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Linda Bomba's review...
My experience with the program so far

Lead Hero is premium red hot buyer traffic and is own by Glenn Fedoruk. If his name sounds familiar it is because he is either the #2 vendor on Udimi and I have used both.

While I got a decent opt in rate with the solo ads, I ran from him on Udimi he himself has said this traffic is better because it is buyer traffic, and it does cost more. I always say you get what you pay for and my experience with lead hero was better.

One of the big differences is how slow the traffic I got from his solo ads as I would wait sometime 2-3 days before it would start and Lead Hero it was much faster.

A got an email with a link where I could see all my analytics and track them and on Udimi I just got an email that he accepted my purchase and I have to go to my account to look and see if it has started and how many clicks, I got on it.

For the solo ad I ran with him on Udimi I got 43 leads for 100 clicks plus 6 bonus clicks and for lead hero for the same amount of clicks and xxx bonus clicks I got xxx leads.

The difference is price is $53 for 100 clicks on Udimi and $79 for the same number of clicks on lead hero slightly higher but I think it's definitely worth it.

The ordering is slightly different on Lead Hero than it is on Udimi, they have the following packages you can buy. These packages are at a 25% discount.

Premium Buyer Clicks- 2800 clicks per week for $1,950, 400 clicks per day paid weekly at 0.69 per click.

Premium Buyer Clicks – 1400 clicks per week for $975, 200 clicks per day paid weekly at 0.69 per click.

Premium Buyer Clicks – 700 clicks per week for $485, 100 clicks per day paid weekly at 0.69 per click.

Premium Buyer Clicks – 350 clicks per week for $243 paid weekly at 0.69 per click

These are monthly subscriptions that you can cancel at any time but once the traffic starts there no refunds.

If you skeptical you can try their test package for Premium Buyer 100 clicks for $79 at 0.79 per click

What I like

I didn't have to wait long for my traffic to start which I love some vendors take days before you actually see any leads and they send you a link where you can track your progress with clicks and leads.

What I don't like

The cheapest package to start is $125 which may be difficult for some people on a small budget.

Final Verdict

Lead Hero is a premium traffic source used my some of the top marketers in this industry so it has a proven track record. If your looking for a affordable traffic source.


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IM Tool
Herbert Flores's review...
My experience with the VideoCardz so far is fantastic. I love how easy it is to use; within just a few minutes, I have a simple yet effective video ready for my affiliate promotion.

Welcome to my review for VideoCardz, a revolutionary AI video creation platform that simplifies the process of making animated avatar VSL style videos for any subject, niche, or offer.

This software is the brainchild of Brett Rutecky, a seasoned marketer known for his innovative solutions in the industry. Mike Thomas, a 7-figure marketer, found success using VideoCardz, which speaks volumes about its potential.

Mike's testimonial showcases the power of VideoCardz, as he earned $813.99 from JVZoo within just 24 hours of utilizing the software for affiliate review videos.

The main selling point of VideoCardz lies in its ability to create high-converting videos in less than 60 seconds. This rapid turnaround time is unparalleled, saving users valuable time and effort.

With VideoCardz, users can effortlessly generate engaging videos by simply logging in, inputting text, and hitting the render button. The platform's intuitive interface ensures a seamless experience for users of all skill levels.

One of the standout features of VideoCardz is its auto-generated voiceover capability, eliminating the need for users to record their own audio. This not only saves time but also ensures professional-quality narration for every video.

Another impressive feature of VideoCardz is the option to remove branding from videos with the PRO Upgrade. This enhances the videos' professional appearance and lends credibility to the user's brand or offer.

Additionally, the Unlimited render credits offered in OTO 2 provide users with the freedom to create as many AI-generated videos as they desire, empowering them to scale their video marketing efforts.

Many people ask if VideoCardz requires any technical skills to use. The answer is no! This user-friendly platform is designed for simplicity, allowing anyone to create stunning videos with ease.

While VideoCardz offers an array of benefits, one minor drawback is the need to purchase additional upgrades for certain features, such as removing branding or accessing unlimited render credits.

What I Like

What I like about VideoCardz is its simplicity and efficiency.

What I Dislike

What I don't like about it is the limitation on language options. VideoCardz only supports six languages, including English, Spanish, German, French, Italian, and Chinese. However, this drawback is mitigated by the fact that English is predominantly used, and the software offers nine avatars to choose from, enhancing customization options.

Final Verdict

In conclusion, if you're looking to revolutionize your video marketing efforts and drive more traffic and sales, VideoCardz is the perfect solution. Click on my link below to purchase VideoCardz for only $39 lifetime access and receive an exclusive bonus package to further enhance your marketing endeavors.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to take your video marketing to new heights with VideoCardz. Invest in your success today!


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Health & Fitness
Trevor Jones's review...
My experience with the program so far

Since LiveGood's initial testing phase in Florida, long before its global expansion in December 2022, I was captivated by the concept of essential high quality health products being conveniently delivered right to my doorstep at a minimal cost. I am an online marketer and while some marketers dive headfirst into new ventures for the allure of incentives at launch, I've always erred on the side of caution, prioritizing stability over immediate gains. However, as I observed LiveGood's remarkable growth and success, my perspective shifted. It was a complete paradigm shift.

