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IM Tool
Scott Dubois's review...
My Exciting Journey with the Rapid Profit Machine

Hey everyone! Today, I'm thrilled to share my incredible journey with the Rapid Profit Machine.

If I had to describe my experience in one word, it would be 'phenomenal. ' This system has truly revolutionized my approach to online marketing, and I can't wait to tell you all about it!

From the Beginning

From the very beginning, the Rapid Profit Machine blew me away. The vendor provides free traffic and a super easy-to-follow walkthrough on setting up the system. This step-by-step guide helped me generate a ton of leads and members right off the bat.

And the extra training? Absolute gold! The mindset videos, in particular, have been a game-changer, helping me think more clearly and make smarter decisions, which has led to even more sales.

What I Love About the Rapid Profit Machine

The simplicity of this system is what really sets it apart. Even though I had some prior knowledge, the training is incredibly beginner-friendly. It's packed with valuable insights into email marketing and business strategies that anyone can benefit from.

This makes it perfect for boosting your online presence, whether you're just starting out or looking to up your game.

Anything Not to Like?

Honestly, I couldn't find a single downside. The system's value, simplicity, and the sheer number of sales it has generated for me leave no room for complaints. It's a well-rounded package that truly delivers on its promises.

My Final Verdict: Give It a Try!

I wholeheartedly recommend the Rapid Profit Machine to everyone, whether you're a seasoned marketer or a complete newbie. The value it provides is immense, and the support system is top-notch.

There's a vibrant Facebook group where I, along with many others and the vendor, regularly check in on each other's progress and offer help whenever needed.

The system includes Done-For-You (DFY) funnels and email swipes, making the setup process a breeze. Plus, you can always reach out to me, the group, or the support staff for assistance.

This system has not only helped me pull in numerous commissions, but it also provides knowledge and skills applicable to any online venture. And here's the cherry on top: I'm offering some fantastic bonuses if you get the system through my recommendation! Interested?

Just download the Rapid Profit Machine, and you'll gain access to these exclusive bonuses, including an extra income source.

Exciting Update!

The Rapid Profit Machine continues to impress! It has been newly revamped with exciting changes that make it better than ever.

This system remains a reliable recurring income machine for me, and I can't stress enough how important it is to put in the work. As James, the creator, always says, the system works only if you do. If you slack off, don't expect results.

I've also created a detailed video review on my YouTube channel, CivicEdge1991, where I explain how the Rapid Profit Machine works and why it's so effective. On my channel, you'll find other tutorials and reviews that I've made to help people navigate the online marketing world.

So, because I've put in the effort, I'm now reaping the rewards, and I still 100% recommend this system to everyone! If you're curious to see those tutorials, programs, and reviews, check out my YouTube channel, CivicEdge1991.

Ready to take your online business to the next level? Dive into the Rapid Profit Machine and start your journey to success!


Categorized under:
Home Biz
William Berg's review...
My experience with the program so far

After joining, I signed up for the first matrix cycler. Surprisingly, I cycled through the first and the second matrix just after two weeks. This earned me $300. So it was a no-brainer to sign up for the monthly matrix plan. As I write this review, my monthly matrix has 62 paying members. I've never experienced this much spillover so quickly. I'm doing my part by enrolling my own personal members. So far I've enrolled 12 paying members of my own and I'm currently helping those members enroll even more. I almost forgot... I'm also cycling through Matrix 1 and 2 again.

What I Like

I really like the fact that a landing page and autoresponder are included with the membership. Not too many programs offer this. The fact that it's affordable for almost everyone is also a great perk.

What I Dislike

Being paid through Wise wouldn't be my first choice, but it works just fine. I'm getting paid weekly as promised.

Final Verdict

If anyone is growing tired of physical products and only wants to promote digital products, this one is for you.


Categorized under:
IM Tool
Willy Mwanafunzi's review...
My experience with the program so far

I joined WEBFIRE in March 2022. Webfire is one of the more popular software that helps you with the Automation of your campaigns. It actually gets you opportunities to get traffic and increase your sales. This software is connected to social media forums. The owners of the software keep updating it to be more efficient.

What I Like

Webfire 3.0 is easy to use and is connected to different social media forums where your customers are hanging out. The Software allows you to find all conversations and gives keywords and phrases that go out and find any leads for people that are looking to buy the product you're selling.

This system analyzes ranking, different changes, and movements that are going on in a particular niche on the different search engines. It then gives you suggestions on what to change so that you can reach more leads.

What I Dislike

Actually, the system works pretty well, I can only mention that it's a High Ticket Product.

