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Joy Healey's review...
Update March 2024 AND June 2024

Just been reviewing my reviews at LeadsLeap :-)

Some I have deleted as they didn't stand the test of time, but The Downliner is still firmly on my favourites list and sending me traffic (especially from the Social Posts). I am still getting renewal commissions from people I have recommended to The Downliner, so they are presumably as happy as I am with it.

My experience with the program so far

I first joined this program five years ago, then left it while I had a break from online business, but I always remembered it fondly.

So when I came back online and was reminded of it, I was pleased to restart my paid membership, and, within my first month, someone who found a site I'm advertising on The Downliner joined my business. That's more than covered the cost of my first month's membership.

I have, since then, paid to become a lifetime member, eliminating monthly costs.

Within my own contacts I have recruited two TDL team members who have been equally impressed with the site, Both have upgraded too, and stayed long term members. My commission was registered promptly (can be withdrawn when it reaches $20), although I tend to use it to buy further advertising. I found several 'free' members too, but it's not uncommon that T/E members stay free.

What I Like

  • There are 3 levels of membership, one is free and the other two are extremely good value.
  • Free members can earn from their referrals
  • There's a low ($20) threshold to withdraw your commissions
  • You're only 'charged for' unique views, other views are classed as Free Views.
  • There's a lot to get my head round, but within the site dashboard another member has provided an extremely helpful explanatory video
  • Support is excellent, I even had prompt answers over the weekend
  • Paid members TDL can join the 'TDL Machine' which gives access to All In One Profits, a complete suite of business tools with plans starting at just $10 a month and paying an amazing $10 a month commission (even more for the higher plan levels). The TDL Machine will find you 6 paying members to get your AIOP business off to a flying start. I didn't join this as I already have an auto-responder, but for anyone with no a/r this would be a great benefit.
  • The TDL detailed stats show where my link is being seen and how long visitors stay on my site
  • You can earn 'shop points' to use in your own promotions, by promoting a co-op link
  • Otherwise you can buy 'shop points' at an extremely low cost, or by upgrading
  • You can 'win' points with a daily wheel spin, and I win regularly - maybe 75% of the time.
  • You can also earn points by clicking on solo-ads that come to my in-box, clearly labelled.
  • Traffic is coming from a vast array of sources including PTCs, Safelists, Traffic Exchanges, Classified Ads, CPC traffic and well as social media I received thousands of clicks in just a few days for 5 minutes 'work' placing my social media post link on the TDL ads section.
  • Most important of all, my links are being rotated on more traffic exchanges than I've even heard of. There's no way I could cover afford the time or money to promote on all those sites personally.

What I Dislike

I wish there was a way that I could target specific countries, but nothing else.

Final Verdict

Advertising on the Downliner is saving me a ton of time and money while building my list, and - most important of all - I know it's genuine traffic because I have already had an email exchange with a lead who took a paid upgrade.

Highly recommended.


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Safelist Mailer
Dominic Kristianto's review...
My experience with the program so far

I am quite pleased with Mailer.g0ld and that means something because typically I don't use Safelist as my main traffic source.

Apparently, I did change my mind and started using Safelist because I managed to make consistent sales from it.

What I did was send an email as a Free Silver member and track the result. To my surprise, I managed to get 3 clicks and 1 sale out of 600 members to whom I can send my email!

This is nuts! To think that a new Safelist help me make a sale is not my intention. I just want to see the CTR (3 out of 600 is small, but mind you, this is completely cold traffic that never heard about me before).

And for that reason, I decided to upgrade to Lifetime Gold membership for just $16 at the time I write this review.

You see, Mailer.g.ld increases the price with the increment of 0.01 for every new upgrade sale. So the next upgrade price would be $16.01, then $16.02, and so on.

What I Like

Well, I see some "gold" inside this safelist waiting for me to dig it lol. I mean, I did get a sale from the free account, so I can easily justify my decision to upgrade as a No-Brainer one.

Besides the regular email, Gold members will also get 5 text ads and 5 banner ads to get more eyeballs to the offer, and there are also Guaranteed Visitors plus Downline Builder tools that we can use to add some more exposure.

Overall, I like the member's area and the navigation is clear and easy to follow. I guess that is because the owner (Frank Bauer) has done this for a long time. He definitely knows what he is doing.

