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Scott Dubois's review...
My experience with the program so far

Hello, And Welcome to my review of My Traffic Partners. This website is sort of new and I am pretty sure just came out this year. In this review, I will go through my exact experiences through My Traffic Partners and help you come up with an informed decision on whether or not it is right for you.

My Traffic Partners has been a GREAT website to be part of. It started I believe right around the same time as The Click Generator and the website was made by John Cornetta and Frank Salinas.

What they have done in My Traffic Partners is essentially they have created a site similar to LeadsLeap where you post ads and things like that and get traffic to your ads.

In my opinion, I don't think it is as good as LeadsLeap as LeadsLeap is tailored to not only go to the members of the site and show your ads to them but also they show your ads on Google and whatnot.

Still, My Traffic Partners is still a very valuable site to be part of. I of course signed up to be a paid member as it made a lot of sense for the things that they offer because the bonuses themselves are worth more than the site. We are talking over thousands of dollars in bonuses all for a 16-dollar-a-month price.

The bonuses you will get are as follows:

  • Access to The Executive Traffic Club at The Click Generator ($49.95/year value) (I think this one is worth far more than 49.95)
  • 6 solo ads at 100 Percent Clicks ($60 value)
  • Access to Resell Products Now ($100 value) (THIS IS AMAZING! )
  • Access to 200+ PLR Newsletter Emails ($97 value)
  • 3-in-1 Upgrade at ($20 value) (I have gotten a lot of traffic here as well)

These bonuses I know have just under 100 dollars for most of them but I believe some of them are worth FAR more than what they put in actual value.

Now my experience as I said above has been totally amazing. I signed up back in March of 2024 I believe and since then I have received traffic to my ads DAILY.

Much like LeadsLeap, they have a similar ad system but also have added a safelist feel at the same time by offering login ads and things like that. There are multiple ways to gain traffic, especially through normal ads, login ads, and hinge ads.

I have had great success at getting people to my list and the numbers continue to go up on all my ads as well as the traffic I receive.

I forgot to mention that I believe they also have a type of co-op rotator that you can also send out which gets you more visibility there as well a lot like LeadsLeap.

What I Like

  • I like the simplicity of the website
  • I like how easy it is to set up ads
  • I like the fairness of how your ads get shown on the network
  • I LOVE the bonuses that come with this
  • I love how easy it is to generate traffic PROVIDING you have a good capture page and know what you are doing in that field.

What I Dislike

I do dislike one thing. Your ads that you set up expire after 28 days I believe, which can be annoying as you will have to go in and start them up again to start receiving traffic. However, it's not horribly bad because the ad still stays there all you have to do is reactivate it and it starts up again... You do not have to rewrite anything. So this is only a small grievance.

Final Verdict

I say do get My traffic Partners. Even if you sign up for the free version of the site it still has something for everyone and still remains another great site that will provide you with more eyeballs.

I say anyway of getting eyeballs to your offers is best in this business as eyeballs are what defines your success and if you don't have those eyeballs or ways of getting eyeballs then you are a sitting duck, or a sinking ship.

I do think it is a great website to be part of and hey there are different little contests and things that happen every now and again as well that will give you more value on the website.

I hope this review has been insightful and has helped you come up with an informed decision on whether or not My Traffic Partners is right for you! Thanks for reading!


John and Frank have done it again! This month actually in the past week they have released a new function on My Traffic Partners. This new function allows you to have a chance to win PRIZES every single day one of which can be extra priority points.

What priority points are is basically a system they implemented which allows your ads to get seen with these priority points. The higher your points are the more your ads get seen!

Now that being said you can win extra priority points from going to the "Earn Priority Points" link inside of My Traffic Partners which if you click 40 ads a day you have a chance to win a prize!

If you win priority points CONGRATS! Because this means you will get a bunch of priority points and your ads will get seen more. You can also win money as well from the prizes!

The priority points I believe go like this. Free Members get their ads seen 25% I believe and paid members (Which I am a paid member) Get their ads seen 75%. For 16 bucks a month though you get AN EXTREME AMOUNT OF VALUE!

