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Health & Fitness
Angela Peters's review...
My experience with the program so far

I joined Livegood a few days before Christmas because the opportunity had just gone global which was perfect for me because I am based In Ireland.

I found out the the founders had recently updated the compensation plan to include a done or you capture pages complete with follow up emails and a powerful power line which enables you to reserve a spot in the Matrix for free.

Livegood is essentially a membership club for as little as 33 Cents per day you can get access to state of the art nutritional products directly from the manufactures at a highly discounted rate.

While at the same time you can position yourself to earn in 6 different ways, lets break them down for you.

6 Ways We Get Paid In Livegood

1. Weekly Fast Start Bonus

For each person who you refer to LiveGood who becomes a member and an affiliate for $49.95, you will rewarded with a $25 commission paid out the very next week!

Plus, if any of the people you enroll choose to enroll others, not only will they be rewarded, but you will also receive additional bonus commissions up to 10 levels deep.

2. 2*15 Forced Matrix Commissions

When you lock in your position in LiveGood, you are given your own business center in our fast filling 2x15 Matrix!

As more people join LiveGood every week, they are placed in the matrix UNDER everyone who is already in there, following their enroller.

3. 50% Matching Bonus

As HUGE as the Fast Start Commissions and Matrix Bonuses are, our Matching Bonuses are even BIGGER!

You will also match 50% of the matrix commissions on everyone you enroll, AND a percentage everyone those people enroll

FIVE ENROLLMENT GENERATIONS DEEP, regardless of where they fall in your matrix!

4. Retail Commissions

As an affiliate of LiveGood any time one of your referrals makes a purchase as a Retail Customer, you will earn 50% of the difference between the Member price and the Retail price.

Retail Commissions are paid following the same payout structure as as Fast Start Commissions.

Unlike Fast Start Commissions that are only paid out one time, Retail Commissions can be earned unlimited times every time a Retail Customer places an order

5. Influencer Bonuses

For Affiliates who choose to market products to Retail Customers on a larger scale, you will earn additional bonuses on all of that volume.

In fact, you will earn up to 100% of the difference between the Member price and the Retail price on all orders by your referred Retail Customers.

6. Diamond Bonus Pool

Once you achieve Diamond rank, you will share in 2% of total company sales every month!

What I Like

I like that the founders of this opportunity have a proven track record in the Industry, they have taken everything they had learn from successfully launching similar businesses in the past and put together an amazing opportunity which allows everyone to win.

I also like the facet that international affiliates get paid through a global e-wallet called i-payout which is available in 200 countries with more than 180 currencies world wide, it also has more than 20 different methods of payment including a pre paid card.

What I Dislike

As the company only launched 6 months ago and only opened up globally a week ago, its still early days.

Final Verdict

If you are looking for a home based business in 2023 which will not break the bank you can take a free tour of our power line today, you can then secure your spot on our 2*15 forced matrix and as our team go about building our business you could end up benefiting from spill over.


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Linda Bomba's review...
My experience with the program so far

I recently learned about this program however I did have a free account for a long time and never used it.

Boy have I been missing out!

I actually went PRO today and set up 10 ads and started getting leads immediately!

I had no idea how powerful this system is and using it to grow my online business.

What I Like

I like all the different features you can use. I have been able to upload high converting pages that I have a share code.

This has to be one of the most powerful systems I have seen in the 12+ years I have been online. I am paying way more for just my auto responder!

For $27 you get a funnel and page maker, an auto responder, a tracking tool, a rotator tool and advertising through being able to set up 10 days and by giving reviews of products/services you use.

Not only do they pay you for referring people through their affiliate program, they pay you to surf 10 ads everyday with their daily action bonus. They also pay you through promoting their COOP, PPC and credit encashment.

There is not other affiliate program in this industry that does this so again there so many features and tools with this system it is worth way more than $27 per month.

What I Dislike

So far NOTHING but if I had to pick something and would like to see they pay faster there is currently a 60 day hold on commissions.

Final Verdict

I think is an outstanding system that every online business owner needs for a price that can't be beat!

I am so impressed with this whole system and the longer I use the more value I see there truthfully is anything else out there like this in our industry. I wish I found this when I got online in 2011.

If I was just starting out I would use this and not invest the thousands of dollars I have put into having auto responders, funnel makers, tracking tools and advertising. This is the best resource I have to date in this industry the value for the price is outstanding.

Leads Leap is a platform that will help you get more leads and sales and give you exposure for your business. It's the ultimate leverage I love it!


Categorized under:
List Building
Herbert Flores's review...
My experience with Minute Pop so far is promising and user-friendly.

Welcome to my review for Minute Pop, the ultimate solution for effortless email capture and engagement. This nifty product, crafted by Cindy Donovan and available on JVZoo, simplifies the process of capturing subscribers' emails and instantly monetizing them.

The front end product is the Minute Pop Collection – $46.47 One Time (increasing over launch)

The main selling point here is the speed and efficiency. Minute Pop claims to have everything set up and monetized in under a minute. In today's fast-paced world, where time is money, this is a game-changer for anyone looking to dive into online entrepreneurship without the hassle.

Imagine effortlessly choosing your niche, displaying a stunning lead capture popup, and automatically subscribing and delivering newsletters—all within a minute. This quick and easy setup is a dream come true for both beginners and seasoned marketers.

The second impressive feature is the package of 15 Completely DFY Lead Capture Funnels. Everything is pre-built, designed, and ready to capture leads. For those who value convenience and efficiency, this is a goldmine.