Final Verdict

Shawn Casey and Brian Koz are the creators of the software, they made this system friendly user and it's linked to another payment tracking that allows you to show all your approved payments, pending or paid.


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Scott Dubois's review...
My experience with the program so far

Hello, And Welcome to my review of My Traffic Partners. This website is sort of new and I am pretty sure just came out this year. In this review, I will go through my exact experiences through My Traffic Partners and help you come up with an informed decision on whether or not it is right for you.

My Traffic Partners has been a GREAT website to be part of. It started I believe right around the same time as The Click Generator and the website was made by John Cornetta and Frank Salinas.

What they have done in My Traffic Partners is essentially they have created a site similar to LeadsLeap where you post ads and things like that and get traffic to your ads.

In my opinion, I don't think it is as good as LeadsLeap as LeadsLeap is tailored to not only go to the members of the site and show your ads to them but also they show your ads on Google and whatnot.

Still, My Traffic Partners is still a very valuable site to be part of. I of course signed up to be a paid member as it made a lot of sense for the things that they offer because the bonuses themselves are worth more than the site. We are talking over thousands of dollars in bonuses all for a 16-dollar-a-month price.

The bonuses you will get are as follows:

  • Access to The Executive Traffic Club at The Click Generator ($49.95/year value) (I think this one is worth far more than 49.95)
  • 6 solo ads at 100 Percent Clicks ($60 value)
  • Access to Resell Products Now ($100 value) (THIS IS AMAZING! )
  • Access to 200+ PLR Newsletter Emails ($97 value)
  • 3-in-1 Upgrade at ($20 value) (I have gotten a lot of traffic here as well)

These bonuses I know have just under 100 dollars for most of them but I believe some of them are worth FAR more than what they put in actual value.

Now my experience as I said above has been totally amazing. I signed up back in March of 2024 I believe and since then I have received traffic to my ads DAILY.

Much like LeadsLeap, they have a similar ad system but also have added a safelist feel at the same time by offering login ads and things like that. There are multiple ways to gain traffic, especially through normal ads, login ads, and hinge ads.

I have had great success at getting people to my list and the numbers continue to go up on all my ads as well as the traffic I receive.

I forgot to mention that I believe they also have a type of co-op rotator that you can also send out which gets you more visibility there as well a lot like LeadsLeap.

What I Like

  • I like the simplicity of the website
  • I like how easy it is to set up ads
  • I like the fairness of how your ads get shown on the network
  • I LOVE the bonuses that come with this
  • I love how easy it is to generate traffic PROVIDING you have a good capture page and know what you are doing in that field.

What I Dislike

I do dislike one thing. Your ads that you set up expire after 28 days I believe, which can be annoying as you will have to go in and start them up again to start receiving traffic. However, it's not horribly bad because the ad still stays there all you have to do is reactivate it and it starts up again... You do not have to rewrite anything. So this is only a small grievance.

Final Verdict

I say do get My traffic Partners. Even if you sign up for the free version of the site it still has something for everyone and still remains another great site that will provide you with more eyeballs.

I say anyway of getting eyeballs to your offers is best in this business as eyeballs are what defines your success and if you don't have those eyeballs or ways of getting eyeballs then you are a sitting duck, or a sinking ship.

I do think it is a great website to be part of and hey there are different little contests and things that happen every now and again as well that will give you more value on the website.

I hope this review has been insightful and has helped you come up with an informed decision on whether or not My Traffic Partners is right for you! Thanks for reading!


John and Frank have done it again! This month actually in the past week they have released a new function on My Traffic Partners. This new function allows you to have a chance to win PRIZES every single day one of which can be extra priority points.

What priority points are is basically a system they implemented which allows your ads to get seen with these priority points. The higher your points are the more your ads get seen!

Now that being said you can win extra priority points from going to the "Earn Priority Points" link inside of My Traffic Partners which if you click 40 ads a day you have a chance to win a prize!

If you win priority points CONGRATS! Because this means you will get a bunch of priority points and your ads will get seen more. You can also win money as well from the prizes!

The priority points I believe go like this. Free Members get their ads seen 25% I believe and paid members (Which I am a paid member) Get their ads seen 75%. For 16 bucks a month though you get AN EXTREME AMOUNT OF VALUE!

I highly recommend this and believe this is a unique system to get people to your ads!


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Safelist Mailer
Dominic Kristianto's review...
My experience with the program so far

I am quite pleased with Mailer.g0ld and that means something because typically I don't use Safelist as my main traffic source.