What I Dislike

Well, since it's still new (less than a year since the launch date), there are less than 3K members right now and that is a low number for a safelist.

Nevertheless, that also means that there is room for improvement and if they become bigger, the founder members will also reap the benefits such as bigger commissions and low initial investment ($16 as I write this review).

Other than that, I don't see any disadvantage of using mailer.g.ld right now.

Final Verdict

Safelist has been known as one of the low-cost methods to get traffic to your offer and build your list. It still is even today. No wonder there are new safelists emerging every year.

I joined mailer.g.ld because of the credibility of the owner and decided to upgrade for a very low investment after I get a good result as a Free Silver Member.

If you want to know whether this is worth it or not, you can just create a free account and test it.

You may get lucky and make one sale or two. Track your result and let it be the final judge before you make decision to upgrade or not. Easy peasy right? ;)


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Tom Lindstrom's review...
This review will help you learn more about one of the biggest and best sites where you can purchase high-quality email solo ads to promote your online business opportunity.

In this Udimi review, I will share my personal experience of buying solo email ads (see my results at the end of this review), what I especially love about Udimi, and things that could be improved.

Personally, I think is one of the best places you can buy email solo ads; for around $50, you can get 100 clicks to your offer. Buying traffic is an investment in your business. Free traffic will also get you results, but it is very slow and time-consuming.

Only 100% targeted traffic!

You can be 100% sure that only people who are truly interested in what you have to offer will click through and read your message; bots and fake traffic will be automatically filtered out.

The traffic you receive from Udimi is highly targeted because your offer is sent to people who are interested in what you have to offer.

I have purchased 29 email solo ads so far (see my results at the end of the review). I especially love their rating system; it gives me the opportunity to read reviews from other Udimi customers before I place my order.

Quick Results!

You can expect a high volume of traffic. In some cases, the traffic starts within a few hours of ordering. The seller must deliver your traffic within 100 hours of accepting your offer.

Your goal is, of course, to get as many leads as possible to sign up for your offer. If your opt-in page looks professional and you have a great offer, you can expect to get a high opt-in rate (and sales down the line).

When your traffic order is finished, you have the opportunity to rate the seller. This will help others determine if this particular seller's traffic is converting. After rating the seller, you have a 50% chance to win a $5 discount on your next traffic order.

A Few Helpful Hints

When you order clicks at Udimi, you will get the best results by choosing a vendor that offers traffic in your niche. So, if you have an offer in the "make money online" niche, you need to pick a vendor that offers traffic in that particular niche.

The Udimi website is also very easy to use; you can do a search to find sellers in your own niche, and your old solo ads and payment information are saved in the system for later use.

The site also has a chat feature that allows you to chat with the vendor and get more information about the traffic. The support team helps with any questions you may have. also has many in-depth tutorials available for solo email ad buyers. I especially recommend reading the "How to Buy a Solo Ad" tutorial before you do anything else.

You will learn lots of useful tips and avoid costly mistakes. Buying email solo ads is very effective, but it must be done correctly in order to get great results.

Another great tip I can give is to read the forum regularly. The forum is the best place to learn about email solo ads and ask questions. Other members (both buyers and sellers) will answer any questions you may have.

There is also an affiliate program available if you are interested in earning commissions for referring new members.

Always start small!

When you find a seller that has an email list that matches your offer, be sure to read the reviews from other customers before you place your order. It will give you an idea if this seller delivers what he or she promises and if recent customers have received sales and opt-ins from their solo ads.

It is always a good idea to start with a small campaign first to see if it converts or not. You can always buy more clicks later.

Buying email solo ads is always a bit risky; you can never be 100% sure of the outcome. If you are serious about building an online business, then you must invest money in it.

Udimi is one of the best places to buy advertising; you can really build a responsive email list just by investing a small amount per month. Email is probably the quickest way to build a responsive email list.

Usually, when buying email solo ads from Udimi or some other place, you will get sales over time when your subscribers receive more information about your offer and get to know you. It takes time to build a relationship with your subscribers.

Always write down from which seller you buy ads and what results you get from each mailing. When you find a good seller, you can easily buy more leads and scale your business

My Udimi Email Solo Ad Results:

Solo ad 1: I ordered 125 clicks and received 149; this resulted in 54 leads and 1 sale so far.

