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Safelist Mailer
Ryan Rissler's review...
150 Mailer, the newest site from Frank Salinas. 150 Mailer is a great way to Boost your traffic and sales.

150 Mailer offers:

  • Credit Emails & Solo Ads
  • Banner & Text Ads
  • Member-to-Member Payments
  • Earn 100% Commissions On The OTO & 50% On Other Upgrades
  • Win Ads & Cash Clicking Ads

What I Like

Earn Commissions!
Earn up to 100% commissions on One-Time Offer upgrades and 50% on other upgrades. Can't accept a payment method? No worries! The admin pays you 80% via Wise! (Details inside)

Rewarded For Activity.
Random members can win "Ads & Cash" just for clicking on ads. This gets everyone more traffic.

Always Improving.
Frank is always working to improve the experience and results for all members.

Ads on Demand.
Buy more ads whenever you want!

150 Mailer is a credit-based safelist. What's that? Members earn credits by viewing ads, which they can then use to send out their own promotional emails to other members. It's a targeted and effective way to advertise work-from-home offers, affiliate marketing opportunities, build email lists, and promote bizops.

What I Dislike

Since this is a new site we need to wait till there are 500 members before we can send Solo ads, but I know Frank and the members of 150 mailer will be working hard to promote the site and hit that number in record time.

Final Verdict

This is a new site but if you are a member of any of the sites owned by Frank Salinas you know it's going to be a huge success and deliver a lot of traffic.

I am a member of all of Franks sites and they all have very active members and that produces great results on every type of advertising.

Create a free account today and start advertising.


Categorized under:
Safelist Mailer
Linda Bomba's review...
My experience with the program so far

I never paid much attention to list mailers, safest until my mentor shared with me how he's using them to get leads and sales and he is a top recruiter in several different programs, so I signed up. Success leaves clues.

Traffic zipper is a software system currently has 38 different list mailers integrated in their system and they plan on adding more that you can send one email to any or all of them depending on what membership type you have with them and which list mailers you belong to.

They have 3 membership types FREE you can use 2 list mailers; PRO you can use 10 list mailers ($17 a month) and ELITE you can use all mailers ($37 a month).

What I Like

It saves me so much time to send one email as I don't have to log into individual accounts.

It's a cost-effective way to generate leads. At the time I am writing this I have been in around a week and already generated 93 leads! I am an Elite member!

What I Dislike

Their affiliate program doesn't offer direct deposit or PayPal for affiliate commissions.

Final Verdict

Traffic Zipper is a simple, easy, cost-effective way to get more leads and sales with me just spending five minutes a day doing one email.

This tool has become one of best traffic sources to date which I use everyday.


Categorized under:
Home Biz
William Berg's review...
My experience with the program so far

After joining, I signed up for the first matrix cycler. Surprisingly, I cycled through the first and the second matrix just after two weeks. This earned me $300. So it was a no-brainer to sign up for the monthly matrix plan. As I write this review, my monthly matrix has 62 paying members. I've never experienced this much spillover so quickly. I'm doing my part by enrolling my own personal members. So far I've enrolled 12 paying members of my own and I'm currently helping those members enroll even more. I almost forgot... I'm also cycling through Matrix 1 and 2 again.

What I Like

I really like the fact that a landing page and autoresponder are included with the membership. Not too many programs offer this. The fact that it's affordable for almost everyone is also a great perk.

What I Dislike

Being paid through Wise wouldn't be my first choice, but it works just fine. I'm getting paid weekly as promised.

Final Verdict

If anyone is growing tired of physical products and only wants to promote digital products, this one is for you.


Categorized under:
Marc Clarysse's review...
My experience with the program so far

One of the most useful "must have" solutions you'll want at your disposal when it comes to all parts of online activity, including extensive earning, exposure, list development, and much more, is LeadsLeap.

You can truly unlock doors that would otherwise have remained tightly closed or, at the absolute least, come with a large price tag with a LeadsLeap subscription (which is completely free).

Be not deceived. Although it is free to sign up, LeadsLeap is far from a low-value service. In fact, it features a lengthy number of extremely special advantages that can make anyone's online experience considerably superior to their expectations.

You can use the dynamic system tools provided by LeadsLeap at no cost in order to develop nearly any kind of business, including LeadsLeap.

Almost ANY other online system is outclassed by the promotion capability alone.

Up to 10 of your programs, services, or opportunities can be listed for free and promoted by being displayed to LeadsLeap members first (of which there are currently over 171 thousand).

Additionally, your advertisements will show up on member-promoted pages that have LeadsLeaps PPC advertisements on them. These figures are absurdly high, offering you incredibly broad exposure across almost all internet advertising platforms.

