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Safelist Mailer
Calvin Merrick's review...
My experience with the program so far

Email List Pros is owned and maintained by Frank Salinas. While you can create a free account, I joined as an upgraded Gold member.

This option provided me with mailer access every 48 hours to 1,000 members, 250,000 mailer credits, 107 solo ads, and several login, banner and text ad slots. To date, I can honestly say that this is one of the most responsive mailers I use.

When I send a mailing every two days, I generally get from one to three opt-ins. The same applies when I send a solo ad. Even though the mailer only allows me to send to 1,000 members, I get better results than I do when sending to Herculist's 270-thousand-plus member base.

What I Like

Extremely responsive member base.

What I Dislike

I only get to send to 1,000 members. Even so, the solo ads allow me to send daily. However, when the 100 or so I got with my upgrade run out, I will need to buy more to continue daily mailings.

Final Verdict

With the consistent signups I get after each mailing, I am about to upgrade again. This next upgrade will allow me to send regular mailings on a daily basis.

I highly recommend this mailer. Join free and track your results. I think you will come to the same conclusion.


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Paid To
Oliver 's review...
My Experience with So Far

I've always been curious about making money online, but finding a legitimate and consistent source of income seemed impossible.

That's when I stumbled upon

Intrigued by the idea of earning from something as simple as managing social media accounts, I decided to give it a try.

And I'm so glad I did.

From the moment I signed up, I was impressed with how user-friendly the platform is.

The training modules are easy to follow, even for someone like me who isn't a tech expert.

I quickly learned how to navigate various social media platforms and effectively manage tasks for different clients.

Within just a few days, I started getting job offers, and to my surprise, I was already making more money than I expected in my first month!

What I Like

One of the best things about is the flexibility it offers.

I can work from anywhere, anytime, which fits perfectly into my busy lifestyle.

The variety of jobs available is another plus; I never get bored because each project is different.

The community support is also incredible—there's always someone available to help if I have questions or need advice.

The platform does a great job of matching me with clients that align with my skills and interests, making the work not only profitable but enjoyable.

The payment system is also reliable, and I've never had to worry about getting paid on time.

What I Dislike

If I had to point out one downside, it would be that some jobs can be a bit repetitive.

Occasionally, I find myself doing similar tasks for different clients, which can get monotonous. However, the steady income more than makes up for it, and I've learned to appreciate the consistency in workload.

Final Verdict

Overall, has been a game-changer for me. It's a legitimate and lucrative way to earn money online, especially if you're passionate about social media. The platform is easy to use, the jobs are plentiful, and the community is supportive. While there are some repetitive tasks, the benefits far outweigh the drawbacks. I'm excited to continue using the platform and look forward to the opportunities that lie ahead.

If you're looking for a flexible, reliable way to make money from home, I highly recommend giving a try.

You won't be disappointed!


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Paulette Fox's review...
My experience with the program so far

I joined LeadsLeap a few years back as a free member but did only the basics like setting up the Credit Ads and clicking for credits and Cash, not really being experienced enough to use everything therefore not knowing the Real Value of the product I had signed up for. It was only this year that I stumbled upon a program that caught my eye which recommended using LeadsLeap especially because of the Value you get for the reasonable monthly price.

What I Like

I like that there are so many necessary tools and especially for the programs I am using and whether you get upgraded to Pro or remain a Free member you have access to most of these.

As a Free member you get:

#1 An Autoresponder to build your list -You can create 10 lists with unlimited subscribers

#2 A Page builder -You can design your own from scratch or import others and give them your own personal touch-You are allowed 10 pages

#3 A Popup Creator- You can create 10 with hosting included

#4 A Link tracker-You can create 199 Trackers and 10 Rotators

#5 FIVE (5) different ways to make money

And so much more!

What I Dislike

I would say that I don't dislike anything only that I wish I had been more experienced to understand all that I have been missing out on over all the years. I am still learning how to figure it all out but with the training I am getting from my main offers I am already getting more results using most of these tools, sharing my LeadsLeap promotional links and pages I have created for my other opportunities while having fun creating.

Final Verdict

I highly recommend Leadsleap especially for the Value you get at such an Affordable price!


Categorized under:
Internet Marketing
Philip Martindale's review...
Master Affiliate Profits (MAP) is a system that has been put together by John Thornhill and Omar and Melinda Martin. John Thornhill is the founder of the successful and popular Ambassador Program. Omar and Melinda are CMO and CEO of Higher Level Strategies, providing training, products and services for online marketers.

Their aim with MAP is to provide a complete ecosystem for affiliate marketers. The intention is to safe-guard leads (so they are not poached by the program vendors) and to include traffic, training and tools within the system. In addition, affiliates who sign-up will enjoy 75% commissions on recruiting backers to the system during the current phase 2. Phase 2 has been extended while the developers add their finishing touches to phase 3. Phase 3 will be the phase when subscriptions switch to monthly.

