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Save Money
William Berg's review...
My experience with the program so far

I recently had the opportunity to join the VIP savings club program, and overall, my experience has been quite positive. This program is designed to help members save money on everyday purchases while providing an opportunity to earn additional income through referrals and team building.

What I Like

Significant Savings: The primary allure of the VIP savings club is the potential for substantial savings on a wide range of products and services. From groceries and household items to travel and entertainment, the discounts are real and can lead to considerable monthly savings for diligent users.

User-Friendly Platform: VIP savings club online platform is intuitive and easy to navigate. Members can quickly find deals, track their savings, and monitor their earnings from referrals. The mobile app is particularly convenient for accessing discounts on the go.

Community and Support: One of the standout features is the supportive community. Members frequently share tips, success stories, and encouragement, creating a positive and motivating environment. Additionally, the customer support team is responsive and helpful, addressing queries and issues promptly.

Earning Potential: For those interested in the aspect, there's significant potential to earn additional income. The compensation plan is well-structured, offering rewards for direct referrals and team-building efforts. This dual benefit of saving and earning makes the program attractive to a wide audience.

Training and Resources: The provides excellent training resources for new members. Webinars, tutorials, and mentorship from experienced members help newcomers understand how to maximize both their savings and earning potential.

What I Dislike

Initial Investment: There is an upfront cost of $50 to join the, which might be a deterrent for some potential members. While the savings and earning potential can quickly offset this investment, it's important for prospective members to be aware of this initial expense.

Time and Effort Required: Like any network marketing opportunity, success with the VIP savings club requires time and effort. Members who actively seek out deals and work on building their referral network will reap the most benefits. This might not be suitable for individuals looking for passive savings or income opportunities.

Limited Availability: Some deals and discounts are region-specific, which means members in certain areas might have access to more or better offers than others. This can lead to an uneven experience depending on where you live.

Final Verdict

The VIP savings club program offers a compelling combination of savings and earning potential. It's particularly suited for proactive individuals who are willing to invest time in learning the system and building a network. While the initial cost and required effort might not appeal to everyone, those who commit to the program can find themselves enjoying substantial benefits.

Overall, I would recommend the to anyone looking to save money on everyday purchases and interested in a side income opportunity. It's a well-rounded program with a supportive community and a clear path to both savings and earnings.


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I first signed up for a free Leadsleap account more than two years ago. Being new and unfamiliar with the system, I was relatively inactive for several weeks after I signed up. While searching for ways to generate traffic and leads I again came across leadsleap several times and read some reviews about the website. My curiosity was triggered by several positive reviews so I decided to seriously explore and study how leadsleap works. It was then that I realized how Leadsleap could help generate targeted traffic and leads for free in exchange for some extra effort and time. The additional benefits and perks offered also convinced me to upgrade to a Pro account.

So far I am very satisfied with the results my leadsleap Pro account is giving me. I got my first few commissions within a few days of promoting my marketing funnels in leadsleap.

I have spent almost a year trying to earn my first affiliate commission by following methods promoted in video tutorials of many known YouTube influencers but none of them seem to work.

With Leadsleap, I finally did it!

I am now more motivated to work harder on my Leadsleap account and earn more commissions. What's even more remarkable is that leadsleap allows me to build my email list at the same time with a few people opting into the programs I'm promoting almost every day!

LeadsLeap Member Benefits

Leadsleap is free to join and its free membership unlocks doors and opportunities which in other similar platforms will certainly cost you a hefty price tag. You can remain a free member for as long as you want and continue to use all the resources available to free members.

Upgrading to Pro membership is optional and costs $27 per month, New members can upgrade to Pro at a discounted price of $23 per month if they upgrade within 24 hours after joining. It's a one-time offer that does not repeat. Upgrading to Pro is advisable if you want to take advantage of the additional benefits and resources available to Pro members and maximize the utilization of Leadsleap for your advertising and marketing campaigns.

Leadsleap offers an advertising platform and a whole array of marketing tools that any newbie can dream of. Here are a few to mention:

1. ) Free advertisement

This is available to both Free and Pro members. Create your ad text and banner or image and post it for viewing by all members. There are two types of ads:

  • Credit Ads - available to both Free and Pro members and is credit-based with 1 credit required for each ad view.

  • Pro Ads - no required credits and will be shown on the network 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. This is available to Pro members only.

Credit ads will expire after 14 days and need to be updated. Credit ads of Pro members are not subject to this rule. Free members can post a maximum of 3 credit ads while Pro members can post 10 credit ads and 10 pro ads.

