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Paulette Fox's review...
My experience with the program so far

I joined LeadsLeap a few years back as a free member but did only the basics like setting up the Credit Ads and clicking for credits and Cash, not really being experienced enough to use everything therefore not knowing the Real Value of the product I had signed up for. It was only this year that I stumbled upon a program that caught my eye which recommended using LeadsLeap especially because of the Value you get for the reasonable monthly price.

What I Like

I like that there are so many necessary tools and especially for the programs I am using and whether you get upgraded to Pro or remain a Free member you have access to most of these.

As a Free member you get:

#1 An Autoresponder to build your list -You can create 10 lists with unlimited subscribers

#2 A Page builder -You can design your own from scratch or import others and give them your own personal touch-You are allowed 10 pages

#3 A Popup Creator- You can create 10 with hosting included

#4 A Link tracker-You can create 199 Trackers and 10 Rotators

#5 FIVE (5) different ways to make money

And so much more!

What I Dislike

I would say that I don't dislike anything only that I wish I had been more experienced to understand all that I have been missing out on over all the years. I am still learning how to figure it all out but with the training I am getting from my main offers I am already getting more results using most of these tools, sharing my LeadsLeap promotional links and pages I have created for my other opportunities while having fun creating.

Final Verdict

I highly recommend Leadsleap especially for the Value you get at such an Affordable price!


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List Building
Ron Jenkins's review...
If you've been exploring ways to make money online, you've probably realized that building an email list is one of the most reliable strategies for long-term success. But starting from scratch can be daunting, especially if you're a beginner. That's where List Infinity steps in, offering a straightforward, beginner-friendly system designed to help you build a profitable email list and earn daily commissions. I've spent some time diving into List Infinity, and here's what I found.

What Makes List Infinity Stand Out?

First, let's talk about the core promise. 100% commissions on every $7 sale, sent directly to you. That's not something you see every day, and it's a breath of fresh air compared to the typical 50% commissions many affiliate programs offer. Plus, the low entry price makes it accessible to just about anyone, especially those who are just getting started with limited budgets.

The system is designed with simplicity in mind. You don't need to be a tech wizard or have previous marketing experience.

Setting up the system is straightforward:

  1. You setup and customize your account
  2. Choose one of the high-converting lead capture pages
  3. Start promoting your link using the provided step-by-step traffic training

It's like having a roadmap laid out for you!

Personal Experience with List Infinity

From my personal experience, the setup process was refreshingly smooth. The platform provides several lead capture pages that are not only visually appealing but also effective at grabbing attention and converting visitors into subscribers. The integration with popular autoresponders like AWeber, GetResponse, and LeadsLeap made it easy to get started, and I was able to begin building my list almost immediately.

One of the standout features for me was the viral traffic builder. This tool allows you to earn mailing credits and commissions from your referrals, which is a fantastic way to generate even more traffic without additional cost. It's like having a little extra fuel to keep your email list growing continuously.

The step-by-step training is another highlight. It covers everything from promoting on social media to leveraging advertising platforms, all laid out in a way that's easy to follow. Even if you're completely new to this, you won't feel lost. I found the training modules to be quite comprehensive and packed with actionable tips that I could implement right away.

Pros and Cons


  • 100% Commissions: Earning the full amount on every sale feels incredibly rewarding and motivates you to keep pushing forward.
  • Ease of Use: Perfect for beginners, with no need for prior marketing or technical skills.
  • Affordable: At just $7 to start, it's an accessible entry point for anyone looking to dip their toes into online marketing.
  • Viral Traffic Builder: A unique feature that keeps your list growth momentum going.
  • Instant Payments: Commissions are sent directly to your chosen account, whether it's PayPal, Cash App, or even Bitcoin.


  • Limited Product Range: The $7 entry point is great, but for higher earning potential, upsells are needed.
  • Promotion Required: Success hinges on your ability to drive traffic, so be prepared to put in the effort to promote your link.

Final Verdict: Is List Infinity Worth It?

Overall, List Infinity delivers on its promises. It's a fantastic option for beginners who want to start building an email list and earning commissions without breaking the bank. The system is user-friendly, the training is comprehensive, and the earning potential is appealing, especially with the 100% commission structure.

However, like any system, your success depends on the effort you put into promoting it. The tools and training are all there, but it's up to you to take action. If you're willing to follow the steps and consistently drive traffic, List Infinity can be a valuable addition to your online marketing toolkit.

Rating: 4/5

While it's not a perfect system and has its limitations, the ease of use, affordability, and direct payment structure make List Infinity a solid choice for anyone looking to get started with affiliate marketing and list building.


Categorized under:
IM Tool
Kat McNeil's review...
My experience with the program so far

So far, the program has been awesome! The product itself is a really great marketing tool to have in my arsenal and has increased my click rate because of the personalized images I am able to send out to my list. They also have several marketing tools such as swipes, banners, etc. within the platform that you can use.

There is also an affiliate compensation plan that makes it almost impossible not to earn income because you are placed in a team with 6 other marketers. Any time one of your team members earns an income, everyone on that team also earns. I actually earned to commissions within minutes of signing up while I was still working my way through the extensive directions for how to get everything set up! Talk about awesome!

What I Like

I like the multiple options available for creating the personalized images. I can choose to use the images already available within the platform, or I can choose to create my own.

I also like the compensation plan and the fact that I earn anytime anyone on my team of 7 earns (these are not people I recruited).

