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Internet Marketing
Mike Merz Sr's review...
A Quick Word Or Two From Mike Merz Sr.

I've been an Affiliate Marketer since 1998, became an Internet Marketing Start-up Consultant in 2000, and began focusing on JV Brokering & Affiliate Program Management in 2003, resulting in the creation and launch of JVNotifyPro in 2005.

In an effort to stay on top of the latest Online Business strategies, I've invested my share of time and money into what I considered quality products and services. Just because I've been at this for the last 26+ years, doesn't mean I've learned all I need to know to continue doing business at a high level. Every day there's something new popping up, and if you don't stay ahead of the pack by continuing to be open to learning and trying new things you can quickly fall behind.

That being said, I've recently decided to invest in becoming a MAP (Master Affiliate Profits) backer. MAP is currently in the 2nd of 3 phases, and you have until June 26th 2024 to get in at the Platinum level for a one-time investment.

IMPORTANT! Just because I've known, and worked with, MAP creators John Thornhill, Omar & Melinda Martin for many years does not mean I was comped, or offered a special discount to get on board. I gladly paid what every one of the other nearly 800 MAP backers (thus far) has paid, and I consider it a bargain.

MAP focuses on helping its members become better Affiliate Marketers, which has always been the heart and soul of my work with JVNP/JVNW, so I consider it a match made in Heaven, featuring beginner to advanced training in list building, email, ad, & video marketing, blogging, social media, traffic generation and conversion, and more.

Additionally, if you decide to join me as a backer by June 26th, you'll have access to advanced features and benefits like a higher commission %, a 2-tier referral option, gratis traffic, and more advantages than I have time and space to reveal here, all for a one-time only investment.

Hey, listen you know that I don't directly sell to fellow affiliates and JV partners. The only reason I'm mentioning this is because I've personally invested in MAP, and I'm inviting you to do the same period.

If this is something you feel you and your business might benefit from, you can find out everything you need to know about MAP right here, including a webinar featuring John and Omar.

If not enjoy the rest of your day. ;)

Mike Merz Sr


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IM Tool
Herbert Flores's review...
My experience with the ViralFaces Ai so far is incredible!

The ease of creating attention-grabbing AI Face Videos and the level of engagement they generate have exceeded my expectations. In just a few simple steps, I was able to craft emotionally compelling videos that resonated with my audience, leading to a significant boost in traffic and sales.

ViralFaces AI, created by Yogesh Agarwal, is a revolutionary AI Face Technology that enables users to generate hundreds of captivating AI Face Videos effortlessly. These videos can go viral on platforms like YouTube Shorts and Instagram Reels, driving massive traffic, and increasing sales, followers, and engagement. In this review, we'll explore the features, benefits, and why this product is gaining popularity among affiliate marketers and businesses alike.

In the fast-paced world of online marketing, staying ahead of the competition is crucial. ViralFaces AI, developed by the successful affiliate marketer and top software vendor, Yogesh Agarwal, aims to do just that. This groundbreaking AI Face Technology promises to unlock the potential of viral traffic and skyrocket sales through engaging AI Face Videos.

Product Information:

ViralFaces AI is an easy-to-use platform that allows users to create attention-grabbing face images and videos using AI technology. With just a few simple steps, anyone can craft stunning, emotionally compelling videos that resonate with their audience. The software also comes with a powerful video editor for further customization and personalization.

The power of ViralFaces AI lies in its simplicity and effectiveness. Users can either use the AI to generate scripts or input their own, which the AI then converts into an emotional voiceover. The result is a high-quality video that is bound to catch the attention of viewers.

The platform boasts impressive results, with newbies achieving millions of views on YouTube Shorts and Instagram Reels. Some have garnered 10 million views, while others have reached 1.5 million and 2.8 million views, all without any subscribers, followers, or advertising expenses.

Why People Prefer This Product:

There are several reasons why ViralFaces AI is gaining traction among marketers and content creators:

  • Ease of Use: The platform's user-friendly interface makes it accessible to everyone, regardless of their technical expertise.
  • Time-Efficient: Creating attention-grabbing videos is no longer a time-consuming process, thanks to the AI-powered script generation and voiceover features.
  • Cost-Effective: With no need for expensive ads or a large following, ViralFaces AI levels the playing field for all users.
  • High Engagement: Emotionally resonant videos attract higher engagement, leading to increased sales and followers.

