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Internet Marketing
Imran 's review...
My experience with the program so far

I joined 5 Dollar Friday a few months back and ever since I have found great value on its website. The owner of 5 Dollar Friday is Frank Andres and almost every Friday he gives out $5 Mega deals on programs like, software, traffic marketing and other related programs that can benefit an online marketer. These programs that are high value items, can be snatched at just $5.

I have purchased a few stuff from 5 Dollar Friday myself and one of them is "Buyer's Clicks" which provides on the base level 1000 hits to your website, landing page or affiliate link. In addition to that, there are weekly giveaways that can be grabbed for free, these are usually available from Friday through Sunday evenings and after that they are not available until next week where something new comes up.

What I Like

With programs starting at just $5, which in fact carry a lot more value than the price, provides me with an Opportunity to use them in my business. As for Weekly giveaways they are simply awesome, this can include software, ebooks, training videos etc. The best part is Frank guarantees that if someone can find a same product that is displayed on 5 Dollar Friday on a less price anywhere else then Frank will give that product for Free at no cost, their motto is "find it less anywhere... We will give it you for 100% zero cost".

What I Dislike

As an online marketer, if you know your strengths and weaknesses then best to use something that provides more value and increases your strengths, therefore, I find some of the software or programs that 5 dollar Friday offers do not resonate with my business, but then Frank is providing these for may kinds of online business, so I would not say I dislike this strategy, it is just that you look out for the weekly deals that come out and you will be able to find something very useful for your business.

Final Verdict

I like 5 Dollar Friday a lot, you are not forced to purchase anything, you can simply use the Weekly giveaways even and do not buy anything, but, if you see value in stuff that can work for you then I would definitely say yes, go ahead, since the value for the money you get for just $5 is insane and does not break anyone's bank. The best part is you can use the bonuses for your own business and provide your own customers with these fantastic giveaways, I am sure nobody minds getting something of value for Free. Oh, one more thing, 5 Dollar Friday also has a great affiliate program, be sure to check that or get help from their support.


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I first signed up for a free Leadsleap account more than two years ago. Being new and unfamiliar with the system, I was relatively inactive for several weeks after I signed up. While searching for ways to generate traffic and leads I again came across leadsleap several times and read some reviews about the website. My curiosity was triggered by several positive reviews so I decided to seriously explore and study how leadsleap works. It was then that I realized how Leadsleap could help generate targeted traffic and leads for free in exchange for some extra effort and time. The additional benefits and perks offered also convinced me to upgrade to a Pro account.

So far I am very satisfied with the results my leadsleap Pro account is giving me. I got my first few commissions within a few days of promoting my marketing funnels in leadsleap.

I have spent almost a year trying to earn my first affiliate commission by following methods promoted in video tutorials of many known YouTube influencers but none of them seem to work.

With Leadsleap, I finally did it!

I am now more motivated to work harder on my Leadsleap account and earn more commissions. What's even more remarkable is that leadsleap allows me to build my email list at the same time with a few people opting into the programs I'm promoting almost every day!

LeadsLeap Member Benefits

Leadsleap is free to join and its free membership unlocks doors and opportunities which in other similar platforms will certainly cost you a hefty price tag. You can remain a free member for as long as you want and continue to use all the resources available to free members.

Upgrading to Pro membership is optional and costs $27 per month, New members can upgrade to Pro at a discounted price of $23 per month if they upgrade within 24 hours after joining. It's a one-time offer that does not repeat. Upgrading to Pro is advisable if you want to take advantage of the additional benefits and resources available to Pro members and maximize the utilization of Leadsleap for your advertising and marketing campaigns.

Leadsleap offers an advertising platform and a whole array of marketing tools that any newbie can dream of. Here are a few to mention:

1. ) Free advertisement

This is available to both Free and Pro members. Create your ad text and banner or image and post it for viewing by all members. There are two types of ads:

  • Credit Ads - available to both Free and Pro members and is credit-based with 1 credit required for each ad view.

