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Paulette Fox's review...
My experience with the program so far

I joined LeadsLeap a few years back as a free member but did only the basics like setting up the Credit Ads and clicking for credits and Cash, not really being experienced enough to use everything therefore not knowing the Real Value of the product I had signed up for. It was only this year that I stumbled upon a program that caught my eye which recommended using LeadsLeap especially because of the Value you get for the reasonable monthly price.

What I Like

I like that there are so many necessary tools and especially for the programs I am using and whether you get upgraded to Pro or remain a Free member you have access to most of these.

As a Free member you get:

#1 An Autoresponder to build your list -You can create 10 lists with unlimited subscribers

#2 A Page builder -You can design your own from scratch or import others and give them your own personal touch-You are allowed 10 pages

#3 A Popup Creator- You can create 10 with hosting included

#4 A Link tracker-You can create 199 Trackers and 10 Rotators

#5 FIVE (5) different ways to make money

And so much more!

What I Dislike

I would say that I don't dislike anything only that I wish I had been more experienced to understand all that I have been missing out on over all the years. I am still learning how to figure it all out but with the training I am getting from my main offers I am already getting more results using most of these tools, sharing my LeadsLeap promotional links and pages I have created for my other opportunities while having fun creating.

Final Verdict

I highly recommend Leadsleap especially for the Value you get at such an Affordable price!


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Frank Lefebre's review...
My experience with the program so far

I call Leadsleap "The Internet's Best Kept Secret! "

Hi, my name is Frank Lefebre from Columbus, Ohio. I have been in network marketing for over 30 years. I have been full-time since 2009. I have used Leadsleap tools since 2008 but never promoted it as a business opportunity.

One day I was looking around the members area and discovered I had $163 in commissions (at 25%) and a downline of over 200. People joined from the tools and a few of them had upgraded. I thought "what if that had been 50%? " I immediately upgraded to Pro to earn 50% commissions and I started promoting. To date I have just cracked $6,000! (see updated stats below)

Update 12/18/22:
Total Followers: 634
Total earnings $1364.65

Update 3/8/23:
Total Followers: 740
Total earnings $2072.15

Update 7/14/23:
Total Followers: 890
Total earnings $3179.20

Update 9/24/23
Total Followers: 950
Total earnings $3670.65

Update 11/13/23
Total Followers: 1017
Total earnings $4011.05

Update 2/1/24
Total Followers: 1085
Total earnings $4623.10

Update 4/1/24
Total Followers: 1124
Total earnings $5089.40

Update 8/2/24
Total Followers: 1205
Total earnings $5945.50

Update 8/22/24
Total Followers: 1235
Total earnings $6,059.45!

I wish I had "discovered" Leadsleap sooner. Don't make the same mistake.

What I Like

I love the tools and particularly the landing page builder and autoresponder.

Residual monthly income. Even free members can earn!

Pro Members can have their ads shown in the network 24/7 without credits. Pro Members also have unlimited lists, pages and popups, and access to several other advanced features. You can check it out in the Member Area. Pro Members also earn 50% commission and get free followers.

I can easily share my capture pages and email campaigns with my team using the share codes provided!

I use Leadsleap to promote all of my online businesses!

What I Dislike

You don't get your referrals' contact information (privacy rights) therefore I suggest making a capture page for Leadsleap if you plan on following up with referrals. I have share codes for this for my team members!

Final Verdict

I absolutely love Leadsleap and highly recommend it to anyone who is serious about building their online business and income.
Get in on this!


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Scott Dubois's review...
Welcome, everyone, to my review of Big Monster Traffic by Dawud Islam. If you've read my previous reviews on Dawud's products, you'll know I'm a big fan of the value and deliverability they offer.

Once again, Dawud has delivered a product focused on boosting your website traffic. From my experience with his other products, I've consistently seen great results.

Running a business requires cost-effective strategies that also add significant value, and Dawud's products consistently tick both boxes.

Big Monster Traffic is no exception. It cuts through the noise of other traffic systems that promise the world but often fall short. This system is straightforward to set up and gets you going quickly—all you need to do is purchase the system and submit your links.

Don't forget to include your receipts to confirm your purchase—it's a simple step to get started. Additionally, I recommend checking out the upgrades, which can further enhance your traffic flow.

Using a rotator to promote your links is a smart move, especially for platforms like safelists. Rotators, as I've learned, are particularly effective with systems like The Click Engine and The Click Generator, as well as Dawud's own rotator products.

Once inside the system, you'll find yourself on the main page after creating your login. The setup process involves watching some instructional videos. Before submitting your links, Dawud provides a website to test them, ensuring they work seamlessly.

Personally, I tested my LeadsLeap rotator link, and it's been driving steady traffic to my site non-stop.

Submitting your details is quick, and Dawud is prompt in confirming everything. Once your link goes live, you'll start seeing results.