What I Like

  • It has AI-Powered Script Generation
  • 3 Different Modes To Create Unbeatable, Attention-Grabbing, Viral Face Videos Quickly like Easy Mode, Advance Mode and Hyper Mode.
  • 100% Cloud-Based Software.
  • Upload Your Own Image OR Camera Capture - Build Trust, Authority & Engage with Your Audience.
  • Create Breathtaking Face Videos Using AI Image Tech & Editor For Any Niche!
  • You can get it for a low one-time fee!

What I Dislike

Rendering will take you 10 minutes or 20 minutes - 24 hours depending on the server. You can upgrade your account to get faster rendering and get more features. You can also contact the support if you're having problem.

Final Verdict

ViralFaces AI lives up to its promises, delivering a user-friendly, effective, and innovative AI Face Technology. Whether you are an affiliate marketer or a business owner, this platform has the potential to drive massive traffic and boost sales effortlessly. Act now to take advantage of the current one-time pricing before it transitions into a higher recurring subscription. Plus you can get some exclusive bonuses if you take action now!


Categorized under:
Save Money
Dwaine 's review...
My Experience So Far

Starting on the Nexus Rewards journey has been a wonderfully intriguing venture. I joined 1/1/24 and it's now 2/18/24. As an online and offline consumer, I'm always on the lookout for programs that offer value to me while providing potential for growth and income. Nexus Rewards caught my attention as a program that promises to reward its members for everyday activities and purchases.

What I Like

The idea of earning cash back on purchases I would make anyway had outstanding appeal to me. The idea of getting cheaper phone, internet, household utilities, or legal services never occurred to me and I love getting those discounts. NexusRewards has a wide array of participating retailers, which means more opportunities to save--over 3,500 according to their website.

The user interface is straightforward, making navigation a breeze even for those who may not be as tech-savvy. Additionally, the potential for earning through referrals is a bonus, especially for someone like me who values the power of network marketing. I liked that the potential is there for everyone, but for those who don't like networking for money, the app is free to join and free to use.

Another aspect I appreciate is the customer service. In my interactions, (There's been more than a few! ) they've been responsive and helpful, which is crucial for any service-based platform. It's reassuring to know that if issues arise, there's a reliable team ready to assist promptly and clearly.

What I Dislike

No system is without its flaws, and Nexus Rewards is no exception. One of the drawbacks I've noticed is the variability in cash back percentages. While some deals are quite generous, others are less so, which can be a bit disappointing. It's important for users to manage their expectations and not assume uniform high returns on all purchases. I'm not sure what I expected here; but, like I said, no system is perfect.

The learning curve for maximizing the benefits can be steep for newcomers... If 30 minutes to an hour can be considered "steep. " It takes time and effort to understand the best ways to earn and redeem rewards, which might deter some lazy users who are looking for a more straightforward rewards program. So, it took me about an hour to get all set up, but I guarantee it's not rocket science.

Final Verdict

Nexus Rewards offers a compelling proposition for those looking to get more out of their everyday spending. The platform's strengths lie in its broad merchant network, ease of use, and the additional earning potential through referrals. While it may not be the perfect fit for everyone, especially those seeking consistent high-value cash back rates, it certainly has its merits. 40% cash back at some restaurants should be a no-brainer for anyone.

For individuals who enjoy exploring new avenues for savings and income, and who are willing to invest the time to understand the system, Nexus Rewards will be a very valuable tool. It's a program that rewards engagement and loyalty, which aligns well with my philosophy of building relationships and communities in business.

In the realm of cash back and rewards programs, Nexus Rewards stands out as an exceptionally noteworthy option. It's not just about the savings; it's about being wise and thrifty as a part of the community that supports smart spending and financial growth. With a bit of patience and strategy, Nexus Rewards can indeed be a rewarding experience.


