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List Building
Ron Jenkins's review...
If you've been exploring ways to make money online, you've probably realized that building an email list is one of the most reliable strategies for long-term success. But starting from scratch can be daunting, especially if you're a beginner. That's where List Infinity steps in, offering a straightforward, beginner-friendly system designed to help you build a profitable email list and earn daily commissions. I've spent some time diving into List Infinity, and here's what I found.

What Makes List Infinity Stand Out?

First, let's talk about the core promise. 100% commissions on every $7 sale, sent directly to you. That's not something you see every day, and it's a breath of fresh air compared to the typical 50% commissions many affiliate programs offer. Plus, the low entry price makes it accessible to just about anyone, especially those who are just getting started with limited budgets.

The system is designed with simplicity in mind. You don't need to be a tech wizard or have previous marketing experience.

Setting up the system is straightforward:

  1. You setup and customize your account
  2. Choose one of the high-converting lead capture pages
  3. Start promoting your link using the provided step-by-step traffic training

It's like having a roadmap laid out for you!

Personal Experience with List Infinity

From my personal experience, the setup process was refreshingly smooth. The platform provides several lead capture pages that are not only visually appealing but also effective at grabbing attention and converting visitors into subscribers. The integration with popular autoresponders like AWeber, GetResponse, and LeadsLeap made it easy to get started, and I was able to begin building my list almost immediately.

One of the standout features for me was the viral traffic builder. This tool allows you to earn mailing credits and commissions from your referrals, which is a fantastic way to generate even more traffic without additional cost. It's like having a little extra fuel to keep your email list growing continuously.

The step-by-step training is another highlight. It covers everything from promoting on social media to leveraging advertising platforms, all laid out in a way that's easy to follow. Even if you're completely new to this, you won't feel lost. I found the training modules to be quite comprehensive and packed with actionable tips that I could implement right away.

Pros and Cons


  • 100% Commissions: Earning the full amount on every sale feels incredibly rewarding and motivates you to keep pushing forward.
  • Ease of Use: Perfect for beginners, with no need for prior marketing or technical skills.
  • Affordable: At just $7 to start, it's an accessible entry point for anyone looking to dip their toes into online marketing.
  • Viral Traffic Builder: A unique feature that keeps your list growth momentum going.
  • Instant Payments: Commissions are sent directly to your chosen account, whether it's PayPal, Cash App, or even Bitcoin.


  • Limited Product Range: The $7 entry point is great, but for higher earning potential, upsells are needed.
  • Promotion Required: Success hinges on your ability to drive traffic, so be prepared to put in the effort to promote your link.

Final Verdict: Is List Infinity Worth It?

Overall, List Infinity delivers on its promises. It's a fantastic option for beginners who want to start building an email list and earning commissions without breaking the bank. The system is user-friendly, the training is comprehensive, and the earning potential is appealing, especially with the 100% commission structure.

However, like any system, your success depends on the effort you put into promoting it. The tools and training are all there, but it's up to you to take action. If you're willing to follow the steps and consistently drive traffic, List Infinity can be a valuable addition to your online marketing toolkit.

Rating: 4/5

While it's not a perfect system and has its limitations, the ease of use, affordability, and direct payment structure make List Infinity a solid choice for anyone looking to get started with affiliate marketing and list building.


Categorized under:
Health & Fitness
Glenn Murphy's review...
LiveGood - My Experiences and Review

I joined LiveGood in November of 2023 mainly because I was interested in both getting healthier & losing weight. And to be honest, I had experienced a cardiac event earlier in 2023 and the vitamins and supplements interested me because they were so inexpensive compared to what I was buying at the time.

I will tell you that I used a combination of LiveGood Products, intermittent fasting, and the carnivore diet and have lost 85 pounds so far. Quite amazing as it has been easier to lose than I've ever experienced in my entire life!

What I Like About LiveGood

First, the member pricing of the full line of vitamins, supplements, and other products.

Second, all of the products I've tried are, in my opinion, of excellent quality and purity.

Third, I enjoy watching the videos of Dr. Ryan Goodkin, Director of Product Development, and Director of Product Education Lisa Goodkin every Monday at Noon EST. These videos have taught me much about LiveGood products and many aspects of human health.

Fourth, the entire LiveGood team from Ben Glinsky, CEO down the line seems very focused and concerned about the health of the people they serve. This is nice to see as we in the United States have some serious health issues facing us.

Fifth, I am proud to tell others about LiveGood because of its high quality and low price points. As a member, I am saving a considerable amount of money over what I was paying for my monthly vitamins and supplements.

Sixth, I love that you can promote the products and opportunity for a one-time affiliate fee of $40.00. I paid my membership for the entire year in addition to the affiliate fee because by doing so you get 2 months free.

What I Dislike About LiveGood

I was led to believe that you can make money via "spillover" without referring anyone. This I have found to be untrue to date. I'm not saying it doesn't happen because I read other reviews where people are getting spillover. That said, I have seen zero spillovers thus far.