Witnessing their spectacular rise motivated me and six months later I began purchasing their products to evaluate by using them myself. After that I then went on to become actively involved in purchasing more products and involved myself in the LiveGood affiliate team building program, supporting others and setting them up.

Today, I'm pleased to be an integral part of the LiveGood community, driving my team forward with passion and purpose.

This is my take on LiveGood: A Year + in Review

What I Like

The convenience of placing orders, paired with their super-speedy delivery service, has made each transaction effortless. And, of course, the top-notch products have truly revolutionized my path to health and wellness.

Additionally, the atmosphere within the LiveGood community is incredibly supportive. Whether you're a seasoned health enthusiast like myself or just starting out on your journey, I found a welcoming environment that encourages growth and success. I took advantage of the products and the lucrative affiliate program – Getting paid every Thursday is just the icing on the cake!

What I Dislike

While LiveGood has won me over with its exceptional offerings, I'd be negligent not to address areas for improvement. One minor qualm I have is the relatively limited product range. Though their current selection is top-notch, a broader array of options would cater to diverse preferences and needs. However, it's crucial to note that this minor hiccup hardly detracts from the overall excellence of LiveGood's service and products.

Since writing this review I have been informed that more products will be added as they go forward into the cosmetic and weight loss ranges.

Final Verdict

If you're seeking a cost-effective membership that offers top-notch nutritional products delivered conveniently to your doorstep, LiveGood is the perfect choice. Joining this community has been a game-changer for me, and I wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone looking to elevate their Health and Well-being. Don't hesitate – join LiveGood today and discover the difference it can make in your life!


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Web Service
Frank Svendsen's review...
My experience with the program so far

I joined GOT Backup in late 2023, and primarily bought it for the cloud service. I looked at the website what was included, and quickly determined this is a great deal. I have tried several cloud services, including those "one-time price" types that disappear after a year or 3. But GOT Backup is from a company operating for many years, so I knew I could trust this company. They own their office building where all equipment is, servers, backup power system, RAID system, Argon fire control system, etc. They even use an off-site backup solution that kicks in if everything else fails (which is nearly impossible). GOT Backup is without a doubt a trustworthy company.

Enough of that, let's talk about the juicy stuff. What do you get when you invest just $9.95? It can't be much, right? Wrong!

For under $10, you get a whopping 6 Terabytes of cloud storage! 1 terabyte allows you to store roughly: 250,000 photos taken with a 12MP camera OR. 250 movies or 500 hours of HD video OR. 6.5 million document pages, commonly stored as Office files, PDFs, and presentations. Plenty of space, in other words - you get 6 times that!

Not only that, you can add 5 accounts, so you can share this space with your family. The extra account holder doesn't even have to live at the same address as you, as some require. No - you decide who you want to share this space with. Or keep it all for yourself, it's up to you. One cool usage can be to create accounts for your kids, so they can backup their extensive amounts of pictures to GOT Backup, instead of costly iCloud or Dropbox accounts. Just a free tip :)

One unique thing with GOT Backup is that you can install it on UNLIMITED devices! That is so cool. But I would create an account for each person, as you will sync your device to your designated account in the cloud. Could be messy with everything on one cloud account, haha.

What I Like

You get a lot for under $10. 6TB of data, 5 extra accounts, unlimited devices on all accounts.
The speed of the app and software is impressive! It syncs Gigabytes in minutes!

What I Dislike

There is only a migration tool from Dropbox and Google One. So if you want to migrate from OneDrive, you have to figure it out. But luckily, it is extremely easy to do, and GOT Backup has a great support team ready to help. Also, if you decide to join from my link, I can set up a Zoom to help you get started - at no cost of course. Contact me if you need help.

Final Verdict

To go for GOT Backup is a no-brainer. For under $10 you get 6TB of cloud data on extremely secure servers in USA. You can add 5 accounts for your family or others. And if you want, you can even earn money by telling others about it, as they have an excellent affiliate system that is unmatched in the industry!


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Internet Marketing
Ron Jenkins's review...
Welcome to my review of Chuck Nguyen's My Online Startup! In this review, I'll be sharing my personal experience with the course, including its pros and cons, and whether it's worth your time and investment.

Is My Online Startup Legit?

My Online Startup is indeed a legit affiliate marketing business training platform. Chuck Nguyen, the creator, has designed this program to teach you how to start an affiliate marketing business from scratch. The platform offers comprehensive training modules that guide you through various aspects of affiliate marketing, including lead generation, YouTube marketing, forum marketing, and solo ads.

What is My Online Startup?

My Online Startup is a free platform that provides a step-by-step guide to starting an affiliate marketing business. Chuck Nguyen's training program includes nine modules filled with video lessons that cover essential topics like choosing a niche, building a website, and getting traffic. While the program is free to join, it requires additional investment in recommended tools and resources.

