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Health & Fitness
Frank Lefebre's review...
My experience with the program so far

LiveGood is the latest health and wellness program from Ben Glinsky and it is launching now. It features a unique global powerline marketing structure and a very powerful compensation plan. I have been in several of Ben's programs in the past and did very well. You may remember Stiforp, MyWorldPlus, SkinnyBodyCare and Brain Abundance. Fortunes were made and the company has paid out close to a billion dollars in sales at this writing. I joined just yesterday and already have earned over 400 dollars! See latest update below.

Update: It's March 24th 2023 and we have now earned $8,151.16 with 3,788 members on our team! We used Leadsleap to recruit over 100 personal referrals. Don't miss out. Join me today!

Update: It's December 24th 2023 and we have now earned over $30,000 with this program! Join me today!

Update: It's May 12th 2024 and we have now earned $40,834.34 with this program! It's not too late. Join me today!

What I Like

Low cost program. Low cost high quality products and 6 ways to get paid!

What I Dislike

They advertise you can make money without referring a single person. Technically it's true, but very unlikely. If you want to make any significant income online, or anywhere else for that matter. You have to work!

Final Verdict

I believe this to be Ben Glinsky's greatest program to date. I invite you to join my team!


Categorized under:
IM Tool
Scott Dubois's review...
My Experience with the Rapid Profit Machine

My experience can be summed up in a few different ways. Honestly, it has been a great, and amazing system to be a part of.

There is free traffic given to you by the vendor, who walks you through the many ways to set up the system. I have managed to pull in bunches of leads, members, and much, much more with this system.

Additionally, this system includes extra training that can give you a strong mindset for building your online business. Working through these mindset videos, I found myself thinking more clearly and allowing myself to make more sales with this system.

What I Like

I love the simplicity it offers. Most of the things I already knew, but it provides a lot of simplicity for people just starting. The training is spot on and offers great insights into email marketing. It offers lots of value.

What I Dislike

Honestly, I didn't find anything I disliked. The value in the system and the simplicity of the training, combined with the number of sales I managed to bring in, left little room for dissatisfaction.

Final Verdict

My final verdict on this system is to GIVE IT A TRY! I honestly recommend it to anyone and everyone, even outside the internet. It offers great value, and you will always have me around to ask questions about the system. The system also comes with a Facebook group where I am active, along with many others, including the vendor who regularly checks on people's statuses and helps. The system has DFY (Done For You) Funnels and email swipes and is very simple to set up. You can always ask for help from me, anyone inside the group, or the support staff.

I recommend this system as it has allowed me to pull in quite a few commissions, and you can apply a lot of what you learn to anything you do outside the system.

I am offering some pretty nice bonuses for getting this system too! Interested? All you have to do is download the system, and you'll have access to the bonuses that I have added to the Rapid Profit Machine. I think you'll like this system, and I recommend it to anyone. (One of the bonuses is an extra income source. )


This system is still going strong and is 100% newly revamped with exciting new changes, making it even better than before! This system continues to be a recurring income machine for me in my business just from promoting it.

As James says, the system only works when you do the work. Don't do the work, and you won't get the results you want! On my YouTube channel, I have also provided a video review on the Rapid Profit Machine, explaining how it works and why it's effective. Plus, I have added other programs and reviews to my YouTube channel to help people out!

So because I have done the work I am now reaping the rewards and I do 100% still recommend this system to everyone!

Want to check those tutorials, programs, and reviews out? Check out my YouTube channel CivicEdge1991.


Categorized under:
Health & Fitness
Joe Marujo's review...
My experience with the program so far

Let's get one thing out of the way up front: A lot of marketers are advertising this as a way to "make $2000 without enrolling anyone. "

While that is a mathematical possibility, it's not going to happen. No one is going to make $2000 per month just by joining. I'm sure that's going to upset some folks, but we need to be real.

Having said that, if you do market this program, you will make money. No program ever created by Ben Glinsky did not make people money. This one will be no different.

