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Scott Dubois's review...
My experience with the program so far

Hello and Welcome to my review of Triple Traffic 2.0 by Dawud Islam. I am back with another review about one of Dawud's Products. Now as I have said in a couple of other reviews I really enjoy Dawud's products because of the value he provides, the helpfulness of his support, and much, much more! I do highly recommend his products as they help you get traffic galore to your affiliate links, and or your website. Let's get started!

So Another great product that I absolutely loved by Dawud. In this product its another traffic rotator that he offers. It is no different from his other offers. He offers great value and bonuses with the purchase of the FE and offers great upgrades as well that really skyrocket your results.

With this system, you simply go after you get it go to the members area, and create a login. Once your login is created you will head into the members area where you will see a navigational bar on the side where you can view some training videos.

Once you get to the point where you must test your links to your affiliate offers you will test the links you want to add to Triple Traffic 2.0. Once your link is tested and is all good you will go to the next video which should be the video on how to submit your link. I will take this moment to share with you that to get more clicks, make a rotator link so that you can get clicks to different offers you offer. I also strongly advise that you use squeeze pages as this is a product that is helping you get traffic. Get your squeeze pages setup in a rotator and send it in.

I know that this will be a rotator link inside a rotator link but it works. It is a great way to get a bunch of your pages shown to buyers who might be interested in your different offers.

Once you are ready to submit he will advise you to go into your email and email him with a copy of any receipts including the receipt for the FE and any upgrades you may have gotten along with the link you will be using with the system. Once you set this up he will correspond with you and tell you to change things that need to be changed... Also make sure as I said above that you have checked the URL because once it is sent in that is it it cannot be changed so it is very advisable that you test, test, TEST! I cannot say that enough as testing should be a normal occurrence in the online industry. It will be a wasted purchase if the link you used does not work.

Once it is submitted and there are no issues he will confirm with you that he is working on it and then will send you a confirmation that your link has been added to the system.

This is a great way to get traffic and get noticed. The more you get noticed in the online industry the more traffic you will get and the more money you will start to make. Rotators are a great way of getting seen and if you add your own rotator link to the rotator you will be showing your offers every time someone clicks and your link pops up!

I will take this moment to also mention that as always in all my reviews I always include bonuses I have another 13 bonuses to add extra value to this one!

He also offers some amazing bonuses that you can claim inside the members area.

Also check out my other reviews on other traffic sources I recommend as they have all worked for me!

What I Like

  • Easy To Setup
  • Handsfree system once it is setup!
  • Autopilot traffic/buyers to your offers without trying.
  • Great value and bonuses
  • Find out more info to escalate your business!

What I Dislike

The only thing I dislike is you have to share a rotator with other people but that is simply alright because it still works out and you do receive traffic easily.

Final Verdict

My Final verdict is I would seriously consider adding this to your business as the more traffic you can possibly get the better. We all need eyeballs to offers and websites, and this system gives you that.

In a competitive world in the online industry where it is difficult to get noticed and receive traffic to your offers something like this is much needed and I highly recommend it. The bonuses I offer and he offers along with the system help you in your travels as well. I figure for 10$ it is worth the try for anyone but it gets your stuff out there!

My honest opinion is get it. Dawud has helped me and can help you as well! Great things that he offers.

I hoped you enjoyed reading this and I hope it has helped you make an informed decision on whether or not this will be right for you. I wish you all the success!

*UPDATE September 2024*

I continue to get traffic every day by adding my rotator that I have here on leads leap and get sign ups to a few different offers via the traffic system. It is great traffic and still has increased value that will for sure get sign ups to your offers.

More eyeballs means more visibility which means more sales! You must be willing to do whatever it takes to get traffic to your business!

Change your capture pages, and make them highly engaging this wonderful traffic will work for you you just have to make sure to put a great capture page in. I suggest making a rotator of a few different capture pages that you have as doing so will increase your chances of receiving more traffic AND you can change a rotator on the back end and add offers and take them away as you go on!


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JJ Kinseth's review...
My experience with the program so far

I am one who likes to find the best traffic sources for getting subscribers and signups. I promote products online that provide a residual commission. I have tried many sources, some which were decent and others not so much. I finally found the best converting traffic I have experienced. This traffic source has proven leads specifically for your offer.