Beyond the traffic benefits, the members' area contains additional training and bonuses, including Dawud's flagship email marketing course—an added value that's worth exploring.

What I Like:

  • The simplicity of setup, purchase, load, and go.
  • How quickly everything can be up and running.
  • The added value through bonuses and training.
  • The one-time fee, plus any upgrade costs, which I believe is a steal considering the ongoing traffic.
  • Traffic comes in consistently, especially if you're using a rotator with multiple products like I do.

This system is perfect for catching the attention of potential buyers, especially if you're new to the online industry.

Final Verdict:

I highly recommend this system. It's an affordable source of buyer traffic that's hard to beat. Combined with other strategies like The Click Engine, The Click Generator, and safelists, this can significantly boost your online presence.

Remember, building your list takes time. But with patience and the right approach (the KTL factor—Know, Trust, Like), you'll see conversions.

For the current price, this is a no-brainer for anyone serious about driving quality traffic to their offers.

In business, cost-effectiveness is crucial, and Dawud's product offers just that—quality traffic without breaking the bank.

While soloads might offer quicker results, for those on a budget, having multiple traffic sources like this is better than none at all.

I hope this review has been insightful and helpful. Good luck with your ventures, and stay tuned for more reviews from me!

*June 2024 Update*

I am still getting daily leads from this on my capture pages. I am still having great success using Dawud's Big Monster Traffic. It was one of the best ones he has released and I have gotten all his rotators in the past because the guy knows traffic well and helps you get noticed!

Not all the signups buy something but when they do I get that cha-ching message in my email inbox saying I got a sale on whatever it is they signed up to on his traffic! I will keep updating this as we go along!


Still with this amazing product I am getting people to my lists, making sales and still making money. This is great considering that we are in the dead of summer and if you have been marketing for a long time you will know... The summer is SLOW

But The daily grind continues and this product continues to deliver constant traffic. Still really happy with it!


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KASH EMPIRE's review...
I've been a member of The Downliner for about a month now and I would have to say that I am highly impressed. I've been involved with a few other traffic coops however The Downliner is a complete game changer.

So far I like to use the text ads, and with that I have consistently gotten over 50% click thru rate with over 5000-9000 views in a 24 hour time frame. Which has also resulted in a few sign-ups to my main businesses! Very impressive!

Ok, so what exactly is The Downliner other than AMAZING?

The Downliner is a traffic exchange coop that ultimately generates traffic to your websites. It is one of the latest breakthroughs in coop advertising and serves as an efficient and effective way of promoting while generating passive income for all members. It allows anyone to just add their website link with stats then receive traffic from many different sources including PTCs, Safelists, Traffic Exchanges, Classified Ads, CPC traffic as well as social media.

You can register as a free or paid member and can start using the platform immediately. You use points to purchase traffic/views to your websites and can earn points by either purchasing them, or promoting your own coop link.

When promoting your coop link you earn 1:1 which is 1 point per unique view.

As free member, you can earn 10% monthly recurring commissions per referral and if you are a paid member you can earn 30% monthly recurring commissions, when your referral upgrades. Free members can advertise 3 websites and paid members can advertise 10 websites in the campaign.

What makes this what makes this system utterly unique is that you can advertise your sites using banners, text ads (my favorite), and because we can post our sites too in Social Media. The social posts are shown on Twitter, Facebook Groups, LinkedIn, Google Plus, and Pinterest without even having an account with them!

The Downliner have an anti-cheat system that prevents users from other traffic exchanges for using auto-surf bots to gain credits and a timer set with a recurring period valid for 5 minutes wherein views from the same surfers within that time period are not counted. These ensures that your coop views are not wasted and deductions to it are coming from unique views only from traffic exchanges.

The Downliner is attractively advertising us and The TE Coop. It displays our Gravatar photo, it shows how many points we just earned by displaying the site and it persuades the viewer to sign-up to the coop and promotes his/her ad on thousands of sites daily, just like what we are doing here.

This is incredibly compelling, to earn 30% recurring commission from our referrals, and I assure you that everyone who tries The Downliner advertising would not cancel their subscription any time soon. Actually, there's no need to advertise our referral link; we only need to rotate our own co-op link!

Most members who joined find the best way to start is by adding a banner to the system then adding their own social links. Once this is done you should add the sites you wish to promote. Once approved your site will be in rotation on the network.

You have the option always to upgrade your account and we only offer 1 paid option (except for the One-Time offer). Free members receive 10% commission and Paid members receive 30%. The cost to upgrade is $9.99 per calendar month which works out as costing much less than you would pay for a monthly membership at any leading Traffic Exchange or Safelist. The price includes 6,800 shop points equivalent to 5,400 Cooperative Views or two 30 day banner or text ads and is given each month you remain active.

Start promoting your websites now in The Downliner. I assure, you'll get a compelling TE advertising and a consistent monthly recurring income.

