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IM Tool
Kat McNeil's review...
My experience with the program so far

So far, the program has been awesome! The product itself is a really great marketing tool to have in my arsenal and has increased my click rate because of the personalized images I am able to send out to my list. They also have several marketing tools such as swipes, banners, etc. within the platform that you can use.

There is also an affiliate compensation plan that makes it almost impossible not to earn income because you are placed in a team with 6 other marketers. Any time one of your team members earns an income, everyone on that team also earns. I actually earned to commissions within minutes of signing up while I was still working my way through the extensive directions for how to get everything set up! Talk about awesome!

What I Like

I like the multiple options available for creating the personalized images. I can choose to use the images already available within the platform, or I can choose to create my own.

I also like the compensation plan and the fact that I earn anytime anyone on my team of 7 earns (these are not people I recruited).

What I Dislike

It does take a bit of time to figure out how the whole system works and many of the directions are written out in text with very few videos to follow. This can be challenging for those of us who have trouble concentrating for long periods of time. :-)

Final Verdict

Overall, I'm really liking the product for being able to create personalized images for emails and other advertising. Not to mention the compensation plan and the ability to earn every time one of my assigned team mates earns. I highly recommend adding to your repetoire of marketing tools!


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Marc Clarysse's review...
My experience with the program so far

One of the most useful "must have" solutions you'll want at your disposal when it comes to all parts of online activity, including extensive earning, exposure, list development, and much more, is LeadsLeap.

You can truly unlock doors that would otherwise have remained tightly closed or, at the absolute least, come with a large price tag with a LeadsLeap subscription (which is completely free).

Be not deceived. Although it is free to sign up, LeadsLeap is far from a low-value service. In fact, it features a lengthy number of extremely special advantages that can make anyone's online experience considerably superior to their expectations.

You can use the dynamic system tools provided by LeadsLeap at no cost in order to develop nearly any kind of business, including LeadsLeap.

Almost ANY other online system is outclassed by the promotion capability alone.

Up to 10 of your programs, services, or opportunities can be listed for free and promoted by being displayed to LeadsLeap members first (of which there are currently over 171 thousand).

Additionally, your advertisements will show up on member-promoted pages that have LeadsLeaps PPC advertisements on them. These figures are absurdly high, offering you incredibly broad exposure across almost all internet advertising platforms.

When you upgrade, you get an additional 10 slots for advertising programs. However, as a Pro member, you will get 10 of your 20 spaces viewed as previously described entirely automatically.

Therefore, it is unlikely that you would find anything that can either compete with or compare to this industry giant, even if you were just seeking effective advertising.

LeadsLeap recently debuted its own unique internal co-op system, which will undoubtedly quickly make other co-op systems available online jealous. This is just another fantastic addition to the already limitless advantageous array of power tools housed in one building. (And by using it, you can generate still another extra source of cash! )

Among the tools offered by Leadsleap are:

Internal promotion to all members. Members are urged to examine other sites for more than a quick glance for reciprocating credits when creating their own ads, so your own site will receive legitimate views rather than fleeting glances from people browsing for credits.

Page builder. This tool is a true gem with a ton of extra features, including templates, and it's incredibly simple to navigate and use whether you want to create a splash page, capture page, or any other type of page.

A full email marketing system with the ability to create your own email series for any of your LeadsLeap pages and tie it to a hosted autoresponder on your own premises that you are in total control of.

The list keeps on. A blog, a funnel builder, a form and pop-up maker, image hosting, and PDFs Create evaluations, suggestions, and much more.

Additionally, there are many ways to make actual money online, such as through referrals, site views, and ratings.

In addition to the referring, LeadsLeap offers a variety of ways for you to use its marketing capabilities, such as choosing particular groups of people to introduce the system to.

Sincerely, I've barely scratched the surface of what makes LeadsLeap essential, but the fact is that all the features serve as a powerful booster system for any online advertising campaign.

It would be an understatement to say that the Pro upgrade, which costs less than $30 a month, is worth every penny if you want to take things seriously. You can enter 10 Pro advertising into the system, and they will be regularly watched completely automatically. That's one teaser for you.