What I Like

Trafficzest was so easy to use. You don't need to write some fancy ad or title. You simply copy and paste your affiliate link and they take care of the rest. They have a stats page showing the clicks and you will get notice in your email autoresponder for the referrals coming in. I had 76 referrals in less than 30 days and had 5 sales that came in. You start out and deposit $100 and then you can choose how slow or fast you want the traffic to come in. You put in a bid price, and typically 49 cents or more is a good price to get traffic going. I found this to be tremendous traffic and will continue using this to build up my subscribe lists and profits each month.

What I Dislike

Trafficzest isn't the cheapest, but like the old adage... You get what you pay for. There are some of those safelists that will get traffic at a cheaper price, but the conversions are usually pretty low. So even at 49 cents per click it may seem high but the quality and conversions are exceptional.

Final Verdict

If you are looking to not spend hardly any money then this program isn't for you. But if you have $100 to buy their traffic it is definitely worth it. This has proven to me to be a great way to build your subscriber list quickly and profitably.


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Affiliate Marketing
Chris Stepanescu's review...
More than 8 years ago, I started my adventure in internet marketing. I started doing investigations and research on how I could make money.

I joined many specialized sites, I took many courses, and for all this, I learned very little. I spent a lot of money and wasted my time. However, we have created free sites (WordPress and Blogger) and promoted many affiliate products. But, the result was zero. How do some succeed, and I fail? I was still a beginner. However, I did not lose confidence. But...

I finally found the solution. That was five years ago when I discovered Super Sales Machine. Here I learned all the secrets, and from a novice beginner, I reached the advanced stage.

I am now able to teach anyone who wants to.

What are the advantages of SuperSalesMachine?

Anyone who joins will have to create their membership account and will be able to obtain:

- Video courses for beginners - starting with creating a site and everything related to it to show a professional site (loading platforms, posting articles, images, videos, protection and proper functioning of the site, plugins, software, and more).

- Personal development and specialization courses in IM (internet marketing), obtaining traffic and subscribers. (Text and video).

- Advanced courses - all of the above but at a higher level. (Text and video).

- For members, offers free (2 each month) sites and emails ready created with affiliate products.

- It offers free specialized video courses in all IM fields for members.

- Provides for anyone who wants ready-made sites and emails with the orderer's name, including his PayPal payment button. All this loaded with dozens or hundreds of valuable products on the orderer's website, including follow-up emails, are uploaded to the autoresponder in his Aweber account. (For members, the costs are reduced by 40% - 60%). They are all created, so you don't have to do anything.

- Create the product store for each member.

- For members, offers by email a lot of valuable information and tips for free.

- Offers affiliate programs for all products, including tips for promotion and traffic.

What do I like?

The courses cover everything in IM, but you can only follow those that interest you because they solve many content and technical problems.

For all of the above, prices are the lowest in the industry. Anyone can create their own successful online business site in any niche or field.

What I Dislike

All sites for each member have the same content, so the competition is high to sell a product. Although, you can turn to them, and they will help you with some tactics.

Final Verdict

I continue to be a member of this site because I receive emails with new sources, information, and valuable advice. Also, I receive new offers from them, and thus I increase my product base with all the technical installation problems. My store now has hundreds of products to sell and make money.


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Scott Dubois's review...
My experience with the program so far

Welcome to my review of Leadsleap. I have made a couple of reviews now on Leadsleap, one of which is a video review of it on YouTube and the second is on my website. I have reviewed it twice and now a third time here.

I guess that being said. I LOVE LEADSLEAP! !

Let me just say this. I am thrilled to have found such a great website like Leadleap. When I first saw it on my first safelist website I joined I didn't want to go to it because I thought, "Oh yeah probably another MLM, or failed program, or whatever.

Jeff Aman who I work with on a few things suggested LeadsLeap. So I finally went and checked out this site...

What I found out then was that this was not only a place to earn passive income and traffic, but it was a place to also have an all-in-one Affiliate back office with all the tools you could ever need or want.

