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Safelist Mailer
Ryan Rissler's review...
150 Mailer, the newest site from Frank Salinas. 150 Mailer is a great way to Boost your traffic and sales.

150 Mailer offers:

  • Credit Emails & Solo Ads
  • Banner & Text Ads
  • Member-to-Member Payments
  • Earn 100% Commissions On The OTO & 50% On Other Upgrades
  • Win Ads & Cash Clicking Ads

What I Like

Earn Commissions!
Earn up to 100% commissions on One-Time Offer upgrades and 50% on other upgrades. Can't accept a payment method? No worries! The admin pays you 80% via Wise! (Details inside)

Rewarded For Activity.
Random members can win "Ads & Cash" just for clicking on ads. This gets everyone more traffic.

Always Improving.
Frank is always working to improve the experience and results for all members.

Ads on Demand.
Buy more ads whenever you want!

150 Mailer is a credit-based safelist. What's that? Members earn credits by viewing ads, which they can then use to send out their own promotional emails to other members. It's a targeted and effective way to advertise work-from-home offers, affiliate marketing opportunities, build email lists, and promote bizops.

What I Dislike

Since this is a new site we need to wait till there are 500 members before we can send Solo ads, but I know Frank and the members of 150 mailer will be working hard to promote the site and hit that number in record time.

Final Verdict

This is a new site but if you are a member of any of the sites owned by Frank Salinas you know it's going to be a huge success and deliver a lot of traffic.

I am a member of all of Franks sites and they all have very active members and that produces great results on every type of advertising.

Create a free account today and start advertising.


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Isabel Miranda's review...
I have tested this traffic source for 3 months, I bought the upsell for two links and for 6 months traffic.

I am not going to talk about conversion since that depends on the offer you are promoting.

But I want to focus in the quality of the traffic that you will not get...

Thanks to The Real Tracker that I have with Leads Leap I detected that I will not waste my money anymore with this low quality traffic source.

I am ok, if it delivers just a few visits every day , what it is unacceptable is to send visits that are not real.

Here are my stats of the last 30 days:

Total Visits: 115
Unique: 16
Real: 0
Stats by Country:
South Africa Total : 103 Unique: 8 Real : 0
United States Of America: Total: 6 Unique: 4 Real: 0
United Kingdom: Total: Total: 5 Unique: 3 Real:0

Hope this review is helpful for you.


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Linda Bomba's review...
My experience with the program so far

Get instant targeted traffic to any offer. You have full control of your campaign as you can stop and start it anytime you wish.

I ran one campaign and got 175 leads!

In fact, I started getting clicks from the moment I published my ad. It was super easy!

I am currently running a second campaign and so far, I have gotten 262 leads.

What I Like

Easy to set up a campaign you choose niche, make money online, weight loss or health.

They recently added categories for English tier one countries and one for international tier countries.

It also allows you to pick traffic providers or leave it blank for all. Also, you pick countries or leave blank for all as well as devices, operating system, and traffic tags such as email, engaged, mixed, funnel, excess clicks, Facebook ads or webinar registrations. If you want all tags, you just leave it blank.

It allows you to set the maximum clicks, total & daily budget and for unlimited you can just leave them all blank.

What I Dislike

Really nothing but it might be helpful to have more tutorial videos. There is only one which appears on their main web page, and I don't see any videos inside the affiliate account.

Final Verdict

This site was recommended to me and so I decided to give it a try. I will let this campaign run for 10 days look at my results and then run another one. Will update my results here as I go along but so far it delivered leads quickly.

I set up and ran 1 campaign, spent $300 and got 175 leads not sure if I got a sale or not but I am promoting a high-ticket offer. I am pleased with the results, so I am running another campaign and testing with different offers. This is my go to number #1 traffic source that gets me leads fast to build my email list.


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List Building
Ron Jenkins's review...
If you've been exploring ways to make money online, you've probably realized that building an email list is one of the most reliable strategies for long-term success. But starting from scratch can be daunting, especially if you're a beginner. That's where List Infinity steps in, offering a straightforward, beginner-friendly system designed to help you build a profitable email list and earn daily commissions. I've spent some time diving into List Infinity, and here's what I found.

What Makes List Infinity Stand Out?

First, let's talk about the core promise. 100% commissions on every $7 sale, sent directly to you. That's not something you see every day, and it's a breath of fresh air compared to the typical 50% commissions many affiliate programs offer. Plus, the low entry price makes it accessible to just about anyone, especially those who are just getting started with limited budgets.

The system is designed with simplicity in mind. You don't need to be a tech wizard or have previous marketing experience.

Setting up the system is straightforward:

  1. You setup and customize your account
  2. Choose one of the high-converting lead capture pages
  3. Start promoting your link using the provided step-by-step traffic training

It's like having a roadmap laid out for you!

Personal Experience with List Infinity

From my personal experience, the setup process was refreshingly smooth. The platform provides several lead capture pages that are not only visually appealing but also effective at grabbing attention and converting visitors into subscribers. The integration with popular autoresponders like AWeber, GetResponse, and LeadsLeap made it easy to get started, and I was able to begin building my list almost immediately.