Categorized under:
PLR & MRR Products
Ori Harel's review...
This is my upgraded review of Digital Products Pro. -- A fantastic budget-friendly, fresh PLR, Mega resource.

Update: After Making Use Of Digital Products Pro for Over 20 months.

Having made use of Digital Products Pro regularly for nearly 2 years, my satisfaction has actually only expanded. The platform updates its item offerings routinely, making sure there's constantly fresh web content to discover. The high quality has actually continued to be constantly high, and I have seen they have broadened their classifications, offering even more selection.

The price and value of the system are unequaled. The lifetime subscription has actually shown to be a superb finacial investment, giving me continual accessibility to an ever-growing library of resources that have considerably benefited my organization.

Consumer assistance continues to be superior. Robert Blacky and his gropu remain to be receptive and valuable. Whether I had questions concerning new features or required support with a download, they have always been quick to assist.

One aspect that sticks out after a long period of time of using, is the integrity of the platform. I haven't experienced any kind of substantial technological problems, and the customer experience stays smooth. The download rates and simplicity of navigation make it convenient to discover and use the resources I require.

On the whole, my lasting experience with Digital Products Pro has actually reinforced my preliminary favourable perception. The system is a cornerstone of my affiliate marketing work, giving top-notch electronic copies at an irresistible cost. If your still thinking about whether to try Digital Products Pro, I highly recommend starting. It's a choice you will not be sorry for.

As usual, enjoy,

ORI - Original Right Information


Categorized under:
List Building
Scott Dubois's review...
My experience with the program so far

Hey Guys today I am bringing you a quick review about a new autoresponder that BEATS ALL OTHER AUTORESPONDERS. I am going to go through and explain what is so great and why this system is a must-have ESPECIALLY WHEN STARTING OUT! So let's get to it.

Before I start this review, I was really upset when I learned about this autoresponder because had I known about it when I started January of last year (2023) I would have gotten this right off the bat. I am actually in the middle of switching all my stuff over to this autoresponder as it is more cost-effective to use. In this business, we always want to find the most cost-effective ways to bring in results. This autoresponder offers just that.

SendShark is the name of this autoresponder. Now the system is amazing in many ways. I have only been a member of this autoresponder for about a week and a half at the time of writing this but nonetheless I have gone through it with a fine tooth comb and figured out that for experienced and beginner affiliates alike it is an amazing piece for your business...

Now, For the past year, I have been with a couple of autoresponders. I have one called Builderall which is amazing but I only use it for one of my systems I have DFY emails setup through it but nonetheless use it daily to send to my subscribers on it and GetResponse.

Had you asked me way back in the middle of the year last year I would have told you GetResponse was the best. I loved it. It was great until I realized the major disadvantage.


I don't have a huge list yet but nonetheless, it still costs me 30$ish a month which I only get up to 2500 subscribers... Which is ok... But when you start going up that's when you start paying more. And more. And more...

Up above you will remember me saying that your affiliate business (and any business for that matter as this is not my first business. I was a window cleaner and owned my own business) you need to find cost-effective ways to build your list and email your list FOR RESULTS...

This is where I'm going to shatter your ideas about GetResponse... GetResponse charges me 30 dollars a month for only 2500 subscribers right? Well, what if I told you that one of the biggest selling points on SendShark is you get up to 50,000 subscribers?

What would you expect to pay for that? 500 dollars? Lower... Fine 350? No Lower. One more time now how about 100 dollars a month? Nope... YOU WILL PAY 25.00 USD a month for an autoresponder that you can have up to 50,000 subscribers... WOW!

Now... Guess how much you will pay for GetResponse at 50,000 subscribers? 100 Dollars... NOPE HIGHER! 245 whopping dollars a month which will equal about 2940 a year... Which isn't bad if you are making enough sales to cover that cost but is it worth it at that point? Not really because that is 2940 dollars every year out of your sales.

SendShark will cost you around 300 dollars a year. WOW! same amount of subscribers WAY LESS MONEY... Autoresponders are seriously price gouging people now if you take the 2940 - 300 = 2640 left over you save A YEAR...

