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IM Tool
Esther Odejimi's review...
My experience with the program so far:

I purchased this software recently to help me discover and write Amazon Kindle books that will sell well on the Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing website. I have been publishing on Amazon but not selling my books, which is why I bought this software called "Publisher Rocket. "

What I Like

I like the fact that I can discover hot-selling books in minutes and change the category of my existing books to gain maximum exposure and sales. Not only that, the software made me understand that some books on Amazon are listed under the ghost categories. If your book is categorised and listed under ghost categories, that means your books are hidden from potential buyers, and you will not get sales. In addition, Publisher Rocket will let you see the keywords your competitors are using that make them sell very well on Amazon. Publisher Rocket will also help you find the relevant keywords to use for your book and great headlines that will catch the attention of the target audience. Furthermore, with Publisher Rocket, you will be able to see at a glance whether a particular book and its category are going up or down and what you can do to stop the book from going down. This software is purchased for life, and you will get all future upgrades for free. The software, though targeted to Amazon authors, will also help with publishing on other platforms like Google and others.

What I Dislike

For now, I can't see anything that I dislike about the software. It is helping to not just write, but use it to research to ensure that the books will sell very well on Amazon before I put pen to paper.

Final Verdict

I highly recommend Publisher Rocket to both new authors and established authors. It will help individuals with a flair for writing discover the best books to write, the keywords to target, and the hidden secrets of other authors that make their books sell well on Amazon. It is good software as it will also help you on other publishing platforms like Barnes & Noble, Smashwords, Google, and others.


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Health & Fitness
Frank Lefebre's review...
My experience with the program so far

LiveGood is the latest health and wellness program from Ben Glinsky and it is launching now. It features a unique global powerline marketing structure and a very powerful compensation plan. I have been in several of Ben's programs in the past and did very well. You may remember Stiforp, MyWorldPlus, SkinnyBodyCare and Brain Abundance. Fortunes were made and the company has paid out close to a billion dollars in sales at this writing. I joined just yesterday and already have earned over 400 dollars! See latest update below.

Update: It's March 24th 2023 and we have now earned $8,151.16 with 3,788 members on our team! We used Leadsleap to recruit over 100 personal referrals. Don't miss out. Join me today!

Update: It's December 24th 2023 and we have now earned over $30,000 with this program! Join me today!

Update: It's May 12th 2024 and we have now earned $40,834.34 with this program! It's not too late. Join me today!

What I Like

Low cost program. Low cost high quality products and 6 ways to get paid!

What I Dislike

They advertise you can make money without referring a single person. Technically it's true, but very unlikely. If you want to make any significant income online, or anywhere else for that matter. You have to work!

Final Verdict

I believe this to be Ben Glinsky's greatest program to date. I invite you to join my team!


Categorized under:
List Building
Bert Jensen's review...
My experience with the program so far

Embarking on the journey has been akin to discovering a secret weapon in the realm of email marketing. Initially drawn by the bold promise of handling a list of 50,000 subscribers for a mere $25.00 per month, I was curious yet skeptical. How could such an affordable service deliver where many others, often at a higher cost, had fallen short?

The experience, however, has been nothing short of revelatory. From the moment I started, the process of setting up campaigns to reaching out to a vast audience has been streamlined and efficacious, transforming my approach to digital communication.

What I Like

Unparalleled Subscriber Management: The ability to manage a colossal list of 50,000 subscribers without additional costs is a game-changer. This feature alone elevates SendShark from a mere service provider to a strategic partner in my marketing endeavors.

Integrated Page Builder: The integrated page builder is a masterstroke, blending ease of use with powerful design capabilities. It has empowered me to create landing pages that not only capture attention but also encapsulate the essence of my brand.

Deliverability and Insightful Analytics: SendShark excels in ensuring that my emails reach their intended inboxes, backed by analytics that offer deep insights into campaign performance. This has been instrumental in refining my strategies for better engagement.

Robust Security and Support: The commitment to security and privacy is evident, providing peace of mind in today's digital landscape. Moreover, the responsive and knowledgeable support team has made navigating any challenges a breeze.

What I Dislike

While my experience has largely been positive, no service is without its drawbacks. However, in the case of SendShark, these are far outweighed by the benefits. If pressed, I would desire even more customization options for the page builder to unleash full creative freedom, although what's available is already top-notch.

Final Verdict stands as a titan in the email marketing field, shattering preconceived notions of what an affordable service can achieve. It's not just the cost or the features that make it stand out but the holistic approach to empowering users. Whether it's the expansive subscriber management, the ingenious page builder, the precision of deliverability, or the unwavering support and security, SendShark delivers on its promises and then some. For anyone looking to elevate their email marketing game, SendShark is not just a wise choice; it's an essential one. It's a testament to what's possible when a service truly understands and caters to the needs of digital marketers in the modern age.


