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Scott Dubois's review...
My experience with the program so far

Welcome to my review of Leadsleap. I have made a couple of reviews now on Leadsleap, one of which is a video review of it on YouTube and the second is on my website. I have reviewed it twice and now a third time here.

I guess that being said. I LOVE LEADSLEAP! !

Let me just say this. I am thrilled to have found such a great website like Leadleap. When I first saw it on my first safelist website I joined I didn't want to go to it because I thought, "Oh yeah probably another MLM, or failed program, or whatever.

Jeff Aman who I work with on a few things suggested LeadsLeap. So I finally went and checked out this site...

What I found out then was that this was not only a place to earn passive income and traffic, but it was a place to also have an all-in-one Affiliate back office with all the tools you could ever need or want.

Still unsure of this new landscape I dove right into the pro membership which I know when you are trying something out you are going to say "Really Scott? " Well no. This year going on my second year in affiliate marketing I told my wife "I am going to capitalize on traffic this year and try and go above 60 sales! " Which in my first year, (Last year) Is what I made.

So all of that being said I took the chance on pro not really knowing what this new landscape held for me but trusting my gut which is something I do most of the time when doing business and I made Investments that better my business.

Whether it's a new income system or a new traffic system or whatever have you I make an investment that can benefit my business for a long time. So I got pro and went on to test the waters out per se. So I started out posting my pro ads, making landing pages, and testing out the affiliate tools and really got into it.

I set up some reviews and here is where it gets really interesting. In the past month and 5 days, I made 14 sales from my reviews. THIS WEBSITE BLOWS MY MIND. I have been super excited to be part of such a great community and I am glad I made the investment and went with LeadsLeap.

What I Like

  • I like the all-in-one affiliate back office where you can get all the tools ever needed to succeed online. What are those tools? You get a link tracker, rotator, autoresponder, a place that hosts images and PDFs (For lead magnets), form/popup manager, squeeze page and landing page builder, funnel builder which is great for sales pages and whatnot, and much, much more.
  • I like how easy it is to get traffic to see your offers.
  • I like the 5 income streams that this site offers and I have already made some money from that as well.
  • I like how well all the tools work including the trackers.
  • I like how great the page builder is when creating landing pages. The only other system I've used that is this good is Lead Pages and even then it is far too expensive for that so LeadsLeap is a great place to switch landing pages over to and for less money which in the business world it is best to get things for less if it is at all possible because to do things cost-effectively it is best to shop around for the best tools and Leadsleap is that place with the best tools.
  • I like all the pages having tutorials that help you along if you ever need to check out any tutorials on what each thing does.
  • I like how with the squeeze pages you build can be linked with a third-party autoresponder Awebber, Getresponse, etc.

What I Dislike

The only thing I can say that is a dislike on Leadsleap is the autoresponder. The autoresponder is easy to set up which is great. When driving traffic to a list inside the SendSteed app, however, there is a feature that I and many other marketers do not like and that is the double opt-in feature. Unfortunately, this can't be turned off and it sucks when you drive let's say 109 prospects to your page like I did in the past month and only 59 verify which means you only get 59 and the other 50 are unverified which means that contact vanishes and you can't send an email to them unless they verify. This feature is a very small dislike but very annoying when trying to get Leads so you can nurture and sell to that lead.

Final Verdict

Despite the one dislike I have to say that Leadsleap is a must-have if you are going to be successful in the Affiliate Marketing world. The system is very, very great especially when setting up pages, autoresponders, and any of the other tools that are needed in the marketing industry it is also only 20ish dollars which is great considering all the tools it gives you which is a steal because buying all those tools separately (I know because I have had all those tools separately) runs you up about 100-150 dollars in the hole before you even get your first sale and then you need to have a bunch of sales every month to make up the 150 dollars. Do keep in mind those prices are Canadian for me and that's crazy when starting a business.

Leadsleap is a steal and honestly, I would suggest upgrading to the pro especially because it unlocks a couple of other things that boost your business. If you don't see the value in paying the 20 every month then you are looking for the wrong things and what you have with Leadsleap is a state-of-the-art system that helps businesses not hinders them.

My closing statement is to get LeadsLeap and add it to your business as an investment it is amazing and in no time you will be pulling in traffic and sales!

*June 2024 update*

I am still receiving traffic constantly to my offers from Leadsleap. It is an amazing website with so much potential. I am still building professional-looking landing pages and capture pages and have even been earning affiliate commissions from promoting Leadsleap with one of the many ways to earn with LeadsLeap.

With the many things you can do inside LeadsLeap you will turn business around for yourself especially while being able to earn, get traffic and use its many tools that are needed for every day life in Affiliate Marketing.

For anyone interested I have a youtube channel where I do videos and I have review videos on LeadsLeap. If you are interested check out @civicedge1991 to go and check out my videos!

This website is amazing and you will not be disappointed.


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Iryna 's review...
My Experience with AI Traffic Surge 2024 So Far

I recently bought AI Traffic Surge 2024 because I wanted to boost my traffic without spending tons of money on ads or wasting hours on social media. So far, I've been really impressed. The setup was super simple, and I could start driving traffic almost right away. The training is clear and straightforward, making it easy to follow along even if you're new to this kind of thing.