When you upgrade, you get an additional 10 slots for advertising programs. However, as a Pro member, you will get 10 of your 20 spaces viewed as previously described entirely automatically.

Therefore, it is unlikely that you would find anything that can either compete with or compare to this industry giant, even if you were just seeking effective advertising.

LeadsLeap recently debuted its own unique internal co-op system, which will undoubtedly quickly make other co-op systems available online jealous. This is just another fantastic addition to the already limitless advantageous array of power tools housed in one building. (And by using it, you can generate still another extra source of cash! )

Among the tools offered by Leadsleap are:

Internal promotion to all members. Members are urged to examine other sites for more than a quick glance for reciprocating credits when creating their own ads, so your own site will receive legitimate views rather than fleeting glances from people browsing for credits.

Page builder. This tool is a true gem with a ton of extra features, including templates, and it's incredibly simple to navigate and use whether you want to create a splash page, capture page, or any other type of page.

A full email marketing system with the ability to create your own email series for any of your LeadsLeap pages and tie it to a hosted autoresponder on your own premises that you are in total control of.

The list keeps on. A blog, a funnel builder, a form and pop-up maker, image hosting, and PDFs Create evaluations, suggestions, and much more.

Additionally, there are many ways to make actual money online, such as through referrals, site views, and ratings.

In addition to the referring, LeadsLeap offers a variety of ways for you to use its marketing capabilities, such as choosing particular groups of people to introduce the system to.

Sincerely, I've barely scratched the surface of what makes LeadsLeap essential, but the fact is that all the features serve as a powerful booster system for any online advertising campaign.

It would be an understatement to say that the Pro upgrade, which costs less than $30 a month, is worth every penny if you want to take things seriously. You can enter 10 Pro advertising into the system, and they will be regularly watched completely automatically. That's one teaser for you.

The rest of the Pro advantages just seem to go on forever.

Even though I am a Pro member, I continually discover new tools that are quite valuable and worthwhile.

If there is a drawback to LeadsLeap, I haven't found it yet, and I imagine that all Pro members would concur.

I've tried a lot of all-in-one programs in the past, but I haven't found anything that even comes close to matching the total advantages of LeadsLeap.

Final Verdict

Do yourself a favor and give LeadsLeap a shot if you absolutely must have traffic, leads, and sales—otherwise, you wouldn't be reading this. Don't be a non-believer like I was. I firmly believe in LeadsLeap right now, and I promise you won't regret joining.


Categorized under:
IM Tool
Kyle Yost's review...
My experience with the program so far

As a professional affiliate marketer, I'm often skeptical of new systems that claim to revolutionize online earnings. However, the Rapid Profit Machine (RPM) System by James Neville-Taylor piqued my interest. James is not just any marketer; he's a renowned international speaker and a seven-figure entrepreneur. With promises of a proven, automated income-generating system available for free, I had to give it a try.

Upon diving in, the system was user-friendly, even for someone who isn't tech-savvy. The automated processes worked seamlessly, and setting up took less time than I anticipated. One of the standout moments was seeing the free traffic feature in action. Watching the numbers climb without additional investment felt like witnessing digital magic.

I added some fuel to the fire and paid for some solo ads and the same day commissions starting pinging in my inbox from Warrior+.

What I Like

  • Ease of Use: The system is intuitive, making it accessible to complete beginners and seasoned marketers alike.
  • Supportive Community: The endorsements from industry giants like Erick Salgado, Omar Martin, and Dave Sharpe added credibility. The community of users sharing success stories was motivating.
  • Value for Money: The added bonuses provided substantial value, and the absence of hidden fees made the whole experience stress-free.
  • Free Traffic: The system promises free traffic, a critical feature for anyone looking to scale their online business without hefty advertising costs. The track record speaks volumes—over $2.7 million generated online!
  • Bonuses Included: Beyond the core system, you get $4,715 worth of money-making bonuses. These bonuses are designed to enhance your earning potential right out of the gate.

What I Dislike

  • Not a Quick Fix: While not necessarily a downside, the system isn't a get-rich-quick scheme. It demands effort, consistency, and a willingness to learn. Starting any business, on or off line, requires that.

Final Verdict

In conclusion, the RPM System delivers on its promises and offers an incredible opportunity to build a stable online business. The combination of free traffic, substantial bonuses, and a supportive community makes it a compelling choice.

If you have been trying to make money online for a while now but cannot seem to make it work, give this a try, it worked for me and it can work for you as well.


