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Internet Marketing
Dominic Kristianto's review...
My experience with the program so far

I have known Tim for more than 3 years now and he has helped me make thousands of dollars in commissions. I even made more than $1K from his low-ticket product.

Freedom Marketing System, in a nutshell, is the pinnacle of his lifetime work. This is the only simple system that he uses himself that is responsible for getting him to 6-Figure online consistently.

This is not a get-rich-quick scheme, but this is Tim's very own playbook to fix all traffic and lead gen issues for good.

Yep, you read that right. The biggest problem every marketer has is not having enough traffic and don't even know how to generate traffic consistently. Sounds familiar?

In short, the Freedom Marketing System is your ticket to achieving Independence and complete Freedom. Just like the name denotes (well, duh! )

What I Like

The amount and quality of information inside this product is way much higher than its price tag! It should be priced at at least $97 in my opinion, if not more.

The structure is easy to follow and there is also the Live Case Study section so you can see how the system works and how you can also build the system for yourself. Literally.

This is a simple, Easy-To-Follow System that allows you to create and add new passive income streams whenever you want.

This is like a dream come true, but the difference is, you can actually build this system in the real world. That is if you take advantage of what you learn and implement it diligently.

Ready to experience the freedom of cash flow-positive lead generation and automated sales?

The Freedom Marketing System is your ultimate guide to making this happen. And the best part? It's available for just $5.60!

With the Freedom Marketing System, you'll discover:

  • How to Identify and Recruit High-Quality Affiliates: Find partners who can drive the right kind of traffic to your offers.
  • Strategies for Creating Irresistible Offers: Set up compelling offers that affiliates are eager to promote.
  • Building Powerful Funnels: Create effective funnels that convert pre-warmed traffic into leads and sales.
  • Maximizing Profits: Learn how to structure your commissions and offers to ensure you're always generating a profit.

What I Dislike

This might be not a fit for a total beginner who has never done any online marketing before. I'm not saying that as a deal breaker, but if you don't understand the basic terminology like "traffic" and "leads", you need to learn that separately.

Don't worry though, this is not a complex product. In fact, this is made so simple that anyone can create the same system by learning how to build it.

You are not alone in this journey, Tim has made a warm community that you can access if you buy one of the upsells (and it's very affordable also).

Final Verdict

If you ever want a simple system that is risk-free to consistently attract and acquire new customers and clients so that you can enjoy some passive income from your hard work, then the Freedom Marketing System will be the only system that you need.

It may sound so gibberish especially if you look at the very low price tag, but I will leave it to you to be the judge here :-)


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Scott Dubois's review...
Hello everyone, and welcome to my review of Here, I'll share my experiences with this platform and provide updates as I continue to use it. So far, my journey with TrafficZest has been overwhelmingly positive.

What exactly is It's not your typical traffic safelist or exchange. Instead, it offers a unique and effective method for driving traffic to your site.

Remember the old process of hunting for a solo ad provider, setting up your campaign, and hoping for the best? It seems almost archaic now, though it was just a common practice a year ago. You would input your URL, choose your desired number of clicks, see the cost, and then send your payment, only to often end up disappointed with low conversion rates that didn't even cover your initial investment.

Traffic Zest changes the game. It still operates within the realm of solo ads but introduces a crucial innovation. You can set up an ad campaign on the site, choose your niche—like Make Money Online, Weight Loss, or Health—and select from top solo ad vendors to drive traffic to your squeeze page or website. You can even leave your options open for all top vendors to participate, which I highly recommend.

The geographical location of your traffic isn't a constraint either. You can specify countries or opt for top-tier countries to maximize effectiveness. You can also choose the devices from which your traffic will originate, be it mobile or desktop.

What sets Traffic Zest apart is its bidding system, similar to setting up a Facebook ad but without the high risk of overspending before seeing any return on investment. The site allows you to set a Cost Per Click (CPC) rate—for example, bids can range from $0.28 to $1.46. You determine a daily spending limit, and the platform will deliver clicks within this budget, ensuring efficient use of your advertising dollars.

This system provides flexibility to pause and modify your ad campaign if it's not converting well, offering a significant advantage over traditional methods. It's a user-friendly, less risky approach that still caters to the needs of serious marketers.

