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Marketing System
Marc Clarysse's review...
My experience with the program so far

Lee Murray's Your New Traffic Funnel is a solid, no-nonsense guide to online marketing, specifically targeting individuals looking to drive traffic and convert that traffic into paying customers. Written with a practical and direct approach, the guide distills what could be complex digital marketing tactics into easy-to-understand strategies, making it accessible even for beginners.

Structure and Content

Murray's book is structured in a step-by-step manner, focusing on key elements of funnel creation, traffic generation, and lead conversion. The first sections break down the anatomy of a traffic funnel, ensuring that readers understand what it is and why it's essential to a successful online business. Murray explains each part of the funnel — from the landing page to email opt-ins and follow-up sequences — in a way that is easy to digest.

Key Strengths

One of the book's main strengths is its focus on practical, actionable advice. Murray doesn't waste time with fluff or theory; instead, he offers a blueprint that readers can implement right away. The funnel strategies discussed rely heavily on tried-and-tested methods, which adds to their credibility. Additionally, Murray includes real-world examples and templates that further simplify the learning process.

The book also highlights a variety of traffic sources, both paid and organic, giving readers options based on their budget and experience level. Murray's insights into traffic-building are invaluable, particularly for those who may be struggling to grow an audience or find their niche.


Your New Traffic Funnel stands out in its ability to cater to both beginners and intermediate marketers. For someone new to digital marketing, Murray takes the time to explain essential concepts without overwhelming the reader with technical jargon. However, for more experienced marketers, there are still nuggets of wisdom that can be applied to existing funnels for better optimization and performance.

Areas for Improvement

While the book is filled with practical advice, it sometimes lacks depth in terms of specific case studies or examples that would illustrate the strategies in action. Additionally, some of the traffic sources Murray mentions may feel outdated or oversaturated, given how quickly the digital marketing landscape evolves. A bit more focus on current trends, like social media influencers or video content marketing, would have been helpful.

What I Like

  • Comprehensive training on lead magnet creation
  • DFY funnel system for easy monetization
  • Step-by-step guidance for quick implementation
  • High-quality product from a respected expert
  • Suitable for beginners and experienced marketers

What I Dislike

  • Requires an investment of time and effort to see results
  • May not be suitable for those who prefer hands-off approaches

Final Verdict

Overall, Your New Traffic Funnel by Lee Murray is a highly useful guide for anyone looking to improve their online marketing game. It provides a clear roadmap to building traffic funnels that work, with an emphasis on simplicity and execution. For those new to the concept of traffic funnels, this book offers an accessible entry point, while more seasoned marketers will still find plenty of value.

It's a recommended read for anyone serious about driving traffic and making sales online, though it would benefit from more up-to-date traffic strategies and in-depth case studies.


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Isabel Miranda's review...
I have tested this traffic source for 3 months, I bought the upsell for two links and for 6 months traffic.

I am not going to talk about conversion since that depends on the offer you are promoting.

But I want to focus in the quality of the traffic that you will not get...

Thanks to The Real Tracker that I have with Leads Leap I detected that I will not waste my money anymore with this low quality traffic source.

I am ok, if it delivers just a few visits every day , what it is unacceptable is to send visits that are not real.

Here are my stats of the last 30 days:

Total Visits: 115
Unique: 16
Real: 0
Stats by Country:
South Africa Total : 103 Unique: 8 Real : 0
United States Of America: Total: 6 Unique: 4 Real: 0
United Kingdom: Total: Total: 5 Unique: 3 Real:0

Hope this review is helpful for you.


Categorized under:
Internet Marketing
Philip Martindale's review...
Master Affiliate Profits (MAP) is a system that has been put together by John Thornhill and Omar and Melinda Martin. John Thornhill is the founder of the successful and popular Ambassador Program. Omar and Melinda are CMO and CEO of Higher Level Strategies, providing training, products and services for online marketers.

Their aim with MAP is to provide a complete ecosystem for affiliate marketers. The intention is to safe-guard leads (so they are not poached by the program vendors) and to include traffic, training and tools within the system. In addition, affiliates who sign-up will enjoy 75% commissions on recruiting backers to the system during the current phase 2. Phase 2 has been extended while the developers add their finishing touches to phase 3. Phase 3 will be the phase when subscriptions switch to monthly.

My experience with the program so far

I joined on March 14th 2024. Though I consider myself very experienced with affiliate marketing, I have learned some absolute gems in the training. Implementing this new-found knowledge has helped me attract some high quality traffic to my one-link and build my list. I am confident that sales will follow soon as I can tell from the built-in tracking that I am getting a lot of interest from potential buyers.

