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Oliver 's review...
My Experience with So Far

I've always been curious about making money online, but finding a legitimate and consistent source of income seemed impossible.

That's when I stumbled upon

Intrigued by the idea of earning from something as simple as managing social media accounts, I decided to give it a try.

And I'm so glad I did.

From the moment I signed up, I was impressed with how user-friendly the platform is.

The training modules are easy to follow, even for someone like me who isn't a tech expert.

I quickly learned how to navigate various social media platforms and effectively manage tasks for different clients.

Within just a few days, I started getting job offers, and to my surprise, I was already making more money than I expected in my first month!

What I Like

One of the best things about is the flexibility it offers.

I can work from anywhere, anytime, which fits perfectly into my busy lifestyle.

The variety of jobs available is another plus; I never get bored because each project is different.

The community support is also incredible—there's always someone available to help if I have questions or need advice.

The platform does a great job of matching me with clients that align with my skills and interests, making the work not only profitable but enjoyable.

The payment system is also reliable, and I've never had to worry about getting paid on time.

What I Dislike

If I had to point out one downside, it would be that some jobs can be a bit repetitive.

Occasionally, I find myself doing similar tasks for different clients, which can get monotonous. However, the steady income more than makes up for it, and I've learned to appreciate the consistency in workload.

Final Verdict

Overall, has been a game-changer for me. It's a legitimate and lucrative way to earn money online, especially if you're passionate about social media. The platform is easy to use, the jobs are plentiful, and the community is supportive. While there are some repetitive tasks, the benefits far outweigh the drawbacks. I'm excited to continue using the platform and look forward to the opportunities that lie ahead.

If you're looking for a flexible, reliable way to make money from home, I highly recommend giving a try.

You won't be disappointed!


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List Building
Scott Dubois's review...
My Experience with Vita Vee's Optin Dojo

Hello and welcome to my review of Vita Vee's Optin Dojo. I'm excited to share my personal experience with this program and explain everything I've discovered since becoming part of his site.

I must start by saying I love all of Vita's online tools, especially the one I'll discuss in a moment. Anytime you see his name in reviews or associated with any tool, I highly recommend picking it up because he creates amazing things.

At the beginning of my affiliate journey, I heard about Vita Vee through the Rapid Profit Machine and learned about his Optin Dojo. Initially, I wasn't interested and continued using ClickMagick. However, after some time, Vita's name resurfaced within the Rapid Profit Machine, and by then, he had launched Traffic Zest. Being part of Traffic Zest, I was curious and did some research.

One night, despite my success with Traffic Zest, I couldn't resist diving deeper. My research led me back to Optin Dojo. While checking out a few solo ad vendors from Traffic Zest, I stumbled upon an online report authored by Vita Vee, priced at just $5, titled "Solo Ad Mastery: Overnight Hacks. " This report links to Optin Dojo, and I believe every online entrepreneur should grab it.

The report, though inexpensive, was packed with six or seven hacks for solo ads that transformed my business. Following Vita's advice in the report, I saw a dramatic improvement in my conversion rates and email performance. This report is a must-have, as it guarantees front-end sales and enhances backend email and follow-up sales. My capture and bridge pages, modeled after Vita's suggestions, converted between 45% and 90%.

For instance, during a Traffic Zest campaign, my pages converted at 70-80%, and solo ads from James Neville-Taylor converted at 45%. Additionally, Vita's Optin Dojo guides you on selecting the right products, a crucial skill for success in the Make Money Online niche.

The Optin Dojo

Optin Dojo is a comprehensive software that tracks your links and offers more features than ClickMagick, all at a lower cost. It's user-friendly and highly effective. I highly recommend both the Optin Dojo and the solo ad report, as they provide exceptional value and innovation.

What I Like

  • The simplicity of Vita Vee's tools, especially Optin Dojo.
  • The report's groundbreaking hacks that dominate the solo ad space.
  • Optin Dojo's superior tracking compared to ClickMagick.
  • The affordability of Optin Dojo at $37 a month versus $60 for ClickMagick.
  • Vita Vee's consistent creation of outstanding tools.

