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Save Money
William Berg's review...
My experience with the program so far

I recently had the opportunity to join the VIP savings club program, and overall, my experience has been quite positive. This program is designed to help members save money on everyday purchases while providing an opportunity to earn additional income through referrals and team building.

What I Like

Significant Savings: The primary allure of the VIP savings club is the potential for substantial savings on a wide range of products and services. From groceries and household items to travel and entertainment, the discounts are real and can lead to considerable monthly savings for diligent users.

User-Friendly Platform: VIP savings club online platform is intuitive and easy to navigate. Members can quickly find deals, track their savings, and monitor their earnings from referrals. The mobile app is particularly convenient for accessing discounts on the go.

Community and Support: One of the standout features is the supportive community. Members frequently share tips, success stories, and encouragement, creating a positive and motivating environment. Additionally, the customer support team is responsive and helpful, addressing queries and issues promptly.

Earning Potential: For those interested in the aspect, there's significant potential to earn additional income. The compensation plan is well-structured, offering rewards for direct referrals and team-building efforts. This dual benefit of saving and earning makes the program attractive to a wide audience.

Training and Resources: The provides excellent training resources for new members. Webinars, tutorials, and mentorship from experienced members help newcomers understand how to maximize both their savings and earning potential.

What I Dislike

Initial Investment: There is an upfront cost of $50 to join the, which might be a deterrent for some potential members. While the savings and earning potential can quickly offset this investment, it's important for prospective members to be aware of this initial expense.

Time and Effort Required: Like any network marketing opportunity, success with the VIP savings club requires time and effort. Members who actively seek out deals and work on building their referral network will reap the most benefits. This might not be suitable for individuals looking for passive savings or income opportunities.

Limited Availability: Some deals and discounts are region-specific, which means members in certain areas might have access to more or better offers than others. This can lead to an uneven experience depending on where you live.

Final Verdict

The VIP savings club program offers a compelling combination of savings and earning potential. It's particularly suited for proactive individuals who are willing to invest time in learning the system and building a network. While the initial cost and required effort might not appeal to everyone, those who commit to the program can find themselves enjoying substantial benefits.

Overall, I would recommend the to anyone looking to save money on everyday purchases and interested in a side income opportunity. It's a well-rounded program with a supportive community and a clear path to both savings and earnings.


Categorized under:
Home Biz
Scott Dubois's review...
My experience with the program so far

My Experience with this program has been great. It is packed full of great value and can honestly rev up anyone's earnings. Now I started out with this system and literally in 3-4 days I had ended up promoting it and got a 1000$ sale.

The webinar on the next page is 100% correct you can earn big commissions if you implement what is shown and be consistent in finding traffic.

That is the key to success in this online world which is CONSISTENCY you will see it everywhere and being consistent in everything you do will find you the commissions and sales you need and want.

What I Like

I like how easy it is to implement everything. Now I know in most of my reviews so far I have put into them that it is easy to implement mostly everything but that's also because I've been working with computers since I was 3 years old. Now I am not saying at all that it isn't easy for someone who doesn't have tech skills because honestly, this system doesn't need any high-tech skills or a PhD in technology.

DFY Stuff? Who doesn't like DFY stuff? I love it, especially traffic? Yes, there is done for you traffic, done for your email swipes, done for you just about anything!

I like the teachings of the fellow who runs the webinar. He is very soft-spoken and very good to learn from. I have worked closely with him for a year now and honestly, most of his things on the internet he is very soft-spoken and very easy to learn from.

What I Dislike

The stuff I learned from this webinar worked for me. I can say that honestly there isn't much I found that I disliked other than the fact that he has traffic from a blog that you can put your own blog into... I am not much of a blogger and haven't been ever so it is hard to know just what to write...

Thank goodness for AI stuff now huh? I just go and have GPT write the blog for his blog traffic and boom.

Final Verdict

Final verdict is You can learn a lot from this webinar. I did and I am thankful I did. When I had found this gentleman I had been in the industry (On real affiliate marketing) For a whole month... That is it... I learned and learned well and eventually found myself earning money from the stuff he mentioned in the webinar!

