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Edward Mckinney's review...
I started with LeadsLeap in 2016 and never looked back since! It was my very first approach to Internet Marketing, thanks to the numerous useful articles I found in the blog. I use it to promote my network marketing opportunities and have grown my down lines greatly!
I have also been able to get a ton of free traffic to my website(blog), which gets me more clicks on my ads!


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Isabel Miranda's review...
I have tested this traffic source for 3 months, I bought the upsell for two links and for 6 months traffic.

I am not going to talk about conversion since that depends on the offer you are promoting.

But I want to focus in the quality of the traffic that you will not get...

Thanks to The Real Tracker that I have with Leads Leap I detected that I will not waste my money anymore with this low quality traffic source.

I am ok, if it delivers just a few visits every day , what it is unacceptable is to send visits that are not real.

Here are my stats of the last 30 days:

Total Visits: 115
Unique: 16
Real: 0
Stats by Country:
South Africa Total : 103 Unique: 8 Real : 0
United States Of America: Total: 6 Unique: 4 Real: 0
United Kingdom: Total: Total: 5 Unique: 3 Real:0

Hope this review is helpful for you.


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List Building
Scott Dubois's review...
My Experience with Vita Vee's Optin Dojo

Hello and welcome to my review of Vita Vee's Optin Dojo. I'm excited to share my personal experience with this program and explain everything I've discovered since becoming part of his site.

I must start by saying I love all of Vita's online tools, especially the one I'll discuss in a moment. Anytime you see his name in reviews or associated with any tool, I highly recommend picking it up because he creates amazing things.

At the beginning of my affiliate journey, I heard about Vita Vee through the Rapid Profit Machine and learned about his Optin Dojo. Initially, I wasn't interested and continued using ClickMagick. However, after some time, Vita's name resurfaced within the Rapid Profit Machine, and by then, he had launched Traffic Zest. Being part of Traffic Zest, I was curious and did some research.

One night, despite my success with Traffic Zest, I couldn't resist diving deeper. My research led me back to Optin Dojo. While checking out a few solo ad vendors from Traffic Zest, I stumbled upon an online report authored by Vita Vee, priced at just $5, titled "Solo Ad Mastery: Overnight Hacks. " This report links to Optin Dojo, and I believe every online entrepreneur should grab it.

The report, though inexpensive, was packed with six or seven hacks for solo ads that transformed my business. Following Vita's advice in the report, I saw a dramatic improvement in my conversion rates and email performance. This report is a must-have, as it guarantees front-end sales and enhances backend email and follow-up sales. My capture and bridge pages, modeled after Vita's suggestions, converted between 45% and 90%.

For instance, during a Traffic Zest campaign, my pages converted at 70-80%, and solo ads from James Neville-Taylor converted at 45%. Additionally, Vita's Optin Dojo guides you on selecting the right products, a crucial skill for success in the Make Money Online niche.

The Optin Dojo

Optin Dojo is a comprehensive software that tracks your links and offers more features than ClickMagick, all at a lower cost. It's user-friendly and highly effective. I highly recommend both the Optin Dojo and the solo ad report, as they provide exceptional value and innovation.

What I Like

  • The simplicity of Vita Vee's tools, especially Optin Dojo.
  • The report's groundbreaking hacks that dominate the solo ad space.
  • Optin Dojo's superior tracking compared to ClickMagick.
  • The affordability of Optin Dojo at $37 a month versus $60 for ClickMagick.
  • Vita Vee's consistent creation of outstanding tools.

What I Dislike

There's nothing I dislike about the Dojo or the report. Both are exceptional!

Final Verdict

If you grab the report, you might see my testimonial on the page, as Vita Vee kindly agreed to feature it. My final verdict is a strong 5/5 stars. Both Optin Dojo and the solo ad hack report are masterpieces, packed with value and innovation.

Optin Dojo has genuinely revolutionized my approach to affiliate marketing. The tool's simplicity and effectiveness in tracking and improving conversion rates have given me a competitive edge. It's rare to find a tool that not only meets but exceeds expectations, and Optin Dojo does just that. The hacks in the solo ad report are practical, actionable, and designed to produce immediate results, which has been a game-changer for my campaigns.

Moreover, the affordability of Optin Dojo, especially compared to other tools like ClickMagick, makes it accessible for marketers at any level. Vita Vee's dedication to providing high-quality, user-friendly tools is evident in every aspect of Optin Dojo. His ability to anticipate the needs of online entrepreneurs and address them with innovative solutions is truly commendable.