  • Pro Ads - no required credits and will be shown on the network 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. This is available to Pro members only.

Credit ads will expire after 14 days and need to be updated. Credit ads of Pro members are not subject to this rule. Free members can post a maximum of 3 credit ads while Pro members can post 10 credit ads and 10 pro ads.

How to Earn Credits

  • By Surfing Ads - The first 5 seconds earn you 0.2 credits (0.4 if Pro). Thereafter, you earn 0.05 credits every additional 5 seconds for up to 1 minute.

  • Reporting Problem Ads - 1 credit per problem ad reported. False report will earn no credit.

  • Adding a PPC Ad Widget to Your Website - You earn credits when people click the ads in the widget.

  • Using Leadsleap Link Tracker With Ad Widget Activated - You earn when people click the ads in the widget.

  • Overriding Credits - These are credits you earn whenever your followers view ads. They are also used in the calculation of your Daily Active Bonus. The more personal referrals you have, the more overriding credits you'll earn.

Credits earned will expire after 6 months so make sure to encash the remaining credits not used for advertising credit ads before they expire.

2. Social Review Platform

You can use this platform to write reviews and share your assessments and observations about the programs or products that you have tried. Writing reviews can help you improve or boost SEO traffic.

3. The Link Tracker

Using link tracker enables you to detect if you are getting real visitors instead of bots and also lets you know how long they spend surfing on your link.

4. Email Marketing

Leadsleap offers a free email marketing system (SendSteed) which you can use to build your email list, set up autoresponder, create automated follow-up emails, and send broadcasts to your list.

5. Page Builder

Leadsleap page builder allows you to create almost any kind of web page you can think of, such as an opt-in page, thank you page, capture page, landing page, splash page, bridge page, etc.

6. Funnel Builder

The funnel builder allows you to organize your pages by creating a marketing funnel that you can share with others. This is a feature available to Pro members only.

7. Form/Popup Creator

This tool lets you create animated opt-in forms and/or popups and add them to your website, blog, tracker, or pages created using Leadleap page builder.

8. Hosting Service

Leadsleap provides hosting for images and PDF files so that you can use them in your landing pages, popups and SendSteed emails.

Five Ways To Make Money in LeadsLeap System

  • Daily Active Bonus - view at least 10 ads a day to qualify for this bonus.
  • Credit encashment - convert credits into cash if you don't use them to advertise your credit ads.
  • PPC Earnings - add a Leadsleap Ad Widget to your website or use Link Tracker to earn when your visitors click on the ads in the widget or tracker.
  • Affiliate Commissions - promote LeadsLeap and earn recurring commissions when your direct referrals upgrade to Pro membership. Free members get 25%, while Pro members get 50%.
  • Promote your Leadsleap Coop Link in manual traffic exchanges, safelists, or other traffic networks. You earn Coop income only when a 3rd-party visitor surfs through your Coop Link for at least 5 seconds. The earning typically ranges from $0.10 to $8 CPM (cost per 1000 clicks), depending on the uniqueness, location, surfing duration of the traffic and our earnings.

Leadsleap lets you build your network within the system, with you at the top. Your direct referrals form the first level of your network. Those that your level 1 refer personally will form level 2 and this goes on until level 10. Everyone in levels 1 to 10 are your followers and this has the potential to grow exponentially. You will earn commissions when your direct referrals upgrade to pro membership. You will earn credits when your followers surf ads, which you can use for credit ads or encashment.

Spillover Level (For Pro Members Only)

A member can theoretically have ten associates or uplines. However, not every member will have ten uplines because some of them may be at the top of the network, or some of their uplines may have had their accounts terminated. As a result, there are 'empty' upline positions. These vacant positions will be appropriated to Pro members, which will comprise the Spillover Level, and it will grow continuously as the system allocates followers to this level automatically.

With LeadsLeap It is highly possible to start earning as soon as within a week after joining, as I did.

Leadsleap has about 171,400 members worldwide which means your ads can be viewed by a huge number of people who are all interested in the same niche you are promoting. Furthermore, your ads will also be exposed to people outside of the Leadleap network through the use of the Ad Widgets in your website, or link tracker if you don't have a website.