Categorized under:
List Building
Scott Dubois's review...
My experience with the program so far

Hey Guys today I am bringing you a quick review about a new autoresponder that BEATS ALL OTHER AUTORESPONDERS. I am going to go through and explain what is so great and why this system is a must-have ESPECIALLY WHEN STARTING OUT! So let's get to it.

Before I start this review, I was really upset when I learned about this autoresponder because had I known about it when I started January of last year (2023) I would have gotten this right off the bat. I am actually in the middle of switching all my stuff over to this autoresponder as it is more cost-effective to use. In this business, we always want to find the most cost-effective ways to bring in results. This autoresponder offers just that.

SendShark is the name of this autoresponder. Now the system is amazing in many ways. I have only been a member of this autoresponder for about a week and a half at the time of writing this but nonetheless I have gone through it with a fine tooth comb and figured out that for experienced and beginner affiliates alike it is an amazing piece for your business...

Now, For the past year, I have been with a couple of autoresponders. I have one called Builderall which is amazing but I only use it for one of my systems I have DFY emails setup through it but nonetheless use it daily to send to my subscribers on it and GetResponse.

Had you asked me way back in the middle of the year last year I would have told you GetResponse was the best. I loved it. It was great until I realized the major disadvantage.


I don't have a huge list yet but nonetheless, it still costs me 30$ish a month which I only get up to 2500 subscribers... Which is ok... But when you start going up that's when you start paying more. And more. And more...

Up above you will remember me saying that your affiliate business (and any business for that matter as this is not my first business. I was a window cleaner and owned my own business) you need to find cost-effective ways to build your list and email your list FOR RESULTS...

This is where I'm going to shatter your ideas about GetResponse... GetResponse charges me 30 dollars a month for only 2500 subscribers right? Well, what if I told you that one of the biggest selling points on SendShark is you get up to 50,000 subscribers?

What would you expect to pay for that? 500 dollars? Lower... Fine 350? No Lower. One more time now how about 100 dollars a month? Nope... YOU WILL PAY 25.00 USD a month for an autoresponder that you can have up to 50,000 subscribers... WOW!

Now... Guess how much you will pay for GetResponse at 50,000 subscribers? 100 Dollars... NOPE HIGHER! 245 whopping dollars a month which will equal about 2940 a year... Which isn't bad if you are making enough sales to cover that cost but is it worth it at that point? Not really because that is 2940 dollars every year out of your sales.

SendShark will cost you around 300 dollars a year. WOW! same amount of subscribers WAY LESS MONEY... Autoresponders are seriously price gouging people now if you take the 2940 - 300 = 2640 left over you save A YEAR...

That already makes this an amazing Autoresponder. NOW other features of SendShark go without mentioning. You have your normal broadcasts, autoresponder, import/export subscribers, and of course you have your place to make forms that will make it easy to use a system like LeadsLeap to make your capture pages, there is your normal page builder on SendShark. There is one more system on SendShark that makes it really cool and to my knowledge, I don't know of this feature being in any other autoresponders and if it is I am sorry.

SendShark gives you the ability to EASILY share your email campaigns with others.

So if you have a course let's say and you have a great funnel built into an email campaign and want to share it with your trainees in your course all you need to do is grab the share code and share it with them. It is kind of like how you share pages and whatnot on LeadsLeap.

Now commissions. When you become a member of SendShark and you start promoting SendShark you will get if I remember correctly 50% commissions...

2 sales and you break even. One of the things I am always saying when talking about affiliate marketing whether it's getting traffic... Or you are getting a system with your tools or whatever it may be, if you can break even you are getting it for free WHICH is the goal because if you are breaking even anything else you make over and beyond that is profit. That is how it should work.

I already have a couple of systems where I am breaking even and have already made a profit because I broke even. Anyway, I will stop rambling and go on to the likes and dislikes.

What I Like

  • Obviously as stated above one major like is the amazing 50,000 subscriber price point for 25.00 a month. I CAN NOT STRESS THIS ENOUGH
  • This autoresponder is simple to use much like its other competitor's systems Aweber and GetResponse
  • Share capabilities. Easy to share your campaigns with others all at the click of a button
  • 50% Commissions
  • easy to build campaigns
  • NOT AS PICKY AS OTHER COMPETITORS... This has been a very big dislike for me since having other autoresponders like GetResponse and Aweber (I forgot to mention above I used Aweber as well) By this I mean if you are advertising something they don't seem as picky. I can honestly say I was doing a campaign on advertising Myleadgen on Aweber and they got mad and stopped the campaign stating that I can't bring people to a lead system like Myleadgen even though it is a way of getting leads to your list or getting more sales... I will take this moment to say if you want to check out my review on Myleadgen it is on here under my reviews.