My experience with the program so far

I joined on March 14th 2024. Though I consider myself very experienced with affiliate marketing, I have learned some absolute gems in the training. Implementing this new-found knowledge has helped me attract some high quality traffic to my one-link and build my list. I am confident that sales will follow soon as I can tell from the built-in tracking that I am getting a lot of interest from potential buyers.

By joining in phase 2, as a platinum member, I am showing my lifetime commitment to MAP. I can see how the system will remove many of the obstacles that have been holding affiliate marketers back. I am going to get 75% commissions on affiliates who join and upgrade to higher levels during phase 3, and I will also be entitled to level 2 commissions of 25%. As members will have to pay monthly (from phase 3 onwards), this will add up very nicely.

The lifetime cost of $797 (one-off) is good value for what you get, and just two sales will be all I need to earn more than that back,

Free members (joining in the imminent phase 3) will also be able to earn high commissions e.g. 100% on a product inside the system called traffic jump-start and 25% commissions on silver, gold or platinum level sales. Higher commissions are attainable by joining at the higher levels.

What I Like

I especially like the lead safe-guarding that MAP offers owing to the fact that it is an ecosystem. Its holistic qualities also mean that I have almost all the training and tools that I will ever need. The tools range from the ability to build funnels to creating bonuses and more. The training covers subjects such as list building, email marketing, traffic, video marketing, blogging, social media, and creating ads and banners.

I like the fact that the compensation plan is easy to understand and does not include gimmicks like powerlines and spillover and so on.

The fact that it will have a free membership option from phase 3 onwards, appeals to me, as it will be easier to sign prospects up who may then go on to upgrade.

I also like the way you can potentially earn commissions from external sources that the system integrates with or utilizes, such as WarriorPlus, JVZoo. Clickbank, Udimi, Aweber, Getresponse and so on.

The way that I can sort or filter my clicks by source, tracking ID and date, is a great feature as well as the way my leads and sales data are displayed.

What I Dislike

There is nothing I dislike. It has a few 'coming soon' items, but as long as they are indeed coming soon i.e. in phase 3, that's absolutely fine. The training and tools that are there are already very extensive.

Final Verdict

The system lives up to the claim that it is an ecosystem, with safe-guarding of your leads, built-in traffic, one link to promote, generous commissions, extensive training and tools and a thriving Facebook group.


Categorized under:
IM Tool
Kat McNeil's review...
My experience with the program so far

So far, the program has been awesome! The product itself is a really great marketing tool to have in my arsenal and has increased my click rate because of the personalized images I am able to send out to my list. They also have several marketing tools such as swipes, banners, etc. within the platform that you can use.

There is also an affiliate compensation plan that makes it almost impossible not to earn income because you are placed in a team with 6 other marketers. Any time one of your team members earns an income, everyone on that team also earns. I actually earned to commissions within minutes of signing up while I was still working my way through the extensive directions for how to get everything set up! Talk about awesome!

What I Like

I like the multiple options available for creating the personalized images. I can choose to use the images already available within the platform, or I can choose to create my own.

I also like the compensation plan and the fact that I earn anytime anyone on my team of 7 earns (these are not people I recruited).

What I Dislike

It does take a bit of time to figure out how the whole system works and many of the directions are written out in text with very few videos to follow. This can be challenging for those of us who have trouble concentrating for long periods of time. :-)

Final Verdict

Overall, I'm really liking the product for being able to create personalized images for emails and other advertising. Not to mention the compensation plan and the ability to earn every time one of my assigned team mates earns. I highly recommend adding to your repetoire of marketing tools!


Categorized under:
Marketing System
Matthew Culliton's review...
My experience with the program so far

This system was created by 7 figure marketer Jeff Aman, it creates multiple passive income streams.

I joined the Easy Commission Funnel on July 9th. Since I work a full time job, I did not do anything with it until the next evening. I started following the steps, going thru the training and entering my affiliate id's for the programs that I was already a member of. The next day I started promoting thru the various safelists I belonged to already, which resulted in 2 referrals into the ECF. I then decided to give step 6 a try, and purchased an advertising campaign.

As of time I am doing this review on July 28th, I now have 56 referrals in the ECF, which has resulted into 5 new sign up for leadsleap ( step7), 1 new paid sign up into Livegood ( step3), and 1 new paid sign up into Sendshark ( step 2).

What I Like

What I like most about the ECF, is that it all just makes sense. Promote things that people want, need, and basically can not do without. Lets be real, every online marketer must have a quality autoresponder, high quality traffic, a great platform to create their pages, and correct training materials on how to make it all work.

You bring them into the system, and let the system do the selling and telling for you. They start to follow the steps and eventually start joining the various programs, and you get the commissions.

Your prospects will receive daily emails from Jeff, as well as your own emails that you choose to send to them

What I Dislike

At this point there really is not a single thing not to like about the ECF

Final Verdict

I believe that every marketer should join the ECF, even if they just do it to get the free trainings from one of the best affiliate marketers in the business.


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