If you are online to make progress in any way LeadsLeap will provide... By the truck load!

With a 100% free lifetime membership you will be able to actually open doors that might otherwise have remained firmly closed, or at the very least have a pretty hefty price tag attached.

Don't be fooled. While LeadsLeap may be free to join it is far from offering low value, in fact it has a list of highly unique benefits that are as long as your arm and that can elevate anyones online experience above and beyond any expectations.

LeadsLeap will allow you to use the dynamic system tools at absolutely no-cost to help you build virtually any business, or even the LeadsLeap system itself, which can provide high profits and a residual income.

In short: It just cannot be beaten...

No matter what your level of online experiance LeadsLeap allows you to:

  • Get More Creative With Your Advertising
  • Build Any Type of Page(s) You Like
  • Build Your Own Extensive Personal List
  • Manage Your List With The Autoresponder
  • Follow-Up Your List with Email Series
  • Broadcast to Your List
  • Track The Results of Your Affiliate Links
  • Advertise Your Website(s) and Get Unique Traffic
  • Advertise Multiple Links Together with Rotator
  • Build and Manage Your Funnels
  • Build Any Existing Business(es)
  • And Much More...

The promotion ability alone far outweighs pretty much ANY other types of system found online.

For free you can also list up to 10 of your programs, offers, or opportunities to be promoted by being shown firstly to all LeadsLeap members, (of which there are currently over 171+ thousand). Your ads will also appear on members promoted pages that have included LeadsLeaps PPC promotions on them. These numbers are ridiculously high, giving you incomprehensible exposure across virtually every kind of online promotional system.

It is worth pointing out here that if you were able to put your promotions in front of 171thousand people using any other program online there would be a fairly hefty financial price to pay. This LeadsLeap facility alone should certainly not be taken lightly.

Upgrade and you gain another 10 slots for advertising programs, only as a Pro member you will be getting 10 of your now 20 slots viewed as mentioned above on complete autopilot. (This one facility alone would cost thousands of dollars a year to obtain outside of LeadsLeap).

So, even if you were just looking for powerful advertising, it is doubtful that someone would find anything that can either compete, or compare to this industry giant.

NEWS FLASH! LeadsLeap has just launched its very own in-house COOP system, which will without doubt soon become the envy of other co-op systems currently online. This is yet another phenominal addition to the already endless beneficial aresnal of powertools under one roof. (And you can earn yet another additional income just for using it! )

Some of the tools available within Leadsleap are:

In-House advertising to all members. Create your ad text with an accompanying image and members are encouraged to view others sites for more than a flash-by view for reciprocated credits, meaning your own site will get proper views and not just a few seconds because someone is surfing for credits.

Page builder. Whether you wish to build a splash page, capture page, or any other kind of web-page this facility is a real gem, with many added features, including templates, as well as being ultra easy to work around and use.

A complete and comprehensive email marketing system including setting-up your own email series for any of your LeadsLeap pages, attached to the in-house hosted autoresponder which you have complete control of. (Endless capabilities)

And the list goes on. Blog, funnel builder, form and pop-up creator, hosting for images, and PDF's. Create reviews and recommendations and much more.

You can also earn real cash from various methods including site views, rating, referring etc.

In mentioning the referring, LeadsLead has an array of ways in which you can use its promotional tools, such as specific targets you might wish to share the system with.

In all honesty, I've only really touched the surface of what makes LeadsLeap a real must, but the bottom line is that all the facilities become a massive booster system for any and all online activities.

If you want to get really serious there is the Pro upgrade for just a few dollars a month, and to say it is worth every cent is an understatement. One teaser for you here is that you can place 10 Pro ads into the system and they get viewed consistently on complete autopilot. As for the rest of the Pro benefits, they just seem to be endless. (See for yourself)

Even as a Pro member myself I still keep finding new tools that are highly worthwhile, and of exceptional value.

If there was a downside to LeadsLeap I've yet to find it, and I would suspect that all Pro members would agree.

I've used many all-in-one systems in the past, but I've yet to discover anything that can even come close to the overall benefits that have come from using LeadsLeap.

Why not walk through the right door today and discover the success that LeadsLeap can bring to you.

Clive Anderson


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Linda Bomba's review...
My experience with the program so far

Lead Hero is premium red hot buyer traffic and is own by Glenn Fedoruk. If his name sounds familiar it is because he is either the #2 vendor on Udimi and I have used both.

While I got a decent opt in rate with the solo ads, I ran from him on Udimi he himself has said this traffic is better because it is buyer traffic, and it does cost more. I always say you get what you pay for and my experience with lead hero was better.

One of the big differences is how slow the traffic I got from his solo ads as I would wait sometime 2-3 days before it would start and Lead Hero it was much faster.