Solo ad 2: I ordered 175 clicks and received 188; this produced 50 leads and 0 sales so far.

Solo ad 3: I ordered 125 clicks and received 168; this gave me 47 leads and 0 sales so far.

Solo ad 4: I ordered 100 clicks and received 108; this produced 37 leads and 0 sales so far.

Solo ad 5: I ordered 100 clicks and received 104; this produced 41 leads and 1 sale so far.

Solo ad 6: I ordered 150 clicks and received 162, which gave me 48 leads and two sales so far.

Solo ad 7: I ordered 125 clicks and received 135, which gave me 33 leads and 1 sale so far.

Solo ad 8: I ordered 100 clicks and received 110; this resulted in 42 leads and 1 sale so far.

Solo ad 9: I ordered 150 clicks and received 165; this produced 49 leads and 2 sales so far.

Solo ad 10: I ordered 150 clicks and received 165. This solo ad run has produced 43 new leads and 1 sale so far.

Solo ad 11: I ordered 125 clicks and received 125; this solo ad generated 68 new leads and 1 sale so far.

Solo ad 12: I ordered 200 clicks and received 230; this solo ad gave me 39 new leads and 0 sales so far.

Solo ad 13: I ordered 125 clicks and received 137; this resulted in 18 new leads and 1 sale so far.

Solo ad 14: I ordered 150 clicks and received 168; this produced 33 new leads to my offer and 1 sale so far.

Solo ad 15: I ordered 200 clicks and received 235. This ad run produced 47 fresh leads to my offer and 1 sale so far.

Solo ad 16: I ordered 150 clicks and received 175; this email about the solo ad run generated 51 new leads and three sales so far.

Solo ad 17: I ordered 100 clicks and received 107; this solo email gave me 38 new leads and 1 sale so far.

Solo ad 18: I ordered 500 clicks and received 553; this solo ad generated 187 new leads for my list and six sales so far.

Solo ad 19: I ordered 275 clicks and received 302, and this solo ad generated 114 new leads for my email list and 7 sales so far.

Solo ad 20: I ordered 150 clicks and received 165. This email solo ad generated 43 new leads for my email list and two sales so far.

Solo ad 21: I ordered 275 clicks and received 301; this email solo ad generated 51 new leads and 3 sales so far.

Solo ad 22: I ordered 350 clicks and received 372; this solo email ad generated 87 new leads and 6 sales so far.

Solo ad 23: I ordered 225 clicks and received 254, a nice overdelivery! So far, this email solo ad has generated 102 new leads for my offer and four sales.

Solo ad 24: I ordered 150 clicks and received 178; this solo email ad generated 65 new leads and 5 sales so far.

Solo ad 25: I ordered 225 clicks and received 257; this Udimi solo ad produced 125 new leads and four sales so far.

Solo ad 26: I ordered 250 clicks and received 251, and this solo email ad generated 92 new leads and 6 sales so far.

Solo ad 27: I ordered 500 clicks and received 552. This email solo ad produced 258 new leads and 5 sales so far.

Solo ad 28: I ordered 500 clicks and received 558; this solo email ad generated 284 new leads and 6 sales so far.

Solo ad 29: I ordered 450 clicks and received 490; this email solo ad delivered 197 new leads to my email list and four sales so far.

Solo ad 30: I placed an order for 500 clicks and received 557. This solo email generated 207 fresh leads and five sales so far.

Solo ad 31: I ordered 250 clicks and received 264. This email solo ad has generated 143 new leads and three sales so far.

Solo ad 32: I placed an order for 500 clicks and received 556. This solo email ad delivered 176 new leads so far and 4 sales.

Solo ad 33: I ordered 200 clicks and received 223. This email solo ad generated 108 new leads and 3 sales so far.

Solo ad 34: I ordered 275 clicks and received 323. This email solo ad generated 154 new leads and 5 sales so far.

Solo ad 35: I ordered 300 clicks and received 330. This email solo ad generated 174 new leads and 4 sales so far.

Solo ad 36: I ordered 500 clicks and received 553. This solo email ad generated 226 new leads and 3 sales so far.

Solo ad 37: I ordered 250 clicks and received 277. This solo email ad generated 143 new leads and 2 sales so far.