How to Earn Credits

  • By Surfing Ads - The first 5 seconds earn you 0.2 credits (0.4 if Pro). Thereafter, you earn 0.05 credits every additional 5 seconds for up to 1 minute.

  • Reporting Problem Ads - 1 credit per problem ad reported. False report will earn no credit.

  • Adding a PPC Ad Widget to Your Website - You earn credits when people click the ads in the widget.

  • Using Leadsleap Link Tracker With Ad Widget Activated - You earn when people click the ads in the widget.

  • Overriding Credits - These are credits you earn whenever your followers view ads. They are also used in the calculation of your Daily Active Bonus. The more personal referrals you have, the more overriding credits you'll earn.

Credits earned will expire after 6 months so make sure to encash the remaining credits not used for advertising credit ads before they expire.

2. Social Review Platform

You can use this platform to write reviews and share your assessments and observations about the programs or products that you have tried. Writing reviews can help you improve or boost SEO traffic.

3. The Link Tracker

Using link tracker enables you to detect if you are getting real visitors instead of bots and also lets you know how long they spend surfing on your link.

4. Email Marketing

Leadsleap offers a free email marketing system (SendSteed) which you can use to build your email list, set up autoresponder, create automated follow-up emails, and send broadcasts to your list.

5. Page Builder

Leadsleap page builder allows you to create almost any kind of web page you can think of, such as an opt-in page, thank you page, capture page, landing page, splash page, bridge page, etc.

6. Funnel Builder

The funnel builder allows you to organize your pages by creating a marketing funnel that you can share with others. This is a feature available to Pro members only.

7. Form/Popup Creator

This tool lets you create animated opt-in forms and/or popups and add them to your website, blog, tracker, or pages created using Leadleap page builder.

8. Hosting Service

Leadsleap provides hosting for images and PDF files so that you can use them in your landing pages, popups and SendSteed emails.

Five Ways To Make Money in LeadsLeap System

  • Daily Active Bonus - view at least 10 ads a day to qualify for this bonus.
  • Credit encashment - convert credits into cash if you don't use them to advertise your credit ads.
  • PPC Earnings - add a Leadsleap Ad Widget to your website or use Link Tracker to earn when your visitors click on the ads in the widget or tracker.
  • Affiliate Commissions - promote LeadsLeap and earn recurring commissions when your direct referrals upgrade to Pro membership. Free members get 25%, while Pro members get 50%.
  • Promote your Leadsleap Coop Link in manual traffic exchanges, safelists, or other traffic networks. You earn Coop income only when a 3rd-party visitor surfs through your Coop Link for at least 5 seconds. The earning typically ranges from $0.10 to $8 CPM (cost per 1000 clicks), depending on the uniqueness, location, surfing duration of the traffic and our earnings.

Leadsleap lets you build your network within the system, with you at the top. Your direct referrals form the first level of your network. Those that your level 1 refer personally will form level 2 and this goes on until level 10. Everyone in levels 1 to 10 are your followers and this has the potential to grow exponentially. You will earn commissions when your direct referrals upgrade to pro membership. You will earn credits when your followers surf ads, which you can use for credit ads or encashment.

Spillover Level (For Pro Members Only)

A member can theoretically have ten associates or uplines. However, not every member will have ten uplines because some of them may be at the top of the network, or some of their uplines may have had their accounts terminated. As a result, there are 'empty' upline positions. These vacant positions will be appropriated to Pro members, which will comprise the Spillover Level, and it will grow continuously as the system allocates followers to this level automatically.

With LeadsLeap It is highly possible to start earning as soon as within a week after joining, as I did.

Leadsleap has about 171,400 members worldwide which means your ads can be viewed by a huge number of people who are all interested in the same niche you are promoting. Furthermore, your ads will also be exposed to people outside of the Leadleap network through the use of the Ad Widgets in your website, or link tracker if you don't have a website.

Leadsleap has been around since 2008 and it is constantly being upgraded with additional tools and features to keep it updated and relevant. Rest assured that it will be around for many years more considering the high number of satisfied users as reflected in the very high ratings it is getting from reviews (4.1 Trustpilot rating) which you can readily verify by searching online.


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Scott Dubois's review...
My experience with the program so far

Hello, And Welcome to my review of My Traffic Partners. This website is sort of new and I am pretty sure just came out this year. In this review, I will go through my exact experiences through My Traffic Partners and help you come up with an informed decision on whether or not it is right for you.

My Traffic Partners has been a GREAT website to be part of. It started I believe right around the same time as The Click Generator and the website was made by John Cornetta and Frank Salinas.