A got an email with a link where I could see all my analytics and track them and on Udimi I just got an email that he accepted my purchase and I have to go to my account to look and see if it has started and how many clicks, I got on it.

For the solo ad I ran with him on Udimi I got 43 leads for 100 clicks plus 6 bonus clicks and for lead hero for the same amount of clicks and xxx bonus clicks I got xxx leads.

The difference is price is $53 for 100 clicks on Udimi and $79 for the same number of clicks on lead hero slightly higher but I think it's definitely worth it.

The ordering is slightly different on Lead Hero than it is on Udimi, they have the following packages you can buy. These packages are at a 25% discount.

Premium Buyer Clicks- 2800 clicks per week for $1,950, 400 clicks per day paid weekly at 0.69 per click.

Premium Buyer Clicks – 1400 clicks per week for $975, 200 clicks per day paid weekly at 0.69 per click.

Premium Buyer Clicks – 700 clicks per week for $485, 100 clicks per day paid weekly at 0.69 per click.

Premium Buyer Clicks – 350 clicks per week for $243 paid weekly at 0.69 per click

These are monthly subscriptions that you can cancel at any time but once the traffic starts there no refunds.

If you skeptical you can try their test package for Premium Buyer 100 clicks for $79 at 0.79 per click

What I like

I didn't have to wait long for my traffic to start which I love some vendors take days before you actually see any leads and they send you a link where you can track your progress with clicks and leads.

What I don't like

The cheapest package to start is $125 which may be difficult for some people on a small budget.

Final Verdict

Lead Hero is a premium traffic source used my some of the top marketers in this industry so it has a proven track record. If your looking for a affordable traffic source.


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Shakur 's review...
My experience with the program so far

I joined Leadsleap in June 2023, initially as a free member. My interest in internet marketing and traffic generation led me to this platform and I decided to start writing articles about these topics in December 2023. In these articles, I included my Leadsleap referral link, hoping to attract some interest.

My Growth and Success with Leadsleap

After writing 6 or 7 articles on the social platform LinkedIn, my articles started to rank on Google. This brought in free traffic and from March 2024 I am consistently receiving 2 to 5 sign-ups to my Leadsleap referral link every day.

At the time of writing this review, a total of 108 people had signed up through my referral link. Out of these, 3 upgraded their memberships, providing me with monthly recurring commissions.

Seeing this growth and the potential of the platform, I decided to upgrade my own membership in the second week of May.

As an upgraded member, I started using pro ads on Leadsleap for building lists. In 15 days, I received 22 subscribers to my lists from their pro ads.

Discovering the Tools

As a free member, I had access to almost all the tools Leadsleap offers, except for the email follow-up series. After upgrading, I gained access to the email follow-up series as well. I was genuinely impressed by the quality and variety of tools available.

Here are some of the key features that stood out to me:

Advertising and Traffic Generation: Leadsleap provides a range of tools to help generate traffic for my website. Their ad platform is efficient and cost-effective, offering both free and paid options to suit different needs.
Free members can advertise based on credits; if you have credits, your ad will run.

For pro members, there's no need to have credits for your ads to run. Upgraded members can advertise up to 10 ads, and the platform drives traffic throughout the entire month.

List Building: The list management tools are robust and easy to use, allowing me to build and manage an unlimited email list effectively.

Link Tracker: This tool helps me track the performance of my links, giving me valuable insights into my marketing efforts.

Page Builder: The page builder is user-friendly and allows me to create professional-looking landing pages and websites without any coding knowledge.

PDF Rebrander: This tool allows me to create and distribute PDF documents that can be customized by my affiliates. It's an excellent way to share valuable content while promoting my brand and links.

Value for Money

One of the most remarkable aspects of Leadsleap is its pricing. The tools and services they offer come at a fraction of the cost compared to other providers in the market. Despite the low monthly fee of only $27, the quality and effectiveness of their tools are top-notch.

Outstanding Service

What truly sets Leadsleap apart is their customer service. Any time I had a question or needed assistance, their support team was quick to respond and very helpful. Their dedication to providing excellent service is evident, and it greatly enhances the overall experience.

What I Like

I like everything about Leadsleap. It's really hard to find another marketing system like Leadsleap, especially considering the price compared to others in the market.

What I Dislike

Honestly, I haven't found anything to dislike so far. If I do encounter any issues, I will update this review.

Final Verdict

Overall, my experience with Leadsleap has been extremely positive. The platform offers a wealth of tools that are both powerful and affordable. The results I've seen speak for themselves and I'm confident you will find it just as valuable.

If you're considering joining Leadsleap, I encourage you to take the plunge. You won't be disappointed!


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