By joining in phase 2, as a platinum member, I am showing my lifetime commitment to MAP. I can see how the system will remove many of the obstacles that have been holding affiliate marketers back. I am going to get 75% commissions on affiliates who join and upgrade to higher levels during phase 3, and I will also be entitled to level 2 commissions of 25%. As members will have to pay monthly (from phase 3 onwards), this will add up very nicely.

The lifetime cost of $797 (one-off) is good value for what you get, and just two sales will be all I need to earn more than that back,

Free members (joining in the imminent phase 3) will also be able to earn high commissions e.g. 100% on a product inside the system called traffic jump-start and 25% commissions on silver, gold or platinum level sales. Higher commissions are attainable by joining at the higher levels.

What I Like

I especially like the lead safe-guarding that MAP offers owing to the fact that it is an ecosystem. Its holistic qualities also mean that I have almost all the training and tools that I will ever need. The tools range from the ability to build funnels to creating bonuses and more. The training covers subjects such as list building, email marketing, traffic, video marketing, blogging, social media, and creating ads and banners.

I like the fact that the compensation plan is easy to understand and does not include gimmicks like powerlines and spillover and so on.

The fact that it will have a free membership option from phase 3 onwards, appeals to me, as it will be easier to sign prospects up who may then go on to upgrade.

I also like the way you can potentially earn commissions from external sources that the system integrates with or utilizes, such as WarriorPlus, JVZoo. Clickbank, Udimi, Aweber, Getresponse and so on.

The way that I can sort or filter my clicks by source, tracking ID and date, is a great feature as well as the way my leads and sales data are displayed.

What I Dislike

There is nothing I dislike. It has a few 'coming soon' items, but as long as they are indeed coming soon i.e. in phase 3, that's absolutely fine. The training and tools that are there are already very extensive.

Final Verdict

The system lives up to the claim that it is an ecosystem, with safe-guarding of your leads, built-in traffic, one link to promote, generous commissions, extensive training and tools and a thriving Facebook group.


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Scott Dubois's review...
My experience with the program so far

Hello and Welcome to my review of Triple Traffic 2.0 by Dawud Islam. I am back with another review about one of Dawud's Products. Now as I have said in a couple of other reviews I really enjoy Dawud's products because of the value he provides, the helpfulness of his support, and much, much more! I do highly recommend his products as they help you get traffic galore to your affiliate links, and or your website. Let's get started!

So Another great product that I absolutely loved by Dawud. In this product its another traffic rotator that he offers. It is no different from his other offers. He offers great value and bonuses with the purchase of the FE and offers great upgrades as well that really skyrocket your results.

With this system, you simply go after you get it go to the members area, and create a login. Once your login is created you will head into the members area where you will see a navigational bar on the side where you can view some training videos.

Once you get to the point where you must test your links to your affiliate offers you will test the links you want to add to Triple Traffic 2.0. Once your link is tested and is all good you will go to the next video which should be the video on how to submit your link. I will take this moment to share with you that to get more clicks, make a rotator link so that you can get clicks to different offers you offer. I also strongly advise that you use squeeze pages as this is a product that is helping you get traffic. Get your squeeze pages setup in a rotator and send it in.

I know that this will be a rotator link inside a rotator link but it works. It is a great way to get a bunch of your pages shown to buyers who might be interested in your different offers.

Once you are ready to submit he will advise you to go into your email and email him with a copy of any receipts including the receipt for the FE and any upgrades you may have gotten along with the link you will be using with the system. Once you set this up he will correspond with you and tell you to change things that need to be changed... Also make sure as I said above that you have checked the URL because once it is sent in that is it it cannot be changed so it is very advisable that you test, test, TEST! I cannot say that enough as testing should be a normal occurrence in the online industry. It will be a wasted purchase if the link you used does not work.

Once it is submitted and there are no issues he will confirm with you that he is working on it and then will send you a confirmation that your link has been added to the system.

This is a great way to get traffic and get noticed. The more you get noticed in the online industry the more traffic you will get and the more money you will start to make. Rotators are a great way of getting seen and if you add your own rotator link to the rotator you will be showing your offers every time someone clicks and your link pops up!

I will take this moment to also mention that as always in all my reviews I always include bonuses I have another 13 bonuses to add extra value to this one!

He also offers some amazing bonuses that you can claim inside the members area.

Also check out my other reviews on other traffic sources I recommend as they have all worked for me!

What I Like

  • Easy To Setup
  • Handsfree system once it is setup!
  • Autopilot traffic/buyers to your offers without trying.
  • Great value and bonuses
  • Find out more info to escalate your business!

What I Dislike

The only thing I dislike is you have to share a rotator with other people but that is simply alright because it still works out and you do receive traffic easily.

Final Verdict

My Final verdict is I would seriously consider adding this to your business as the more traffic you can possibly get the better. We all need eyeballs to offers and websites, and this system gives you that.