What I Dislike

There's nothing I dislike about the Dojo or the report. Both are exceptional!

Final Verdict

If you grab the report, you might see my testimonial on the page, as Vita Vee kindly agreed to feature it. My final verdict is a strong 5/5 stars. Both Optin Dojo and the solo ad hack report are masterpieces, packed with value and innovation.

Optin Dojo has genuinely revolutionized my approach to affiliate marketing. The tool's simplicity and effectiveness in tracking and improving conversion rates have given me a competitive edge. It's rare to find a tool that not only meets but exceeds expectations, and Optin Dojo does just that. The hacks in the solo ad report are practical, actionable, and designed to produce immediate results, which has been a game-changer for my campaigns.

Moreover, the affordability of Optin Dojo, especially compared to other tools like ClickMagick, makes it accessible for marketers at any level. Vita Vee's dedication to providing high-quality, user-friendly tools is evident in every aspect of Optin Dojo. His ability to anticipate the needs of online entrepreneurs and address them with innovative solutions is truly commendable.

In summary, Vita Vee's Optin Dojo and the solo ad hack report are essential for anyone serious about succeeding in affiliate marketing. The insights and tools provided have not only improved my business but have also instilled a greater sense of confidence in my marketing strategies. I strongly recommend these resources to anyone looking to enhance their online marketing efforts. Thanks for reading, and I hope this review helps you make an informed decision about Vita Vee's Optin Dojo and the solo ad report.


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Scott Dubois's review...
My experience with the program so far

How has my experience been with this system? It has been great, exceptional, and awesome. Some days click traffic is low but other days I get signup after signup from this system and it has been amazing to open my emails and see another signup to my link.

This System Has provided lots of value and has given me autopilot traffic along with many other great things with value. I have been achieving much with this system and it allowed me to get some great leads and some sales and I can continue getting sales from this system with the amount of lead signups I get.

My experience has been great, especially with how easy it is for someone to get into the system, submit their link, and then sit back and watch signups happen. It is best to choose a program that is working though or you won't get any traffic.

When I say that what I mean is that traffic depends on the offer you have. If you go to a traffic provider and provide a bad landing page or offer your experience will not be good.

What I Like

When I say the above statement about choosing the right thing to promote within this system I mean it but...

That's one of the things I like. If you are a complete beginner one of the bonuses is the vendor will show you some various things that he STILL gets signups to and will give you some things that you can get an affiliate link to even if you are a new affiliate with one or less offers.

I also like how he provides value within the system of many other ideas for making money online.

He provides you with a bonus of how to find MORE TRAFFIC outside the system. Yes, the vendor did not stop at just a simple autopilot traffic rotator method, HE ALSO provides you with AMAZING ways to find more traffic, things that I am using day after day to pull in lead after lead and sale after sale.

He offers many, MANY bonuses within the system and as well I have added some of my own affiliate bonuses when you decide to get click engine. The bonuses that Jeff and I offer are well over thousands and thousands of dollars in value when we are talking about value with the bonuses.

Jeff and I want every marketer to succeed and I believe this system allows even beginners to succeed with a lot of the best things in place so you can succeed.

What I Dislike

I haven't found one thing yet that I don't like as I always say in reviews if a system is working well for me It is usually hard to find one thing that is wrong with it.

So for me, I haven't found a lot that I can honestly complain about with this system as I have made traffic come to me on autopilot and had lots of success getting sales and signups.

Final Verdict

I highly recommend this system. I have received traffic on autopilot and have benefitted from it BIG TIME. The value inside the system is great and you can also find OTHER traffic elsewhere within the system as well he teaches you where to look for other traffic.

All in all, I recommend this system to beginners, intermediates, and experts straight across the board and would say that if you are still struggling with finding offers or traffic then this system might just be your answer!

I am offering some pretty good bonuses with this system too as I mentioned above which can be found in your purchase through Warriorplus in the Affiliate bonus section. Some report an extra income system that I have been enjoying and making money on and some ebooks to help you with your newfound traffic. That being said if it does not work and the affiliate bonus doesn't show up please contact me at and I will get you set up with the bonuses that I offer.


