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IM Tool
Carl Davies's review...
Hey there! Today, I'm excited to share my experience with OptimizePress, the ultimate tool for creating captivating and conversion-focused websites. Buckle up as I take you through my journey with this powerful tool.

My experience with OptimizePress so far.

As someone who's constantly tinkering with websites to find that perfect blend of design and functionality, OptimizePress has been my trusty sidekick in the ever-evolving digital landscape. From crafting stunning landing pages to building comprehensive sales funnels, it's been a game-changer in elevating my online presence.

What I like about OptimizePress?

First and foremost, its drag-and-drop interface deserves a standing ovation. Whether you're a seasoned web designer or a newbie navigating the digital waters, crafting visually stunning pages is a breeze with OptimizePress. Plus, the extensive library of templates and elements provides endless possibilities for unleashing your creativity without breaking a sweat.

Moreover, the seamless integration with popular email marketing services and payment gateways is a godsend for entrepreneurs looking to streamline their online business operations. With OptimizePress, you can effortlessly capture leads, nurture relationships, and drive sales without juggling multiple tools.

What I dislike about OptimizePress?

Hey, no tool is perfect, right? While OptimizePress has been a dream to work with, there are a few niggles that I've encountered along the way. For starters, the learning curve might be slightly steep for those diving into the world of website building for the first time. While the tool offers ample resources and tutorials, a bit more hand-holding for beginners wouldn't hurt.

Additionally, while the templates are amazing, some more variety in niche-specific designs would be a welcome addition. As someone catering to diverse audiences, having a wider array of templates tailored to specific industries would save time and effort in customization.

My final verdict.

Drumroll, please! OptimizePress is a powerhouse in the realm of website building and marketing optimization. Its user-friendly interface, robust features, and seamless integrations make it a must-have tool for anyone serious about making waves in the digital sphere. While it's not without its minor quirks, the pros far outweigh the cons. So, if you're ready to take your online presence to new heights, look no further than OptimizePress. Trust me, your website will thank you later!

Happy optimizing!


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Edward Keyte's review...
My experience with the program so far:

I have been using LeadsLeap for about three years now, and I must say that it has been a fantastic experience. This platform has escalated my online business by providing all the necessary tools and resources to generate leads, track where it's coming from and nurture those leads using the funnel builder that's all built-in and in-turn brand myself that then allows me to generate sales, and signups to by business and build a huge following. It has helped me save money and time by providing a complete solution for all my marketing needs.

With LeadsLeap I have earned almost 10k, 552 referrals, and 4128 in my downline. Leadsleap never ceases to amaze me with all the new features getting added to the platform.

What I like:

The first thing I love about LeadsLeap is the autoresponder feature, I have 100% moved everything over from other marketing platforms and now 100% use LeadsLeap. As a member, I can have an unlimited number of people on my list, and the cost of membership never changes. This feature has allowed me to build a massive list and keep more money in my pocket, the deliverability is amazing and I don't even need any third-party tools to increase deliverability such as paying for over priced ip addresses and dedicated servers etc.

The landing page builder is another excellent feature that I like. It's easy to use, with drag and drop functionality and the freedom to place text and images anywhere I want. I can edit on the fly with the page editor in real-time, which saves me a lot of time but the thing I love is the share code system that allows me to support my team by sharing all my pages; it's genius.

The link tracker is also an excellent feature that allows me to track every source of traffic I use with pinpoint accuracy. It helps me know exactly which ads are producing results and which ones are not and it thus allows me to split-test my pages to see which page performs better and thus I can tweak my pages for optimal success.

I also appreciate the support offered by Ken the owner of LeadsLeap, Ken brings out updates all the time, listens to the needs of the members and is very willing to help and guide. I like reading his marketing emails that get sent out to the members as training, they help a lot.

What I dislike:

I've just spent the last 20 minutes setting here trying to figure out what to write here, nothing comes to mind lol.

Final Verdict:

I have been using LeadsLeap for over three years now, and it has helped me grow my online business in ways I never thought possible I moved over to LeadsLeap having used so many other platforms and not only did I struggle in using those other platforms but so did my team. Weather price, ease of use, the learning curve etc. LeadsLeap wins over all vs other platforms I've used. The autoresponder, landing page builder, link tracker, support, and affiliate ad network are excellent features that make it an all-in-one internet marketer's platform. The fact that there is a free option and a paid option also makes it accessible to everyone. I highly recommend LeadsLeap to anyone looking to grow their online business.


Categorized under:
Internet Marketing
Elena Lisheva's review...
I joined My Online Startup two years ago. It is the best training platform and affiliate program I've ever being involved to! Believe me, the creator and our mentor Chuck Nguyen shares a lot of extra "nugglets" of value to help you expedite your success.

Product Name: My Online Startup

Founder: Chuck Nguyen

Product Type: Affiliate Marketing, make money online

Best for: Affiliate marketers, people wanting to build an online business, for freedom seekers, leave their 9-5, Entrepreneurs.