Solo ad 38: I ordered 500 clicks and received 559. This solo email ad generated 243 new leads and 4 sales so far.

Solo ad 39: I ordered a 500 click solo ad and received 554 clicks. This email solo ad generated 256 new leads and 3 sales so far.

Solo ad 40: I ordered a 300 click solo ad and received 324 clicks. This solo email ad generated me 149 fresh leads and 2 sales so far.

Final Verdict:

Hopefully this Udimi solo ad review gave you some insight into how effective email solo ads can be and why this is one of the fastest ways to generate targeted traffic to your offer that converts into leads and sales. If you are looking to get fast results, then I highly recommend you check out Udimi today.


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Linda Bomba's review...
My experience with the program so far

I recently learned about this program however I did have a free account for a long time and never used it.

Boy have I been missing out!

I actually went PRO today and set up 10 ads and started getting leads immediately!

I had no idea how powerful this system is and using it to grow my online business.

What I Like

I like all the different features you can use. I have been able to upload high converting pages that I have a share code.

This has to be one of the most powerful systems I have seen in the 12+ years I have been online. I am paying way more for just my auto responder!

For $27 you get a funnel and page maker, an auto responder, a tracking tool, a rotator tool and advertising through being able to set up 10 days and by giving reviews of products/services you use.

Not only do they pay you for referring people through their affiliate program, they pay you to surf 10 ads everyday with their daily action bonus. They also pay you through promoting their COOP, PPC and credit encashment.

There is not other affiliate program in this industry that does this so again there so many features and tools with this system it is worth way more than $27 per month.

What I Dislike

So far NOTHING but if I had to pick something and would like to see they pay faster there is currently a 60 day hold on commissions.

Final Verdict

I think is an outstanding system that every online business owner needs for a price that can't be beat!

I am so impressed with this whole system and the longer I use the more value I see there truthfully is anything else out there like this in our industry. I wish I found this when I got online in 2011.

If I was just starting out I would use this and not invest the thousands of dollars I have put into having auto responders, funnel makers, tracking tools and advertising. This is the best resource I have to date in this industry the value for the price is outstanding.

Leads Leap is a platform that will help you get more leads and sales and give you exposure for your business. It's the ultimate leverage I love it! there isn't anything else out there like this!


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KASH EMPIRE's review...
I've been a member of The Downliner for about a month now and I would have to say that I am highly impressed. I've been involved with a few other traffic coops however The Downliner is a complete game changer.

So far I like to use the text ads, and with that I have consistently gotten over 50% click thru rate with over 5000-9000 views in a 24 hour time frame. Which has also resulted in a few sign-ups to my main businesses! Very impressive!

Ok, so what exactly is The Downliner other than AMAZING?

The Downliner is a traffic exchange coop that ultimately generates traffic to your websites. It is one of the latest breakthroughs in coop advertising and serves as an efficient and effective way of promoting while generating passive income for all members. It allows anyone to just add their website link with stats then receive traffic from many different sources including PTCs, Safelists, Traffic Exchanges, Classified Ads, CPC traffic as well as social media.

You can register as a free or paid member and can start using the platform immediately. You use points to purchase traffic/views to your websites and can earn points by either purchasing them, or promoting your own coop link.

When promoting your coop link you earn 1:1 which is 1 point per unique view.

As free member, you can earn 10% monthly recurring commissions per referral and if you are a paid member you can earn 30% monthly recurring commissions, when your referral upgrades. Free members can advertise 3 websites and paid members can advertise 10 websites in the campaign.

What makes this what makes this system utterly unique is that you can advertise your sites using banners, text ads (my favorite), and because we can post our sites too in Social Media. The social posts are shown on Twitter, Facebook Groups, LinkedIn, Google Plus, and Pinterest without even having an account with them!

The Downliner have an anti-cheat system that prevents users from other traffic exchanges for using auto-surf bots to gain credits and a timer set with a recurring period valid for 5 minutes wherein views from the same surfers within that time period are not counted. These ensures that your coop views are not wasted and deductions to it are coming from unique views only from traffic exchanges.

The Downliner is attractively advertising us and The TE Coop. It displays our Gravatar photo, it shows how many points we just earned by displaying the site and it persuades the viewer to sign-up to the coop and promotes his/her ad on thousands of sites daily, just like what we are doing here.