After just a few days, I've already started seeing more targeted visitors to my site, and it feels like I finally have control over my traffic. It's refreshing not to depend on paid ads or complicated strategies!

What I Like

Easy Setup: You don't need any technical skills to get started. The step-by-step instructions made the whole process smooth and quick.

No Ads Required: The best part? You don't have to spend a penny on ads to see results, which makes it really cost-effective.

Proven Traffic Strategy: The system uses a secret traffic source that's not saturated, so I'm getting high-quality visitors without much competition.

Flexible Across Niches: Whether you're in e-commerce, affiliate marketing, or blogging, this system works for any niche.

Affordable: At just $12.95, it's an absolute bargain for what you get!

Low Time Commitment: You only need about 30 minutes a day to manage your traffic strategy, which fits easily into my schedule.

What I Dislike

Limited Features in the Basic Version: The front-end product is great, but if you want more advanced tools or done-for-you campaigns, you'll need to invest in the upgrades.

Consistency Needed: While the system is easy to use, you still need to commit at least 30 minutes daily to optimize your traffic. If you miss a day, you might not see the full potential.

Extra Costs for Upgrades: Some advanced features and additional traffic strategies come with an extra cost, so you might end up spending more than the initial price if you want to unlock everything.

Final Verdict

Overall, AI Traffic Surge 2024 is an amazing tool for anyone looking to increase their website traffic without spending a fortune. I've had a great experience with it so far, and I can see it becoming a long-term part of my strategy. Whether you're just starting out or are more experienced, this system can help you get the traffic you need to boost your sales. I highly recommend it for anyone who's serious about growing their online presence.

Ready to level up your traffic game? Grab AI Traffic Surge 2024 today and start seeing the difference!


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Joy Healey's review...
Update March 2024 AND June 2024

Just been reviewing my reviews at LeadsLeap :-)

Some I have deleted as they didn't stand the test of time, but The Downliner is still firmly on my favourites list and sending me traffic (especially from the Social Posts). I am still getting renewal commissions from people I have recommended to The Downliner, so they are presumably as happy as I am with it.

My experience with the program so far

I first joined this program five years ago, then left it while I had a break from online business, but I always remembered it fondly.

So when I came back online and was reminded of it, I was pleased to restart my paid membership, and, within my first month, someone who found a site I'm advertising on The Downliner joined my business. That's more than covered the cost of my first month's membership.

I have, since then, paid to become a lifetime member, eliminating monthly costs.

Within my own contacts I have recruited two TDL team members who have been equally impressed with the site, Both have upgraded too, and stayed long term members. My commission was registered promptly (can be withdrawn when it reaches $20), although I tend to use it to buy further advertising. I found several 'free' members too, but it's not uncommon that T/E members stay free.

What I Like

  • There are 3 levels of membership, one is free and the other two are extremely good value.
  • Free members can earn from their referrals
  • There's a low ($20) threshold to withdraw your commissions
  • You're only 'charged for' unique views, other views are classed as Free Views.
  • There's a lot to get my head round, but within the site dashboard another member has provided an extremely helpful explanatory video
  • Support is excellent, I even had prompt answers over the weekend
  • Paid members TDL can join the 'TDL Machine' which gives access to All In One Profits, a complete suite of business tools with plans starting at just $10 a month and paying an amazing $10 a month commission (even more for the higher plan levels). The TDL Machine will find you 6 paying members to get your AIOP business off to a flying start. I didn't join this as I already have an auto-responder, but for anyone with no a/r this would be a great benefit.
  • The TDL detailed stats show where my link is being seen and how long visitors stay on my site
  • You can earn 'shop points' to use in your own promotions, by promoting a co-op link
  • Otherwise you can buy 'shop points' at an extremely low cost, or by upgrading
  • You can 'win' points with a daily wheel spin, and I win regularly - maybe 75% of the time.
  • You can also earn points by clicking on solo-ads that come to my in-box, clearly labelled.
  • Traffic is coming from a vast array of sources including PTCs, Safelists, Traffic Exchanges, Classified Ads, CPC traffic and well as social media I received thousands of clicks in just a few days for 5 minutes 'work' placing my social media post link on the TDL ads section.
  • Most important of all, my links are being rotated on more traffic exchanges than I've even heard of. There's no way I could cover afford the time or money to promote on all those sites personally.

What I Dislike

I wish there was a way that I could target specific countries, but nothing else.

Final Verdict

Advertising on the Downliner is saving me a ton of time and money while building my list, and - most important of all - I know it's genuine traffic because I have already had an email exchange with a lead who took a paid upgrade.

Highly recommended.


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Scott Dubois's review...
Hello everyone, and welcome to my review of Here, I'll share my experiences with this platform and provide updates as I continue to use it. So far, my journey with TrafficZest has been overwhelmingly positive.

What exactly is It's not your typical traffic safelist or exchange. Instead, it offers a unique and effective method for driving traffic to your site.