I highly recommend this and believe this is a unique system to get people to your ads!

*UPDATE September 2024*

I continue to get VERY reliable buyer traffic from this platform and the ads that I put up on the site. All it takes is a great capture page and you end up with traffic hitting your autoresponder every day.

I have also been earning the prizes I talked about for clicking every day and it has been absolutely amazing.

What Frank and John have put together here is truly amazing and continues to drive insane results and the value they have added and continue adding along the way especially for the paid partners like myself continues to be rewarding. !


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Joe Golson's review...
Why I'm Passionate About The Click Generator: An Honest Review

As an online entrepreneur always on the lookout for effective tools to grow my business, I've come across many programs promising the moon. But rarely have I found one that delivers as consistently as The Click Generator. Today, I want to share why I'm so passionate about promoting this game-changing system.

Affordable Entry: Your Gateway to Online Success

In a world where quality marketing tools often come with hefty price tags, The Click Generator stands out with its incredibly accessible $5 monthly fee. This low barrier to entry opens doors for aspiring entrepreneurs and seasoned marketers alike. For less than the cost of a fancy coffee, you gain access to:

  • Done-for-you capture pages
  • Professional splash pages
  • Automated email follow-ups

These resources alone would typically cost hundreds of dollars to create from scratch. The Click Generator puts them at your fingertips, allowing you to focus on growing your business rather than getting bogged down in technical details.

Autopilot Traffic: Building Your List While You Sleep

One of the most exciting features of The Click Generator is its ability to drive traffic and build your email list on autopilot. As someone who has spent countless hours manually driving traffic, I can't overstate how game-changing this is.

Since implementing The Click Generator, I've seen my email list grow consistently month after month. It's an incredible feeling to wake up each morning to new subscribers who've joined overnight. This steady stream of leads has been instrumental in scaling my business and increasing my revenue.

Instant Gratification: Immediate Payouts Keep You Motivated

Let's face it – waiting for commissions can be frustrating. The Click Generator eliminates this pain point with its instant payout system. Every time you make a sale, the commission is immediately available in your account. This instant gratification not only keeps you motivated but also provides a steady cash flow to reinvest in your business.

Recurring Income: The Gift That Keeps on Giving

Perhaps the most compelling reason I'm passionate about The Click Generator is its potential for generating recurring income. Once you've referred a member, you continue to earn commissions month after month, as long as they remain active. This creates a snowball effect, where your income grows exponentially over time.

In my personal experience, I've seen my monthly recurring income grow from a few dollars to hundreds. It's an incredible feeling to know that even if I take a vacation or need to step away from my business temporarily, this income continues to flow.

Real Results: A Customer Success Story

While my own results have been impressive, I'm not alone in experiencing success with The Click Generator. One of my customers, Sarah, started using the program with zero online marketing experience. Within her first three months, she grew her email list to over 1,000 subscribers and hit her first $1,000 month in affiliate commissions. Sarah's story is just one of many that illustrate the real-world impact of this powerful system.

How Does It Stack Up? A Comparison with Other Programs

Having used several similar programs in the past, I can confidently say that The Click Generator outperforms them in key areas:

Higher commission rates: Earn more for your efforts

User-friendly interface: Easy to navigate, even for beginners

Superior support system: Quick responses and helpful guidance

While other programs may excel in one area, The Click Generator provides a comprehensive package that's hard to beat.

A Word of Caution: The Learning Curve

In the spirit of full transparency, it's worth noting that like any powerful tool, The Click Generator does have a learning curve. While the interface is user-friendly, it may take some time to fully optimize your campaigns and maximize your results. However, the robust support system and community of users make this learning process much smoother.


Categorized under:
Internet Marketing
Dominic Kristianto's review...
My experience with the program so far

I have known Tim for more than 3 years now and he has helped me make thousands of dollars in commissions. I even made more than $1K from his low-ticket product.