What I Dislike

I have yet to find something I dislike.

Final Verdict

My final verdict? I think I have said enough that should honestly show you that this system is the bomb.

As I have stated... My main Autoresponder was GetResponse and though I love GetResponse. I am pulling away from it to use Sendshark as I am finding the price to be better for the number of subscribers you can email. It is more cost-effective and CEO Joel Therien and many other people have said that there is really no reason for many other competitors to be charging as much for emailing a list of subscribers especially when you get up to 50,000 subscribers.

Joel very much so cares about the success of others and that is why he states that this system was made to be cost-effective and whatnot.

So my honest opinion is it is well worth it. Don't skip over this because it could be better for your business as I stated above you will end up saving 2640 dollars a year if your list is 50,000 subscribers or above... THAT in the long scheme of things better because that is 2640 more dollars in your pocket at the end of the year.

In business, you always have to shop around for better tools and whatnot. That is why I jumped on LeadsLeap when I found it and deleted ClickMagick and LeadPages because those two alone were costing me around 90 dollars a month alone...

So make the right choice and I will catch you on the very next review! Thanks for Reading

Make sure to check out my other reviews too. I always try my best to deliver value, proper information, and 100% honest opinions of certain systems. Thanks


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Linda Bomba's review...
My experience with the program so far

The Downliner is a cooperative traffic exchange that is not like others in that it has a COOP you can promote.

Its drives targeted traffic to your website today. Increase your search rankings and drive the visitors you deserve to your websites, videos, affiliate links, and more.

It has 5 membership types starting with a free version. Where you can earn 10% commissions for referrals.

The next one is their go-getter membership where you get 3,000 points monthly and is $9.97 where you get the following features: 1:1 Point Ratio, 30% Commissions, 15 Campaigns Limit, Custom Pages, Profile Rotator, TDL Machine Access, Random Referrals, Social Posting and no AutoResponder Integration.

Next is their serious marketer membership where you get 6,500 points monthly and is $19.97 where you get all the same as above except you get 30 campaign limit instead of 15 and you can get an autoresponder integration.

The next one their go-getter yearly membership where you get all the same as above except you get 85,000 points yearly for $110 which is a 40% bonus points, 15 campaigns and no auto responder integration.

The last one is their serious marketer yearly membership where you get all the same as above except you get 180K points years for $217 which is a 104% bonus points, 30 campaigns and it has an auto responder. Integration.

What I Like

I like that you can advertise their COOP link and earn shop points to advertise your own websites.

I really like the stats as you can see where your traffic is coming from which is great for tracking.

What I Dislike

Nothing so far.

Final Verdict

I have been testing this over the last few weeks and promoting Leads Leap COOP link and I am getting a lot of traffic everyday to my link and earning from it so this has good traffic.

I will continue to test this on other programs but I feel certain from my own experience and what I have read from others that this is a good traffic source and you can try it for free so there is no risk.


Categorized under:
Traffic Exchange
Paul Germana's review...
I have been with Evelyn Kramer at WealthBuilderHits since 2014. I ran ProfitTrek as part of the WealthBuilderTENetwork. She really WAS a WealthBuilder.

As one of the leaders in the ClickTrackProfit era, WBH has always broke the mold in new membership, traffic generation and team surf competitions.

WealthBuilderHits is one of the best traffic resources, because there is always SOMEONE surfing and we pay what we owe. Were always in the Top 5 at ClickTrackProfit!

I like that WealthBuilderHits has been around from the beginning of the TE race. Evelyn has a lot of experience online. Pretty sure anyone who's anybody remembers WealthBuilderTeamCoop and CTP Teams knows that generating traffic online is about peaking interest in listbuilding and traffic generation.

So when I put sites in rotation at WealthBuilderHits, traffic actually flows and my sites get real pageviews. Membership IS growing steadfily.

Only thing I don't like about Welthbilderhits, is that there aren't more members, but one day at a time I say.

With everything going on, it can be tough to stay focused on an internet business, but that's exactly why I think that

WealthBuilderHits will continue to grow, as the leading traffic resource and commission based affilaite program.

WealthBuilderHits is one the best TE's online, because of the history.

I honestly hope to see you soon.

Paul Germana


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