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IM Tool
Gary Nugent's review...
My experience with the program so far

You must have noticed the rise of AI in marketing since late 2022 when ChatGPT was first launched. AI Cash Machines is a course that teaches you how to leverage the power of AI to build an affiliate marketing business using 2024 technology.

If you're not using AI yet, then you are going to be left behind. Unlike other things that have come along over the years, AI is here to stay and will ultimately pervade every aspect of our lives.

AI Cash Machines is a video training course that contains 49 lessons in 3 modules. It covers mindset, affiliate marketing fundamentals, how and where to drive free traffic from, the integration of ManyChat to automate part of your online business and how to use AI to write the right type of content to bring in visitors, subscribers and sales.

The aim of the course is to get your business up and running as quickly as possible and to use AI to perform tasks much faster than you can, and often with better results, as I have surprisingly found.

It will take a good few hours (there's over 7 hours of video training) to go through the course and you will need to do some some work to set things up. You'll also have to do daily tasks to build your business so being consistent with this is key. It's not difficult work but you will need to dedicate 2+ hours per day to building your business.

What I Like

  • The course was created by a person I trust: my own mentor
  • There is no fluff. The strategies described here are what are working today and what my mentor is doing himself (he's transparent about what he does and why)
  • As strategies change due to the rapidly evolving AI landscape, the course will be updated with new or revised training
  • The price: a one-time $27 for thousands of dollars worth of learning and expertise
  • A mentor who genuinely cares about the success of his students and doesn't just pay lip-service to it
  • This is a low-cost a course that you'll find that is worth multiples of what you pay for it. It it not a fly-by-night course like you'll find on WarriorPlus. My mentor wants to create 100 millionaires and 1,000 6-figures earners by 2026 with this

What I Dislike

  • Nothing. I really can't think of anything I dislike about this course.

Final Verdict

If you're looking to start an online business in 2024 or you're an established marketer but are finding that the old ways of doing things just aren't delivering as well as they used to (which is what I've been finding), then this is a course that is well worth checking out. The guy behind it has your back (I speak from experience) and is one of the most successful affiliate marketers in the business. It's hard to go wrong with this one


Categorized under:
List Building
Donna Tate's review...
My experience with the program so far

I have found that the built in Viral List Building is a really unique twist, I have not seen it anywhere else, and while you are building your list, others are helping you also. I completed the Facebook Training , and , honestly, I can't believe the results I have gotten so far. I was thinking it was going to be your regular Facebook Ads training, but it wasn't. This is a complete new strategy, blows my away. Just this FREE training brings really great leads, building your list.

You can join for FREE, forever and build your list.

You can upgrade for one time fee of $10 and whenever someone else upgrades under you, you get the whole commission, paid to you instantly.

You can go PRO, and make a lot of money , it's one time $100, but when you work with your team, and they get going, it really pays off. Also, PRO level also unlocks tons of training videos, and bear in mind, ALL of the training you get can be used for your other programs.

What I Like

Instant Commissions.

The owner Derrick, has personally answered each of my emails whenever , as a newbie, I have questions.

The support is incredible. You can be assured that you will not be out on your own. If you are in my team, I personally will do everything I can to help.

What I Dislike

The only thing I would change, if I could, would be a level between the $10 and the $100 levels, I do see how it works though.

Final Verdict

This is my main program, some may not like that it's non-recurring commissions, BUT when you look at the List Building Twist, you see how much it really is worth it.


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Linda Bomba's review...
My experience with the program so far

I recently learned about this program however I did have a free account for a long time and never used it.

Boy have I been missing out!

I actually went PRO today and set up 10 ads and started getting leads immediately!

I had no idea how powerful this system is and using it to grow my online business.

What I Like

I like all the different features you can use. I have been able to upload high converting pages that I have a share code.

This has to be one of the most powerful systems I have seen in the 12+ years I have been online. I am paying way more for just my auto responder!

For $27 you get a funnel and page maker, an auto responder, a tracking tool, a rotator tool and advertising through being able to set up 10 days and by giving reviews of products/services you use.

Not only do they pay you for referring people through their affiliate program, they pay you to surf 10 ads everyday with their daily action bonus. They also pay you through promoting their COOP, PPC and credit encashment.