What I like

There is an amazing step by step video training inside to follow. If you actually watch, study and take action you will be properly positioned to make money as you build your own online business.

• You will learn how you can generate the highest quality targeted traffic without spending a single cent. You'll do this by becoming and positioning yourself as an ‘Authority Affiliate'.

• You will learn how to build your biggest asset online, your own email list. And with your own email list, you'll be able to build a long term sustainable online business by simply sending out emails.

• You will learn how to be a ‘Conversion Master'. More specifically, you'll learn specific skills that will allow you to generate commissions by sending out carefully crafted emails that converts leads into buyers!

MOS team will build for you the exact same Email List Buidling System that I'm using right now in my own online business. It comes with over 250+ Automated Daily Email Follow Ups as well as all integrations, tracking and automation. MOS team will also set up for you an entire blog with most of the industry's premium plugins already installed. And both services are FREE!

As an affiliate of My Online Startup, you can earn by simply sharing the Free Course. It's as simple as that. You're not selling anything to anyone. All you're doing is giving away the Free Course that people need to also build their online business.

I am Partner inside MOS and I receive an additional 1-1 personal coaching from Chuck and get paid commissions from over 50+ income streams (all tools and services mentioned in the training).

What I dislike

It can get a little overwhelming cause of all the training modules.


Thanks to My Online Startup I am on my way of creating a job-replacing income like I always dreamed of. It has really helped me see that there are so many legit ways to make money online, despite what other people say.

I recommend this program to any beginner who is looking to start a long-term business online. If you're just starting out give My Online Startup a go and you will be surprised at how easy it is to start earning.


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Bob Hurst's review...
My experience with the program so far

I've started with Connect United as a way to expand my financial portfolio. What I have learned so far is that Connect United promotes a culture of entrepreneurship and empowerment through its network marketing model. By becoming a member of Connect United, I have the opportunity to not only build my investment but also to share the system with others who are looking to build their business networks, share the benefits of blockchain technology with others, and earn rewards for their efforts...

What I like:

In a sea of lotion, potion, and pill businesses saturating the network marketing industry, Connect United stands out as a beacon of innovation and authenticity. What sets Connect United apart and makes it a superior investment for people lies in several key factors:

1. Focus on Cutting-Edge Technology: Connect United distinguishes itself by its emphasis on cutting-edge technology, particularly blockchain. While traditional lotion, potion, and pill businesses often rely on age-old formulas and marketing tactics, Connect United harnesses the power of blockchain to offer truly groundbreaking solutions. By aligning with a company at the forefront of technological innovation, investors position themselves at the vanguard of an industry poised for exponential growth and disruption.

2. Tangible Value Proposition: Unlike many other businesses that rely heavily on hype and exaggerated claims, Connect United offers a tangible value proposition rooted in the transformative potential of blockchain technology. Rather than peddling miracle products with dubious efficacy, Connect United provides real solutions to real problems, such as secure transactions, decentralized applications, and financial empowerment through network marketing.

3. Sustainable Business Model: Connect United's business model is built on principles of sustainability and long-term viability. While other businesses in the network marketing industry may experience fluctuations in demand or regulatory challenges, Connect United's focus on technology ensures relevance and resilience in an ever-changing market landscape. By investing in Connect United, individuals align themselves with a company positioned for sustainable growth and longevity.

4. Empowerment Through Education: Connect United empowers its members not only through financial opportunities but also through education ( The "Intro to Blockchain" Academy. 12 mini-module. No Charge) and knowledge sharing. Unlike businesses that prioritize recruitment over education, Connect United prioritizes the empowerment of its community members through comprehensive training, resources, and support. By equipping individuals with the knowledge and skills to succeed in the blockchain industry, Connect United fosters a culture of empowerment and self-reliance.

5. Transparent and Ethical Practices: In an industry often plagued by questionable practices and lack of transparency, Connect United stands out for its commitment to ethical conduct and integrity. From transparent compensation plans to clear communication with its members, Connect United prioritizes honesty and accountability in all its dealings. By investing in Connect United, individuals can trust that they are aligning themselves with a company that values integrity and ethical behavior.

What I Dislike:

I haven't found anything yet, I know my investments are just that, I'm as prepared for a loss as I'm banking on many years of Gains. I also know that not everybody will have the stomach to get in early and ride the wave. The blockchain is the most disruptive technology I have ever seen. - Salim Ismail and The most interesting intellectual development on the internet in the last five years. - Julian Assage.

Conclusion: Elevating the Network Marketing Experience

In conclusion, Connect United offers a refreshing departure from the typical lotion, potion, and pill businesses that dominate the network marketing industry. With its focus on cutting-edge technology, tangible value proposition, sustainable business model, empowerment through education, and commitment to transparent and ethical practices, Connect United sets a new standard for excellence in the industry. For investors seeking a superior opportunity that combines innovation with integrity, Connect United emerges as the clear choice.