What they have done in My Traffic Partners is essentially they have created a site similar to LeadsLeap where you post ads and things like that and get traffic to your ads.

In my opinion, I don't think it is as good as LeadsLeap as LeadsLeap is tailored to not only go to the members of the site and show your ads to them but also they show your ads on Google and whatnot.

Still, My Traffic Partners is still a very valuable site to be part of. I of course signed up to be a paid member as it made a lot of sense for the things that they offer because the bonuses themselves are worth more than the site. We are talking over thousands of dollars in bonuses all for a 16-dollar-a-month price.

The bonuses you will get are as follows:

  • Access to The Executive Traffic Club at The Click Generator ($49.95/year value) (I think this one is worth far more than 49.95)
  • 6 solo ads at 100 Percent Clicks ($60 value)
  • Access to Resell Products Now ($100 value) (THIS IS AMAZING! )
  • Access to 200+ PLR Newsletter Emails ($97 value)
  • 3-in-1 Upgrade at ($20 value) (I have gotten a lot of traffic here as well)

These bonuses I know have just under 100 dollars for most of them but I believe some of them are worth FAR more than what they put in actual value.

Now my experience as I said above has been totally amazing. I signed up back in March of 2024 I believe and since then I have received traffic to my ads DAILY.

Much like LeadsLeap, they have a similar ad system but also have added a safelist feel at the same time by offering login ads and things like that. There are multiple ways to gain traffic, especially through normal ads, login ads, and hinge ads.

I have had great success at getting people to my list and the numbers continue to go up on all my ads as well as the traffic I receive.

I forgot to mention that I believe they also have a type of co-op rotator that you can also send out which gets you more visibility there as well a lot like LeadsLeap.

What I Like

  • I like the simplicity of the website
  • I like how easy it is to set up ads
  • I like the fairness of how your ads get shown on the network
  • I LOVE the bonuses that come with this
  • I love how easy it is to generate traffic PROVIDING you have a good capture page and know what you are doing in that field.

What I Dislike

I do dislike one thing. Your ads that you set up expire after 28 days I believe, which can be annoying as you will have to go in and start them up again to start receiving traffic. However, it's not horribly bad because the ad still stays there all you have to do is reactivate it and it starts up again... You do not have to rewrite anything. So this is only a small grievance.

Final Verdict

I say do get My traffic Partners. Even if you sign up for the free version of the site it still has something for everyone and still remains another great site that will provide you with more eyeballs.

I say anyway of getting eyeballs to your offers is best in this business as eyeballs are what defines your success and if you don't have those eyeballs or ways of getting eyeballs then you are a sitting duck, or a sinking ship.

I do think it is a great website to be part of and hey there are different little contests and things that happen every now and again as well that will give you more value on the website.

I hope this review has been insightful and has helped you come up with an informed decision on whether or not My Traffic Partners is right for you! Thanks for reading!


John and Frank have done it again! This month actually in the past week they have released a new function on My Traffic Partners. This new function allows you to have a chance to win PRIZES every single day one of which can be extra priority points.

What priority points are is basically a system they implemented which allows your ads to get seen with these priority points. The higher your points are the more your ads get seen!

Now that being said you can win extra priority points from going to the "Earn Priority Points" link inside of My Traffic Partners which if you click 40 ads a day you have a chance to win a prize!

If you win priority points CONGRATS! Because this means you will get a bunch of priority points and your ads will get seen more. You can also win money as well from the prizes!

The priority points I believe go like this. Free Members get their ads seen 25% I believe and paid members (Which I am a paid member) Get their ads seen 75%. For 16 bucks a month though you get AN EXTREME AMOUNT OF VALUE!

I highly recommend this and believe this is a unique system to get people to your ads!


Categorized under:
List Building
Scott Dubois's review...
My experience with the program so far

Hello and welcome to my review on GetResponse. Before I start this review I would like to say that this in the future will not be my main autoresponder if you go to my other reviews and check out my review on my other favourite autoresponder you can check it out. The other autoresponder I like is called SendShark and will be my main autoresponder in the future.

GetResponse has been an amazing autoresponder. I have had an amazing run with it. I would have to say that GetResponse and Aweber are the top autoresponders (Up until I found out about SendShark) in the Affiliate world.

The autoresponder is easy to use and easy to set up your account once you are on the inside. The system has normal features that every autoresponder has.

Forms to create HTML codes for your capture pages on other sites like LeadsLeap, It has your broadcasts, the autoresponder campaigns, it has a capture page and landing page builder, easy setup of different lists and an easy-to-see and use contacts list.

One additional feature I like about GetResponse in the contact list area is the ability to see how engaged your clients are.