There is not other affiliate program in this industry that does this so again there so many features and tools with this system it is worth way more than $27 per month.

What I Dislike

So far NOTHING but if I had to pick something and would like to see they pay faster there is currently a 60 day hold on commissions.

Final Verdict

I think is an outstanding system that every online business owner needs for a price that can't be beat!

I am so impressed with this whole system and the longer I use the more value I see there truthfully is anything else out there like this in our industry. I wish I found this when I got online in 2011.

If I was just starting out I would use this and not invest the thousands of dollars I have put into having auto responders, funnel makers, tracking tools and advertising. This is the best resource I have to date in this industry the value for the price is outstanding.

Leads Leap is a platform that will help you get more leads and sales and give you exposure for your business. It's the ultimate leverage I love it! there isn't anything else out there like this!


Categorized under:
Health & Fitness
Scott Dubois's review...
My Exciting Journey with LiveGood

Hello fellow marketers and readers! I'm thrilled to share my journey with LiveGood, an innovative company that's been making waves since its inception last year. Let me walk you through my experiences with their products and why I believe they're truly exceptional.

Discovering LiveGood

I joined LiveGood earlier this year, around January or February 2024. My primary motivation wasn't the potential to earn money but rather the incredible health products they offer. From multivitamins and meal replacement shakes to super reds for cardio, essential oils, and CBD oil, LiveGood's product range is impressive and continually expanding.

Why I Chose LiveGood

Having been part of other health-focused companies before, like Melaleuca, I can confidently say that LiveGood stands out. Melaleuca's prices were always a challenge, with health packs and cleaning products costing a fortune. In contrast, LiveGood offers major discounts for members, making it affordable to maintain a healthy lifestyle. For instance, their multivitamins cost just $9.95 for members, compared to around $18 for non-members, and they last for two to three months.

My Experience with Promotion and Spillover

Initially, I joined LiveGood through Jeff Aman and did some promotion, gaining referrals but not converting them. However, the membership's real value lies in the discounted products. Plus, there's the potential to earn through spillover. While it took about 2-3 months to get my first spillover, the growth was exponential. One spillover turned into three as my team members started recruiting, significantly increasing my earnings without additional effort.

Choosing the Yearly Membership

For those considering LiveGood, the yearly membership is the best option. It eliminates the need for monthly payments, except for the products you choose to buy. This way, you can enjoy the health benefits and the potential earnings from spillover without the hassle of constant renewals.

Unexpected Growth I Received

This month, despite not actively promoting LiveGood, my team grew by three members. This unexpected growth reinforced my belief in the system's potential. LiveGood is ideal for those seeking affordable health products, those looking to earn from spillover, or both.

What I Like:

Health Products: As someone in my mid-thirties focusing on cardio and health, LiveGood's products are essential for my routine.

Earning Potential: The ability to earn through multiple channels and the growth from spillover is exciting.

User-Friendly Site: LiveGood's website is easy to navigate, unlike some other sites I've encountered.

Community Support: The company genuinely cares about its members, offering weekly trainings, webinars, and a supportive community.

Discounted Prices: Member prices are much lower than those at local stores or rival health websites.

Family Atmosphere: The LiveGood community feels like a big family, which I love as I'm also working on my personal genealogy tree.

What I Dislike:

The only downside is the slow pace of spillover, but once it starts, the growth can be substantial.

Final Verdict

Overall, I give LiveGood a 4/5 stars. The company is well-structured, supportive, and offers significant benefits even if you don't actively promote it. Whether you're interested in health products, earning potential, or both, LiveGood is a fantastic community to be part of.

I have been recommending it to everybody as a way to earn passive income and hey! As I said, if you don't care about the passive income part of it, there are always the health products too.

I think it is well worth the dive into it if you are looking for something!

Thank you for reading my review! For more insights, check out my YouTube channel, Civicedge1991, where I review LiveGood and other topics. Enjoy!

Update July 2024

I am still earning money from barely promoting LiveGood.

I have received people under me from other people promoting LiveGood! So now I am earning recurring income from people being put under my tree in overflow or whatever the actual term is. At the time of writing this I am having a mental block of what it is actually called.