Still unsure of this new landscape I dove right into the pro membership which I know when you are trying something out you are going to say "Really Scott? " Well no. This year going on my second year in affiliate marketing I told my wife "I am going to capitalize on traffic this year and try and go above 60 sales! " Which in my first year, (Last year) Is what I made.

So all of that being said I took the chance on pro not really knowing what this new landscape held for me but trusting my gut which is something I do most of the time when doing business and I made Investments that better my business.

Whether it's a new income system or a new traffic system or whatever have you I make an investment that can benefit my business for a long time. So I got pro and went on to test the waters out per se. So I started out posting my pro ads, making landing pages, and testing out the affiliate tools and really got into it.

I set up some reviews and here is where it gets really interesting. In the past month and 5 days, I made 14 sales from my reviews. THIS WEBSITE BLOWS MY MIND. I have been super excited to be part of such a great community and I am glad I made the investment and went with LeadsLeap.

What I Like

  • I like the all-in-one affiliate back office where you can get all the tools ever needed to succeed online. What are those tools? You get a link tracker, rotator, autoresponder, a place that hosts images and PDFs (For lead magnets), form/popup manager, squeeze page and landing page builder, funnel builder which is great for sales pages and whatnot, and much, much more.
  • I like how easy it is to get traffic to see your offers.
  • I like the 5 income streams that this site offers and I have already made some money from that as well.
  • I like how well all the tools work including the trackers.
  • I like how great the page builder is when creating landing pages. The only other system I've used that is this good is Lead Pages and even then it is far too expensive for that so LeadsLeap is a great place to switch landing pages over to and for less money which in the business world it is best to get things for less if it is at all possible because to do things cost-effectively it is best to shop around for the best tools and Leadsleap is that place with the best tools.
  • I like all the pages having tutorials that help you along if you ever need to check out any tutorials on what each thing does.
  • I like how with the squeeze pages you build can be linked with a third-party autoresponder Awebber, Getresponse, etc.

What I Dislike

The only thing I can say that is a dislike on Leadsleap is the autoresponder. The autoresponder is easy to set up which is great. When driving traffic to a list inside the SendSteed app, however, there is a feature that I and many other marketers do not like and that is the double opt-in feature. Unfortunately, this can't be turned off and it sucks when you drive let's say 109 prospects to your page like I did in the past month and only 59 verify which means you only get 59 and the other 50 are unverified which means that contact vanishes and you can't send an email to them unless they verify. This feature is a very small dislike but very annoying when trying to get Leads so you can nurture and sell to that lead.

Final Verdict

Despite the one dislike I have to say that Leadsleap is a must-have if you are going to be successful in the Affiliate Marketing world. The system is very, very great especially when setting up pages, autoresponders, and any of the other tools that are needed in the marketing industry it is also only 20ish dollars which is great considering all the tools it gives you which is a steal because buying all those tools separately (I know because I have had all those tools separately) runs you up about 100-150 dollars in the hole before you even get your first sale and then you need to have a bunch of sales every month to make up the 150 dollars. Do keep in mind those prices are Canadian for me and that's crazy when starting a business.

Leadsleap is a steal and honestly, I would suggest upgrading to the pro especially because it unlocks a couple of other things that boost your business. If you don't see the value in paying the 20 every month then you are looking for the wrong things and what you have with Leadsleap is a state-of-the-art system that helps businesses not hinders them.

My closing statement is to get LeadsLeap and add it to your business as an investment it is amazing and in no time you will be pulling in traffic and sales!

*June 2024 update*

I am still receiving traffic constantly to my offers from Leadsleap. It is an amazing website with so much potential. I am still building professional-looking landing pages and capture pages and have even been earning affiliate commissions from promoting Leadsleap with one of the many ways to earn with LeadsLeap.

With the many things you can do inside LeadsLeap you will turn business around for yourself especially while being able to earn, get traffic and use its many tools that are needed for every day life in Affiliate Marketing.

For anyone interested I have a youtube channel where I do videos and I have review videos on LeadsLeap. If you are interested check out @civicedge1991 to go and check out my videos!

This website is amazing and you will not be disappointed.


