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Safelist Mailer
Scott Dubois's review...
150 Mailer Review: My Personal Experience

I've been using 150 Mailer for about two weeks now, and let me tell you, I'm beyond thrilled with it. Frank's sites have always impressed me, but this one takes the cake.

From the moment I logged in, I was hooked by the intuitive user interface. Setting up and managing campaigns is a breeze. The variety of advertising options blew me away – there are so many ways to promote my products and share updates.

But what truly sets 150 Mailer apart is the community aspect. It's not just about sending emails; it's about forging connections with like-minded individuals who are also eager to grow their businesses. The networking opportunities have been priceless, opening doors I didn't even know existed.

And then there's the customer support – it's stellar. Whenever I had a question, the team was lightning-fast with detailed, helpful responses. Knowing that support is always just a click away gives me immense peace of mind.

Using 150 Mailer feels like wielding a secret weapon in my marketing arsenal. The platform's ease of use and effectiveness have completely wowed me. In just a short time, I've noticed a significant boost in engagement and interest in my campaigns, which is exactly what I was aiming for.

What I Like:

  • Intuitive user interface: Super easy to navigate and use.
  • Strong community and networking opportunities: Connect with like-minded marketers.
  • Excellent customer support: Quick, detailed, and helpful responses.
  • Rapid and noticeable results: Immediate impact on my campaign engagement.

What I Dislike:

None so far, but I'll update this review if I find any issues.

Every aspect of 150 Mailer seems designed with the user in mind, making it an absolute joy to use. The positive results I've experienced in such a short time are a testament to the platform's quality.

Overall, my experience with 150 Mailer has been fantastic. Frank consistently delivers top-notch products, and 150 Mailer is no different. It's now an essential tool in my marketing toolkit. If you're serious about marketing, 150 Mailer is a game-changer you won't want to miss.


Categorized under:
IM Tool
Willy Mwanafunzi's review...
My experience with the program so far

I joined WEBFIRE in March 2022. Webfire is one of the more popular software that helps you with the Automation of your campaigns. It actually gets you opportunities to get traffic and increase your sales. This software is connected to social media forums. The owners of the software keep updating it to be more efficient.

What I Like

Webfire 3.0 is easy to use and is connected to different social media forums where your customers are hanging out. The Software allows you to find all conversations and gives keywords and phrases that go out and find any leads for people that are looking to buy the product you're selling.

This system analyzes ranking, different changes, and movements that are going on in a particular niche on the different search engines. It then gives you suggestions on what to change so that you can reach more leads.

What I Dislike

Actually, the system works pretty well, I can only mention that it's a High Ticket Product.

Final Verdict

Shawn Casey and Brian Koz are the creators of the software, they made this system friendly user and it's linked to another payment tracking that allows you to show all your approved payments, pending or paid.


Categorized under:
Marketing System
Marc Clarysse's review...
My experience with the program so far

Lee Murray's Your New Traffic Funnel is a solid, no-nonsense guide to online marketing, specifically targeting individuals looking to drive traffic and convert that traffic into paying customers. Written with a practical and direct approach, the guide distills what could be complex digital marketing tactics into easy-to-understand strategies, making it accessible even for beginners.

Structure and Content

Murray's book is structured in a step-by-step manner, focusing on key elements of funnel creation, traffic generation, and lead conversion. The first sections break down the anatomy of a traffic funnel, ensuring that readers understand what it is and why it's essential to a successful online business. Murray explains each part of the funnel — from the landing page to email opt-ins and follow-up sequences — in a way that is easy to digest.

Key Strengths

One of the book's main strengths is its focus on practical, actionable advice. Murray doesn't waste time with fluff or theory; instead, he offers a blueprint that readers can implement right away. The funnel strategies discussed rely heavily on tried-and-tested methods, which adds to their credibility. Additionally, Murray includes real-world examples and templates that further simplify the learning process.

The book also highlights a variety of traffic sources, both paid and organic, giving readers options based on their budget and experience level. Murray's insights into traffic-building are invaluable, particularly for those who may be struggling to grow an audience or find their niche.


Your New Traffic Funnel stands out in its ability to cater to both beginners and intermediate marketers. For someone new to digital marketing, Murray takes the time to explain essential concepts without overwhelming the reader with technical jargon. However, for more experienced marketers, there are still nuggets of wisdom that can be applied to existing funnels for better optimization and performance.

Areas for Improvement

While the book is filled with practical advice, it sometimes lacks depth in terms of specific case studies or examples that would illustrate the strategies in action. Additionally, some of the traffic sources Murray mentions may feel outdated or oversaturated, given how quickly the digital marketing landscape evolves. A bit more focus on current trends, like social media influencers or video content marketing, would have been helpful.

