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Linda Bomba's review...
My experience with the program so far

Get instant targeted traffic to any offer. You have full control of your campaign as you can stop and start it anytime you wish.

I ran one campaign and got 175 leads!

In fact, I started getting clicks from the moment I published my ad. It was super easy!

I am currently running a second campaign and so far, I have gotten 262 leads.

What I Like

Easy to set up a campaign you choose niche, make money online, weight loss or health.

They recently added categories for English tier one countries and one for international tier countries.

It also allows you to pick traffic providers or leave it blank for all. Also, you pick countries or leave blank for all as well as devices, operating system, and traffic tags such as email, engaged, mixed, funnel, excess clicks, Facebook ads or webinar registrations. If you want all tags, you just leave it blank.

It allows you to set the maximum clicks, total & daily budget and for unlimited you can just leave them all blank.

What I Dislike

Really nothing but it might be helpful to have more tutorial videos. There is only one which appears on their main web page, and I don't see any videos inside the affiliate account.

Final Verdict

This site was recommended to me and so I decided to give it a try. I will let this campaign run for 10 days look at my results and then run another one. Will update my results here as I go along but so far it delivered leads quickly.

I set up and ran 1 campaign, spent $300 and got 175 leads not sure if I got a sale or not but I am promoting a high-ticket offer. I am pleased with the results, so I am running another campaign and testing with different offers. This is my go to number #1 traffic source that gets me leads fast to build my email list.


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Scott Dubois's review...
My experience with the program so far

Welcome to my review of Leadsleap. I have made a couple of reviews now on Leadsleap, one of which is a video review of it on YouTube and the second is on my website. I have reviewed it twice and now a third time here.

I guess that being said. I LOVE LEADSLEAP! !

Let me just say this. I am thrilled to have found such a great website like Leadleap. When I first saw it on my first safelist website I joined I didn't want to go to it because I thought, "Oh yeah probably another MLM, or failed program, or whatever.

Jeff Aman who I work with on a few things suggested LeadsLeap. So I finally went and checked out this site...

What I found out then was that this was not only a place to earn passive income and traffic, but it was a place to also have an all-in-one Affiliate back office with all the tools you could ever need or want.

Still unsure of this new landscape I dove right into the pro membership which I know when you are trying something out you are going to say "Really Scott? " Well no. This year going on my second year in affiliate marketing I told my wife "I am going to capitalize on traffic this year and try and go above 60 sales! " Which in my first year, (Last year) Is what I made.

So all of that being said I took the chance on pro not really knowing what this new landscape held for me but trusting my gut which is something I do most of the time when doing business and I made Investments that better my business.

Whether it's a new income system or a new traffic system or whatever have you I make an investment that can benefit my business for a long time. So I got pro and went on to test the waters out per se. So I started out posting my pro ads, making landing pages, and testing out the affiliate tools and really got into it.

I set up some reviews and here is where it gets really interesting. In the past month and 5 days, I made 14 sales from my reviews. THIS WEBSITE BLOWS MY MIND. I have been super excited to be part of such a great community and I am glad I made the investment and went with LeadsLeap.

What I Like

  • I like the all-in-one affiliate back office where you can get all the tools ever needed to succeed online. What are those tools? You get a link tracker, rotator, autoresponder, a place that hosts images and PDFs (For lead magnets), form/popup manager, squeeze page and landing page builder, funnel builder which is great for sales pages and whatnot, and much, much more.
  • I like how easy it is to get traffic to see your offers.
  • I like the 5 income streams that this site offers and I have already made some money from that as well.
  • I like how well all the tools work including the trackers.
  • I like how great the page builder is when creating landing pages. The only other system I've used that is this good is Lead Pages and even then it is far too expensive for that so LeadsLeap is a great place to switch landing pages over to and for less money which in the business world it is best to get things for less if it is at all possible because to do things cost-effectively it is best to shop around for the best tools and Leadsleap is that place with the best tools.
  • I like all the pages having tutorials that help you along if you ever need to check out any tutorials on what each thing does.
  • I like how with the squeeze pages you build can be linked with a third-party autoresponder Awebber, Getresponse, etc.

What I Dislike

The only thing I can say that is a dislike on Leadsleap is the autoresponder. The autoresponder is easy to set up which is great. When driving traffic to a list inside the SendSteed app, however, there is a feature that I and many other marketers do not like and that is the double opt-in feature. Unfortunately, this can't be turned off and it sucks when you drive let's say 109 prospects to your page like I did in the past month and only 59 verify which means you only get 59 and the other 50 are unverified which means that contact vanishes and you can't send an email to them unless they verify. This feature is a very small dislike but very annoying when trying to get Leads so you can nurture and sell to that lead.