In summary, Vita Vee's Optin Dojo and the solo ad hack report are essential for anyone serious about succeeding in affiliate marketing. The insights and tools provided have not only improved my business but have also instilled a greater sense of confidence in my marketing strategies. I strongly recommend these resources to anyone looking to enhance their online marketing efforts. Thanks for reading, and I hope this review helps you make an informed decision about Vita Vee's Optin Dojo and the solo ad report.


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Safelist Mailer
Scott Dubois's review...
My experience with the program so far

Hello Everyone and welcome to my review on 100 percent clicks. I would like to start this off by saying that I have really enjoyed this safelist website already thus far and the value they add.

My experience with this site has been exceptional. When I first joined I started right into figuring out how to use the site and ripped it apart looking at every angle and every way to advertise using this site.

It is very simple to get started with this site. I highly recommend that in this site if you do sign up that you do get the lifetime membership upsells as they do offer great value and also from time to time Frank will send you promo codes to put in so you can get some extra advertising which is amazing. I will add though that the lifetime membership is not mandatory but it is good to get.

In my experience anything that offers a lifetime premium membership is good to get as that is a place where you can advertise for years and years to come pulling in leads to your offers and list for YEARS. We are in the results business and we want to see results getting your offers, optins, and other things in front of eyeballs for years and years to come is good especially if you don't have to keep paying after you get that certain lifetime membership.

Looking for lifetime premium memberships is good if you are starting out because signups for a 1-time payment outweigh anything online when building especially when you have to pay oh so many dollars per campaign for say a soload.

I will advise though that you should have some decent offers to offer or you will be chasing that first sale or any sale for a long time with no real reward. Make sure when you have an affiliate offer that you have a decent one that you can advertise especially on a site like this.

What I Like

As I mentioned above it is extremely easy to get started. This site offers extreme value and also has promo codes and stuff that allow you to get more advertising and things like that.

I have gotten some signups to my offers from this site in just a little under a week. Again I will mention here you have to have decent offers as with anything online if you put out you can expect back.

I have a few things from Frank now and can honestly say he adds value wherever he goes and whatever he does.

I like the easy setup of the banner ads. I have some that will be on there for a year and also have one that is a lifetime banner ad which I got from another one of my things that I am also promoting here in the reviews. (I can't add the link to that review here but it is the one I sent about my autopilot traffic source that is cheap and gives you buyer traffic. )

What I Dislike

I usually only write reviews if I like the specific thing or if its something I should warn you about. I personally so far haven't found much that I don't like about this site as it has provided me with lots to run my traffic sources on autopilot.

Final Verdict

My final verdict about this site is that after looking through the site and trying certain things out and whatnot I can honestly say that you are missing out if you haven't signed up to this great site yet.

The site is a must-have if you want another place that has eyeballs for your offers. I have added this to my traffic sources rotation where I get leads from constantly and have a bunch that I will eventually probably make reviews for.

I think that even if you don't get the lifetime membership you should sign up for free as I said the website has much to offer and is easy to use. Frank has built and continues to build great things for the affiliate marketing industry and this is another one of his great inventions

Don't wait! Get in now and start getting traffic for your offers and sites. Build your business with more eyeballs.

Still a very amazing program which I get signups from regularly it is an amazing site through and through!

*August 2024 Update*

June has been great for getting lots of traffic from 100 percent clicks to my list. I have also now made quite a few affiliate commissions from this site as well. This site provides traffic and a way to earn simply by promoting your link or you can just join for the traffic. I have received countless numbers of people to anything I promote.

Still an amazing site. I think so far I myself have made 100 dollars in commissions on this site and have also gotten hundreds of traffic. Don't wait to join because waiting to join might affect business some day...


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Internet Marketing
Iryna 's review...
In the world of "get rich quick" schemes, 60 Minute Profit Machines promises to be different. With claims of setting up passive income streams in just an hour, it's easy to get swept up in the hype. Let's delve deeper to see if this program delivers on its promises.

My Experience with the Program So Far

After trying out 60 Minute Profit Machines, my overall experience has been quite positive. However, there were a few bumps along the way. Initially, I encountered a glitch that prevented me from connecting to the site, but the support team resolved it quickly, even during the holiday season.

What I Like

60 Minute Profit Machines is created by James Fawcett and Mark Barrett and positions itself as an affiliate marketing system with pre-built 'profit machines' that supposedly generate commissions on autopilot. Here's a breakdown of the system:

Pick a Proven Offer: Users select a profitable affiliate offer from a curated list of top-performing options across various niches. The program provides detailed guidance on how to get approved for these offers, even if you're new to affiliate marketing.

Blast It With Traffic: After choosing an offer, the next step is to drive traffic to it. The system includes powerful traffic generation strategies, both free and paid, to ensure a steady stream of visitors to your affiliate links.