In a competitive world in the online industry where it is difficult to get noticed and receive traffic to your offers something like this is much needed and I highly recommend it. The bonuses I offer and he offers along with the system help you in your travels as well. I figure for 10$ it is worth the try for anyone but it gets your stuff out there!

My honest opinion is get it. Dawud has helped me and can help you as well! Great things that he offers.

I hoped you enjoyed reading this and I hope it has helped you make an informed decision on whether or not this will be right for you. I wish you all the success!

*UPDATE September 2024*

I continue to get traffic every day by adding my rotator that I have here on leads leap and get sign ups to a few different offers via the traffic system. It is great traffic and still has increased value that will for sure get sign ups to your offers.

More eyeballs means more visibility which means more sales! You must be willing to do whatever it takes to get traffic to your business!

Change your capture pages, and make them highly engaging this wonderful traffic will work for you you just have to make sure to put a great capture page in. I suggest making a rotator of a few different capture pages that you have as doing so will increase your chances of receiving more traffic AND you can change a rotator on the back end and add offers and take them away as you go on!


Categorized under:
Internet Marketing
Dominic Kristianto's review...
My experience with the program so far

I have known Tim for more than 3 years now and he has helped me make thousands of dollars in commissions. I even made more than $1K from his low-ticket product.

Freedom Marketing System, in a nutshell, is the pinnacle of his lifetime work. This is the only simple system that he uses himself that is responsible for getting him to 6-Figure online consistently.

This is not a get-rich-quick scheme, but this is Tim's very own playbook to fix all traffic and lead gen issues for good.

Yep, you read that right. The biggest problem every marketer has is not having enough traffic and don't even know how to generate traffic consistently. Sounds familiar?

In short, the Freedom Marketing System is your ticket to achieving Independence and complete Freedom. Just like the name denotes (well, duh! )

What I Like

The amount and quality of information inside this product is way much higher than its price tag! It should be priced at at least $97 in my opinion, if not more.

The structure is easy to follow and there is also the Live Case Study section so you can see how the system works and how you can also build the system for yourself. Literally.

This is a simple, Easy-To-Follow System that allows you to create and add new passive income streams whenever you want.

This is like a dream come true, but the difference is, you can actually build this system in the real world. That is if you take advantage of what you learn and implement it diligently.

Ready to experience the freedom of cash flow-positive lead generation and automated sales?

The Freedom Marketing System is your ultimate guide to making this happen. And the best part? It's available for just $5.60!

With the Freedom Marketing System, you'll discover:

  • How to Identify and Recruit High-Quality Affiliates: Find partners who can drive the right kind of traffic to your offers.
  • Strategies for Creating Irresistible Offers: Set up compelling offers that affiliates are eager to promote.
  • Building Powerful Funnels: Create effective funnels that convert pre-warmed traffic into leads and sales.
  • Maximizing Profits: Learn how to structure your commissions and offers to ensure you're always generating a profit.

What I Dislike

This might be not a fit for a total beginner who has never done any online marketing before. I'm not saying that as a deal breaker, but if you don't understand the basic terminology like "traffic" and "leads", you need to learn that separately.

Don't worry though, this is not a complex product. In fact, this is made so simple that anyone can create the same system by learning how to build it.

You are not alone in this journey, Tim has made a warm community that you can access if you buy one of the upsells (and it's very affordable also).

Final Verdict

If you ever want a simple system that is risk-free to consistently attract and acquire new customers and clients so that you can enjoy some passive income from your hard work, then the Freedom Marketing System will be the only system that you need.

It may sound so gibberish especially if you look at the very low price tag, but I will leave it to you to be the judge here :-)


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Safelist Mailer
Linda Bomba's review...
My experience with the program so far

I never paid much attention to list mailers, safest until my mentor shared with me how he's using them to get leads and sales and he is a top recruiter in several different programs, so I signed up. Success leaves clues.

Traffic zipper is a software system currently has 38 different list mailers integrated in their system and they plan on adding more that you can send one email to any or all of them depending on what membership type you have with them and which list mailers you belong to.

They have 3 membership types FREE you can use 2 list mailers; PRO you can use 10 list mailers ($17 a month) and ELITE you can use all mailers ($37 a month).

What I Like

It saves me so much time to send one email as I don't have to log into individual accounts.

It's a cost-effective way to generate leads. At the time I am writing this I have been in around a week and already generated 93 leads! I am an Elite member!

What I Dislike

Their affiliate program doesn't offer direct deposit or PayPal for affiliate commissions.

Final Verdict

Traffic Zipper is a simple, easy, cost-effective way to get more leads and sales with me just spending five minutes a day doing one email.

This tool has become one of best traffic sources to date which I use everyday.


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