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viralemails.eu Review


Tags:  Safelist Mailer
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Last update: 2024-06-29

Words from the founder...

Janus Nowak
3 Followers   3 Reviews

I am Janus Nowak, founder and operator of various German advertising platforms, online entrepreneur since 2001 and also CEO of a brewery (as is usual in Germany - haha).

A few days ago, I put an English-language advertising platform online, as unfortunately I couldn't find any good advertising opportunities for international projects in Europe outside Germany. There are either only German-language projects or projects from the USA.

That's why my new platform (where you can use banner and text advertising in addition to solomails) is intended to cover this gap in Europe-wide marketing and become a link between Europe and other continents, just like my site viral-job-ads.com, which is also currently being prelaunched.

At the same time, marketers from other continents have the opportunity to present their products, services, websites and blogs to an interested European audience.

At Viralemails.eu, there are different membership levels, three OTOs (One-Time-Offers), P. Ay. Pal payment and payment in cryptocurrencies.

Jump start:

At the free membership level, 100 emails can be sent every 7 days plus 5 more emails for each member you recruit.

When you register, you receive advertising points for up to 200 emails as a gift and also you get points every single day just for being a member.

High efficiency:

There is no obligation to click on emails, but in the German version of the site (viralemails.de) we have a constant open rate of 35-38%, which is absolutely fantastic when you compare it with the 1-3% from other viral mailer platforms, where there is often an obligation to click.

High level of attention:

No overflowing of our members' email inboxes due to a daily limit on the number of emails sent. Your advertising mail will not be overlooked.

High flexibility:

Whether from home via computer or on the move via tablet, laptop or cell phone: you can manage and send your advertising from anywhere.

High security:

Data protection, encryption and order data processing are naturally GDPR-compliant and contribute to the security of your data.

Even with a free membership at ViralEmails.e. you get all services, including email tracking, banner and text link advertising for your marketing.

We only send a very limited number of emails per day via our system so that your mailbox does not overflow. But if you don't have time to read your emails, you are welcome to use the vacation function in the member area!

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