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Clive Anderson's review...
A Completely Comprehensive Online Business System with Integrated Earning Capabilities that go Above and Beyond Expectancy

When it comes to every aspect of online activity including: branding, residual earnings, business building, traffic and exposure, list building, extensive tracking and much more, one of the most resourceful 'must have' systems you will want at your fingertips is LeadsLeap.

You will see many of the internets top marketers using LeadsLeap as a way of life. You can create and promote simple ads on LeadsLeap, right up to creating wealth providing funnels.

There really is no minimum or maximum capabilities. It just plain makes common sense.

If you are online to make progress in any way LeadsLeap will provide... By the truck load!

With a 100% free lifetime membership you will be able to actually open doors that might otherwise have remained firmly closed, or at the very least have a pretty hefty price tag attached.

Don't be fooled. While LeadsLeap may be free to join it is far from offering low value, in fact it has a list of highly unique benefits that are as long as your arm and that can elevate anyones online experience above and beyond any expectations.

LeadsLeap will allow you to use the dynamic system tools at absolutely no-cost to help you build virtually any business, or even the LeadsLeap system itself, which can provide high profits and a residual income.

In short: It just cannot be beaten...

No matter what your level of online experiance LeadsLeap allows you to:

  • Get More Creative With Your Advertising
  • Build Any Type of Page(s) You Like
  • Build Your Own Extensive Personal List
  • Manage Your List With The Autoresponder
  • Follow-Up Your List with Email Series
  • Broadcast to Your List
  • Track The Results of Your Affiliate Links
  • Advertise Your Website(s) and Get Unique Traffic
  • Advertise Multiple Links Together with Rotator
  • Build and Manage Your Funnels
  • Build Any Existing Business(es)
  • And Much More...

The promotion ability alone far outweighs pretty much ANY other types of system found online.

For free you can also list up to 10 of your programs, offers, or opportunities to be promoted by being shown firstly to all LeadsLeap members, (of which there are currently over 171+ thousand). Your ads will also appear on members promoted pages that have included LeadsLeaps PPC promotions on them. These numbers are ridiculously high, giving you incomprehensible exposure across virtually every kind of online promotional system.

It is worth pointing out here that if you were able to put your promotions in front of 171thousand people using any other program online there would be a fairly hefty financial price to pay. This LeadsLeap facility alone should certainly not be taken lightly.

Upgrade and you gain another 10 slots for advertising programs, only as a Pro member you will be getting 10 of your now 20 slots viewed as mentioned above on complete autopilot. (This one facility alone would cost thousands of dollars a year to obtain outside of LeadsLeap).

So, even if you were just looking for powerful advertising, it is doubtful that someone would find anything that can either compete, or compare to this industry giant.

NEWS FLASH! LeadsLeap has just launched its very own in-house COOP system, which will without doubt soon become the envy of other co-op systems currently online. This is yet another phenominal addition to the already endless beneficial aresnal of powertools under one roof. (And you can earn yet another additional income just for using it! )

Some of the tools available within Leadsleap are:

In-House advertising to all members. Create your ad text with an accompanying image and members are encouraged to view others sites for more than a flash-by view for reciprocated credits, meaning your own site will get proper views and not just a few seconds because someone is surfing for credits.

Page builder. Whether you wish to build a splash page, capture page, or any other kind of web-page this facility is a real gem, with many added features, including templates, as well as being ultra easy to work around and use.

A complete and comprehensive email marketing system including setting-up your own email series for any of your LeadsLeap pages, attached to the in-house hosted autoresponder which you have complete control of. (Endless capabilities)

And the list goes on. Blog, funnel builder, form and pop-up creator, hosting for images, and PDF's. Create reviews and recommendations and much more.

You can also earn real cash from various methods including site views, rating, referring etc.

In mentioning the referring, LeadsLead has an array of ways in which you can use its promotional tools, such as specific targets you might wish to share the system with.

In all honesty, I've only really touched the surface of what makes LeadsLeap a real must, but the bottom line is that all the facilities become a massive booster system for any and all online activities.