Freedom Marketing System, in a nutshell, is the pinnacle of his lifetime work. This is the only simple system that he uses himself that is responsible for getting him to 6-Figure online consistently.

This is not a get-rich-quick scheme, but this is Tim's very own playbook to fix all traffic and lead gen issues for good.

Yep, you read that right. The biggest problem every marketer has is not having enough traffic and don't even know how to generate traffic consistently. Sounds familiar?

In short, the Freedom Marketing System is your ticket to achieving Independence and complete Freedom. Just like the name denotes (well, duh! )

What I Like

The amount and quality of information inside this product is way much higher than its price tag! It should be priced at at least $97 in my opinion, if not more.

The structure is easy to follow and there is also the Live Case Study section so you can see how the system works and how you can also build the system for yourself. Literally.

This is a simple, Easy-To-Follow System that allows you to create and add new passive income streams whenever you want.

This is like a dream come true, but the difference is, you can actually build this system in the real world. That is if you take advantage of what you learn and implement it diligently.

Ready to experience the freedom of cash flow-positive lead generation and automated sales?

The Freedom Marketing System is your ultimate guide to making this happen. And the best part? It's available for just $5.60!

With the Freedom Marketing System, you'll discover:

  • How to Identify and Recruit High-Quality Affiliates: Find partners who can drive the right kind of traffic to your offers.
  • Strategies for Creating Irresistible Offers: Set up compelling offers that affiliates are eager to promote.
  • Building Powerful Funnels: Create effective funnels that convert pre-warmed traffic into leads and sales.
  • Maximizing Profits: Learn how to structure your commissions and offers to ensure you're always generating a profit.

What I Dislike

This might be not a fit for a total beginner who has never done any online marketing before. I'm not saying that as a deal breaker, but if you don't understand the basic terminology like "traffic" and "leads", you need to learn that separately.

Don't worry though, this is not a complex product. In fact, this is made so simple that anyone can create the same system by learning how to build it.

You are not alone in this journey, Tim has made a warm community that you can access if you buy one of the upsells (and it's very affordable also).

Final Verdict

If you ever want a simple system that is risk-free to consistently attract and acquire new customers and clients so that you can enjoy some passive income from your hard work, then the Freedom Marketing System will be the only system that you need.

It may sound so gibberish especially if you look at the very low price tag, but I will leave it to you to be the judge here :-)


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Home Biz
Brayden Barr's review...
My experience with the program so far

My experience with Nexus Rewards has been quite amazing. This is a no-brainer business opportunity. The compensation plan is fantastic and has the potential to pay out substantial recurring payments. The matrix is a 3 x 10 structure with check matching, a coded infinity bonus, and more. As for the rewards, it's absolutely incredible; you can save or get cash back on just about anything! You can save on gas, groceries, pharmacy purchases, and all your monthly bills. It's the real deal, and I love it. I’m saving so much, not to mention building a team that keeps paying me. I would recommend this to anyone. It's my main business opportunity, and I stand by it 100%.

What I Like

What I like about it is that I’m literally saving money on everything and beating inflation while making an income simply by helping people do the same. To me, it’s an absolute no-brainer business opportunity. It sells itself. After all, you really don’t need to convince people that they want to save money on everything they do. I’m just saying.

What I Dislike

This may sound cliché, but there really isn’t anything I don’t like. This truly is a no-brainer business opportunity.

Final Verdict

I love this opportunity. To me, it is 2024’s most lucrative opportunity. People can join for free to see what it’s all about, but it’s completely worth joining the premium; it will pay for itself. I hope this was helpful.


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Scott Dubois's review...
My experience with the program so far

What is MegaMailOut?

MegaMailOut is a product by Dawud Islam that will in my opinion be able to get anyone lots of traffic. My experience was pretty good when I did it and I will explain why. In this product, Dawud offers 5 soloads to be sent to over 35,000 people 5 TIMES so if we look at the math that is 175,000 people (These people are on his list. )

Now, any soload you look at buying (after being in this industry a year and seeing how to operate this online industry I have figured the following out) will run you anywhere from 40 dollars to almost 100 dollars or more just for 100 clicks.


