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gettargetedclicks.com Review


Tags:  Traffic
3/51 vote
Last update: 2024-09-18
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Isabel Miranda
516 Followers   34 Reviews
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Last Update: 2024-09-18
Approximately 2 or 3 months ago I joined the basic service of Get Targeted clicks, it was $7 usd per month and I didn't receive a single free subscriber for my Top Make Money Online Recommendation, even-though it is a proven to convert lead capture page designed by a Top Affiliate.

I thought that in order to analyze better the service I should try their premium service which is Get Targeted Click Super Deal which is the topic of this review.

I purchased 10 Stops in their Traffic Rotator for $60 usd.

They provide a reliable famous tracking service so I decided to not use my own tracking such as the Real Tracker.

Here are the results :

Total Raw Clicks: 174
Unique Clicks: 90
T1 Click Ratio: 54%
Sales: 0
Free Leads Obtained: 7
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