If you want to get really serious there is the Pro upgrade for just a few dollars a month, and to say it is worth every cent is an understatement. One teaser for you here is that you can place 10 Pro ads into the system and they get viewed consistently on complete autopilot. As for the rest of the Pro benefits, they just seem to be endless. (See for yourself)

Even as a Pro member myself I still keep finding new tools that are highly worthwhile, and of exceptional value.

If there was a downside to LeadsLeap I've yet to find it, and I would suspect that all Pro members would agree.

I've used many all-in-one systems in the past, but I've yet to discover anything that can even come close to the overall benefits that have come from using LeadsLeap.

Why not walk through the right door today and discover the success that LeadsLeap can bring to you.

Why work hard when working smart provides a better outcome...

Clive Anderson


Categorized under:
Internet Marketing
Scott Dubois's review...
My Experience with Auto Affiliate AI: A Game-Changer for My Business

Hello everyone! Today, I'm excited to share my personal experience with Auto Affiliate AI, a product that has truly transformed the way I approach AI in my business.

Now, let me clear something up right from the start—Auto Affiliate AI isn't some magical "push a button and watch the money roll in" kind of system. I know, we've all been sold on those promises before, but let's be real: there is no such button that will magically download money into your bank account. If that's what you're after, you'll need to keep searching for that elusive unicorn—though I doubt it exists!

So, what exactly is Auto Affiliate AI? When I first came across it, I assumed it was just another app that used AI to drive sales automatically. But what I found was something much more valuable. Auto Affiliate AI is actually a comprehensive system created by Luther Landro that teaches you how to effectively use AI to generate income. It's about integrating AI into your business in a way that it works for you consistently, almost like having a background process running 24/7.

Yes, it's a set-and-forget system to some extent, but—and this is important—you do have to put in some effort. This isn't one of those 'get rich quick' schemes. You'll need to invest time in learning and applying what Luther teaches. But the payoff? Totally worth it.

Before diving into this program, I'll admit, I was pretty clueless about how to really harness the power of AI. And that's saying something because I've been tech-savvy since I was a kid. I've been building websites and handling tech tasks for years—things that would make a non-techie's head spin. But AI? That was a whole new ballgame for me. I was treating it like some omniscient entity, expecting it to do everything on its own, without realizing that the real power lies in the commands you give it.

Auto Affiliate AI completely changed my perspective. Once I started following Luther's guidance, I began to see where I was going wrong. I wasn't using AI to its full potential, and I had been expecting way too much from it without giving it the right instructions. But when I combined AI with the strategies Luther outlines, everything clicked. The results were almost immediate—I started seeing more sales, and my business became more efficient. AI is now an integral part of my workflow, saving me time and mental energy, and allowing me to focus on what really matters.

One thing I've got to mention: forget about all those so-called 'AI prompt pages' floating around the internet. They don't hold a candle to what Luther teaches in Auto Affiliate AI. His methods are unique, practical, and, most importantly, effective.

What I Like About Auto Affiliate AI

  • The method is incredibly effective at generating revenue with AI.
  • The system gives you that 'set-and-forget' feeling—though, as I said, some initial work is required.
  • I've learned to use AI more effectively than ever before.
  • Luther provides top-notch support. He's the only person handling support for his product, but he's incredibly responsive and genuinely cares about your success.
  • Luther goes above and beyond to ensure you succeed with this system. He's not just selling a product; he's invested in your results.

What I Dislike About Auto Affiliate AI

Honestly, I can't think of anything negative at this point. The content within the system is highly informative and has met all of my expectations.

Final Verdict

If you're serious about improving how you use AI in your business, Auto Affiliate AI is a must-try. Luther has developed a system that not only works but also demystifies AI, showing you how to leverage it to achieve real success. Plus, if you've been struggling to find that winning product that actually converts, Luther covers that too, helping you pinpoint the products that will make you money.

Overall, Auto Affiliate AI is well worth the investment. Yes, some of the upsells might seem a bit pricey, but trust me, they're worth every penny. Luther provides such detailed guidance that you'll feel fully equipped to make AI work for you—or your investment is practically risk-free.

Give it a try and see for yourself. Dive in, learn, and start succeeding. Thanks for taking the time to read my review—I hope it helps you make an informed decision!


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