The rest of the Pro advantages just seem to go on forever.

Even though I am a Pro member, I continually discover new tools that are quite valuable and worthwhile.

If there is a drawback to LeadsLeap, I haven't found it yet, and I imagine that all Pro members would concur.

I've tried a lot of all-in-one programs in the past, but I haven't found anything that even comes close to matching the total advantages of LeadsLeap.

Final Verdict

Do yourself a favor and give LeadsLeap a shot if you absolutely must have traffic, leads, and sales—otherwise, you wouldn't be reading this. Don't be a non-believer like I was. I firmly believe in LeadsLeap right now, and I promise you won't regret joining.


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Linda Bomba's review...
My experience with the program so far

I recently learned about this program however I did have a free account for a long time and never used it.

Boy have I been missing out!

I actually went PRO today and set up 10 ads and started getting leads immediately!

I had no idea how powerful this system is and using it to grow my online business.

What I Like

I like all the different features you can use. I have been able to upload high converting pages that I have a share code.

This has to be one of the most powerful systems I have seen in the 12+ years I have been online. I am paying way more for just my auto responder!

For $27 you get a funnel and page maker, an auto responder, a tracking tool, a rotator tool and advertising through being able to set up 10 days and by giving reviews of products/services you use.

Not only do they pay you for referring people through their affiliate program, they pay you to surf 10 ads everyday with their daily action bonus. They also pay you through promoting their COOP, PPC and credit encashment.

There is not other affiliate program in this industry that does this so again there so many features and tools with this system it is worth way more than $27 per month.

What I Dislike

So far NOTHING but if I had to pick something and would like to see they pay faster there is currently a 60 day hold on commissions.

Final Verdict

I think is an outstanding system that every online business owner needs for a price that can't be beat!

I am so impressed with this whole system and the longer I use the more value I see there truthfully is anything else out there like this in our industry. I wish I found this when I got online in 2011.

If I was just starting out I would use this and not invest the thousands of dollars I have put into having auto responders, funnel makers, tracking tools and advertising. This is the best resource I have to date in this industry the value for the price is outstanding.

Leads Leap is a platform that will help you get more leads and sales and give you exposure for your business. It's the ultimate leverage I love it! there isn't anything else out there like this!


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Scott Dubois's review...
My experience with the program so far

Hello, And Welcome to my review of My Traffic Partners. This website is sort of new and I am pretty sure just came out this year. In this review, I will go through my exact experiences through My Traffic Partners and help you come up with an informed decision on whether or not it is right for you.

My Traffic Partners has been a GREAT website to be part of. It started I believe right around the same time as The Click Generator and the website was made by John Cornetta and Frank Salinas.

What they have done in My Traffic Partners is essentially they have created a site similar to LeadsLeap where you post ads and things like that and get traffic to your ads.

In my opinion, I don't think it is as good as LeadsLeap as LeadsLeap is tailored to not only go to the members of the site and show your ads to them but also they show your ads on Google and whatnot.

Still, My Traffic Partners is still a very valuable site to be part of. I of course signed up to be a paid member as it made a lot of sense for the things that they offer because the bonuses themselves are worth more than the site. We are talking over thousands of dollars in bonuses all for a 16-dollar-a-month price.

The bonuses you will get are as follows:

  • Access to The Executive Traffic Club at The Click Generator ($49.95/year value) (I think this one is worth far more than 49.95)
  • 6 solo ads at 100 Percent Clicks ($60 value)
  • Access to Resell Products Now ($100 value) (THIS IS AMAZING! )
  • Access to 200+ PLR Newsletter Emails ($97 value)
  • 3-in-1 Upgrade at ($20 value) (I have gotten a lot of traffic here as well)

These bonuses I know have just under 100 dollars for most of them but I believe some of them are worth FAR more than what they put in actual value.

Now my experience as I said above has been totally amazing. I signed up back in March of 2024 I believe and since then I have received traffic to my ads DAILY.