The Powerline fear of loss model is very convincing and will convert lot's and lot's of people.

What nobody is talking about is that there are some very good products that are reasonably priced, especially for an MLM. Ben has a licensed pharmacist on staff that probably wouldn't risk his professional association if the products weren't legit.

I also like the fact from a marketers standpoint is that you can promote this without any additional tools, which makes it very newbie-friendly.

The email follow-up provided by the company is also very good, again, using the fear of loss as a very compelling motivator.

What I Like

You might not really understand what we have here with LiveGood...

That is, unless you see it like I do.

You see, I've been an on and off member, fan, and yes, victim of the MLM/network marketing business model for more than 3 decades.

This is not my first rodeo.

In all those years I, like many, have searched for "the unicorn. "

The company where the average person can actually win.

It never really existed.

Don't get me wrong, there are some really great companies occupying the MLM space.

The problem is, they're filled with roadblocks that keep the average person constantly chasing a dream that never comes true.

Roadblocks like:

Expensive starter packs, where you are encouraged to buy huge qualifying product purchases if "you really want to succeed... "

Overpriced products so they can pay commissions to the top, like hundred-dollar protein shakes that you can buy at Walmart for 22 bucks...

Monthly autoships that can cost hundreds of dollars just so you can stay active in the comp plan.

Monthly recruiting quotas that the average Joe (no relation) just can't keep up with.

You get the picture.

With LiveGood, they literally threw out the old, broken MLM model.

Instead, they took a page from the Amazon book. This is the Amazon Prime Business Model.

Charge a small monthly membership fee ($9.95) and sell quality products at below-wholesale prices.

You only buy products when you want to and when you need to. No quotas. No autoship.

Does it work? Ask the 100,000 people who joined in the last 90 days. Get on the Zoom calls and watch the countless people that never had success before and are finally winning.

So even if you've seen it before and you think you know, watch the video and take the free tour. This time, pay attention to what's really going on here.

What I Dislike

I find the company provided websites a little cheap-looking but since most of us create our own marketing, this shouldn't be a deal breaker for you.

Final Verdict

What we have here though, is a no-brainer.

For just $10 bucks a month you have a very marketable program and get to buy some very good products at very-wholesale prices.

Imagine if you had the opportunity several years ago to market "Amazon's new Prime Membership Program. "

Now imagine if you were getting paid $.25 per month for all the Prime memberships active today...

This might be the closest thing ever to the elusive unicorn.

I look forward to winning with you!


Categorized under:
Home Biz
Linda Bomba's review...
My experience with the program so far

Paid Per Letter was launched on January 15, 2024, is owned by Lisa Kryml. She made over $78K last year doing this program part-time and is now teaching others to do the same.

There is a one-time set up fee of $199.99 and there is an affiliate program as well which is a one-time $20 to set up and then $25 per month. The compensation plan is a 3 x 10 matrix. For every person in your matrix, you earn $5 which you might get some spillover.

If you refer anyone to the program, you earn a $100 commission. They pay you $5 for every letter you write, and they provide training.

This program is simple and if you're at least 18 years old and you can read and write you can do this program.

Earn money through hand-written letters. They teach you how to start earning up to $50-$75 per hour by writing letters to select large businesses all from the comfort of your home even with no experience.

After going through the course, which took me about 32 minutes and I wrote my post card and envelope and submitted for approval which they will review it to ensure you did it correctly.

What I Like

I like the fact you don't need to refer or sell anything with this program. It's so simple and you decide how much you want to do. For example, if you did 200 letters in a month you would earn $1K which is cool.

What I Dislike

So far nothing.

Final Verdict

This is the simplest program I have seen in my 12+ years in this industry literally anyone who can read and write can do this and earn.

This is perfect for stay at home mom's, retirees, students anyone who is looking to make additional money working full or part time from the comfort of your home.


