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Make Money
Darka Bozena Mihevc's review...
I joined this program at July 20. 2020. I was drawn to it because of its FREE to EARN FREE to PROFIT Upgrade From Earnings appeal! Get paid to login and start earning immediately! I like that very much.

There are many ways to earn and that will all be coming as they are still in prelaunch at the time of writing this. There is a monthly pool draw which is like a free entry into a free lottery and the first draw was at the end of March 2020 and the one that won the highest prize ie in pool 6 won over usd900. I had entered as I had staked all 6 pools too and I won USD5 in one pool and USD10 in another so a total of USD15 in winnings. Whooppeee, we are very excited for this and future drawings!

This system is truly amazing and spellbounding and the community involved in it are the kind of people that want to help others and this shines through in the Facebook group. There is zero tolerance for spammers so abide by the rules or you will be disappointed.

There is a monthly pool draw which is like a free entry into a free lottery and I got several times some drawings in different pools.

We are very excited for this and future drawings!

This system is truly amazing very honest and transparent owner,

Spellbounding and the community involved in it are the kind of people that want to help others.

Members are able to get answers in Facebook group too. In the Facebook group. There is zero tolerance for spammers so abide by the rules or you will be disappointed

There are many ways to earn and that all team is giving a lot efforts in searching and testing other good honest systems too.

My experience with the program so far

What I Like

The Charity element is the true motivating element that drives this program and is something I am as person too.

What I Dislike

Dealing with Cryptocurrency and wallets aseems to me no more safe, so I truly hope Graham will find solution for all people soon.

Final Verdict

This is a blessed program for everyone that chooses to join and participate. When charity is an element in your life, you will be happy and happy and successful.

If you want to make money online and if you want to make a difference in your life and help other people, you have found a special biz-op right here.

Do not hesitate, see your chance taking action you will not regret.


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Paulette Fox's review...
My experience with the program so far

I joined LeadsLeap a few years back as a free member but did only the basics like setting up the Credit Ads and clicking for credits and Cash, not really being experienced enough to use everything therefore not knowing the Real Value of the product I had signed up for. It was only this year that I stumbled upon a program that caught my eye which recommended using LeadsLeap especially because of the Value you get for the reasonable monthly price.

What I Like

I like that there are so many necessary tools and especially for the programs I am using and whether you get upgraded to Pro or remain a Free member you have access to most of these.

As a Free member you get:

#1 An Autoresponder to build your list -You can create 10 lists with unlimited subscribers

#2 A Page builder -You can design your own from scratch or import others and give them your own personal touch-You are allowed 10 pages

#3 A Popup Creator- You can create 10 with hosting included

#4 A Link tracker-You can create 199 Trackers and 10 Rotators

#5 FIVE (5) different ways to make money

And so much more!

What I Dislike

I would say that I don't dislike anything only that I wish I had been more experienced to understand all that I have been missing out on over all the years. I am still learning how to figure it all out but with the training I am getting from my main offers I am already getting more results using most of these tools, sharing my LeadsLeap promotional links and pages I have created for my other opportunities while having fun creating.

Final Verdict

I highly recommend Leadsleap especially for the Value you get at such an Affordable price!


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Edward Mckinney's review...
I started with LeadsLeap in 2016 and never looked back since! It was my very first approach to Internet Marketing, thanks to the numerous useful articles I found in the blog. I use it to promote my network marketing opportunities and have grown my down lines greatly!
I have also been able to get a ton of free traffic to my website(blog), which gets me more clicks on my ads!


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Scott Dubois's review...
My experience with the program so far

Hello and Welcome to my review of Triple Traffic 2.0 by Dawud Islam. I am back with another review about one of Dawud's Products. Now as I have said in a couple of other reviews I really enjoy Dawud's products because of the value he provides, the helpfulness of his support, and much, much more! I do highly recommend his products as they help you get traffic galore to your affiliate links, and or your website. Let's get started!

So Another great product that I absolutely loved by Dawud. In this product its another traffic rotator that he offers. It is no different from his other offers. He offers great value and bonuses with the purchase of the FE and offers great upgrades as well that really skyrocket your results.