This is incredibly compelling, to earn 30% recurring commission from our referrals, and I assure you that everyone who tries The Downliner advertising would not cancel their subscription any time soon. Actually, there's no need to advertise our referral link; we only need to rotate our own co-op link!

Most members who joined find the best way to start is by adding a banner to the system then adding their own social links. Once this is done you should add the sites you wish to promote. Once approved your site will be in rotation on the network.

You have the option always to upgrade your account and we only offer 1 paid option (except for the One-Time offer). Free members receive 10% commission and Paid members receive 30%. The cost to upgrade is $9.99 per calendar month which works out as costing much less than you would pay for a monthly membership at any leading Traffic Exchange or Safelist. The price includes 6,800 shop points equivalent to 5,400 Cooperative Views or two 30 day banner or text ads and is given each month you remain active.

Start promoting your websites now in The Downliner. I assure, you'll get a compelling TE advertising and a consistent monthly recurring income.

I give this platform a solid 5 Stars


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Scott Dubois's review...
Welcome, everyone, to my review of Big Monster Traffic by Dawud Islam. If you've read my previous reviews on Dawud's products, you'll know I'm a big fan of the value and deliverability they offer.

Once again, Dawud has delivered a product focused on boosting your website traffic. From my experience with his other products, I've consistently seen great results.

Running a business requires cost-effective strategies that also add significant value, and Dawud's products consistently tick both boxes.

Big Monster Traffic is no exception. It cuts through the noise of other traffic systems that promise the world but often fall short. This system is straightforward to set up and gets you going quickly—all you need to do is purchase the system and submit your links.

Don't forget to include your receipts to confirm your purchase—it's a simple step to get started. Additionally, I recommend checking out the upgrades, which can further enhance your traffic flow.

Using a rotator to promote your links is a smart move, especially for platforms like safelists. Rotators, as I've learned, are particularly effective with systems like The Click Engine and The Click Generator, as well as Dawud's own rotator products.

Once inside the system, you'll find yourself on the main page after creating your login. The setup process involves watching some instructional videos. Before submitting your links, Dawud provides a website to test them, ensuring they work seamlessly.

Personally, I tested my LeadsLeap rotator link, and it's been driving steady traffic to my site non-stop.

Submitting your details is quick, and Dawud is prompt in confirming everything. Once your link goes live, you'll start seeing results.

Beyond the traffic benefits, the members' area contains additional training and bonuses, including Dawud's flagship email marketing course—an added value that's worth exploring.

What I Like:

  • The simplicity of setup, purchase, load, and go.
  • How quickly everything can be up and running.
  • The added value through bonuses and training.
  • The one-time fee, plus any upgrade costs, which I believe is a steal considering the ongoing traffic.
  • Traffic comes in consistently, especially if you're using a rotator with multiple products like I do.

This system is perfect for catching the attention of potential buyers, especially if you're new to the online industry.

Final Verdict:

I highly recommend this system. It's an affordable source of buyer traffic that's hard to beat. Combined with other strategies like The Click Engine, The Click Generator, and safelists, this can significantly boost your online presence.

Remember, building your list takes time. But with patience and the right approach (the KTL factor—Know, Trust, Like), you'll see conversions.

For the current price, this is a no-brainer for anyone serious about driving quality traffic to their offers.

In business, cost-effectiveness is crucial, and Dawud's product offers just that—quality traffic without breaking the bank.

While soloads might offer quicker results, for those on a budget, having multiple traffic sources like this is better than none at all.

I hope this review has been insightful and helpful. Good luck with your ventures, and stay tuned for more reviews from me!

*June 2024 Update*

I am still getting daily leads from this on my capture pages. I am still having great success using Dawud's Big Monster Traffic. It was one of the best ones he has released and I have gotten all his rotators in the past because the guy knows traffic well and helps you get noticed!

Not all the signups buy something but when they do I get that cha-ching message in my email inbox saying I got a sale on whatever it is they signed up to on his traffic! I will keep updating this as we go along!


Still with this amazing product I am getting people to my lists, making sales and still making money. This is great considering that we are in the dead of summer and if you have been marketing for a long time you will know... The summer is SLOW

But The daily grind continues and this product continues to deliver constant traffic. Still really happy with it!


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