I give this platform a solid 5 Stars


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Save Money
Dwaine 's review...
My Experience So Far

Starting on the Nexus Rewards journey has been a wonderfully intriguing venture. I joined 1/1/24 and it's now 2/18/24. As an online and offline consumer, I'm always on the lookout for programs that offer value to me while providing potential for growth and income. Nexus Rewards caught my attention as a program that promises to reward its members for everyday activities and purchases.

What I Like

The idea of earning cash back on purchases I would make anyway had outstanding appeal to me. The idea of getting cheaper phone, internet, household utilities, or legal services never occurred to me and I love getting those discounts. NexusRewards has a wide array of participating retailers, which means more opportunities to save--over 3,500 according to their website.

The user interface is straightforward, making navigation a breeze even for those who may not be as tech-savvy. Additionally, the potential for earning through referrals is a bonus, especially for someone like me who values the power of network marketing. I liked that the potential is there for everyone, but for those who don't like networking for money, the app is free to join and free to use.

Another aspect I appreciate is the customer service. In my interactions, (There's been more than a few! ) they've been responsive and helpful, which is crucial for any service-based platform. It's reassuring to know that if issues arise, there's a reliable team ready to assist promptly and clearly.

What I Dislike

No system is without its flaws, and Nexus Rewards is no exception. One of the drawbacks I've noticed is the variability in cash back percentages. While some deals are quite generous, others are less so, which can be a bit disappointing. It's important for users to manage their expectations and not assume uniform high returns on all purchases. I'm not sure what I expected here; but, like I said, no system is perfect.

The learning curve for maximizing the benefits can be steep for newcomers... If 30 minutes to an hour can be considered "steep. " It takes time and effort to understand the best ways to earn and redeem rewards, which might deter some lazy users who are looking for a more straightforward rewards program. So, it took me about an hour to get all set up, but I guarantee it's not rocket science.

Final Verdict

Nexus Rewards offers a compelling proposition for those looking to get more out of their everyday spending. The platform's strengths lie in its broad merchant network, ease of use, and the additional earning potential through referrals. While it may not be the perfect fit for everyone, especially those seeking consistent high-value cash back rates, it certainly has its merits. 40% cash back at some restaurants should be a no-brainer for anyone.

For individuals who enjoy exploring new avenues for savings and income, and who are willing to invest the time to understand the system, Nexus Rewards will be a very valuable tool. It's a program that rewards engagement and loyalty, which aligns well with my philosophy of building relationships and communities in business.

In the realm of cash back and rewards programs, Nexus Rewards stands out as an exceptionally noteworthy option. It's not just about the savings; it's about being wise and thrifty as a part of the community that supports smart spending and financial growth. With a bit of patience and strategy, Nexus Rewards can indeed be a rewarding experience.


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IM Tool
KASH EMPIRE's review...
My experience with the program so far

I joined on the day of launch. In my first 24 hours of joining I made $70 without sponsoring a single person! This got me excited and made me take a deeper look into it and how it works.

For starters, is a imaging service that allows you to create personalized images that you can use within your email campaigns when email marketing. I set my first image to use for one of my businesses and from that very first email with the image I used I generated 2 SALES that day! I was impressed by the effectiveness of the service and software.

What I Like

What I like about this platform is that it is a one time cost of $147, so you don't have to worry about any monthly payments to remain active in the system. There are 2 upgrades that you can participate in as well. The Pro Plus membership which is $397 and the Platinum Pro membership which is $497. Both of these memberships allow you to earn even more in commissions from the Profit Lines.

Another thing I am liking about this platform is how members are retired out of the Profit Lines after earning their portion of commissions and everyone in the Profit Line is promoted to the next position to your right until you retire. Once you retire you won't be able to earn until you yourself sponsor someone into the platform. This was implemented to keep tire kickers and people looking for a free lunch out of Profit Lines and only keeping active Profit Partners in Profit Lines. Pure Genius because that is what worries most people about these platforms. If no one is recruiting, no one earns. Well you don't have to worry about that here.

Now I want to talk more about the Image Software. Before joining this platform, I never knew that imaging software was a "thing". But since I have joined and began using it, I have seen a big difference in my clicks and conversions. Definitely seeing more conversions when I use images in my emails. Since this is new to me, I am having a hard time thinking of what kind of images I can use. So far I just place myself on an image for branding, but I do want to be more creative.

What I Dislike

What I dislike about the platform is it is alot to take in. Not so easy to really understand right out the gate nor explain to someone. People don't really like reading now a days and there is a LOT of text on the platform. But if you take your time to go thru the information, everything you need it there.

Final Verdict

My final thoughts on this platform is that it is a completely innovative project that took a lot of planning and thought. I think it is perfect for anyone to get started with and earning. I have referred 14 people personally and don't plan to stop there as the compensation plan on this is incredible! If you are looking for a unique platform that allows you to earn from the efforts of others who are building and also teamwork then this is for you! You will be showered with commissions and passive income.


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