What I Like

  • Comprehensive training on lead magnet creation
  • DFY funnel system for easy monetization
  • Step-by-step guidance for quick implementation
  • High-quality product from a respected expert
  • Suitable for beginners and experienced marketers

What I Dislike

  • Requires an investment of time and effort to see results
  • May not be suitable for those who prefer hands-off approaches

Final Verdict

Overall, Your New Traffic Funnel by Lee Murray is a highly useful guide for anyone looking to improve their online marketing game. It provides a clear roadmap to building traffic funnels that work, with an emphasis on simplicity and execution. For those new to the concept of traffic funnels, this book offers an accessible entry point, while more seasoned marketers will still find plenty of value.

It's a recommended read for anyone serious about driving traffic and making sales online, though it would benefit from more up-to-date traffic strategies and in-depth case studies.


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Clive Anderson's review...
A Completely Comprehensive Online Business System with Integrated Earning Capabilities that go Above and Beyond Expectancy

When it comes to every aspect of online activity including: branding, residual earnings, business building, traffic and exposure, list building, extensive tracking and much more, one of the most resourceful 'must have' systems you will want at your fingertips is LeadsLeap.

You will see many of the internets top marketers using LeadsLeap as a way of life. You can create and promote simple ads on LeadsLeap, right up to creating wealth providing funnels.

There really is no minimum or maximum capabilities. It just plain makes common sense.

If you are online to make progress in any way LeadsLeap will provide... By the truck load!

With a 100% free lifetime membership you will be able to actually open doors that might otherwise have remained firmly closed, or at the very least have a pretty hefty price tag attached.

Don't be fooled. While LeadsLeap may be free to join it is far from offering low value, in fact it has a list of highly unique benefits that are as long as your arm and that can elevate anyones online experience above and beyond any expectations.

LeadsLeap will allow you to use the dynamic system tools at absolutely no-cost to help you build virtually any business, or even the LeadsLeap system itself, which can provide high profits and a residual income.

In short: It just cannot be beaten...

No matter what your level of online experiance LeadsLeap allows you to:

  • Get More Creative With Your Advertising
  • Build Any Type of Page(s) You Like
  • Build Your Own Extensive Personal List
  • Manage Your List With The Autoresponder
  • Follow-Up Your List with Email Series
  • Broadcast to Your List
  • Track The Results of Your Affiliate Links
  • Advertise Your Website(s) and Get Unique Traffic
  • Advertise Multiple Links Together with Rotator
  • Build and Manage Your Funnels
  • Build Any Existing Business(es)
  • And Much More...

The promotion ability alone far outweighs pretty much ANY other types of system found online.

For free you can also list up to 10 of your programs, offers, or opportunities to be promoted by being shown firstly to all LeadsLeap members, (of which there are currently over 171+ thousand). Your ads will also appear on members promoted pages that have included LeadsLeaps PPC promotions on them. These numbers are ridiculously high, giving you incomprehensible exposure across virtually every kind of online promotional system.

It is worth pointing out here that if you were able to put your promotions in front of 171thousand people using any other program online there would be a fairly hefty financial price to pay. This LeadsLeap facility alone should certainly not be taken lightly.

Upgrade and you gain another 10 slots for advertising programs, only as a Pro member you will be getting 10 of your now 20 slots viewed as mentioned above on complete autopilot. (This one facility alone would cost thousands of dollars a year to obtain outside of LeadsLeap).

So, even if you were just looking for powerful advertising, it is doubtful that someone would find anything that can either compete, or compare to this industry giant.

NEWS FLASH! LeadsLeap has just launched its very own in-house COOP system, which will without doubt soon become the envy of other co-op systems currently online. This is yet another phenominal addition to the already endless beneficial aresnal of powertools under one roof. (And you can earn yet another additional income just for using it! )

Some of the tools available within Leadsleap are:

In-House advertising to all members. Create your ad text with an accompanying image and members are encouraged to view others sites for more than a flash-by view for reciprocated credits, meaning your own site will get proper views and not just a few seconds because someone is surfing for credits.

Page builder. Whether you wish to build a splash page, capture page, or any other kind of web-page this facility is a real gem, with many added features, including templates, as well as being ultra easy to work around and use.

A complete and comprehensive email marketing system including setting-up your own email series for any of your LeadsLeap pages, attached to the in-house hosted autoresponder which you have complete control of. (Endless capabilities)

And the list goes on. Blog, funnel builder, form and pop-up creator, hosting for images, and PDF's. Create reviews and recommendations and much more.