Final Verdict

Despite the one dislike I have to say that Leadsleap is a must-have if you are going to be successful in the Affiliate Marketing world. The system is very, very great especially when setting up pages, autoresponders, and any of the other tools that are needed in the marketing industry it is also only 20ish dollars which is great considering all the tools it gives you which is a steal because buying all those tools separately (I know because I have had all those tools separately) runs you up about 100-150 dollars in the hole before you even get your first sale and then you need to have a bunch of sales every month to make up the 150 dollars. Do keep in mind those prices are Canadian for me and that's crazy when starting a business.

Leadsleap is a steal and honestly, I would suggest upgrading to the pro especially because it unlocks a couple of other things that boost your business. If you don't see the value in paying the 20 every month then you are looking for the wrong things and what you have with Leadsleap is a state-of-the-art system that helps businesses not hinders them.

My closing statement is to get LeadsLeap and add it to your business as an investment it is amazing and in no time you will be pulling in traffic and sales!

*June 2024 update*

I am still receiving traffic constantly to my offers from Leadsleap. It is an amazing website with so much potential. I am still building professional-looking landing pages and capture pages and have even been earning affiliate commissions from promoting Leadsleap with one of the many ways to earn with LeadsLeap.

With the many things you can do inside LeadsLeap you will turn business around for yourself especially while being able to earn, get traffic and use its many tools that are needed for every day life in Affiliate Marketing.

For anyone interested I have a youtube channel where I do videos and I have review videos on LeadsLeap. If you are interested check out @civicedge1991 to go and check out my videos!

This website is amazing and you will not be disappointed.


Categorized under:
Internet Marketing
Philip Martindale's review...
Master Affiliate Profits (MAP) is a system that has been put together by John Thornhill and Omar and Melinda Martin. John Thornhill is the founder of the successful and popular Ambassador Program. Omar and Melinda are CMO and CEO of Higher Level Strategies, providing training, products and services for online marketers.

Their aim with MAP is to provide a complete ecosystem for affiliate marketers. The intention is to safe-guard leads (so they are not poached by the program vendors) and to include traffic, training and tools within the system. In addition, affiliates who sign-up will enjoy 75% commissions on recruiting backers to the system during the current phase 2. Phase 2 has been extended while the developers add their finishing touches to phase 3. Phase 3 will be the phase when subscriptions switch to monthly.

My experience with the program so far

I joined on March 14th 2024. Though I consider myself very experienced with affiliate marketing, I have learned some absolute gems in the training. Implementing this new-found knowledge has helped me attract some high quality traffic to my one-link and build my list. I am confident that sales will follow soon as I can tell from the built-in tracking that I am getting a lot of interest from potential buyers.

By joining in phase 2, as a platinum member, I am showing my lifetime commitment to MAP. I can see how the system will remove many of the obstacles that have been holding affiliate marketers back. I am going to get 75% commissions on affiliates who join and upgrade to higher levels during phase 3, and I will also be entitled to level 2 commissions of 25%. As members will have to pay monthly (from phase 3 onwards), this will add up very nicely.

The lifetime cost of $797 (one-off) is good value for what you get, and just two sales will be all I need to earn more than that back,

Free members (joining in the imminent phase 3) will also be able to earn high commissions e.g. 100% on a product inside the system called traffic jump-start and 25% commissions on silver, gold or platinum level sales. Higher commissions are attainable by joining at the higher levels.

What I Like

I especially like the lead safe-guarding that MAP offers owing to the fact that it is an ecosystem. Its holistic qualities also mean that I have almost all the training and tools that I will ever need. The tools range from the ability to build funnels to creating bonuses and more. The training covers subjects such as list building, email marketing, traffic, video marketing, blogging, social media, and creating ads and banners.

I like the fact that the compensation plan is easy to understand and does not include gimmicks like powerlines and spillover and so on.

The fact that it will have a free membership option from phase 3 onwards, appeals to me, as it will be easier to sign prospects up who may then go on to upgrade.

I also like the way you can potentially earn commissions from external sources that the system integrates with or utilizes, such as WarriorPlus, JVZoo. Clickbank, Udimi, Aweber, Getresponse and so on.

The way that I can sort or filter my clicks by source, tracking ID and date, is a great feature as well as the way my leads and sales data are displayed.

What I Dislike

There is nothing I dislike. It has a few 'coming soon' items, but as long as they are indeed coming soon i.e. in phase 3, that's absolutely fine. The training and tools that are there are already very extensive.