Categorized under:
Clive Anderson's review...
A Completely Comprehensive Online Business System with Integrated Earning Capabilities that go Above and Beyond Expectancy

When it comes to every aspect of online activity including: branding, residual earnings, business building, traffic and exposure, list building, extensive tracking and much more, one of the most resourceful 'must have' systems you will want at your fingertips is LeadsLeap.

You will see many of the internets top marketers using LeadsLeap as a way of life. You can create and promote simple ads on LeadsLeap, right up to creating wealth providing funnels.

There really is no minimum or maximum capabilities. It just plain makes common sense.

If you are online to make progress in any way LeadsLeap will provide... By the truck load!

With a 100% free lifetime membership you will be able to actually open doors that might otherwise have remained firmly closed, or at the very least have a pretty hefty price tag attached.

Don't be fooled. While LeadsLeap may be free to join it is far from offering low value, in fact it has a list of highly unique benefits that are as long as your arm and that can elevate anyones online experience above and beyond any expectations.

LeadsLeap will allow you to use the dynamic system tools at absolutely no-cost to help you build virtually any business, or even the LeadsLeap system itself, which can provide high profits and a residual income.

In short: It just cannot be beaten...

No matter what your level of online experiance LeadsLeap allows you to:

  • Get More Creative With Your Advertising
  • Build Any Type of Page(s) You Like
  • Build Your Own Extensive Personal List
  • Manage Your List With The Autoresponder
  • Follow-Up Your List with Email Series
  • Broadcast to Your List
  • Track The Results of Your Affiliate Links
  • Advertise Your Website(s) and Get Unique Traffic
  • Advertise Multiple Links Together with Rotator
  • Build and Manage Your Funnels
  • Build Any Existing Business(es)
  • And Much More...

The promotion ability alone far outweighs pretty much ANY other types of system found online.

For free you can also list up to 10 of your programs, offers, or opportunities to be promoted by being shown firstly to all LeadsLeap members, (of which there are currently over 171+ thousand). Your ads will also appear on members promoted pages that have included LeadsLeaps PPC promotions on them. These numbers are ridiculously high, giving you incomprehensible exposure across virtually every kind of online promotional system.

It is worth pointing out here that if you were able to put your promotions in front of 171thousand people using any other program online there would be a fairly hefty financial price to pay. This LeadsLeap facility alone should certainly not be taken lightly.

Upgrade and you gain another 10 slots for advertising programs, only as a Pro member you will be getting 10 of your now 20 slots viewed as mentioned above on complete autopilot. (This one facility alone would cost thousands of dollars a year to obtain outside of LeadsLeap).

So, even if you were just looking for powerful advertising, it is doubtful that someone would find anything that can either compete, or compare to this industry giant.

NEWS FLASH! LeadsLeap has just launched its very own in-house COOP system, which will without doubt soon become the envy of other co-op systems currently online. This is yet another phenominal addition to the already endless beneficial aresnal of powertools under one roof. (And you can earn yet another additional income just for using it! )

Some of the tools available within Leadsleap are:

In-House advertising to all members. Create your ad text with an accompanying image and members are encouraged to view others sites for more than a flash-by view for reciprocated credits, meaning your own site will get proper views and not just a few seconds because someone is surfing for credits.

Page builder. Whether you wish to build a splash page, capture page, or any other kind of web-page this facility is a real gem, with many added features, including templates, as well as being ultra easy to work around and use.

A complete and comprehensive email marketing system including setting-up your own email series for any of your LeadsLeap pages, attached to the in-house hosted autoresponder which you have complete control of. (Endless capabilities)

And the list goes on. Blog, funnel builder, form and pop-up creator, hosting for images, and PDF's. Create reviews and recommendations and much more.

You can also earn real cash from various methods including site views, rating, referring etc.

In mentioning the referring, LeadsLead has an array of ways in which you can use its promotional tools, such as specific targets you might wish to share the system with.

In all honesty, I've only really touched the surface of what makes LeadsLeap a real must, but the bottom line is that all the facilities become a massive booster system for any and all online activities.

If you want to get really serious there is the Pro upgrade for just a few dollars a month, and to say it is worth every cent is an understatement. One teaser for you here is that you can place 10 Pro ads into the system and they get viewed consistently on complete autopilot. As for the rest of the Pro benefits, they just seem to be endless. (See for yourself)

Even as a Pro member myself I still keep finding new tools that are highly worthwhile, and of exceptional value.

If there was a downside to LeadsLeap I've yet to find it, and I would suspect that all Pro members would agree.

I've used many all-in-one systems in the past, but I've yet to discover anything that can even come close to the overall benefits that have come from using LeadsLeap.

Why not walk through the right door today and discover the success that LeadsLeap can bring to you.

Why work hard when working smart provides a better outcome...

Clive Anderson


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