From my personal experience, the traffic from Traffic Zest is high-quality and comes from reputable sources. Setting up ads is straightforward, and there's plenty of guidance available online if you need it. In my ongoing campaigns, I've noticed that the traffic is not only engaged but also results in high opt-in rates, which is crucial for building an effective email list.


Highly engaged traffic from top solo ad vendors.

Good opt-in rates enhance list building.

Controlled spending with daily limits, similar to Facebook ad setups.

Simple, stress-free setup process.


As of now, there's nothing I dislike about TrafficZest. Should this change, I'll be sure to update this review.

Final Verdict:

Give TrafficZest a try! It's a fantastic resource for any online marketer looking to enhance their traffic quality and improve their list-building efforts. The affordability and effectiveness of its unique bidding system make it a superior choice compared to traditional solo ads. I regret not joining sooner, as the benefits have been substantial.

I do highly recommend TrafficZest To anyone willing to build traffic. I still have yet to spend my first investment in this traffic source as traffic comes in and still on the higher end of my initial investment.

I have received good traffic from this source and continue to monetize it. I think everyone should have this in their online arsenal.

Thank you for reading my review. I hope it provides you with valuable insights into TrafficZest and helps you make an informed decision about using it to boost your online marketing efforts. I wholeheartedly recommend TrafficZest for anyone focused on building a robust email list.


I have now earned 2 sales with this traffic and have earned MANY, MANY sign ups to a lot of my offers all off of 1 investment of 100 dollars. I did a review on my youtube channel too where I showed that I had sales from traffic zest. It is totally amazing and a great traffic source to truly invest in!

I highly, HIGHLY, recommend it. Also do keep in mind the results are not typical and at the end of the day... Your emails, offers, capture pages, and thank-you pages GREATLY impact what success you will have as this is a soload type website... But I have sales using this great website!


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IM Tool
Iryna 's review...
My Experience with Sonic App So Far

I recently gave Sonic App a try to see if it really lives up to the hype of creating a music streaming service in minutes, and I have to say, it's been quite an experience! Sonic lets you build your own music, podcast, and radio streaming service with just a few clicks, and it's incredibly user-friendly.

What I Like

Super Easy Setup: Getting started with Sonic is a breeze. You don't need any technical skills—just log in, choose a keyword, and Sonic does the rest, creating a platform with over 100 million playlists and more.

Instant Mobile Apps: Sonic automatically converts your platform into iOS and Android apps, which is perfect for reaching users on the go.

No Hassle Monetization: It's straightforward to start making money with Sonic. The platform has built-in features to help you monetize without needing extra marketing or ads.

Comprehensive Content: With access to such a vast library, you'll never run out of content for your platform.

Custom Domain and Security: You can use your own domain and enjoy secure, fast hosting with SSL encryption.

What I Dislike

Content Licensing: The commercial use of all included content might face legal issues depending on your region.

Final Verdict

Sonic App is a fantastic tool for anyone looking to break into the streaming industry without getting bogged down by technical details or hefty costs. It offers an easy setup, powerful features, and a lot of potential for monetization. However, keep in mind the marketing claims and ensure it fits your needs and legal requirements before diving in.

Ready to create your own streaming service? Try Sonic App today and see how easy it can be to build and monetize your platform!


Categorized under:
Home Biz
Scott Dubois's review...
My experience with the program so far

My Experience with this program has been great. It is packed full of great value and can honestly rev up anyone's earnings. Now I started out with this system and literally in 3-4 days I had ended up promoting it and got a 1000$ sale.

The webinar on the next page is 100% correct you can earn big commissions if you implement what is shown and be consistent in finding traffic.

That is the key to success in this online world which is CONSISTENCY you will see it everywhere and being consistent in everything you do will find you the commissions and sales you need and want.

What I Like

I like how easy it is to implement everything. Now I know in most of my reviews so far I have put into them that it is easy to implement mostly everything but that's also because I've been working with computers since I was 3 years old. Now I am not saying at all that it isn't easy for someone who doesn't have tech skills because honestly, this system doesn't need any high-tech skills or a PhD in technology.

DFY Stuff? Who doesn't like DFY stuff? I love it, especially traffic? Yes, there is done for you traffic, done for your email swipes, done for you just about anything!

I like the teachings of the fellow who runs the webinar. He is very soft-spoken and very good to learn from. I have worked closely with him for a year now and honestly, most of his things on the internet he is very soft-spoken and very easy to learn from.