Getresponse has a 5-bar system to show how engaged each client is bar 1 is not engaged at all.

Bar 2: Is at risk of going to bar 1

Bar 3: Is Neutral engagement

Bar 4: is Engaged

Bar 5: Is highly engaged,

Now I like this system better than other autoresponders because it is easier to see how engaged these people are. This makes it easier to Clean Your List! As I have stated in previous reviews Cleaning Your List Is like taking your dirty laundry to the laundromat or your own washing machine. Simply if you don't work on your list and don't "wash your Laundry" Your list will get dirty and it will affect your open rates and so on. It is extremely, EXTREMELY, important that you clean your list now and again.

After meeting so many of the higher marketers in our industry and speaking with them, like John Thornhill, Igor Kheifets, James Neville-Taylor, Dean Holland and many others they always say CLEAN YOUR LIST.

GetResponse does make this easy with their bar system which shows how engaged the client is. The unfortunate part is this is not like looking forward to clean laundry though... Sometimes it is sad to see clients go and sometimes I have to remind myself as sad as it is I have to do what is best for business and get rid of the unengaged people who are bogging down my open rates. I am seeing darn near 60% open rates because I clean my list regularly. I usually wait a month but no more than a month because a certain newsletter might bring them back which I have had happen. My mentor Igor Kheifets when he was teaching me said something in his training about "Resurrecting the list" and I have done that with certain campaigns not so much the list itself but more so with clients who went dormant.

Anyway, enough rambling on about that. This feature is truly amazing and easier than other autoresponders.

I also like their easy-to-use save-a-template feature.

Ever get sick of making an email and having to add your business logo maybe even your picture and a few other things every single time to every new email you write? I do too. They have a very easy-to-use save-a-template feature where you can keep a template you've made for the future. For instance, my current template is...



selfie of myself

and then my whole body is preformatted to the regular 18 pt font and Georgia text which is a normal setup for emails in email marketing.

I know its a very short description of my template but really the only thing changing in that each time is the body of my email the rest of the template never really changes.

All in all GetResponse has been a really amazing autoresponder but of course, is no longer my top recommendation (As I said above see my review on Sendshark) GetResponse also has automation and stuff which the SendShark autoresponder lacks.

I don't really ever use automation very much anyway so really for what I use GetResponse for, Sendshark gives me the same.

What I Like

  • I like the easy-to-use autoresponder. It is very simple and one of the top autoresponders and can honestly say it is probably even better than Aweber in some aspects
  • I like the save-a-template feature as it is very simple to save a template with the normal setup you always use for emails
  • I like the engaged bar feature as I mentioned above it is really easy to see who is and is not engaged on your list with this feature.
  • I like how easy it is to set up emails with a few clicks of a button you can have an email setup in seconds
  • I like that GetResponse seems like one of the more professional autoresponders. I am all about being professional so when I see a tool that reflects that I really like it as I was brought up being taught about business and professionalism.

What I Dislike

Usually, I don't have complaints about systems that I thoroughly enjoy but this one on the other hand I do have a couple of dislikes.

  • Price- The price can be steep as I am paying 30 dollars a month right now for 2500 subscribers and that is not horribly bad but when you go past 2500 the price can go up from there. In my review on SendShark, I talk about the price for that autoresponder for 50,000 subscribers it is 25.00 a month or 300 for a year and when you get up to 50,000 subscribers with this one it is 245 dollars a month or 2940 dollars a year... Yea, that's going to be steep especially when I plan to take this Affiliate Marketing straight to the top and hope to have a huge list someday...
  • TOO PICKY... Sometimes when trying to import your subscribers from other lists on other autoresponders you own when those subscribers have opted into your list they don't like you importing them and will reject the import... Do it enough times and GetResponse will just bring down what I like to call "The Ban Hammer" I have never been banned by them but this makes it hard to switch over to them with a list from another autoresponder because they are too picky. I once tried to bring over a list from a different autoresponder because I was trying to get rid of it and they rejected it. They were prequalified leads but they wouldn't allow it...
  • Last dislike... They will take away campaigns and stuff if you knock back your subscription... Yup if you ever downgrade I got told that it will erase my work if I downgrade... That is sort of a kick in the pants considering that you did all that work into building those campaigns and they don't let you keep them there if you downgrade...

Final Verdict

My final verdict is I still think eventhough I had 3 dislikes about GetResponse that it is still worth it to the right person. If you don't care about the above dislikes and care to have a very professional autoresponder then GetResponse is for you. They are really amazing and really simple to use.

I said above that they are probably better than Aweber. I have had many issues with Aweber that I haven't had with GetResponse.