Hopefully, as the company grows and adds additional products outside of the health niche this will happen with every member.

Final Verdict

I am excited about what I'm hearing about the planned growth of LiveGood and I'm happy with everything else about the company and its leadership so I plan to stick around and renew for another year.

If you are considering LiveGood I hope this review has helped you in your decision-making process. And, I would say go for it with one caveat...

Just don't expect to make money by doing nothing, if spillover happens let that be a nice surprise.

I wish each of you all the best in your health and wealth.


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IM Tool
Willy Mwanafunzi's review...
My experience with the program so far

I joined WEBFIRE in March 2022. Webfire is one of the more popular software that helps you with the Automation of your campaigns. It actually gets you opportunities to get traffic and increase your sales. This software is connected to social media forums. The owners of the software keep updating it to be more efficient.

What I Like

Webfire 3.0 is easy to use and is connected to different social media forums where your customers are hanging out. The Software allows you to find all conversations and gives keywords and phrases that go out and find any leads for people that are looking to buy the product you're selling.

This system analyzes ranking, different changes, and movements that are going on in a particular niche on the different search engines. It then gives you suggestions on what to change so that you can reach more leads.

What I Dislike

Actually, the system works pretty well, I can only mention that it's a High Ticket Product.

Final Verdict

Shawn Casey and Brian Koz are the creators of the software, they made this system friendly user and it's linked to another payment tracking that allows you to show all your approved payments, pending or paid.


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Iryna 's review...
My Experience with AI Traffic Surge 2024 So Far

I recently bought AI Traffic Surge 2024 because I wanted to boost my traffic without spending tons of money on ads or wasting hours on social media. So far, I've been really impressed. The setup was super simple, and I could start driving traffic almost right away. The training is clear and straightforward, making it easy to follow along even if you're new to this kind of thing.

After just a few days, I've already started seeing more targeted visitors to my site, and it feels like I finally have control over my traffic. It's refreshing not to depend on paid ads or complicated strategies!

What I Like

Easy Setup: You don't need any technical skills to get started. The step-by-step instructions made the whole process smooth and quick.

No Ads Required: The best part? You don't have to spend a penny on ads to see results, which makes it really cost-effective.

Proven Traffic Strategy: The system uses a secret traffic source that's not saturated, so I'm getting high-quality visitors without much competition.

Flexible Across Niches: Whether you're in e-commerce, affiliate marketing, or blogging, this system works for any niche.

Affordable: At just $12.95, it's an absolute bargain for what you get!

Low Time Commitment: You only need about 30 minutes a day to manage your traffic strategy, which fits easily into my schedule.

What I Dislike

Limited Features in the Basic Version: The front-end product is great, but if you want more advanced tools or done-for-you campaigns, you'll need to invest in the upgrades.

Consistency Needed: While the system is easy to use, you still need to commit at least 30 minutes daily to optimize your traffic. If you miss a day, you might not see the full potential.

Extra Costs for Upgrades: Some advanced features and additional traffic strategies come with an extra cost, so you might end up spending more than the initial price if you want to unlock everything.

Final Verdict

Overall, AI Traffic Surge 2024 is an amazing tool for anyone looking to increase their website traffic without spending a fortune. I've had a great experience with it so far, and I can see it becoming a long-term part of my strategy. Whether you're just starting out or are more experienced, this system can help you get the traffic you need to boost your sales. I highly recommend it for anyone who's serious about growing their online presence.

Ready to level up your traffic game? Grab AI Traffic Surge 2024 today and start seeing the difference!


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Safelist Mailer
Scott Dubois's review...
My Enthusiastic Review of Mailer Gold

Hey there, fellow marketers!

If you're on the lookout for an exciting way to drive traffic to your offers, you're in for a treat. Today, I'm spilling the beans on my fantastic experience with Mailer Gold. So grab a coffee, sit back, and let's dive in!

Stumbling Upon a Game-Changer

I discovered Mailer Gold last fall but didn't fully dive in until January this year, and it has genuinely been a game-changer in my marketing journey.

This safelist website isn't just another face in the crowd; it has a unique twist that sets it apart – Click Credits.

While free members use regular credits, paid members use these magical Click Credits. What's the big deal, you ask? Well, with just 5 Click Credits, paid members can send emails, making the process a breeze.

From the moment I signed up, Mailer Gold became one of my top tools for driving traffic. The results? Absolutely phenomenal! I've seen a significant boost in my list and offers, and I couldn't be happier.

Why Mailer Gold Rocks

First off, the platform is incredibly user-friendly. The navigation is as smooth as butter, with clear buttons guiding you every step of the way. And if you ever feel a bit lost, the "Help and Training" section is like having a trusty sidekick – packed with detailed directions and explanations.

One of the biggest perks? The membership fee. For a one-time payment, you get lifetime access. I grabbed my membership for just $17, and trust me, it's worth every penny. The price increases slightly with each new signup (by 1 cent to be exact) – still a steal!