Much like LeadsLeap, they have a similar ad system but also have added a safelist feel at the same time by offering login ads and things like that. There are multiple ways to gain traffic, especially through normal ads, login ads, and hinge ads.

I have had great success at getting people to my list and the numbers continue to go up on all my ads as well as the traffic I receive.

I forgot to mention that I believe they also have a type of co-op rotator that you can also send out which gets you more visibility there as well a lot like LeadsLeap.

What I Like

  • I like the simplicity of the website
  • I like how easy it is to set up ads
  • I like the fairness of how your ads get shown on the network
  • I LOVE the bonuses that come with this
  • I love how easy it is to generate traffic PROVIDING you have a good capture page and know what you are doing in that field.

What I Dislike

I do dislike one thing. Your ads that you set up expire after 28 days I believe, which can be annoying as you will have to go in and start them up again to start receiving traffic. However, it's not horribly bad because the ad still stays there all you have to do is reactivate it and it starts up again... You do not have to rewrite anything. So this is only a small grievance.

Final Verdict

I say do get My traffic Partners. Even if you sign up for the free version of the site it still has something for everyone and still remains another great site that will provide you with more eyeballs.

I say anyway of getting eyeballs to your offers is best in this business as eyeballs are what defines your success and if you don't have those eyeballs or ways of getting eyeballs then you are a sitting duck, or a sinking ship.

I do think it is a great website to be part of and hey there are different little contests and things that happen every now and again as well that will give you more value on the website.

I hope this review has been insightful and has helped you come up with an informed decision on whether or not My Traffic Partners is right for you! Thanks for reading!


John and Frank have done it again! This month actually in the past week they have released a new function on My Traffic Partners. This new function allows you to have a chance to win PRIZES every single day one of which can be extra priority points.

What priority points are is basically a system they implemented which allows your ads to get seen with these priority points. The higher your points are the more your ads get seen!

Now that being said you can win extra priority points from going to the "Earn Priority Points" link inside of My Traffic Partners which if you click 40 ads a day you have a chance to win a prize!

If you win priority points CONGRATS! Because this means you will get a bunch of priority points and your ads will get seen more. You can also win money as well from the prizes!

The priority points I believe go like this. Free Members get their ads seen 25% I believe and paid members (Which I am a paid member) Get their ads seen 75%. For 16 bucks a month though you get AN EXTREME AMOUNT OF VALUE!

I highly recommend this and believe this is a unique system to get people to your ads!

*UPDATE September 2024*

I continue to get VERY reliable buyer traffic from this platform and the ads that I put up on the site. All it takes is a great capture page and you end up with traffic hitting your autoresponder every day.

I have also been earning the prizes I talked about for clicking every day and it has been absolutely amazing.

What Frank and John have put together here is truly amazing and continues to drive insane results and the value they have added and continue adding along the way especially for the paid partners like myself continues to be rewarding. !


Categorized under:
Web Service
Rusty Shelton's review...
What is GotBackup? It's a powerful protection service (cloud backup) for phones and computers that provides 6 TB of storage for up to six devices. It's also a business if you want it to be. You're paid commissions when you share it with others and they become customers.

Have you ever had a digital disaster strike your phone, laptop or desktop? If your data, documents, work files, photos and videos are gone (and they're not backed up) it's a catastrophe. This happens to just everybody sooner or later. It's happened to me, but now I know it'll never happen again. My family has three phones, a desktop and a laptop protected with one account. It was easy to install on each device and we've had no issues.

Who are its competitors?

Every business has competition and there are, (of course) a variety of other cloud backup services.

What they don't offer, though, is such a large amount of storage space. You can get it, but the prices go up. Speaking of prices, they're all roughly the same – give or take a few dollars. In some cases, GotBackup is much cheaper.

The GotBackup service itself is just fine as a stand-alone, retail product. That's important. But having the opportunity to build a business by sharing it with others is a unique bonus.

How is the affiliate plan?

For one thing, it's pretty easy to understand. It also pays very well once you build out your business.

By referring others, who also become affiliates, you're creating a sales force beneath you in a matrix type structure that goes to infinity!