So now I am earning while I am getting products that make me and my family healthy and happy! It is more than just an earning site; it is a site that helps you manage your health! And I still highly recommend joining!


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Howlin Mike Howell's review...
My experience with this program:

I probably failed over 50 different online business opportunities before trying Secrets of The Big Dogs.

It was a game changer for me!

This is how I made my first sales and commissions; and I still make sales with it today and use the foundational tactics that I gained. It was a great online marketing boot camp!

This is a must if you're interested in affiliate and email marketing. It provides the necessary know-how to make it work.

You will use this as long as you do online business!

What I like:

The beauty of this $7.00 e-book?

It gives you real and doable "secrets" that the top marketers use every day.

You will learn how to get:

  • Plenty of real traffic to whatever opportunity you want.
  • Multiple sources of income through promoting one link.
  • A time-saving strategy (Adapt it to your business! )
  • Apply the necessary email and affiliate marketing tactics.

If you have zero online marketing experience, with a reasonable effort - using these strategies you should have success or at least find out if you really have the willpower to make it happen.

Internet Marketing is a fast-flowing river of constant change and can be frustrating. However, this valuable biz-smart info will clear any confusion.

It breaks down all the hype that distorts the truth about making $ online!

This is not another Shiney Toy promise... It reveals strategies that really work!

What I dislike:

This is jam packed with about everything you need to know about the basics of Internet Marketing, however; one extremely important subject is left out!

... It deals with lead generation and mailing lists. Since the ceo of the website handles this task, he doesn't focus on it.

But you will eventually need this skill. In fact, every seasoned marketer knows starting your own mailing list is important for success. Perhaps he sees this as an advanced skill.

Secondly, there is no video training. However, this is probably to keep everything as simple as possible.

My final verdict:

You're Not going to be an instant millionaire with this, but with consistent effort you have the potential to make a modest $2000 a month, or with serious focus, you can make a possible six-figure income.

It will provide the mindset to go to the next level.

This is the "Bible" for email/affiliate marketing, and I highly recommend it for every newbie or person who may be frustrated online.

These are foundational basics every successful marketer must know!


Categorized under:
Internet Marketing
Imran 's review...
My experience with the program so far

I joined 5 Dollar Friday a few months back and ever since I have found great value on its website. The owner of 5 Dollar Friday is Frank Andres and almost every Friday he gives out $5 Mega deals on programs like, software, traffic marketing and other related programs that can benefit an online marketer. These programs that are high value items, can be snatched at just $5.

I have purchased a few stuff from 5 Dollar Friday myself and one of them is "Buyer's Clicks" which provides on the base level 1000 hits to your website, landing page or affiliate link. In addition to that, there are weekly giveaways that can be grabbed for free, these are usually available from Friday through Sunday evenings and after that they are not available until next week where something new comes up.

What I Like

With programs starting at just $5, which in fact carry a lot more value than the price, provides me with an Opportunity to use them in my business. As for Weekly giveaways they are simply awesome, this can include software, ebooks, training videos etc. The best part is Frank guarantees that if someone can find a same product that is displayed on 5 Dollar Friday on a less price anywhere else then Frank will give that product for Free at no cost, their motto is "find it less anywhere... We will give it you for 100% zero cost".

What I Dislike

As an online marketer, if you know your strengths and weaknesses then best to use something that provides more value and increases your strengths, therefore, I find some of the software or programs that 5 dollar Friday offers do not resonate with my business, but then Frank is providing these for may kinds of online business, so I would not say I dislike this strategy, it is just that you look out for the weekly deals that come out and you will be able to find something very useful for your business.

Final Verdict

I like 5 Dollar Friday a lot, you are not forced to purchase anything, you can simply use the Weekly giveaways even and do not buy anything, but, if you see value in stuff that can work for you then I would definitely say yes, go ahead, since the value for the money you get for just $5 is insane and does not break anyone's bank. The best part is you can use the bonuses for your own business and provide your own customers with these fantastic giveaways, I am sure nobody minds getting something of value for Free. Oh, one more thing, 5 Dollar Friday also has a great affiliate program, be sure to check that or get help from their support.


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