Remember the old process of hunting for a solo ad provider, setting up your campaign, and hoping for the best? It seems almost archaic now, though it was just a common practice a year ago. You would input your URL, choose your desired number of clicks, see the cost, and then send your payment, only to often end up disappointed with low conversion rates that didn't even cover your initial investment.

Traffic Zest changes the game. It still operates within the realm of solo ads but introduces a crucial innovation. You can set up an ad campaign on the site, choose your niche—like Make Money Online, Weight Loss, or Health—and select from top solo ad vendors to drive traffic to your squeeze page or website. You can even leave your options open for all top vendors to participate, which I highly recommend.

The geographical location of your traffic isn't a constraint either. You can specify countries or opt for top-tier countries to maximize effectiveness. You can also choose the devices from which your traffic will originate, be it mobile or desktop.

What sets Traffic Zest apart is its bidding system, similar to setting up a Facebook ad but without the high risk of overspending before seeing any return on investment. The site allows you to set a Cost Per Click (CPC) rate—for example, bids can range from $0.28 to $1.46. You determine a daily spending limit, and the platform will deliver clicks within this budget, ensuring efficient use of your advertising dollars.

This system provides flexibility to pause and modify your ad campaign if it's not converting well, offering a significant advantage over traditional methods. It's a user-friendly, less risky approach that still caters to the needs of serious marketers.

From my personal experience, the traffic from Traffic Zest is high-quality and comes from reputable sources. Setting up ads is straightforward, and there's plenty of guidance available online if you need it. In my ongoing campaigns, I've noticed that the traffic is not only engaged but also results in high opt-in rates, which is crucial for building an effective email list.


Highly engaged traffic from top solo ad vendors.

Good opt-in rates enhance list building.

Controlled spending with daily limits, similar to Facebook ad setups.

Simple, stress-free setup process.


As of now, there's nothing I dislike about TrafficZest. Should this change, I'll be sure to update this review.

Final Verdict:

Give TrafficZest a try! It's a fantastic resource for any online marketer looking to enhance their traffic quality and improve their list-building efforts. The affordability and effectiveness of its unique bidding system make it a superior choice compared to traditional solo ads. I regret not joining sooner, as the benefits have been substantial.

I do highly recommend TrafficZest To anyone willing to build traffic. I still have yet to spend my first investment in this traffic source as traffic comes in and still on the higher end of my initial investment.

I have received good traffic from this source and continue to monetize it. I think everyone should have this in their online arsenal.

Thank you for reading my review. I hope it provides you with valuable insights into TrafficZest and helps you make an informed decision about using it to boost your online marketing efforts. I wholeheartedly recommend TrafficZest for anyone focused on building a robust email list.


I have now earned 2 sales with this traffic and have earned MANY, MANY sign ups to a lot of my offers all off of 1 investment of 100 dollars. I did a review on my youtube channel too where I showed that I had sales from traffic zest. It is totally amazing and a great traffic source to truly invest in!

I highly, HIGHLY, recommend it. Also do keep in mind the results are not typical and at the end of the day... Your emails, offers, capture pages, and thank-you pages GREATLY impact what success you will have as this is a soload type website... But I have sales using this great website!


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Blog Tools
Reiner Knapp's review...
What is Medium?

Medium has nearly 100 million unique monthly readers. It also has somewhere between 200,000 and 400,000 paying subscribers.

Medium is one of the most popular blogging and digital publishing platforms on the Internet. It allows anyone to easily create and publish a blog post, with a sleek and minimalist design.

Medium is popular among writers because of its Partner Program which allows writers to get paid for articles that are posted on the platform.

My experience with the program so far?

I wrote 1 article which was boring and was waiting 4 months. Every month I got paid. Then I woke up and started writing more articles and got paid over $100. But that's not all. I wrote about my business and received referrals.

I wrote about products from Clickbank and I made sales.

It is a real game-changer in the online industry!

What I Like

You can write about anything and you will get paid. You are getting real targeted traffic. Your articles will rank on google very high. You are receiving organic traffic and internal traffic.

What I Dislike

I have to write. And I am not a good writer.

Final Verdict

It is a dream come true for anybody who needs traffic.


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Safelist Mailer
Calvin Merrick's review...
My experience with the program so far

Email List Pros is owned and maintained by Frank Salinas. While you can create a free account, I joined as an upgraded Gold member.

This option provided me with mailer access every 48 hours to 1,000 members, 250,000 mailer credits, 107 solo ads, and several login, banner and text ad slots. To date, I can honestly say that this is one of the most responsive mailers I use.

When I send a mailing every two days, I generally get from one to three opt-ins. The same applies when I send a solo ad. Even though the mailer only allows me to send to 1,000 members, I get better results than I do when sending to Herculist's 270-thousand-plus member base.

What I Like

Extremely responsive member base.

What I Dislike

I only get to send to 1,000 members. Even so, the solo ads allow me to send daily. However, when the 100 or so I got with my upgrade run out, I will need to buy more to continue daily mailings.

Final Verdict

With the consistent signups I get after each mailing, I am about to upgrade again. This next upgrade will allow me to send regular mailings on a daily basis.

I highly recommend this mailer. Join free and track your results. I think you will come to the same conclusion.


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