Apparently, I did change my mind and started using Safelist because I managed to make consistent sales from it.

What I did was send an email as a Free Silver member and track the result. To my surprise, I managed to get 3 clicks and 1 sale out of 600 members to whom I can send my email!

This is nuts! To think that a new Safelist help me make a sale is not my intention. I just want to see the CTR (3 out of 600 is small, but mind you, this is completely cold traffic that never heard about me before).

And for that reason, I decided to upgrade to Lifetime Gold membership for just $16 at the time I write this review.

You see, Mailer.g.ld increases the price with the increment of 0.01 for every new upgrade sale. So the next upgrade price would be $16.01, then $16.02, and so on.

What I Like

Well, I see some "gold" inside this safelist waiting for me to dig it lol. I mean, I did get a sale from the free account, so I can easily justify my decision to upgrade as a No-Brainer one.

Besides the regular email, Gold members will also get 5 text ads and 5 banner ads to get more eyeballs to the offer, and there are also Guaranteed Visitors plus Downline Builder tools that we can use to add some more exposure.

Overall, I like the member's area and the navigation is clear and easy to follow. I guess that is because the owner (Frank Bauer) has done this for a long time. He definitely knows what he is doing.

What I Dislike

Well, since it's still new (less than a year since the launch date), there are less than 3K members right now and that is a low number for a safelist.

Nevertheless, that also means that there is room for improvement and if they become bigger, the founder members will also reap the benefits such as bigger commissions and low initial investment ($16 as I write this review).

Other than that, I don't see any disadvantage of using mailer.g.ld right now.

Final Verdict

Safelist has been known as one of the low-cost methods to get traffic to your offer and build your list. It still is even today. No wonder there are new safelists emerging every year.

I joined mailer.g.ld because of the credibility of the owner and decided to upgrade for a very low investment after I get a good result as a Free Silver Member.

If you want to know whether this is worth it or not, you can just create a free account and test it.

You may get lucky and make one sale or two. Track your result and let it be the final judge before you make decision to upgrade or not. Easy peasy right? ;)


Categorized under:
PLR & MRR Products
Joy Healey's review...
Re-reviewing this service in July 2023 and again June 2024

I am still using it and find it SO helpful. I couldn't produce and research this info that I then use, adapting it to my own requirements, adding my own experiences and sometimes using it to promote an affiliate product that fits the content.

Anyone as short of time as I am, wouldn't be without this very affordable service.

Happily others agree with me, so I have now been earning from the affiliate program, which has reduced the cost to me.

People might say that ChatGPT has killed the need for it, but I disagree, because the free version of ChatGPT doesn't include bang up-to-date info. So if I have to pay for a ChatGPT update to be up-to-date (vital when reporting on social media etc.) I may as well pay for a something that also produces me a complete newsletter!

My experience with the program so far

Well over a year (possibly two years) after joining, I am still extremely happy with this program. It has saved me hours in creating content for my blog and social media posts.

The program gives me Private Label Rights (PLR*) to a superb quality Internet Marketing newsletter each month that I send to my email list. They obviously enjoy it, as I get among my highest open rates when I send the Newsletter out.

* PLR material gives companies and individuals who don't have their own in-house expertise the right to use information produced by others as if it were their own.

Most PLR material has a deservedly terrible reputation. I have tons of it, on my hard disk, and it's so dire it would take me longer to correct / update it, so it's easier to start again.

This is NOT your average PLR!

I first joined this program maybe a couple of years ago. I loved it... But then I took a break from Internet Marketing for personal reasons so I cancelled my subscription.

Now I have returned to IM but I'm still short of time so when I was reminded about this service I was delighted to re-join.

What I Like

  • I'm really pressed for time, so this service saves me hours, creating quality content for social media, lead magnets and blog posts.
  • Let's be honest: even if I had all day, everyday, I don't have the skills or resources to come up with something as good as this.
  • The newsletter keeps me up-to-date with trends in IM in a way that I couldn't possibly handle myself.
  • The design quality is superb - my design skills are zero!
  • The training shows you many different ways to use this material in your marketing
  • Re-brand to your own affiliate links with one click. OR
  • Personalize more fully using the source files that are supplied
  • The perfect gift to send to my email list each month
  • Support is fast and helpful
  • The service has just celebrated its 12th birthday, so it's certainly stood the test of time!

What I Dislike

Yet to find anything!

Final Verdict

If you've ever struggled to find quality content for lead magnets, social media, blog posts etc. give this a try - you won't regret it.


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