My Impressions With My Online Startup


1. Comprehensive Training Modules: The course includes nine modules with over 50 video lessons that are well-structured and easy to follow.

2. Beginner-Friendly: The training is designed for complete beginners, making it easy for anyone to start their affiliate marketing journey.

3. Active Community: The platform has a vibrant community with positive student testimonials and an active Facebook Mastermind group.

4. No Upfront Cost: It's free to join, allowing you to explore the platform before deciding to invest further.


1. Basic Content: The course is somewhat basic, lacking in-depth information on advanced traffic generation strategies.

2. Additional Costs: Although the initial membership is free, you'll need to invest in various tools and resources, which can add up to several hundred dollars.

3. Hidden Premium Membership: The platform offers a Premium membership with additional features, which is not disclosed upfront.

Final Verdict

My Online Startup is a solid choice for beginners looking to get started with affiliate marketing. While the course provides valuable information and a supportive community, be prepared for additional costs associated with the necessary tools and resources.

Rating: 4/5


My Online Startup by Chuck Nguyen offers a legitimate and straightforward approach to affiliate marketing. The training is comprehensive and beginner-friendly, making it an excellent option for those new to the field. However, keep in mind the hidden costs and consider whether you're ready to invest in the necessary tools and resources to succeed.

For those eager to start their affiliate marketing journey, My Online Startup is a great place to begin. You can join for free today and explore the platform to see if it meets your needs and expectations.


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Scott Dubois's review...
My experience with the program so far

Hello and Welcome to my review of Triple Traffic 2.0 by Dawud Islam. I am back with another review about one of Dawud's Products. Now as I have said in a couple of other reviews I really enjoy Dawud's products because of the value he provides, the helpfulness of his support, and much, much more! I do highly recommend his products as they help you get traffic galore to your affiliate links, and or your website. Let's get started!

So Another great product that I absolutely loved by Dawud. In this product its another traffic rotator that he offers. It is no different from his other offers. He offers great value and bonuses with the purchase of the FE and offers great upgrades as well that really skyrocket your results.

With this system, you simply go after you get it go to the members area, and create a login. Once your login is created you will head into the members area where you will see a navigational bar on the side where you can view some training videos.

Once you get to the point where you must test your links to your affiliate offers you will test the links you want to add to Triple Traffic 2.0. Once your link is tested and is all good you will go to the next video which should be the video on how to submit your link. I will take this moment to share with you that to get more clicks, make a rotator link so that you can get clicks to different offers you offer. I also strongly advise that you use squeeze pages as this is a product that is helping you get traffic. Get your squeeze pages setup in a rotator and send it in.

I know that this will be a rotator link inside a rotator link but it works. It is a great way to get a bunch of your pages shown to buyers who might be interested in your different offers.

Once you are ready to submit he will advise you to go into your email and email him with a copy of any receipts including the receipt for the FE and any upgrades you may have gotten along with the link you will be using with the system. Once you set this up he will correspond with you and tell you to change things that need to be changed... Also make sure as I said above that you have checked the URL because once it is sent in that is it it cannot be changed so it is very advisable that you test, test, TEST! I cannot say that enough as testing should be a normal occurrence in the online industry. It will be a wasted purchase if the link you used does not work.

Once it is submitted and there are no issues he will confirm with you that he is working on it and then will send you a confirmation that your link has been added to the system.

This is a great way to get traffic and get noticed. The more you get noticed in the online industry the more traffic you will get and the more money you will start to make. Rotators are a great way of getting seen and if you add your own rotator link to the rotator you will be showing your offers every time someone clicks and your link pops up!

I will take this moment to also mention that as always in all my reviews I always include bonuses I have another 13 bonuses to add extra value to this one!

He also offers some amazing bonuses that you can claim inside the members area.

Also check out my other reviews on other traffic sources I recommend as they have all worked for me!

What I Like

  • Easy To Setup
  • Handsfree system once it is setup!
  • Autopilot traffic/buyers to your offers without trying.
  • Great value and bonuses
  • Find out more info to escalate your business!

What I Dislike

The only thing I dislike is you have to share a rotator with other people but that is simply alright because it still works out and you do receive traffic easily.

Final Verdict

My Final verdict is I would seriously consider adding this to your business as the more traffic you can possibly get the better. We all need eyeballs to offers and websites, and this system gives you that.

In a competitive world in the online industry where it is difficult to get noticed and receive traffic to your offers something like this is much needed and I highly recommend it. The bonuses I offer and he offers along with the system help you in your travels as well. I figure for 10$ it is worth the try for anyone but it gets your stuff out there!

My honest opinion is get it. Dawud has helped me and can help you as well! Great things that he offers.

I hoped you enjoyed reading this and I hope it has helped you make an informed decision on whether or not this will be right for you. I wish you all the success!


I continue to get traffic every day by adding my rotator that I have here on leads leap and get sign ups to a few different offers via the traffic system. It is great traffic and still has increased value that will for sure get sign ups to your offers.

More eyeballs means more visibility which means more sales! You must be willing to do whatever it takes to get traffic to your business!


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