To be honest I have sought after much information because in a new world it is best to gain as much knowledge as possible and I learned from many people in this online world. Knowledge is power as they say and that is no different when learning a new business or whatever have you.

This webinar will teach much and the system will teach more. You can be earning a 1000-dollar sale like I did in 3 days or more or less. I personally enjoyed this. And will continue enjoying it


Categorized under:
Home Biz
Iryna 's review...
My Experience with Azon Auto Sites So Far

As someone who promotes products online for a commission, I understand how tough it is to start a successful Amazon affiliate website from scratch. You have to find good things to sell, write compelling articles, ensure your website shows up in search engines, and get backlinks. It's a lot of work, even for experienced marketers. That's where Azon Auto Sites can help. It's a smart computer program that does a lot of the hard work for you. With just a few clicks, it can make a website that features popular products on Amazon and ranks well in search engines.

What I Like

Azon Auto Sites has several features that stand out. The ease of use is remarkable; you can create an Amazon affiliate website in under a minute without needing any technical skills. The AI technology is sophisticated, automatically generating high-quality content and reviews, which saves an immense amount of time and effort. The sites are optimized for SEO, meaning they rank well on Google, which is crucial for gaining organic traffic. Additionally, the program keeps the content updated with the latest products and reviews from Amazon, ensuring your site remains relevant and engaging. The ability to access over 30,000 categories and 350 million products allows for a broad range of niche sites, all of which can be monetized effortlessly.

What I Dislike

While Azon Auto Sites offers many advantages, there are a few drawbacks. The initial price is very affordable, but there's a possibility that the price may increase over time. Additionally, while the platform is user-friendly and requires no technical skills, there might still be a learning curve for absolute beginners in affiliate marketing. Moreover, depending on the niche, the competition for top Google rankings can still be tough, even with the program's SEO optimization.

Final Verdict

Azon Auto Sites is a powerful tool for anyone looking to make money with Amazon affiliate marketing. It simplifies the process significantly by automating site creation, content generation, and SEO optimization. While there are some minor downsides, the benefits far outweigh them, making it an excellent investment for both beginners and experienced marketers. If you're looking to streamline your efforts and maximize your affiliate earnings, Azon Auto Sites is definitely worth considering.


Categorized under:
Internet Marketing
Iryna 's review...
In the world of "get rich quick" schemes, 60 Minute Profit Machines promises to be different. With claims of setting up passive income streams in just an hour, it's easy to get swept up in the hype. Let's delve deeper to see if this program delivers on its promises.

My Experience with the Program So Far

After trying out 60 Minute Profit Machines, my overall experience has been quite positive. However, there were a few bumps along the way. Initially, I encountered a glitch that prevented me from connecting to the site, but the support team resolved it quickly, even during the holiday season.

What I Like

60 Minute Profit Machines is created by James Fawcett and Mark Barrett and positions itself as an affiliate marketing system with pre-built 'profit machines' that supposedly generate commissions on autopilot. Here's a breakdown of the system:

Pick a Proven Offer: Users select a profitable affiliate offer from a curated list of top-performing options across various niches. The program provides detailed guidance on how to get approved for these offers, even if you're new to affiliate marketing.

Blast It With Traffic: After choosing an offer, the next step is to drive traffic to it. The system includes powerful traffic generation strategies, both free and paid, to ensure a steady stream of visitors to your affiliate links.

Relax & Enjoy the Cash: Once the traffic is set up, the system takes over, converting clicks into commissions. This 'set and forget' approach is one of the most appealing aspects of the 60 Minute Profit Machines.

Rinse & Repeat: For those looking to scale their earnings, the process can be repeated with different offers and traffic sources. The system's versatility and ease of use make it possible to create multiple streams of income.

The program also offers several key features, including done-for-you profit machines, training and resources, free and paid traffic strategies, and additional bonuses like email marketing and social media marketing guides.

What I Dislike

Focus on Speed Over Value: The emphasis on "60 minutes" might downplay the time and effort required for effective affiliate marketing.

Upsells: The program includes additional offers (OTOs)

Final Verdict

While 60 Minute Profit Machines might seem like a tempting shortcut, the lack of transparency and focus on speed raise some red flags. Consider alternative strategies that focus on building a strong foundation for long-term affiliate marketing success. These methods require more effort upfront but can yield more sustainable results.