Still going strong. I do get leads every day. One of the things I can suggest that will help many people with the click engine is getting on one of what's known as the Members Spotlight! This will help you get noticed and will get you even more traffic in the next email that goes out to the members of the Click Engine!

This means your ad will be shown in one of the member spotlight sections of the emails and you do get more traffic when this happens! I still suggest this as a means of autopilot traffic as it will help you generate more clicks to your system or systems if you give them a rotator link!

I do have a couple of reviews and stuff on my YouTube channel as well if you are interested in checking them out look up @civicedge1991 and you will find my channel!


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Scott Dubois's review...
My experience with the program so far

Hello, And Welcome to my review of My Traffic Partners. This website is sort of new and I am pretty sure just came out this year. In this review, I will go through my exact experiences through My Traffic Partners and help you come up with an informed decision on whether or not it is right for you.

My Traffic Partners has been a GREAT website to be part of. It started I believe right around the same time as The Click Generator and the website was made by John Cornetta and Frank Salinas.

What they have done in My Traffic Partners is essentially they have created a site similar to LeadsLeap where you post ads and things like that and get traffic to your ads.

In my opinion, I don't think it is as good as LeadsLeap as LeadsLeap is tailored to not only go to the members of the site and show your ads to them but also they show your ads on Google and whatnot.

Still, My Traffic Partners is still a very valuable site to be part of. I of course signed up to be a paid member as it made a lot of sense for the things that they offer because the bonuses themselves are worth more than the site. We are talking over thousands of dollars in bonuses all for a 16-dollar-a-month price.

The bonuses you will get are as follows:

  • Access to The Executive Traffic Club at The Click Generator ($49.95/year value) (I think this one is worth far more than 49.95)
  • 6 solo ads at 100 Percent Clicks ($60 value)
  • Access to Resell Products Now ($100 value) (THIS IS AMAZING! )
  • Access to 200+ PLR Newsletter Emails ($97 value)
  • 3-in-1 Upgrade at ($20 value) (I have gotten a lot of traffic here as well)

These bonuses I know have just under 100 dollars for most of them but I believe some of them are worth FAR more than what they put in actual value.

Now my experience as I said above has been totally amazing. I signed up back in March of 2024 I believe and since then I have received traffic to my ads DAILY.

Much like LeadsLeap, they have a similar ad system but also have added a safelist feel at the same time by offering login ads and things like that. There are multiple ways to gain traffic, especially through normal ads, login ads, and hinge ads.

I have had great success at getting people to my list and the numbers continue to go up on all my ads as well as the traffic I receive.

I forgot to mention that I believe they also have a type of co-op rotator that you can also send out which gets you more visibility there as well a lot like LeadsLeap.

What I Like

  • I like the simplicity of the website
  • I like how easy it is to set up ads
  • I like the fairness of how your ads get shown on the network
  • I LOVE the bonuses that come with this
  • I love how easy it is to generate traffic PROVIDING you have a good capture page and know what you are doing in that field.

What I Dislike

I do dislike one thing. Your ads that you set up expire after 28 days I believe, which can be annoying as you will have to go in and start them up again to start receiving traffic. However, it's not horribly bad because the ad still stays there all you have to do is reactivate it and it starts up again... You do not have to rewrite anything. So this is only a small grievance.

Final Verdict

I say do get My traffic Partners. Even if you sign up for the free version of the site it still has something for everyone and still remains another great site that will provide you with more eyeballs.

I say anyway of getting eyeballs to your offers is best in this business as eyeballs are what defines your success and if you don't have those eyeballs or ways of getting eyeballs then you are a sitting duck, or a sinking ship.

I do think it is a great website to be part of and hey there are different little contests and things that happen every now and again as well that will give you more value on the website.

I hope this review has been insightful and has helped you come up with an informed decision on whether or not My Traffic Partners is right for you! Thanks for reading!