That already makes this an amazing Autoresponder. NOW other features of SendShark go without mentioning. You have your normal broadcasts, autoresponder, import/export subscribers, and of course you have your place to make forms that will make it easy to use a system like LeadsLeap to make your capture pages, there is your normal page builder on SendShark. There is one more system on SendShark that makes it really cool and to my knowledge, I don't know of this feature being in any other autoresponders and if it is I am sorry.

SendShark gives you the ability to EASILY share your email campaigns with others.

So if you have a course let's say and you have a great funnel built into an email campaign and want to share it with your trainees in your course all you need to do is grab the share code and share it with them. It is kind of like how you share pages and whatnot on LeadsLeap.

Now commissions. When you become a member of SendShark and you start promoting SendShark you will get if I remember correctly 50% commissions...

2 sales and you break even. One of the things I am always saying when talking about affiliate marketing whether it's getting traffic... Or you are getting a system with your tools or whatever it may be, if you can break even you are getting it for free WHICH is the goal because if you are breaking even anything else you make over and beyond that is profit. That is how it should work.

I already have a couple of systems where I am breaking even and have already made a profit because I broke even. Anyway, I will stop rambling and go on to the likes and dislikes.

What I Like

  • Obviously as stated above one major like is the amazing 50,000 subscriber price point for 25.00 a month. I CAN NOT STRESS THIS ENOUGH
  • This autoresponder is simple to use much like its other competitor's systems Aweber and GetResponse
  • Share capabilities. Easy to share your campaigns with others all at the click of a button
  • 50% Commissions
  • easy to build campaigns
  • NOT AS PICKY AS OTHER COMPETITORS... This has been a very big dislike for me since having other autoresponders like GetResponse and Aweber (I forgot to mention above I used Aweber as well) By this I mean if you are advertising something they don't seem as picky. I can honestly say I was doing a campaign on advertising Myleadgen on Aweber and they got mad and stopped the campaign stating that I can't bring people to a lead system like Myleadgen even though it is a way of getting leads to your list or getting more sales... I will take this moment to say if you want to check out my review on Myleadgen it is on here under my reviews.

What I Dislike

I have yet to find something I dislike.

Final Verdict

My final verdict? I think I have said enough that should honestly show you that this system is the bomb.

As I have stated... My main Autoresponder was GetResponse and though I love GetResponse. I am pulling away from it to use Sendshark as I am finding the price to be better for the number of subscribers you can email. It is more cost-effective and CEO Joel Therien and many other people have said that there is really no reason for many other competitors to be charging as much for emailing a list of subscribers especially when you get up to 50,000 subscribers.

Joel very much so cares about the success of others and that is why he states that this system was made to be cost-effective and whatnot.

So my honest opinion is it is well worth it. Don't skip over this because it could be better for your business as I stated above you will end up saving 2640 dollars a year if your list is 50,000 subscribers or above... THAT in the long scheme of things better because that is 2640 more dollars in your pocket at the end of the year.

In business, you always have to shop around for better tools and whatnot. That is why I jumped on LeadsLeap when I found it and deleted ClickMagick and LeadPages because those two alone were costing me around 90 dollars a month alone...

So make the right choice and I will catch you on the very next review! Thanks for Reading

Make sure to check out my other reviews too. I always try my best to deliver value, proper information, and 100% honest opinions of certain systems. Thanks


Categorized under:
Ray Trainer's review...
In the world of online marketing, I have found Leadsleap to be one of the best platforms for online marketers. It has cutting-edge technology and proven marketing strategies.

The Leadsleap system has brought me a steady stream of high-quality leads. Whether it's PPC ads, banner ads, or text ads, the platform provides comprehensive analytics and tracking tools.

I like the fact LeadsLeap has a revenue-sharing program, where members can earn passive income by simply engaging with the platform. Leadleap equips businesses with the tools they need to optimize their campaigns and achieve better results.

I like that Leadsleap is very cost effective. The many marketing tools under one roof is a blessing.

Lastly Leadsleap has a very good customer support team. I really have no negative complaints against Leadsleap.

I suggest you sign up. It is totally free to join. Try it out! You will be glad you did.


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