Final Verdict

The system lives up to the claim that it is an ecosystem, with safe-guarding of your leads, built-in traffic, one link to promote, generous commissions, extensive training and tools and a thriving Facebook group.


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Scott Dubois's review...
My experience with the program so far

What is MegaMailOut?

MegaMailOut is a product by Dawud Islam that will in my opinion be able to get anyone lots of traffic. My experience was pretty good when I did it and I will explain why. In this product, Dawud offers 5 soloads to be sent to over 35,000 people 5 TIMES so if we look at the math that is 175,000 people (These people are on his list. )

Now, any soload you look at buying (after being in this industry a year and seeing how to operate this online industry I have figured the following out) will run you anywhere from 40 dollars to almost 100 dollars or more just for 100 clicks.


That is a lot of money. Dawud came up with a simple system for 10 bucks. THAT IS IT. For 10 dollars he will send an email ad that you make to 35,000 people 5 x for 10 dollars. Why has Dawud offered that for so low? Because he wants people to succeed just like I do and that is why I am here sharing this awesome product with you.

What I Like

I like how easy the system is to set up your soload to send to Dawud. All you have to do when setting up everything is make an account login to the system after buying and follow the videos that will teach you how to set up everything. He explains during the videos how to send your email ad copy (which isn't hard) to him and tells you not to overload it with a bunch of stuff in other words Keep It Short! ! Send your URL to him and bam he will send out your email 5 x (or 5 different URLs and Emails) to 35,000 people.

(Do keep in mind you also have to send a copy of your receipt to him when sending your ad copy or he will not honor your solo ad)

I like the value he offers inside the system which he has a few bonuses some being some of the safelists he offers and also offers bonuses with some extra info. I will take this time to let you know that I will also add my own sweet bonuses to this.

The system is just that easy. You set it up he does the work and you get some extra value added to it which increases your chances of succeeding online.

What I Dislike

I usually warn people at the start of a review if it is a bad review or not and in this review, it is a good review so I did not find much that I found to be a dislike as I always find stuff that has value and makes sense.

Final Verdict

If you are looking for targeted traffic and you are looking to try something out for 10 dollars I think this is well worth trying as it does offer lots of value and honestly the 10 dollars is better than going to a site like Udimi and paying 40-100 dollars just for 100 clicks.

You will have clicks providing your email is extremely interesting and your offer isn't just one of the already seen offers that are extremely saturated all over the internet. I would strongly suggest building a very decent landing page, capture page to your offer, and then taking note of other email ads that you have seen and making your own. This can take anywhere from 30 mins-1 hour to just research.

As I said above it is well worth it to get this as I did and had success with it. For 10 dollars it is quite a steal unless you like paying 10 bucks for 20 clicks on a soload site.

I strongly suggest this great product by Dawud.

Thanks for reading I hope I gave you some insight into this great product and I hope you find value in my review and in the product as well, as I did. Thanks again!


I continue to get targeted clicks to my email list and campaigns with the help of this great product from Dawud. I have been getting targeted people now for a few months and keep building my list higher and higher.

As they say the money is in the list and that being said it is definitely one way to get traffic to any of your links! I still strongly suggest this wonderful product and highly recommend it especially to beginners who don't have a big budget and need traffic for a low budget!


Categorized under:
Safelist Mailer
Scott Dubois's review...
My experience with the program so far

Hello Everyone and welcome to my review on 100 percent clicks. I would like to start this off by saying that I have really enjoyed this safelist website already thus far and the value they add.

My experience with this site has been exceptional. When I first joined I started right into figuring out how to use the site and ripped it apart looking at every angle and every way to advertise using this site.

It is very simple to get started with this site. I highly recommend that in this site if you do sign up that you do get the lifetime membership upsells as they do offer great value and also from time to time Frank will send you promo codes to put in so you can get some extra advertising which is amazing. I will add though that the lifetime membership is not mandatory but it is good to get.

In my experience anything that offers a lifetime premium membership is good to get as that is a place where you can advertise for years and years to come pulling in leads to your offers and list for YEARS. We are in the results business and we want to see results getting your offers, optins, and other things in front of eyeballs for years and years to come is good especially if you don't have to keep paying after you get that certain lifetime membership.

Looking for lifetime premium memberships is good if you are starting out because signups for a 1-time payment outweigh anything online when building especially when you have to pay oh so many dollars per campaign for say a soload.

