We’ve just finished another round of updates on SendSteed. The main purpose of this update is to address the following issue: When members share their Email Series with others, the Welcome Email is not shared. This means members have to separately share or teach their leads how to set up the Welcome Email. This is […]
Tutorial Is Now Searchable
Recently we added a ‘Side-By-Side’ tutorial system. The feedback was generally good, except one problem… There are too many FAQs to go through!!! We hear you. Now, the tutorial is searchable. All you have to do is key in one or two keywords. The system will shortlist all the questions containing the keywords, in any […]
SendSteed Update – Track Your Subscribers’ Surfing Durations
There is an issue with SendSteed that has been bothering us for some time. We notice that there are opt-ins with only 1 second of surfing duration. What does that mean? Either our tracking system is faulty, or those subscribers have their emails ready and they opt in as soon as the opt-in page is […]
‘Side-by-side’ Tutorial
Over the years, we have introduced different kinds of tutorial system. Finally, I think we have created the best Tutorial system for you. It’s called ‘Side-By-Side’ Tutorial. If you go to your Member Area now, you will see a ‘Tutorial‘ link. Click on the ‘Tutorial‘ link. A tutorial section will open on the left side. […]
Page Builder Major Revamp
In the past few weeks, we have been revamping our Page Builder . If you think our formal Page Builder is good, wait till you see this one… Without further ado, let me introduce some of the new features. Some of these features may be suggested by you in the past and I said, “Not […]
Now You Can Exclude Rotated Link From Certain Traffic Source
This is a feature request from our fellow member, Venkatesh. Venkatesh promotes a rotator in different traffic exchanges. The problem is, the rotator contains links that promote those traffic exchanges as well. In other words, he may end up promoting a particular traffic exchange to the members of the SAME traffic exchange, which is a […]
Filter Unique Traffic Using Link Rotator
This is a feature request from our fellow member, George. George helps his team members to promote their links. He needs a rotator that can send unique traffic to his own links, and for other non-unique traffic, he will distribute it among his team members. I thought this is an excellent feature. So it is […]