With this system, you simply go after you get it go to the members area, and create a login. Once your login is created you will head into the members area where you will see a navigational bar on the side where you can view some training videos.

Once you get to the point where you must test your links to your affiliate offers you will test the links you want to add to Triple Traffic 2.0. Once your link is tested and is all good you will go to the next video which should be the video on how to submit your link. I will take this moment to share with you that to get more clicks, make a rotator link so that you can get clicks to different offers you offer. I also strongly advise that you use squeeze pages as this is a product that is helping you get traffic. Get your squeeze pages setup in a rotator and send it in.

I know that this will be a rotator link inside a rotator link but it works. It is a great way to get a bunch of your pages shown to buyers who might be interested in your different offers.

Once you are ready to submit he will advise you to go into your email and email him with a copy of any receipts including the receipt for the FE and any upgrades you may have gotten along with the link you will be using with the system. Once you set this up he will correspond with you and tell you to change things that need to be changed... Also make sure as I said above that you have checked the URL because once it is sent in that is it it cannot be changed so it is very advisable that you test, test, TEST! I cannot say that enough as testing should be a normal occurrence in the online industry. It will be a wasted purchase if the link you used does not work.

Once it is submitted and there are no issues he will confirm with you that he is working on it and then will send you a confirmation that your link has been added to the system.

This is a great way to get traffic and get noticed. The more you get noticed in the online industry the more traffic you will get and the more money you will start to make. Rotators are a great way of getting seen and if you add your own rotator link to the rotator you will be showing your offers every time someone clicks and your link pops up!

I will take this moment to also mention that as always in all my reviews I always include bonuses I have another 13 bonuses to add extra value to this one!

He also offers some amazing bonuses that you can claim inside the members area.

Also check out my other reviews on other traffic sources I recommend as they have all worked for me!

What I Like

  • Easy To Setup
  • Handsfree system once it is setup!
  • Autopilot traffic/buyers to your offers without trying.
  • Great value and bonuses
  • Find out more info to escalate your business!

What I Dislike

The only thing I dislike is you have to share a rotator with other people but that is simply alright because it still works out and you do receive traffic easily.

Final Verdict

My Final verdict is I would seriously consider adding this to your business as the more traffic you can possibly get the better. We all need eyeballs to offers and websites, and this system gives you that.

In a competitive world in the online industry where it is difficult to get noticed and receive traffic to your offers something like this is much needed and I highly recommend it. The bonuses I offer and he offers along with the system help you in your travels as well. I figure for 10$ it is worth the try for anyone but it gets your stuff out there!

My honest opinion is get it. Dawud has helped me and can help you as well! Great things that he offers.

I hoped you enjoyed reading this and I hope it has helped you make an informed decision on whether or not this will be right for you. I wish you all the success!

*UPDATE September 2024*

I continue to get traffic every day by adding my rotator that I have here on leads leap and get sign ups to a few different offers via the traffic system. It is great traffic and still has increased value that will for sure get sign ups to your offers.

More eyeballs means more visibility which means more sales! You must be willing to do whatever it takes to get traffic to your business!

Change your capture pages, and make them highly engaging this wonderful traffic will work for you you just have to make sure to put a great capture page in. I suggest making a rotator of a few different capture pages that you have as doing so will increase your chances of receiving more traffic AND you can change a rotator on the back end and add offers and take them away as you go on!


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Scott Dubois's review...
Hello everyone, and welcome to my review of Here, I'll share my experiences with this platform and provide updates as I continue to use it. So far, my journey with TrafficZest has been overwhelmingly positive.

What exactly is It's not your typical traffic safelist or exchange. Instead, it offers a unique and effective method for driving traffic to your site.

Remember the old process of hunting for a solo ad provider, setting up your campaign, and hoping for the best? It seems almost archaic now, though it was just a common practice a year ago. You would input your URL, choose your desired number of clicks, see the cost, and then send your payment, only to often end up disappointed with low conversion rates that didn't even cover your initial investment.