The third standout feature is the 5 Niche Targeted, Content Rich DFY Weekly Newsletters. This isn't just AI; it's a hands-free approach to stay relevant with niche-specific, trending news every week. It's the perfect way to engage and nurture your leads without lifting a finger.

Many people ask, "Can I really set this up in under a minute? " The answer is a resounding yes! The simplicity of Minute Pop's setup process is designed for users at every skill level. It's a user-friendly tool that puts automation at your fingertips.

Now, to address a minor drawback, some users may find the predefined niches limiting. However, for many, the provided niches cover a wide range of profitable areas, making this a minor consideration in the grand scheme of things.

What I Like

  • Simple and Fast Setup: Minute Pop lives up to its name in terms of initial setup. Choosing a niche, installing the popup, and selecting monetization options is indeed a quick and painless process.
  • Done-For-You Funnels and Newsletters: No need to create content from scratch. Minute Pop provides 15 pre-built lead capture funnels and 5 niche-targeted weekly newsletters, saving you tons of time and effort.
  • Multiple Monetization Options: You can choose to let Minute Pop manage affiliate marketing with Clickbank products, send traffic to your own URLs, or a combination of both. This flexibility caters to different income strategies.
  • Trending Content Delivered Automatically: The team at Minute Pop handles curation of relevant news and updates for your weekly newsletters, ensuring your subscribers receive fresh and engaging content without any effort on your part.
  • Beginner-Friendly: Even if you're new to email marketing, Minute Pop's user-friendly interface and pre-configured options make it easy to get started.

What I Dislike

  • Upsells and Ongoing Costs: While the core Minute Pop features are available for a one-time fee, unlocking all the bells and whistles involves additional upsells and monthly subscriptions.

Final Verdict

Minute Pop is a game-changing tool that turns complex tasks into a seamless, one-minute process. Embrace the future of online marketing, and let Minute Pop redefine your success. Click, purchase, and unlock the doors to automated prosperity.


Categorized under:
IM Tool
Nigel 's review...
My experience with Predis AI

It simplifies the process of making content for social media which makes it accessible and valuable for everyone.

This tool leverages AI to help create and optimise content. Whether you're a small business owner, content creator, or just looking to boost your online presence, Predis AI can be a game-changer.

Starting is easy: sign up, set up your account, and you're ready to go. The dashboard is your command center, clearly displaying all features and options.

One standout feature is its ability to generate content ideas. If your facing writer's block, just Input a few keywords, and Predis AI provides a list of potential topics and angles, acting as your brainstorming partner.

What I Like

Once you have ideas, Predis AI will help you create posts. It analyses your inputs and generates engaging suggestions.

For example, a bakery inputting words like "cupcakes" and "birthday" gets crafted posts highlighting celebrations with cupcakes, complete with catchy phrases and visuals.

This blend of creativity and data-driven insights ensures your posts capture your audience's attention.

Predis AI also optimises posts for maximum reach and engagement. It analyses the best times to post, trending hashtags, and what content resonates most with your audience. It's like having a marketing expert constantly providing tailored advice.

The AI learns and adapts, understanding your style and preferences better over time, making increasingly accurate suggestions aligned with your brand voice and goals.

What I Disliked

When I first signed up to Predis, I found it a bit clunky but the team have worked hard to make it a much more enhanced user experience

Final Verdict

If you want to elevate your content creation and engage your audience more effectively, Predis AI is worth exploring. Its blend of advanced technology and user-friendly design makes it a valuable asset for enhancing your online presence, and unlocking new levels of creativity and efficiency.


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Matt Houchins's review...
I just joined this brand new program today, Calle The Click Generator. It is a new program that promises to give you clicks and buyers on 100% autopilot. Since I submitted my link to the program I have already received several clicks and 1 sign up to my list.

What I Like is that it is Very easy to understand and submit your links to the program and they have several videos explaining the process, so that makes it super simple.

I haven't had any sales yet, but I have only been a member of The Click Generator for a few hours now, so I think with some time I will be getting some sales off of this new program. You might want to jump on this program before the masses do and there aren't as many clicks to go around. Over time with these programs, as more people join everyone gets less and less clicks, so get in now while you can get the most fresh leads that this system provides.

Update: After just a few days of signing up to the click generator, I have had 18 clicks and 4 signups to my list, nice quality traffic. This is the same opt in rate I am seeing with my much more expensive google ads.

The clicks and signups still coming in, but not as frequently as before.


Categorized under:
Web Service
Joe Marujo's review...
My experience with the program so far

Just 2 weeks ago this program launched. I was in profit on the first day. I started using the backup right away on my pc and happy to say it's fully automated and instant.

The iphone and android app is reported to be ready in just a few weeks. My wife will be happy since she has hundreds of photos of our grand kids on hers.

What I Like

The product has universal appeal. Everyone can relate to having a phone not back up because they're out of cloud space, or having lost photos or contacts because of a damaged or lost phone. Most of us run our entire business from a pc or laptop. Who hasn't lost files or media from a crashed hard drive?

For less than ten bucks a month for 6 devices, the comp plan is just gravy on top. 200% fast start commissions and check matching (very powerful) this really is a no-brainer!

What I Dislike

There's not a lot to dislike. If I had to nit-pick, I've never been a big fan of binary pay plans. Fortunately in this case it's just one of the ways that we get paid.

Final Verdict

For less than 10 bucks per month, you really can't go wrong here. Even if there was no compensation attached, this service would be worth it.

It's needed by everyone and really can't be beat at this price point.


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