Relax & Enjoy the Cash: Once the traffic is set up, the system takes over, converting clicks into commissions. This 'set and forget' approach is one of the most appealing aspects of the 60 Minute Profit Machines.

Rinse & Repeat: For those looking to scale their earnings, the process can be repeated with different offers and traffic sources. The system's versatility and ease of use make it possible to create multiple streams of income.

The program also offers several key features, including done-for-you profit machines, training and resources, free and paid traffic strategies, and additional bonuses like email marketing and social media marketing guides.

What I Dislike

Focus on Speed Over Value: The emphasis on "60 minutes" might downplay the time and effort required for effective affiliate marketing.

Upsells: The program includes additional offers (OTOs)

Final Verdict

While 60 Minute Profit Machines might seem like a tempting shortcut, the lack of transparency and focus on speed raise some red flags. Consider alternative strategies that focus on building a strong foundation for long-term affiliate marketing success. These methods require more effort upfront but can yield more sustainable results.

When deciding, also consider the pricing (including potential upsells), the terms of the money-back guarantee, and seek out real user experiences to get a clearer picture of the program's effectiveness.


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Internet Marketing
Scott Dubois's review...
My Experience with Auto Affiliate AI: A Game-Changer for My Business

Hello everyone! Today, I'm excited to share my personal experience with Auto Affiliate AI, a product that has truly transformed the way I approach AI in my business.

Now, let me clear something up right from the start—Auto Affiliate AI isn't some magical "push a button and watch the money roll in" kind of system. I know, we've all been sold on those promises before, but let's be real: there is no such button that will magically download money into your bank account. If that's what you're after, you'll need to keep searching for that elusive unicorn—though I doubt it exists!

So, what exactly is Auto Affiliate AI? When I first came across it, I assumed it was just another app that used AI to drive sales automatically. But what I found was something much more valuable. Auto Affiliate AI is actually a comprehensive system created by Luther Landro that teaches you how to effectively use AI to generate income. It's about integrating AI into your business in a way that it works for you consistently, almost like having a background process running 24/7.

Yes, it's a set-and-forget system to some extent, but—and this is important—you do have to put in some effort. This isn't one of those 'get rich quick' schemes. You'll need to invest time in learning and applying what Luther teaches. But the payoff? Totally worth it.

Before diving into this program, I'll admit, I was pretty clueless about how to really harness the power of AI. And that's saying something because I've been tech-savvy since I was a kid. I've been building websites and handling tech tasks for years—things that would make a non-techie's head spin. But AI? That was a whole new ballgame for me. I was treating it like some omniscient entity, expecting it to do everything on its own, without realizing that the real power lies in the commands you give it.

Auto Affiliate AI completely changed my perspective. Once I started following Luther's guidance, I began to see where I was going wrong. I wasn't using AI to its full potential, and I had been expecting way too much from it without giving it the right instructions. But when I combined AI with the strategies Luther outlines, everything clicked. The results were almost immediate—I started seeing more sales, and my business became more efficient. AI is now an integral part of my workflow, saving me time and mental energy, and allowing me to focus on what really matters.

One thing I've got to mention: forget about all those so-called 'AI prompt pages' floating around the internet. They don't hold a candle to what Luther teaches in Auto Affiliate AI. His methods are unique, practical, and, most importantly, effective.

What I Like About Auto Affiliate AI

  • The method is incredibly effective at generating revenue with AI.
  • The system gives you that 'set-and-forget' feeling—though, as I said, some initial work is required.
  • I've learned to use AI more effectively than ever before.
  • Luther provides top-notch support. He's the only person handling support for his product, but he's incredibly responsive and genuinely cares about your success.
  • Luther goes above and beyond to ensure you succeed with this system. He's not just selling a product; he's invested in your results.

What I Dislike About Auto Affiliate AI

Honestly, I can't think of anything negative at this point. The content within the system is highly informative and has met all of my expectations.

Final Verdict

If you're serious about improving how you use AI in your business, Auto Affiliate AI is a must-try. Luther has developed a system that not only works but also demystifies AI, showing you how to leverage it to achieve real success. Plus, if you've been struggling to find that winning product that actually converts, Luther covers that too, helping you pinpoint the products that will make you money.

Overall, Auto Affiliate AI is well worth the investment. Yes, some of the upsells might seem a bit pricey, but trust me, they're worth every penny. Luther provides such detailed guidance that you'll feel fully equipped to make AI work for you—or your investment is practically risk-free.

Give it a try and see for yourself. Dive in, learn, and start succeeding. Thanks for taking the time to read my review—I hope it helps you make an informed decision!


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