John and Frank have done it again! This month actually in the past week they have released a new function on My Traffic Partners. This new function allows you to have a chance to win PRIZES every single day one of which can be extra priority points.

What priority points are is basically a system they implemented which allows your ads to get seen with these priority points. The higher your points are the more your ads get seen!

Now that being said you can win extra priority points from going to the "Earn Priority Points" link inside of My Traffic Partners which if you click 40 ads a day you have a chance to win a prize!

If you win priority points CONGRATS! Because this means you will get a bunch of priority points and your ads will get seen more. You can also win money as well from the prizes!

The priority points I believe go like this. Free Members get their ads seen 25% I believe and paid members (Which I am a paid member) Get their ads seen 75%. For 16 bucks a month though you get AN EXTREME AMOUNT OF VALUE!

I highly recommend this and believe this is a unique system to get people to your ads!


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Make Money
Darka Bozena Mihevc's review...
I joined this program at July 20. 2020. I was drawn to it because of its FREE to EARN FREE to PROFIT Upgrade From Earnings appeal! Get paid to login and start earning immediately! I like that very much.

There are many ways to earn and that will all be coming as they are still in prelaunch at the time of writing this. There is a monthly pool draw which is like a free entry into a free lottery and the first draw was at the end of March 2020 and the one that won the highest prize ie in pool 6 won over usd900. I had entered as I had staked all 6 pools too and I won USD5 in one pool and USD10 in another so a total of USD15 in winnings. Whooppeee, we are very excited for this and future drawings!

This system is truly amazing and spellbounding and the community involved in it are the kind of people that want to help others and this shines through in the Facebook group. There is zero tolerance for spammers so abide by the rules or you will be disappointed.

There is a monthly pool draw which is like a free entry into a free lottery and I got several times some drawings in different pools.

We are very excited for this and future drawings!

This system is truly amazing very honest and transparent owner,

Spellbounding and the community involved in it are the kind of people that want to help others.

Members are able to get answers in Facebook group too. In the Facebook group. There is zero tolerance for spammers so abide by the rules or you will be disappointed

There are many ways to earn and that all team is giving a lot efforts in searching and testing other good honest systems too.

My experience with the program so far

What I Like

The Charity element is the true motivating element that drives this program and is something I am as person too.

What I Dislike

Dealing with Cryptocurrency and wallets aseems to me no more safe, so I truly hope Graham will find solution for all people soon.

Final Verdict

This is a blessed program for everyone that chooses to join and participate. When charity is an element in your life, you will be happy and happy and successful.

If you want to make money online and if you want to make a difference in your life and help other people, you have found a special biz-op right here.

Do not hesitate, see your chance taking action you will not regret.


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Blog Tools
Costas Alba's review...
Diving into the world of WordPress development, I stumbled upon WorldPressIT, and it's been a game-changer. From the moment I signed up, I felt like I had unlocked a treasure trove of resources that were previously out of reach due to high costs. The platform's user-friendly interface and extensive library of themes and plugins have made my WordPress journey smoother and more enjoyable.

The affordability of WorldPressIT is unmatched. With discounts up to 90% on popular plugins and themes, it's a haven for those looking to enhance their WordPress sites without emptying their wallets. The security measures, including daily scans by Norton and McAfee, ensure that all downloads are safe, providing peace of mind. The 24/7 live chat support is another highlight, always ready to assist with any queries or issues, making the platform incredibly reliable.

While WorldPressIT offers an impressive range of products, the reliance on third-party developers means that some updates and support are not directly from the original authors. This can occasionally lead to delays in receiving the latest features or fixes. Additionally, while the platform encourages purchasing directly from developers for premium support, it can be a bit of a hassle if you're looking for immediate assistance.

Overall, WorldPressIT has significantly enhanced my WordPress experience. The combination of affordability, security, and comprehensive support makes it an indispensable resource for anyone looking to elevate their WordPress sites. Despite a few minor drawbacks, the platform's benefits far outweigh any negatives. Whether you're a novice or a seasoned pro, WorldPressIT is a platform that truly empowers its users to create and manage extraordinary websites.


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