What I Dislike

It does take a bit of time to figure out how the whole system works and many of the directions are written out in text with very few videos to follow. This can be challenging for those of us who have trouble concentrating for long periods of time. :-)

Final Verdict

Overall, I'm really liking the product for being able to create personalized images for emails and other advertising. Not to mention the compensation plan and the ability to earn every time one of my assigned team mates earns. I highly recommend adding to your repetoire of marketing tools!


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Howlin Mike Howell's review...
My experience with this program:

I probably failed over 50 different online business opportunities before trying Secrets of The Big Dogs.

It was a game changer for me!

This is how I made my first sales and commissions; and I still make sales with it today and use the foundational tactics that I gained. It was a great online marketing boot camp!

This is a must if you're interested in affiliate and email marketing. It provides the necessary know-how to make it work.

You will use this as long as you do online business!

What I like:

The beauty of this $7.00 e-book?

It gives you real and doable "secrets" that the top marketers use every day.

You will learn how to get:

  • Plenty of real traffic to whatever opportunity you want.
  • Multiple sources of income through promoting one link.
  • A time-saving strategy (Adapt it to your business! )
  • Apply the necessary email and affiliate marketing tactics.

If you have zero online marketing experience, with a reasonable effort - using these strategies you should have success or at least find out if you really have the willpower to make it happen.

Internet Marketing is a fast-flowing river of constant change and can be frustrating. However, this valuable biz-smart info will clear any confusion.

It breaks down all the hype that distorts the truth about making $ online!

This is not another Shiney Toy promise... It reveals strategies that really work!

What I dislike:

This is jam packed with about everything you need to know about the basics of Internet Marketing, however; one extremely important subject is left out!

... It deals with lead generation and mailing lists. Since the ceo of the website handles this task, he doesn't focus on it.

But you will eventually need this skill. In fact, every seasoned marketer knows starting your own mailing list is important for success. Perhaps he sees this as an advanced skill.

Secondly, there is no video training. However, this is probably to keep everything as simple as possible.

My final verdict:

You're Not going to be an instant millionaire with this, but with consistent effort you have the potential to make a modest $2000 a month, or with serious focus, you can make a possible six-figure income.

It will provide the mindset to go to the next level.

This is the "Bible" for email/affiliate marketing, and I highly recommend it for every newbie or person who may be frustrated online.

These are foundational basics every successful marketer must know!


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Safelist Mailer
Calvin Merrick's review...
My experience with the program so far

Email List Pros is owned and maintained by Frank Salinas. While you can create a free account, I joined as an upgraded Gold member.

This option provided me with mailer access every 48 hours to 1,000 members, 250,000 mailer credits, 107 solo ads, and several login, banner and text ad slots. To date, I can honestly say that this is one of the most responsive mailers I use.

When I send a mailing every two days, I generally get from one to three opt-ins. The same applies when I send a solo ad. Even though the mailer only allows me to send to 1,000 members, I get better results than I do when sending to Herculist's 270-thousand-plus member base.

What I Like

Extremely responsive member base.

What I Dislike

I only get to send to 1,000 members. Even so, the solo ads allow me to send daily. However, when the 100 or so I got with my upgrade run out, I will need to buy more to continue daily mailings.

Final Verdict

With the consistent signups I get after each mailing, I am about to upgrade again. This next upgrade will allow me to send regular mailings on a daily basis.

I highly recommend this mailer. Join free and track your results. I think you will come to the same conclusion.


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Web Service
Rusty Shelton's review...
What is GotBackup? It's a powerful protection service (cloud backup) for phones and computers that provides 6 TB of storage for up to six devices. It's also a business if you want it to be. You're paid commissions when you share it with others and they become customers.

Have you ever had a digital disaster strike your phone, laptop or desktop? If your data, documents, work files, photos and videos are gone (and they're not backed up) it's a catastrophe. This happens to just everybody sooner or later. It's happened to me, but now I know it'll never happen again. My family has three phones, a desktop and a laptop protected with one account. It was easy to install on each device and we've had no issues.

Who are its competitors?

Every business has competition and there are, (of course) a variety of other cloud backup services.

What they don't offer, though, is such a large amount of storage space. You can get it, but the prices go up. Speaking of prices, they're all roughly the same – give or take a few dollars. In some cases, GotBackup is much cheaper.

The GotBackup service itself is just fine as a stand-alone, retail product. That's important. But having the opportunity to build a business by sharing it with others is a unique bonus.

How is the affiliate plan?

For one thing, it's pretty easy to understand. It also pays very well once you build out your business.

By referring others, who also become affiliates, you're creating a sales force beneath you in a matrix type structure that goes to infinity!

You're paid every Friday for commissions earned that week, through Payoneer or Wise.

Anyway, they pay like clockwork - and I should know, because I've found the product easy to sell. Why? Because everyone needs it. The $9.95 a month that the peace of mind buys is very persuasive.

What I don't like

I think they hit you with too many aggressive up-sells in the back office (though the auto-responder is a must-have). Also, they offer a co-op advertising plan that I wouldn't suggest using.

Final verdict

For $9.95 a month, this is a no-brainer.

For 6TB covering up to six devices, I think it's under priced.

Another thing is that no one's heard of it. That's great, from a sales standpoint.

What you have here is a simple product, with an emotional appeal – and you're getting in at the beginning, the sweet-spot for any network marketing opportunity.


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