One of the standout features for me was the viral traffic builder. This tool allows you to earn mailing credits and commissions from your referrals, which is a fantastic way to generate even more traffic without additional cost. It's like having a little extra fuel to keep your email list growing continuously.

The step-by-step training is another highlight. It covers everything from promoting on social media to leveraging advertising platforms, all laid out in a way that's easy to follow. Even if you're completely new to this, you won't feel lost. I found the training modules to be quite comprehensive and packed with actionable tips that I could implement right away.

Pros and Cons


  • 100% Commissions: Earning the full amount on every sale feels incredibly rewarding and motivates you to keep pushing forward.
  • Ease of Use: Perfect for beginners, with no need for prior marketing or technical skills.
  • Affordable: At just $7 to start, it's an accessible entry point for anyone looking to dip their toes into online marketing.
  • Viral Traffic Builder: A unique feature that keeps your list growth momentum going.
  • Instant Payments: Commissions are sent directly to your chosen account, whether it's PayPal, Cash App, or even Bitcoin.


  • Limited Product Range: The $7 entry point is great, but for higher earning potential, upsells are needed.
  • Promotion Required: Success hinges on your ability to drive traffic, so be prepared to put in the effort to promote your link.

Final Verdict: Is List Infinity Worth It?

Overall, List Infinity delivers on its promises. It's a fantastic option for beginners who want to start building an email list and earning commissions without breaking the bank. The system is user-friendly, the training is comprehensive, and the earning potential is appealing, especially with the 100% commission structure.

However, like any system, your success depends on the effort you put into promoting it. The tools and training are all there, but it's up to you to take action. If you're willing to follow the steps and consistently drive traffic, List Infinity can be a valuable addition to your online marketing toolkit.

Rating: 4/5

While it's not a perfect system and has its limitations, the ease of use, affordability, and direct payment structure make List Infinity a solid choice for anyone looking to get started with affiliate marketing and list building.


Categorized under:
Marc Clarysse's review...
My experience with the program so far

One of the most useful "must have" solutions you'll want at your disposal when it comes to all parts of online activity, including extensive earning, exposure, list development, and much more, is LeadsLeap.

You can truly unlock doors that would otherwise have remained tightly closed or, at the absolute least, come with a large price tag with a LeadsLeap subscription (which is completely free).

Be not deceived. Although it is free to sign up, LeadsLeap is far from a low-value service. In fact, it features a lengthy number of extremely special advantages that can make anyone's online experience considerably superior to their expectations.

You can use the dynamic system tools provided by LeadsLeap at no cost in order to develop nearly any kind of business, including LeadsLeap.

Almost ANY other online system is outclassed by the promotion capability alone.

Up to 10 of your programs, services, or opportunities can be listed for free and promoted by being displayed to LeadsLeap members first (of which there are currently over 171 thousand).

Additionally, your advertisements will show up on member-promoted pages that have LeadsLeaps PPC advertisements on them. These figures are absurdly high, offering you incredibly broad exposure across almost all internet advertising platforms.

When you upgrade, you get an additional 10 slots for advertising programs. However, as a Pro member, you will get 10 of your 20 spaces viewed as previously described entirely automatically.

Therefore, it is unlikely that you would find anything that can either compete with or compare to this industry giant, even if you were just seeking effective advertising.

LeadsLeap recently debuted its own unique internal co-op system, which will undoubtedly quickly make other co-op systems available online jealous. This is just another fantastic addition to the already limitless advantageous array of power tools housed in one building. (And by using it, you can generate still another extra source of cash! )

Among the tools offered by Leadsleap are:

Internal promotion to all members. Members are urged to examine other sites for more than a quick glance for reciprocating credits when creating their own ads, so your own site will receive legitimate views rather than fleeting glances from people browsing for credits.

Page builder. This tool is a true gem with a ton of extra features, including templates, and it's incredibly simple to navigate and use whether you want to create a splash page, capture page, or any other type of page.

A full email marketing system with the ability to create your own email series for any of your LeadsLeap pages and tie it to a hosted autoresponder on your own premises that you are in total control of.

The list keeps on. A blog, a funnel builder, a form and pop-up maker, image hosting, and PDFs Create evaluations, suggestions, and much more.

Additionally, there are many ways to make actual money online, such as through referrals, site views, and ratings.

In addition to the referring, LeadsLeap offers a variety of ways for you to use its marketing capabilities, such as choosing particular groups of people to introduce the system to.

Sincerely, I've barely scratched the surface of what makes LeadsLeap essential, but the fact is that all the features serve as a powerful booster system for any online advertising campaign.

It would be an understatement to say that the Pro upgrade, which costs less than $30 a month, is worth every penny if you want to take things seriously. You can enter 10 Pro advertising into the system, and they will be regularly watched completely automatically. That's one teaser for you.

The rest of the Pro advantages just seem to go on forever.

Even though I am a Pro member, I continually discover new tools that are quite valuable and worthwhile.

If there is a drawback to LeadsLeap, I haven't found it yet, and I imagine that all Pro members would concur.

I've tried a lot of all-in-one programs in the past, but I haven't found anything that even comes close to matching the total advantages of LeadsLeap.