I will advise though that you should have some decent offers to offer or you will be chasing that first sale or any sale for a long time with no real reward. Make sure when you have an affiliate offer that you have a decent one that you can advertise especially on a site like this.

What I Like

As I mentioned above it is extremely easy to get started. This site offers extreme value and also has promo codes and stuff that allow you to get more advertising and things like that.

I have gotten some signups to my offers from this site in just a little under a week. Again I will mention here you have to have decent offers as with anything online if you put out you can expect back.

I have a few things from Frank now and can honestly say he adds value wherever he goes and whatever he does.

I like the easy setup of the banner ads. I have some that will be on there for a year and also have one that is a lifetime banner ad which I got from another one of my things that I am also promoting here in the reviews. (I can't add the link to that review here but it is the one I sent about my autopilot traffic source that is cheap and gives you buyer traffic. )

What I Dislike

I usually only write reviews if I like the specific thing or if its something I should warn you about. I personally so far haven't found much that I don't like about this site as it has provided me with lots to run my traffic sources on autopilot.

Final Verdict

My final verdict about this site is that after looking through the site and trying certain things out and whatnot I can honestly say that you are missing out if you haven't signed up to this great site yet.

The site is a must-have if you want another place that has eyeballs for your offers. I have added this to my traffic sources rotation where I get leads from constantly and have a bunch that I will eventually probably make reviews for.

I think that even if you don't get the lifetime membership you should sign up for free as I said the website has much to offer and is easy to use. Frank has built and continues to build great things for the affiliate marketing industry and this is another one of his great inventions

Don't wait! Get in now and start getting traffic for your offers and sites. Build your business with more eyeballs.

Still a very amazing program which I get signups from regularly it is an amazing site through and through!

*August 2024 Update*

June has been great for getting lots of traffic from 100 percent clicks to my list. I have also now made quite a few affiliate commissions from this site as well. This site provides traffic and a way to earn simply by promoting your link or you can just join for the traffic. I have received countless numbers of people to anything I promote.

Still an amazing site. I think so far I myself have made 100 dollars in commissions on this site and have also gotten hundreds of traffic. Don't wait to join because waiting to join might affect business some day...


Categorized under:
PLR & MRR Products
Joy Healey's review...
Re-reviewing this service in July 2023 and again June 2024

I am still using it and find it SO helpful. I couldn't produce and research this info that I then use, adapting it to my own requirements, adding my own experiences and sometimes using it to promote an affiliate product that fits the content.

Anyone as short of time as I am, wouldn't be without this very affordable service.

Happily others agree with me, so I have now been earning from the affiliate program, which has reduced the cost to me.

People might say that ChatGPT has killed the need for it, but I disagree, because the free version of ChatGPT doesn't include bang up-to-date info. So if I have to pay for a ChatGPT update to be up-to-date (vital when reporting on social media etc.) I may as well pay for a something that also produces me a complete newsletter!

My experience with the program so far

Well over a year (possibly two years) after joining, I am still extremely happy with this program. It has saved me hours in creating content for my blog and social media posts.

The program gives me Private Label Rights (PLR*) to a superb quality Internet Marketing newsletter each month that I send to my email list. They obviously enjoy it, as I get among my highest open rates when I send the Newsletter out.

* PLR material gives companies and individuals who don't have their own in-house expertise the right to use information produced by others as if it were their own.

Most PLR material has a deservedly terrible reputation. I have tons of it, on my hard disk, and it's so dire it would take me longer to correct / update it, so it's easier to start again.

This is NOT your average PLR!

I first joined this program maybe a couple of years ago. I loved it... But then I took a break from Internet Marketing for personal reasons so I cancelled my subscription.

Now I have returned to IM but I'm still short of time so when I was reminded about this service I was delighted to re-join.

What I Like

  • I'm really pressed for time, so this service saves me hours, creating quality content for social media, lead magnets and blog posts.
  • Let's be honest: even if I had all day, everyday, I don't have the skills or resources to come up with something as good as this.
  • The newsletter keeps me up-to-date with trends in IM in a way that I couldn't possibly handle myself.
  • The design quality is superb - my design skills are zero!
  • The training shows you many different ways to use this material in your marketing
  • Re-brand to your own affiliate links with one click. OR
  • Personalize more fully using the source files that are supplied
  • The perfect gift to send to my email list each month
  • Support is fast and helpful
  • The service has just celebrated its 12th birthday, so it's certainly stood the test of time!

What I Dislike

Yet to find anything!

Final Verdict

If you've ever struggled to find quality content for lead magnets, social media, blog posts etc. give this a try - you won't regret it.


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