Thank you for your time.


Categorized under:
Safelist Mailer
Clive Anderson's review...
ListJumper: A Highly Active Free To Join Viral Traffic and List Building Platform That Is Used By Many Of The Internets Top Marketers.

ListJumper is owned and managed by Darren Olander who is a well known, trusted and highly respected online program provider.

Darren owns and runs several unique and worthwhile traffic and lead systems that are focused on providing high quality effective results.

An extremely effective and uniquely developed traffic system that provides members with exceptional global results for their businesses and/or offers.

Certainly far from run-of-the-mill, which becomes instantly apparent the moment a person joins, logs in, and gains access to the back office.

Once inside the back-office, scrolling down the main menu listing reveals an array of features and benefits, some of which almost appear to interlink providing members with not only a powerful array of business promotional tools, but also a selection of in-house marketing solutions, which increase a users ability for securing results.

ListJumper is free to join and members can start utilising all the programs features straight away. Even by just logging in each day and reading one of the messages listed under "Member Inbox" you are gradually elevated to a higher position within the system. This in turn provides you with greater exposure for your own messages (emails) and premium ads that you submit within your back office.

When I first joined I started by using ListJumper as my very first daily activity, I read between 15-25 messages, and over the week this provided enough activity to gain effective results from the systems, as well as elevating my profile within the systems premium ad portion. Even now as an upgraded member I still read 15 to 25 messages a day. (It's just a good habit).

You can upgrade in 3 different levels. There is a Bronze, Silver, and Gold, all of which provide superb value for money as well as excellent additional exposure and results.

For instance. As a Gold member you will be able to send out 6000+ emails every 3 days. This is certainly geared up for high impact results...

Login page ads are also another great way to get everybodies attention to your promotions, as with any system that provides them they change a negative return to a positive very quickly.

There is also a monthly referral contest that not only gives members the opportunity to gain additional income, but also the system rewards for getting in the top 5 positions range from an extra 1000 credits up to 16000 credits. This is certainly NOT to be sniffed at.

In essence I have only really scratched the surface of ListJumper here and tried to point you towards what I believe are some of the most important factors within.

One other thing I would add is that the premium ad system within works exceptionally well and is well worth exploring deeper so as to optimise when placing your ads. (This is high-class exposure).


Here's a Tip: If you join ListJumper be sure and check out the second promotional email (Listed under "Promotional Tools" on the menu). It contains a reward code that will get you 300 extra credits straight away.

The back office also provides a link to a site where you can gain further additional reward codes that you simply add to your ListJumper system, which in turn will provide you with even more free credits for your activities within.

My Thoughts:

Personally I've found using Listjumper as an extremely easy method with which to gain highly exceptional results. These are results that go above and beyond what you will be expecting. The unique way it has all been mapped together puts it as a must have system in my book.

Clive Anderson


Categorized under:
List Building
Stephanie 's review...
Updated for April 2024

My experience with the program so far

My experience with List Infinity has been a very positive experience so far.

It is a viral list building program that gives you the tools & training to help you build your list fast.

All memberships allow you to earn 100% commissions (more details below).

So, not only will you be building a viral list, but you'll also be building a list of buyers and action takers.

Once I saw the value of the List Infinity System I upgraded my account within a few days, and have now been paid $1300+ in commissions, and added 160+ subscribers to my list.

You get access to the viral list building system and ability to earn 100% instant commissions. The memberships include:

  • Basic Level - $7 one time
  • Starter Level - $25 one time
  • Pro Level - $100 one time
  • Elite Level - $300 one time

Quick outline of what you get as a Pro Member

Basic and Starter member features plus:

  • 30 days email follow up series
  • 15 lead capture pages
  • Additional training
  • Earn $7 - $100 commissions on all upgrades.
  • Can earn on 7 additional income streams
  • You can also add your own recommended business opportunities for additional income

Also, there is now a Viral Traffic Builder which allows you to build your downlines and credits in some of the top mailers.

What I Like

  • Low cost to start
  • Viral list building feature helps you build your list, and MANY more benefits
  • I made a 100% ROI within just a few days & I'm able to build my list fast with the efforts of my referrals
  • High converting landing pages & DFY Follow up series
  • Paid via Paypal and/or Stripe & more
  • No monthly fees
  • Promotional tools & resources in the back office

What I Dislike

So far, nothing I dislike.

Final Verdict

I believe that List Infinity is a great program for anyone wanting to build their list and paid instantly while doing so.

It can work for both newbie marketers who want to earn while building their list & seasoned marketers looking for another income stream to add to their portfolio.

It's easy to get started today with the low cost of $7 one time, but if you don't want to miss out on multiple income streams, then you can choose from any of the higher upgrade options.

I hope you found my review helpful :)


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