Leadsleap has been around since 2008 and it is constantly being upgraded with additional tools and features to keep it updated and relevant. Rest assured that it will be around for many years more considering the high number of satisfied users as reflected in the very high ratings it is getting from reviews (4.1 Trustpilot rating) which you can readily verify by searching online.


Categorized under:
Marketing System
Matthew Culliton's review...
My experience with the program so far

This system was created by 7 figure marketer Jeff Aman, it creates multiple passive income streams.

I joined the Easy Commission Funnel on July 9th. Since I work a full time job, I did not do anything with it until the next evening. I started following the steps, going thru the training and entering my affiliate id's for the programs that I was already a member of. The next day I started promoting thru the various safelists I belonged to already, which resulted in 2 referrals into the ECF. I then decided to give step 6 a try, and purchased an advertising campaign.

As of time I am doing this review on July 28th, I now have 56 referrals in the ECF, which has resulted into 5 new sign up for leadsleap ( step7), 1 new paid sign up into Livegood ( step3), and 1 new paid sign up into Sendshark ( step 2).

What I Like

What I like most about the ECF, is that it all just makes sense. Promote things that people want, need, and basically can not do without. Lets be real, every online marketer must have a quality autoresponder, high quality traffic, a great platform to create their pages, and correct training materials on how to make it all work.

You bring them into the system, and let the system do the selling and telling for you. They start to follow the steps and eventually start joining the various programs, and you get the commissions.

Your prospects will receive daily emails from Jeff, as well as your own emails that you choose to send to them

What I Dislike

At this point there really is not a single thing not to like about the ECF

Final Verdict

I believe that every marketer should join the ECF, even if they just do it to get the free trainings from one of the best affiliate marketers in the business.


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Willy Mwanafunzi's review...
My experience with the program so far

List Joe is an email marketing service that allows users to send promotional emails to a large audience. Its website offers various features to enhance your email campaigns.

Members who have upgraded their accounts can send up to 30,000 emails to potential customers every month without having to earn any credits. In addition, they also have access to four different advertising methods on List Joe, all of which operate on autopilot.

I upgraded my membership to Gold level which helps me send up to 8,500 emails (sharing my link to potential prospects) Every Day.

What I Like

List Joe has a large and engaged user base, which can increase the reach of your email campaigns.

The website provides options to target specific demographics, allowing you to tailor your messages to your desired audience.

What I Dislike

For sure I don't have any dislike apart from you have to read some emails to get more exposure and results.

Final Verdict

Overall, List Joe is a useful platform for email marketing, offering a variety of features and targeting options.

To use it effectively, it's important to approach the strategy thoughtfully and comply with relevant laws and regulations. With these considerations in mind, List Joe can be a valuable tool for your email marketing campaigns.


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IM Tool
Dave 's review...
Paced Email Review: Reclaim Your Inbox Serenity


Imagine a world where your inbox isn't a constant source of distraction, but a calm, organized space you control. That's the reality I've been living for the past three years, thanks to Paced Email. This ingenious software has revolutionized the way I handle my digital communications, and I'm excited to share my experience with you. If you're tired of feeling overwhelmed by your inbox, buckle up – you're in for a treat!

What is Paced Email?

Paced Email is not just another email client; it's a game-changer in the world of digital communication management. At its core, Paced Email is a service that allows you to decide when emails land in your inbox, giving you unprecedented control over your attention and time.

Key features include:

- Customizable email batching (daily, weekly, or monthly)

- Anonymous and personalized email addresses

- Spam reduction capabilities

- Team collaboration tools

- Unlimited inboxes (with Premium plan)

- Secure and private communication

Developed by Jemcode Limited, Paced Email is designed to solve the modern problem of email overload and constant distractions.

How does Paced Email work?