Traffic Zest changes the game. It still operates within the realm of solo ads but introduces a crucial innovation. You can set up an ad campaign on the site, choose your niche—like Make Money Online, Weight Loss, or Health—and select from top solo ad vendors to drive traffic to your squeeze page or website. You can even leave your options open for all top vendors to participate, which I highly recommend.

The geographical location of your traffic isn't a constraint either. You can specify countries or opt for top-tier countries to maximize effectiveness. You can also choose the devices from which your traffic will originate, be it mobile or desktop.

What sets Traffic Zest apart is its bidding system, similar to setting up a Facebook ad but without the high risk of overspending before seeing any return on investment. The site allows you to set a Cost Per Click (CPC) rate—for example, bids can range from $0.28 to $1.46. You determine a daily spending limit, and the platform will deliver clicks within this budget, ensuring efficient use of your advertising dollars.

This system provides flexibility to pause and modify your ad campaign if it's not converting well, offering a significant advantage over traditional methods. It's a user-friendly, less risky approach that still caters to the needs of serious marketers.

From my personal experience, the traffic from Traffic Zest is high-quality and comes from reputable sources. Setting up ads is straightforward, and there's plenty of guidance available online if you need it. In my ongoing campaigns, I've noticed that the traffic is not only engaged but also results in high opt-in rates, which is crucial for building an effective email list.


Highly engaged traffic from top solo ad vendors.

Good opt-in rates enhance list building.

Controlled spending with daily limits, similar to Facebook ad setups.

Simple, stress-free setup process.


As of now, there's nothing I dislike about TrafficZest. Should this change, I'll be sure to update this review.

Final Verdict:

Give TrafficZest a try! It's a fantastic resource for any online marketer looking to enhance their traffic quality and improve their list-building efforts. The affordability and effectiveness of its unique bidding system make it a superior choice compared to traditional solo ads. I regret not joining sooner, as the benefits have been substantial.

I do highly recommend TrafficZest To anyone willing to build traffic. I still have yet to spend my first investment in this traffic source as traffic comes in and still on the higher end of my initial investment.

I have received good traffic from this source and continue to monetize it. I think everyone should have this in their online arsenal.

Thank you for reading my review. I hope it provides you with valuable insights into TrafficZest and helps you make an informed decision about using it to boost your online marketing efforts. I wholeheartedly recommend TrafficZest for anyone focused on building a robust email list.


I have now earned 2 sales with this traffic and have earned MANY, MANY sign ups to a lot of my offers all off of 1 investment of 100 dollars. I did a review on my youtube channel too where I showed that I had sales from traffic zest. It is totally amazing and a great traffic source to truly invest in!

I highly, HIGHLY, recommend it. Also do keep in mind the results are not typical and at the end of the day... Your emails, offers, capture pages, and thank-you pages GREATLY impact what success you will have as this is a soload type website... But I have sales using this great website!


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PLR & MRR Products
Beverly Taylor's review...
My experience with the program so far

I've been a member then a lifetime member of Big Product Store for many, many years (I don't remember how many, but perhaps 10 years). Out of all the PLR programs I've used, this is my favorite. BigProductStore has a huge library of PLR products, including eBooks, video courses, software, graphics, and more. If you're looking to add content to your blog, offer bonuses for your affiliate promotions, or resell products for a profit, BigProductStore has something for everyone.

What I Like

One thing I like is that they add new PLR assets daily. Also, I can search for everything from their whole history (not like some PLR services that only show the most recent month or so). I love that there is such a huge library that I can always find something for my needs. As they have assets for virtually every niche, I've been able to find multiple choices every time I search. You can search by a keyword and/or by type of asset.

What I Dislike

I like everything, but I would prefer a small change. While they do tell you the main licensing, sometimes you need to download it to find out all of the licensing details.

Final Verdict

If you need any PLR or any content for anything, I highly recommend this. BigProductStore is, in my opinion, the best PLR membership site available today. You'll gain access to a wealth of resources that can help you grow your business, save time, and increase your profits.


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