When deciding, also consider the pricing (including potential upsells), the terms of the money-back guarantee, and seek out real user experiences to get a clearer picture of the program's effectiveness.


Categorized under:
PLR & MRR Products
Joy Healey's review...
Re-reviewing this service in July 2023 and again June 2024

I am still using it and find it SO helpful. I couldn't produce and research this info that I then use, adapting it to my own requirements, adding my own experiences and sometimes using it to promote an affiliate product that fits the content.

Anyone as short of time as I am, wouldn't be without this very affordable service.

Happily others agree with me, so I have now been earning from the affiliate program, which has reduced the cost to me.

People might say that ChatGPT has killed the need for it, but I disagree, because the free version of ChatGPT doesn't include bang up-to-date info. So if I have to pay for a ChatGPT update to be up-to-date (vital when reporting on social media etc.) I may as well pay for a something that also produces me a complete newsletter!

My experience with the program so far

Well over a year (possibly two years) after joining, I am still extremely happy with this program. It has saved me hours in creating content for my blog and social media posts.

The program gives me Private Label Rights (PLR*) to a superb quality Internet Marketing newsletter each month that I send to my email list. They obviously enjoy it, as I get among my highest open rates when I send the Newsletter out.

* PLR material gives companies and individuals who don't have their own in-house expertise the right to use information produced by others as if it were their own.

Most PLR material has a deservedly terrible reputation. I have tons of it, on my hard disk, and it's so dire it would take me longer to correct / update it, so it's easier to start again.

This is NOT your average PLR!

I first joined this program maybe a couple of years ago. I loved it... But then I took a break from Internet Marketing for personal reasons so I cancelled my subscription.

Now I have returned to IM but I'm still short of time so when I was reminded about this service I was delighted to re-join.

What I Like

  • I'm really pressed for time, so this service saves me hours, creating quality content for social media, lead magnets and blog posts.
  • Let's be honest: even if I had all day, everyday, I don't have the skills or resources to come up with something as good as this.
  • The newsletter keeps me up-to-date with trends in IM in a way that I couldn't possibly handle myself.
  • The design quality is superb - my design skills are zero!
  • The training shows you many different ways to use this material in your marketing
  • Re-brand to your own affiliate links with one click. OR
  • Personalize more fully using the source files that are supplied
  • The perfect gift to send to my email list each month
  • Support is fast and helpful
  • The service has just celebrated its 12th birthday, so it's certainly stood the test of time!

What I Dislike

Yet to find anything!

Final Verdict

If you've ever struggled to find quality content for lead magnets, social media, blog posts etc. give this a try - you won't regret it.


Categorized under:
IM Tool
Iryna 's review...
My Experience with AXLE So Far

I recently started using AXLE to help grow my affiliate marketing and video creation, and I'm honestly impressed! AXLE is designed to simplify everything, from creating videos to driving traffic, and it has been a smooth ride. The setup is super simple—after signing up, I just followed a few steps, and it was ready to go!

What makes AXLE stand out is that it does so much work for you. Once you've submitted your links, it handles the traffic generation automatically. It's ideal for people who want to earn income online but don't want to spend hours managing campaigns.

What I Like

Easy Daily Traffic: AXLE makes it so easy to drive consistent traffic to your affiliate links. Once everything is set up, you start seeing clicks come in regularly.

Simple Setup: I didn't need any technical skills to get started, which is a huge plus! Just a few clicks and I was ready to go.

Cost-Effective: For a relatively low investment, you get high-quality traffic without having to spend a fortune on ads.

Comprehensive Training: The step-by-step video tutorials really helped me get the most out of the platform.

Automated Features: Once I activated the automation, AXLE started working on autopilot, bringing in traffic without me having to constantly monitor things.

What I Dislike

Nothing at this point.

Final Verdict

AXLE is a fantastic tool for anyone looking to streamline their affiliate marketing strategy and start driving traffic without the hassle. It's simple, affordable, and really effective at getting the job done. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced marketer, AXLE is definitely worth trying out.


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