You can also earn real cash from various methods including site views, rating, referring etc.

In mentioning the referring, LeadsLead has an array of ways in which you can use its promotional tools, such as specific targets you might wish to share the system with.

In all honesty, I've only really touched the surface of what makes LeadsLeap a real must, but the bottom line is that all the facilities become a massive booster system for any and all online activities.

If you want to get really serious there is the Pro upgrade for just a few dollars a month, and to say it is worth every cent is an understatement. One teaser for you here is that you can place 10 Pro ads into the system and they get viewed consistently on complete autopilot. As for the rest of the Pro benefits, they just seem to be endless. (See for yourself)

Even as a Pro member myself I still keep finding new tools that are highly worthwhile, and of exceptional value.

If there was a downside to LeadsLeap I've yet to find it, and I would suspect that all Pro members would agree.

I've used many all-in-one systems in the past, but I've yet to discover anything that can even come close to the overall benefits that have come from using LeadsLeap.

Why not walk through the right door today and discover the success that LeadsLeap can bring to you.

Why work hard when working smart provides a better outcome...

Clive Anderson


Categorized under:
IM Tool
Kat McNeil's review...
My experience with the program so far

So far, the program has been awesome! The product itself is a really great marketing tool to have in my arsenal and has increased my click rate because of the personalized images I am able to send out to my list. They also have several marketing tools such as swipes, banners, etc. within the platform that you can use.

There is also an affiliate compensation plan that makes it almost impossible not to earn income because you are placed in a team with 6 other marketers. Any time one of your team members earns an income, everyone on that team also earns. I actually earned to commissions within minutes of signing up while I was still working my way through the extensive directions for how to get everything set up! Talk about awesome!

What I Like

I like the multiple options available for creating the personalized images. I can choose to use the images already available within the platform, or I can choose to create my own.

I also like the compensation plan and the fact that I earn anytime anyone on my team of 7 earns (these are not people I recruited).

What I Dislike

It does take a bit of time to figure out how the whole system works and many of the directions are written out in text with very few videos to follow. This can be challenging for those of us who have trouble concentrating for long periods of time. :-)

Final Verdict

Overall, I'm really liking the product for being able to create personalized images for emails and other advertising. Not to mention the compensation plan and the ability to earn every time one of my assigned team mates earns. I highly recommend adding to your repetoire of marketing tools!


Categorized under:
Affiliate Marketing
Chris Stepanescu's review...
More than 8 years ago, I started my adventure in internet marketing. I started doing investigations and research on how I could make money.

I joined many specialized sites, I took many courses, and for all this, I learned very little. I spent a lot of money and wasted my time. However, we have created free sites (WordPress and Blogger) and promoted many affiliate products. But, the result was zero. How do some succeed, and I fail? I was still a beginner. However, I did not lose confidence. But...

I finally found the solution. That was five years ago when I discovered Super Sales Machine. Here I learned all the secrets, and from a novice beginner, I reached the advanced stage.

I am now able to teach anyone who wants to.

What are the advantages of SuperSalesMachine?

Anyone who joins will have to create their membership account and will be able to obtain:

- Video courses for beginners - starting with creating a site and everything related to it to show a professional site (loading platforms, posting articles, images, videos, protection and proper functioning of the site, plugins, software, and more).

- Personal development and specialization courses in IM (internet marketing), obtaining traffic and subscribers. (Text and video).

- Advanced courses - all of the above but at a higher level. (Text and video).

- For members, offers free (2 each month) sites and emails ready created with affiliate products.

- It offers free specialized video courses in all IM fields for members.

- Provides for anyone who wants ready-made sites and emails with the orderer's name, including his PayPal payment button. All this loaded with dozens or hundreds of valuable products on the orderer's website, including follow-up emails, are uploaded to the autoresponder in his Aweber account. (For members, the costs are reduced by 40% - 60%). They are all created, so you don't have to do anything.

- Create the product store for each member.

- For members, offers by email a lot of valuable information and tips for free.

- Offers affiliate programs for all products, including tips for promotion and traffic.

What do I like?

The courses cover everything in IM, but you can only follow those that interest you because they solve many content and technical problems.

For all of the above, prices are the lowest in the industry. Anyone can create their own successful online business site in any niche or field.

What I Dislike

All sites for each member have the same content, so the competition is high to sell a product. Although, you can turn to them, and they will help you with some tactics.

Final Verdict

I continue to be a member of this site because I receive emails with new sources, information, and valuable advice. Also, I receive new offers from them, and thus I increase my product base with all the technical installation problems. My store now has hundreds of products to sell and make money.


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