As a paid member, you get to email both free and paid members, expanding your reach exponentially. I've always preferred one-time fee safelists for their value, and Mailer Gold has not disappointed.

What I Absolutely Love About Mailer Gold

  • Simplicity at Its Best: The intuitive design is perfect for beginners.
  • Affordable Lifetime Access: A single fee for lifetime membership – it doesn't get better than this.

  • Boosted Traffic: It's been amazing for driving traffic to my list and offers.

  • Stellar Support: The support team is always ready to help.
  • Earning Opportunities: You can earn by getting others to sign up.

  • Click Credits: Paid members can send emails with just 5 Click Credits – talk about efficiency!

Any Drawbacks?

Honestly, I haven't encountered any issues so far. If anything comes up, I'll be sure to update you. But for now, Mailer Gold is hitting all the right notes.

Final Thoughts

If you're serious about generating traffic for your sales and capture pages, Mailer Gold is a must-have in your toolkit. It's been an invaluable asset for me, driving sales and offering fantastic compensation for Gold Members.

Free members earn 30% commissions, while paid members earn a whopping 60%. More traffic, more sales, more earnings – what's not to love?

Thanks for sticking around and reading my review. I hope you found it insightful and helpful. Happy marketing!


Categorized under:
List Building
Scott Dubois's review...
My Experience with Vita Vee's Optin Dojo

Hello and welcome to my review of Vita Vee's Optin Dojo. I'm excited to share my personal experience with this program and explain everything I've discovered since becoming part of his site.

I must start by saying I love all of Vita's online tools, especially the one I'll discuss in a moment. Anytime you see his name in reviews or associated with any tool, I highly recommend picking it up because he creates amazing things.

At the beginning of my affiliate journey, I heard about Vita Vee through the Rapid Profit Machine and learned about his Optin Dojo. Initially, I wasn't interested and continued using ClickMagick. However, after some time, Vita's name resurfaced within the Rapid Profit Machine, and by then, he had launched Traffic Zest. Being part of Traffic Zest, I was curious and did some research.

One night, despite my success with Traffic Zest, I couldn't resist diving deeper. My research led me back to Optin Dojo. While checking out a few solo ad vendors from Traffic Zest, I stumbled upon an online report authored by Vita Vee, priced at just $5, titled "Solo Ad Mastery: Overnight Hacks. " This report links to Optin Dojo, and I believe every online entrepreneur should grab it.

The report, though inexpensive, was packed with six or seven hacks for solo ads that transformed my business. Following Vita's advice in the report, I saw a dramatic improvement in my conversion rates and email performance. This report is a must-have, as it guarantees front-end sales and enhances backend email and follow-up sales. My capture and bridge pages, modeled after Vita's suggestions, converted between 45% and 90%.

For instance, during a Traffic Zest campaign, my pages converted at 70-80%, and solo ads from James Neville-Taylor converted at 45%. Additionally, Vita's Optin Dojo guides you on selecting the right products, a crucial skill for success in the Make Money Online niche.

The Optin Dojo

Optin Dojo is a comprehensive software that tracks your links and offers more features than ClickMagick, all at a lower cost. It's user-friendly and highly effective. I highly recommend both the Optin Dojo and the solo ad report, as they provide exceptional value and innovation.

What I Like

  • The simplicity of Vita Vee's tools, especially Optin Dojo.
  • The report's groundbreaking hacks that dominate the solo ad space.
  • Optin Dojo's superior tracking compared to ClickMagick.
  • The affordability of Optin Dojo at $37 a month versus $60 for ClickMagick.
  • Vita Vee's consistent creation of outstanding tools.

What I Dislike

There's nothing I dislike about the Dojo or the report. Both are exceptional!

Final Verdict

If you grab the report, you might see my testimonial on the page, as Vita Vee kindly agreed to feature it. My final verdict is a strong 5/5 stars. Both Optin Dojo and the solo ad hack report are masterpieces, packed with value and innovation.

Optin Dojo has genuinely revolutionized my approach to affiliate marketing. The tool's simplicity and effectiveness in tracking and improving conversion rates have given me a competitive edge. It's rare to find a tool that not only meets but exceeds expectations, and Optin Dojo does just that. The hacks in the solo ad report are practical, actionable, and designed to produce immediate results, which has been a game-changer for my campaigns.

Moreover, the affordability of Optin Dojo, especially compared to other tools like ClickMagick, makes it accessible for marketers at any level. Vita Vee's dedication to providing high-quality, user-friendly tools is evident in every aspect of Optin Dojo. His ability to anticipate the needs of online entrepreneurs and address them with innovative solutions is truly commendable.

In summary, Vita Vee's Optin Dojo and the solo ad hack report are essential for anyone serious about succeeding in affiliate marketing. The insights and tools provided have not only improved my business but have also instilled a greater sense of confidence in my marketing strategies. I strongly recommend these resources to anyone looking to enhance their online marketing efforts. Thanks for reading, and I hope this review helps you make an informed decision about Vita Vee's Optin Dojo and the solo ad report.


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