Final Verdict

Do yourself a favor and give LeadsLeap a shot if you absolutely must have traffic, leads, and sales—otherwise, you wouldn't be reading this. Don't be a non-believer like I was. I firmly believe in LeadsLeap right now, and I promise you won't regret joining.


Categorized under:
Scott Dubois's review...
My experience with the program so far

Welcome to my review of Leadsleap. I have made a couple of reviews now on Leadsleap, one of which is a video review of it on YouTube and the second is on my website. I have reviewed it twice and now a third time here.

I guess that being said. I LOVE LEADSLEAP! !

Let me just say this. I am thrilled to have found such a great website like Leadleap. When I first saw it on my first safelist website I joined I didn't want to go to it because I thought, "Oh yeah probably another MLM, or failed program, or whatever.

Jeff Aman who I work with on a few things suggested LeadsLeap. So I finally went and checked out this site...

What I found out then was that this was not only a place to earn passive income and traffic, but it was a place to also have an all-in-one Affiliate back office with all the tools you could ever need or want.

Still unsure of this new landscape I dove right into the pro membership which I know when you are trying something out you are going to say "Really Scott? " Well no. This year going on my second year in affiliate marketing I told my wife "I am going to capitalize on traffic this year and try and go above 60 sales! " Which in my first year, (Last year) Is what I made.

So all of that being said I took the chance on pro not really knowing what this new landscape held for me but trusting my gut which is something I do most of the time when doing business and I made Investments that better my business.

Whether it's a new income system or a new traffic system or whatever have you I make an investment that can benefit my business for a long time. So I got pro and went on to test the waters out per se. So I started out posting my pro ads, making landing pages, and testing out the affiliate tools and really got into it.

I set up some reviews and here is where it gets really interesting. In the past month and 5 days, I made 14 sales from my reviews. THIS WEBSITE BLOWS MY MIND. I have been super excited to be part of such a great community and I am glad I made the investment and went with LeadsLeap.

What I Like

  • I like the all-in-one affiliate back office where you can get all the tools ever needed to succeed online. What are those tools? You get a link tracker, rotator, autoresponder, a place that hosts images and PDFs (For lead magnets), form/popup manager, squeeze page and landing page builder, funnel builder which is great for sales pages and whatnot, and much, much more.
  • I like how easy it is to get traffic to see your offers.
  • I like the 5 income streams that this site offers and I have already made some money from that as well.
  • I like how well all the tools work including the trackers.
  • I like how great the page builder is when creating landing pages. The only other system I've used that is this good is Lead Pages and even then it is far too expensive for that so LeadsLeap is a great place to switch landing pages over to and for less money which in the business world it is best to get things for less if it is at all possible because to do things cost-effectively it is best to shop around for the best tools and Leadsleap is that place with the best tools.
  • I like all the pages having tutorials that help you along if you ever need to check out any tutorials on what each thing does.
  • I like how with the squeeze pages you build can be linked with a third-party autoresponder Awebber, Getresponse, etc.

What I Dislike

The only thing I can say that is a dislike on Leadsleap is the autoresponder. The autoresponder is easy to set up which is great. When driving traffic to a list inside the SendSteed app, however, there is a feature that I and many other marketers do not like and that is the double opt-in feature. Unfortunately, this can't be turned off and it sucks when you drive let's say 109 prospects to your page like I did in the past month and only 59 verify which means you only get 59 and the other 50 are unverified which means that contact vanishes and you can't send an email to them unless they verify. This feature is a very small dislike but very annoying when trying to get Leads so you can nurture and sell to that lead.

Final Verdict

Despite the one dislike I have to say that Leadsleap is a must-have if you are going to be successful in the Affiliate Marketing world. The system is very, very great especially when setting up pages, autoresponders, and any of the other tools that are needed in the marketing industry it is also only 20ish dollars which is great considering all the tools it gives you which is a steal because buying all those tools separately (I know because I have had all those tools separately) runs you up about 100-150 dollars in the hole before you even get your first sale and then you need to have a bunch of sales every month to make up the 150 dollars. Do keep in mind those prices are Canadian for me and that's crazy when starting a business.

Leadsleap is a steal and honestly, I would suggest upgrading to the pro especially because it unlocks a couple of other things that boost your business. If you don't see the value in paying the 20 every month then you are looking for the wrong things and what you have with Leadsleap is a state-of-the-art system that helps businesses not hinders them.

My closing statement is to get LeadsLeap and add it to your business as an investment it is amazing and in no time you will be pulling in traffic and sales!

*June 2024 update*

I am still receiving traffic constantly to my offers from Leadsleap. It is an amazing website with so much potential. I am still building professional-looking landing pages and capture pages and have even been earning affiliate commissions from promoting Leadsleap with one of the many ways to earn with LeadsLeap.

With the many things you can do inside LeadsLeap you will turn business around for yourself especially while being able to earn, get traffic and use its many tools that are needed for every day life in Affiliate Marketing.

For anyone interested I have a youtube channel where I do videos and I have review videos on LeadsLeap. If you are interested check out @civicedge1991 to go and check out my videos!

This website is amazing and you will not be disappointed.


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