What I Dislike

The stuff I learned from this webinar worked for me. I can say that honestly there isn't much I found that I disliked other than the fact that he has traffic from a blog that you can put your own blog into... I am not much of a blogger and haven't been ever so it is hard to know just what to write...

Thank goodness for AI stuff now huh? I just go and have GPT write the blog for his blog traffic and boom.

Final Verdict

Final verdict is You can learn a lot from this webinar. I did and I am thankful I did. When I had found this gentleman I had been in the industry (On real affiliate marketing) For a whole month... That is it... I learned and learned well and eventually found myself earning money from the stuff he mentioned in the webinar!

To be honest I have sought after much information because in a new world it is best to gain as much knowledge as possible and I learned from many people in this online world. Knowledge is power as they say and that is no different when learning a new business or whatever have you.

This webinar will teach much and the system will teach more. You can be earning a 1000-dollar sale like I did in 3 days or more or less. I personally enjoyed this. And will continue enjoying it


Categorized under:
Blog Tools
Nigel 's review...
My experience with AI AI simplifies the writing process, making it valuable and accessible for everyone.

This tool leverages AI to help create and optimize content. Whether you're a business owner, writer, or just looking to improve your writing, can be a game-changer.

Getting started is easy, sign up, set up your account, and you're ready to go.

The dashboard is your command center, clearly displaying all features and options.

You can choose from 37 languages and also select from 21 different tones.

One standout feature is its ability to generate content effortlessly.

If you're facing writer's block, just input a few keywords, and provides polished, engaging text, acting as your creative partner.

What I Like

Rather than coming up with ever-complicated prompts like the other AI tool that everyone is raving about. provides use cases and you can choose from 37 of them

You can even get it to write song lyrics for you

It analyzes your inputs and generates suggestions that feel natural and human-like.

For example, inputting topics like "marketing" or "technology" produces well-crafted paragraphs that are ready to use, complete with engaging language and clear structure.

This blend of creativity and AI-driven efficiency ensures your content is captivating and professional. also optimises for maximum impact.

It understands context and style, adapting to your voice and preferences, making your writing process smooth and enjoyable.

What I Disliked

Initially, I found a bit overwhelming, but with time, it became intuitive and incredibly helpful in crafting, creative content for my audience.

Final Verdict

If you want to elevate your writing and produce high-quality content effortlessly, AI is worth exploring. Its advanced technology and user-friendly design make it a valuable asset for enhancing your writing skills and unlocking new levels of creativity and productivity.


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Safelist Mailer
Scott Dubois's review...
150 Mailer Review: My Personal Experience

I've been using 150 Mailer for about two weeks now, and let me tell you, I'm beyond thrilled with it. Frank's sites have always impressed me, but this one takes the cake.

From the moment I logged in, I was hooked by the intuitive user interface. Setting up and managing campaigns is a breeze. The variety of advertising options blew me away – there are so many ways to promote my products and share updates.

But what truly sets 150 Mailer apart is the community aspect. It's not just about sending emails; it's about forging connections with like-minded individuals who are also eager to grow their businesses. The networking opportunities have been priceless, opening doors I didn't even know existed.

And then there's the customer support – it's stellar. Whenever I had a question, the team was lightning-fast with detailed, helpful responses. Knowing that support is always just a click away gives me immense peace of mind.

Using 150 Mailer feels like wielding a secret weapon in my marketing arsenal. The platform's ease of use and effectiveness have completely wowed me. In just a short time, I've noticed a significant boost in engagement and interest in my campaigns, which is exactly what I was aiming for.

What I Like:

  • Intuitive user interface: Super easy to navigate and use.
  • Strong community and networking opportunities: Connect with like-minded marketers.
  • Excellent customer support: Quick, detailed, and helpful responses.
  • Rapid and noticeable results: Immediate impact on my campaign engagement.

What I Dislike:

None so far, but I'll update this review if I find any issues.

Every aspect of 150 Mailer seems designed with the user in mind, making it an absolute joy to use. The positive results I've experienced in such a short time are a testament to the platform's quality.

Overall, my experience with 150 Mailer has been fantastic. Frank consistently delivers top-notch products, and 150 Mailer is no different. It's now an essential tool in my marketing toolkit. If you're serious about marketing, 150 Mailer is a game-changer you won't want to miss.


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