They are a great Autoresponder and I do stand behind them despite the dislikes. It was the very first autoresponder I started with and I have been really amazed.

I hope you enjoyed reading my review on GetResponse and I hope I have helped you make an informed decision on whether or not to go with GetResponse! Thanks for reading and I will catch you the next time.


Categorized under:
Internet Marketing
Imran 's review...
My experience with the program so far

I joined 5 Dollar Friday a few months back and ever since I have found great value on its website. The owner of 5 Dollar Friday is Frank Andres and almost every Friday he gives out $5 Mega deals on programs like, software, traffic marketing and other related programs that can benefit an online marketer. These programs that are high value items, can be snatched at just $5.

I have purchased a few stuff from 5 Dollar Friday myself and one of them is "Buyer's Clicks" which provides on the base level 1000 hits to your website, landing page or affiliate link. In addition to that, there are weekly giveaways that can be grabbed for free, these are usually available from Friday through Sunday evenings and after that they are not available until next week where something new comes up.

What I Like

With programs starting at just $5, which in fact carry a lot more value than the price, provides me with an Opportunity to use them in my business. As for Weekly giveaways they are simply awesome, this can include software, ebooks, training videos etc. The best part is Frank guarantees that if someone can find a same product that is displayed on 5 Dollar Friday on a less price anywhere else then Frank will give that product for Free at no cost, their motto is "find it less anywhere... We will give it you for 100% zero cost".

What I Dislike

As an online marketer, if you know your strengths and weaknesses then best to use something that provides more value and increases your strengths, therefore, I find some of the software or programs that 5 dollar Friday offers do not resonate with my business, but then Frank is providing these for may kinds of online business, so I would not say I dislike this strategy, it is just that you look out for the weekly deals that come out and you will be able to find something very useful for your business.

Final Verdict

I like 5 Dollar Friday a lot, you are not forced to purchase anything, you can simply use the Weekly giveaways even and do not buy anything, but, if you see value in stuff that can work for you then I would definitely say yes, go ahead, since the value for the money you get for just $5 is insane and does not break anyone's bank. The best part is you can use the bonuses for your own business and provide your own customers with these fantastic giveaways, I am sure nobody minds getting something of value for Free. Oh, one more thing, 5 Dollar Friday also has a great affiliate program, be sure to check that or get help from their support.


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Andy Caden's review...
This is my updated review after years of participation in the OLSP system and discontinuing my promotion around late December 2022. I earned around $1,456.62 USD as an affiliate using various marketing skills such as YouTube video guides, email marketing, and traffic exchanges like Leads Leap. I also had a blog site I used for promotion.

However, I withdrew from the program as I encountered difficulties accessing my account after it transitioned to a fee-based monthly model. Despite spending over $2,000 on products and upsells, I couldn't access the paid features,

For over two years, the OLSP system was a free affiliate platform, which was impressive in 2022. Wayne Crow, the main product owner of OLSP, taught many people how to make an income from home during the COVID-19 era.

Wayne consistently provided value to the community in 2022, offering free tutorials, traffic, and leads through the OLSP Domination Group on Facebook and other platforms, including YouTube.

While this was the best free system I had encountered in 2022, I had reservations about the upsell and other products that didn't align with the main training.

During my time with OLSP, I learned to build a profitable email list, create email messages that convert, and generate free leads through YouTube videos. My Click-Through Rates (CTR) reached 5.6%, but many leads didn't convert, mainly because they were free offers to join.

Recently, there has been an influx of new members who seemed to engage in questionable marketing practices, bordering on multi-level marketing. The OLSP community comprises people from diverse backgrounds, and I enjoyed interacting with them on Facebook.

It's essential to note that the OLSP system is not a get-rich-quick scheme and requires effort. What's changed is that it's no longer entirely free, with a monthly fee.

OLSP's main training covers affiliate marketing, email marketing, and digital marketing skills highly sought online, such as driving traffic. I stumbled upon OLSP in my spare time during COVID-19 in 2022, and it helped me generate additional income.

For those starting out, OLSP offered a free seven-day email Bootcamp, which provides participants with a $20.00 incentive. This appeared to be a great way to get started, but as a current member, I could not access my account to see updates or communicate with the team I built.

Now, let's delve into what you actually get with the OLSP system.

The initial steps guide you on how to set up and share your link on social media platforms. Finding clients who join your team is as simple as striking up a conversation on Facebook. Helping your team grow as a community fosters collective growth within OLSP.

Updated: After taking a break after over 2 years I'm still making small commissions of $1,200 so this is still a great business to take part in


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