You're paid every Friday for commissions earned that week, through Payoneer or Wise.

Anyway, they pay like clockwork - and I should know, because I've found the product easy to sell. Why? Because everyone needs it. The $9.95 a month that the peace of mind buys is very persuasive.

What I don't like

I think they hit you with too many aggressive up-sells in the back office (though the auto-responder is a must-have). Also, they offer a co-op advertising plan that I wouldn't suggest using.

Final verdict

For $9.95 a month, this is a no-brainer.

For 6TB covering up to six devices, I think it's under priced.

Another thing is that no one's heard of it. That's great, from a sales standpoint.

What you have here is a simple product, with an emotional appeal – and you're getting in at the beginning, the sweet-spot for any network marketing opportunity.


Categorized under:
Scott Dubois's review...
Welcome, everyone, to my review of Big Monster Traffic by Dawud Islam. If you've read my previous reviews on Dawud's products, you'll know I'm a big fan of the value and deliverability they offer.

Once again, Dawud has delivered a product focused on boosting your website traffic. From my experience with his other products, I've consistently seen great results.

Running a business requires cost-effective strategies that also add significant value, and Dawud's products consistently tick both boxes.

Big Monster Traffic is no exception. It cuts through the noise of other traffic systems that promise the world but often fall short. This system is straightforward to set up and gets you going quickly—all you need to do is purchase the system and submit your links.

Don't forget to include your receipts to confirm your purchase—it's a simple step to get started. Additionally, I recommend checking out the upgrades, which can further enhance your traffic flow.

Using a rotator to promote your links is a smart move, especially for platforms like safelists. Rotators, as I've learned, are particularly effective with systems like The Click Engine and The Click Generator, as well as Dawud's own rotator products.

Once inside the system, you'll find yourself on the main page after creating your login. The setup process involves watching some instructional videos. Before submitting your links, Dawud provides a website to test them, ensuring they work seamlessly.

Personally, I tested my LeadsLeap rotator link, and it's been driving steady traffic to my site non-stop.

Submitting your details is quick, and Dawud is prompt in confirming everything. Once your link goes live, you'll start seeing results.

Beyond the traffic benefits, the members' area contains additional training and bonuses, including Dawud's flagship email marketing course—an added value that's worth exploring.

What I Like:

  • The simplicity of setup, purchase, load, and go.
  • How quickly everything can be up and running.
  • The added value through bonuses and training.
  • The one-time fee, plus any upgrade costs, which I believe is a steal considering the ongoing traffic.
  • Traffic comes in consistently, especially if you're using a rotator with multiple products like I do.

This system is perfect for catching the attention of potential buyers, especially if you're new to the online industry.

Final Verdict:

I highly recommend this system. It's an affordable source of buyer traffic that's hard to beat. Combined with other strategies like The Click Engine, The Click Generator, and safelists, this can significantly boost your online presence.

Remember, building your list takes time. But with patience and the right approach (the KTL factor—Know, Trust, Like), you'll see conversions.

For the current price, this is a no-brainer for anyone serious about driving quality traffic to their offers.

In business, cost-effectiveness is crucial, and Dawud's product offers just that—quality traffic without breaking the bank.

While soloads might offer quicker results, for those on a budget, having multiple traffic sources like this is better than none at all.

I hope this review has been insightful and helpful. Good luck with your ventures, and stay tuned for more reviews from me!

*June 2024 Update*

I am still getting daily leads from this on my capture pages. I am still having great success using Dawud's Big Monster Traffic. It was one of the best ones he has released and I have gotten all his rotators in the past because the guy knows traffic well and helps you get noticed!

Not all the signups buy something but when they do I get that cha-ching message in my email inbox saying I got a sale on whatever it is they signed up to on his traffic! I will keep updating this as we go along!


Still with this amazing product I am getting people to my lists, making sales and still making money. This is great considering that we are in the dead of summer and if you have been marketing for a long time you will know... The summer is SLOW

But The daily grind continues and this product continues to deliver constant traffic. Still really happy with it!


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