The beauty of Paced Email lies in its simplicity and effectiveness. Here's how it works:

1. Create a Paced Email address: Generate anonymous or personalized email addresses on the fly or via your browser.

2. Use your new email anywhere**: Sign up for websites, newsletters, or services using your new Paced Email aliases.

3. Set your schedule: Choose when you want to receive your emails - daily, weekly, or monthly.

4. Enjoy a quieter inbox: Your incoming emails are batched and delivered to you according to your chosen schedule, allowing you to focus on your work without constant interruptions.

The user interface is intuitive, making it easy to set up rules, manage multiple addresses, and customize your email experience to suit your needs.

What I Like

There's so much to love about Paced Email, but here are the standout features that have made a significant impact on my productivity and peace of mind:

1. Distraction-free focus: By batching my emails, I've reclaimed hours of productive time each week. No more constant pings and notifications derailing my train of thought.

2. Anonymity and security: The ability to create anonymous " burner" email addresses has been a game-changer for my online privacy. Plus, with two-factor authentication, I feel confident about the security of my communications.

3. Spam reduction: The one-click temporary burner emails and easy blocking features have dramatically reduced the amount of spam I deal with.

4. Flexibility: Whether I'm managing personal emails or collaborating with a team, Paced Email adapts to my needs. The option to add my own domains is particularly useful for my business communications.

5. OpenAI-powered digests: This recent addition has made scanning through batched emails even more efficient, helping me prioritize and respond to messages more effectively.

6. It's great for researching competitor's sales funnels and lead magnets with out getting inundated with on going emails filling up my inbox to over flowing !.

What I Dislike

In the spirit of honesty, there are a couple of minor points that could be improved:

1. Learning curve: While the interface is user-friendly, it took me a little time to fully optimize my email workflow. However, the documentation is excellent, which helps.

2. Dependency: I've become so accustomed to the peace Paced Email brings that checking emails on other platforms now feels chaotic!

Comparison to Competitors

While there are other email management tools out there, Paced Email stands out for its comprehensive approach to inbox control. Unlike simple email filters or basic scheduling tools, Paced Email offers a complete ecosystem for managing digital communications. Its unique combination of batching, anonymity, and team collaboration features puts it in a league of its own.

Final Verdict

I give a rating 4.7 out of 5 so I will round this up to 5 for this review: After three years of using Paced Email, I can confidently say it's one of the best productivity investments I've made. It's more than just an email tool; it's a lifestyle change that promotes focus, reduces stress, and puts you back in control of your digital life. The software has been continuously updated over the last three years and is actively supported.

Paced Email is perfect for:

- Professionals looking to boost productivity

- Privacy-conscious individuals

- Teams aiming to create a calmer work environment

- Anyone feeling overwhelmed by their email inbox

If you're ready to transform your relationship with email, I wholeheartedly recommend giving Paced Email a try. With its free sign-up option, you have nothing to lose and potentially hours of focused time to gain. Take the first step towards inbox serenity – your future, less-stressed self will thank you! My experience with the program so far


Categorized under:
Safelist Mailer
Calvin Merrick's review...
My experience with the program so far

Email List Pros is owned and maintained by Frank Salinas. While you can create a free account, I joined as an upgraded Gold member.

This option provided me with mailer access every 48 hours to 1,000 members, 250,000 mailer credits, 107 solo ads, and several login, banner and text ad slots. To date, I can honestly say that this is one of the most responsive mailers I use.

When I send a mailing every two days, I generally get from one to three opt-ins. The same applies when I send a solo ad. Even though the mailer only allows me to send to 1,000 members, I get better results than I do when sending to Herculist's 270-thousand-plus member base.

What I Like

Extremely responsive member base.

What I Dislike

I only get to send to 1,000 members. Even so, the solo ads allow me to send daily. However, when the 100 or so I got with my upgrade run out, I will need to buy more to continue daily mailings.

Final Verdict

With the consistent signups I get after each mailing, I am about to upgrade again. This next upgrade will allow me to send regular mailings on a daily basis.

I highly recommend this mailer. Join free and track your results. I think you will come to the same conclusion.


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