That is a lot of money. Dawud came up with a simple system for 10 bucks. THAT IS IT. For 10 dollars he will send an email ad that you make to 35,000 people 5 x for 10 dollars. Why has Dawud offered that for so low? Because he wants people to succeed just like I do and that is why I am here sharing this awesome product with you.

What I Like

I like how easy the system is to set up your soload to send to Dawud. All you have to do when setting up everything is make an account login to the system after buying and follow the videos that will teach you how to set up everything. He explains during the videos how to send your email ad copy (which isn't hard) to him and tells you not to overload it with a bunch of stuff in other words Keep It Short! ! Send your URL to him and bam he will send out your email 5 x (or 5 different URLs and Emails) to 35,000 people.

(Do keep in mind you also have to send a copy of your receipt to him when sending your ad copy or he will not honor your solo ad)

I like the value he offers inside the system which he has a few bonuses some being some of the safelists he offers and also offers bonuses with some extra info. I will take this time to let you know that I will also add my own sweet bonuses to this.

The system is just that easy. You set it up he does the work and you get some extra value added to it which increases your chances of succeeding online.

What I Dislike

I usually warn people at the start of a review if it is a bad review or not and in this review, it is a good review so I did not find much that I found to be a dislike as I always find stuff that has value and makes sense.

Final Verdict

If you are looking for targeted traffic and you are looking to try something out for 10 dollars I think this is well worth trying as it does offer lots of value and honestly the 10 dollars is better than going to a site like Udimi and paying 40-100 dollars just for 100 clicks.

You will have clicks providing your email is extremely interesting and your offer isn't just one of the already seen offers that are extremely saturated all over the internet. I would strongly suggest building a very decent landing page, capture page to your offer, and then taking note of other email ads that you have seen and making your own. This can take anywhere from 30 mins-1 hour to just research.

As I said above it is well worth it to get this as I did and had success with it. For 10 dollars it is quite a steal unless you like paying 10 bucks for 20 clicks on a soload site.

I strongly suggest this great product by Dawud.

Thanks for reading I hope I gave you some insight into this great product and I hope you find value in my review and in the product as well, as I did. Thanks again!


I continue to get targeted clicks to my email list and campaigns with the help of this great product from Dawud. I have been getting targeted people now for a few months and keep building my list higher and higher.

As they say the money is in the list and that being said it is definitely one way to get traffic to any of your links! I still strongly suggest this wonderful product and highly recommend it especially to beginners who don't have a big budget and need traffic for a low budget!


Categorized under:
Marketing System
Matthew Culliton's review...
My experience with the program so far

This system was created by 7 figure marketer Jeff Aman, it creates multiple passive income streams.

I joined the Easy Commission Funnel on July 9th. Since I work a full time job, I did not do anything with it until the next evening. I started following the steps, going thru the training and entering my affiliate id's for the programs that I was already a member of. The next day I started promoting thru the various safelists I belonged to already, which resulted in 2 referrals into the ECF. I then decided to give step 6 a try, and purchased an advertising campaign.

As of time I am doing this review on July 28th, I now have 56 referrals in the ECF, which has resulted into 5 new sign up for leadsleap ( step7), 1 new paid sign up into Livegood ( step3), and 1 new paid sign up into Sendshark ( step 2).

What I Like

What I like most about the ECF, is that it all just makes sense. Promote things that people want, need, and basically can not do without. Lets be real, every online marketer must have a quality autoresponder, high quality traffic, a great platform to create their pages, and correct training materials on how to make it all work.

You bring them into the system, and let the system do the selling and telling for you. They start to follow the steps and eventually start joining the various programs, and you get the commissions.

Your prospects will receive daily emails from Jeff, as well as your own emails that you choose to send to them

What I Dislike

At this point there really is not a single thing not to like about the ECF

Final Verdict

I believe that every marketer should join the ECF, even if they just do it to get the free trainings from one of the best affiliate marketers in the business.


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