Categorized under:
IM Tool
Herbert Flores's review...
My experience with Minute Hook so far has been incredibly a game-changer! Not only does it provide me with valuable insights into my blog's performance, but it also helps me track conversions effortlessly. The setup process is a breeze, and within minutes, I had a beautifully crafted campaign running on my site. The animated call-to-action buttons are just the icing on the cake! Just got 78 views and 2 new subscribers in 24 hours after setting up!

Minute Hook, a powerful WordPress plugin and traffic generation system created by Cindy Donovan, promises to make building your email list a breeze. This beginner-friendly tool focuses on ease of use, with pre-built funnels, customizable popups, and automated email sequences all designed to streamline the process. Minute Hook goes beyond basic plugins by offering complete, branded funnels with high-quality lead magnets and targeted email sequences, eliminating the need for extensive content creation on your part. Even those without a blog can get started with Minute Hook's standalone funnels.

What I Like

Minute Hook shines in its user-friendliness. The included setup wizard walks you through the process, with pre-populated content for easy customization. The variety of features is impressive, including AI-powered newsletter creation, monetization options, and integration with popular autoresponders. The 30-day money-back guarantee provides a safety net for those hesitant to try a new tool.

What I Dislike

While Minute Hook offers a fantastic set of features, it's worth noting two limitations. First, the font used in automatically generated PDFs is currently Times New Roman and cannot be changed during campaign creation. This may limit some users' ability to perfectly match their brand's aesthetics. Second, there's no back button during campaign creation. This means you'll need to be careful to avoid mistakes, as editing requires starting over from the previous step. However, the convenience of the system likely outweighs these limitations for many users.

Final Verdict

Minute Hook offers a compelling all-in-one solution for bloggers and online entrepreneurs seeking to build their email lists and online presence. The core WordPress plugin allows you to easily convert your blog posts into lead magnets, while the included FunnelMates membership provides access to five pre-built, automated funnels and newsletters – perfect for beginners or those without a blog. These funnels cover popular niches like affiliate marketing and social media marketing, giving you a jumpstart on building your audience.

Beyond the core features, Minute Hook provides a wealth of additional benefits. The included training zone equips you with the knowledge to maximize your results, while bonus features like the popup generator and content locker module offer even more tools to capture leads and engage your audience. While the aesthetics of the automatically generated PDFs might be limited, the convenience and comprehensiveness of Minute Hook make it an attractive option for many users.

Here's a breakdown of what you get with Minute Hook:

Minute Hook WordPress Plugin: Effortlessly transform your blog posts into lead magnets and leverage their content distribution network for increased exposure.

FunnelMates Membership: Access five pre-built funnels and newsletters, complete with lead magnets, email sequences, and targeted promotions – all managed for you after a one-minute setup.

Automated Workflows: Save time with automated lead capture, email marketing, and content delivery.

DFY Weekly Content: Receive 12 months of fresh, curated newsletter content tailored to the five included niches.

In-Depth Training: Master Minute Hook with comprehensive training covering both basic and advanced strategies.

Bonus Features: Enhance your lead capture with popup generators, content lockers, and a smart 404 error page capture system.

If you're looking for a user-friendly and comprehensive system to build your email list and online presence, Minute Hook is definitely worth considering.


Categorized under:
Home Biz
William Berg's review...
My experience with the program so far

After joining, I signed up for the first matrix cycler. Surprisingly, I cycled through the first and the second matrix just after two weeks. This earned me $300. So it was a no-brainer to sign up for the monthly matrix plan. As I write this review, my monthly matrix has 62 paying members. I've never experienced this much spillover so quickly. I'm doing my part by enrolling my own personal members. So far I've enrolled 12 paying members of my own and I'm currently helping those members enroll even more. I almost forgot... I'm also cycling through Matrix 1 and 2 again.

What I Like

I really like the fact that a landing page and autoresponder are included with the membership. Not too many programs offer this. The fact that it's affordable for almost everyone is also a great perk.

What I Dislike

Being paid through Wise wouldn't be my first choice, but it works just fine. I'm getting paid weekly as promised.

Final Verdict

If anyone is growing tired of physical products and only wants to promote digital products, this one is for you.


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