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Affiliate Marketing
Chris Stepanescu's review...
More than 8 years ago, I started my adventure in internet marketing. I started doing investigations and research on how I could make money.

I joined many specialized sites, I took many courses, and for all this, I learned very little. I spent a lot of money and wasted my time. However, we have created free sites (WordPress and Blogger) and promoted many affiliate products. But, the result was zero. How do some succeed, and I fail? I was still a beginner. However, I did not lose confidence. But...

I finally found the solution. That was five years ago when I discovered Super Sales Machine. Here I learned all the secrets, and from a novice beginner, I reached the advanced stage.

I am now able to teach anyone who wants to.

What are the advantages of SuperSalesMachine?

Anyone who joins will have to create their membership account and will be able to obtain:

- Video courses for beginners - starting with creating a site and everything related to it to show a professional site (loading platforms, posting articles, images, videos, protection and proper functioning of the site, plugins, software, and more).

- Personal development and specialization courses in IM (internet marketing), obtaining traffic and subscribers. (Text and video).

- Advanced courses - all of the above but at a higher level. (Text and video).

- For members, offers free (2 each month) sites and emails ready created with affiliate products.

- It offers free specialized video courses in all IM fields for members.

- Provides for anyone who wants ready-made sites and emails with the orderer's name, including his PayPal payment button. All this loaded with dozens or hundreds of valuable products on the orderer's website, including follow-up emails, are uploaded to the autoresponder in his Aweber account. (For members, the costs are reduced by 40% - 60%). They are all created, so you don't have to do anything.

- Create the product store for each member.

- For members, offers by email a lot of valuable information and tips for free.

- Offers affiliate programs for all products, including tips for promotion and traffic.

What do I like?

The courses cover everything in IM, but you can only follow those that interest you because they solve many content and technical problems.

For all of the above, prices are the lowest in the industry. Anyone can create their own successful online business site in any niche or field.

What I Dislike

All sites for each member have the same content, so the competition is high to sell a product. Although, you can turn to them, and they will help you with some tactics.

Final Verdict

I continue to be a member of this site because I receive emails with new sources, information, and valuable advice. Also, I receive new offers from them, and thus I increase my product base with all the technical installation problems. My store now has hundreds of products to sell and make money.


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Joy Healey's review...
Update March 2024 AND June 2024

Just been reviewing my reviews at LeadsLeap :-)

Some I have deleted as they didn't stand the test of time, but The Downliner is still firmly on my favourites list and sending me traffic (especially from the Social Posts). I am still getting renewal commissions from people I have recommended to The Downliner, so they are presumably as happy as I am with it.

My experience with the program so far

I first joined this program five years ago, then left it while I had a break from online business, but I always remembered it fondly.

So when I came back online and was reminded of it, I was pleased to restart my paid membership, and, within my first month, someone who found a site I'm advertising on The Downliner joined my business. That's more than covered the cost of my first month's membership.

I have, since then, paid to become a lifetime member, eliminating monthly costs.

Within my own contacts I have recruited two TDL team members who have been equally impressed with the site, Both have upgraded too, and stayed long term members. My commission was registered promptly (can be withdrawn when it reaches $20), although I tend to use it to buy further advertising. I found several 'free' members too, but it's not uncommon that T/E members stay free.

What I Like

  • There are 3 levels of membership, one is free and the other two are extremely good value.
  • Free members can earn from their referrals
  • There's a low ($20) threshold to withdraw your commissions
  • You're only 'charged for' unique views, other views are classed as Free Views.
  • There's a lot to get my head round, but within the site dashboard another member has provided an extremely helpful explanatory video
  • Support is excellent, I even had prompt answers over the weekend
  • Paid members TDL can join the 'TDL Machine' which gives access to All In One Profits, a complete suite of business tools with plans starting at just $10 a month and paying an amazing $10 a month commission (even more for the higher plan levels). The TDL Machine will find you 6 paying members to get your AIOP business off to a flying start. I didn't join this as I already have an auto-responder, but for anyone with no a/r this would be a great benefit.
  • The TDL detailed stats show where my link is being seen and how long visitors stay on my site
  • You can earn 'shop points' to use in your own promotions, by promoting a co-op link
  • Otherwise you can buy 'shop points' at an extremely low cost, or by upgrading
  • You can 'win' points with a daily wheel spin, and I win regularly - maybe 75% of the time.
  • You can also earn points by clicking on solo-ads that come to my in-box, clearly labelled.
  • Traffic is coming from a vast array of sources including PTCs, Safelists, Traffic Exchanges, Classified Ads, CPC traffic and well as social media I received thousands of clicks in just a few days for 5 minutes 'work' placing my social media post link on the TDL ads section.
  • Most important of all, my links are being rotated on more traffic exchanges than I've even heard of. There's no way I could cover afford the time or money to promote on all those sites personally.

What I Dislike

I wish there was a way that I could target specific countries, but nothing else.

Final Verdict

Advertising on the Downliner is saving me a ton of time and money while building my list, and - most important of all - I know it's genuine traffic because I have already had an email exchange with a lead who took a paid upgrade.

Highly recommended.


Categorized under:
IM Tool
Willy Mwanafunzi's review...
My experience with the program so far

I joined WEBFIRE in March 2022. Webfire is one of the more popular software that helps you with the Automation of your campaigns. It actually gets you opportunities to get traffic and increase your sales. This software is connected to social media forums. The owners of the software keep updating it to be more efficient.

What I Like

Webfire 3.0 is easy to use and is connected to different social media forums where your customers are hanging out. The Software allows you to find all conversations and gives keywords and phrases that go out and find any leads for people that are looking to buy the product you're selling.

This system analyzes ranking, different changes, and movements that are going on in a particular niche on the different search engines. It then gives you suggestions on what to change so that you can reach more leads.

What I Dislike

Actually, the system works pretty well, I can only mention that it's a High Ticket Product.

Final Verdict

Shawn Casey and Brian Koz are the creators of the software, they made this system friendly user and it's linked to another payment tracking that allows you to show all your approved payments, pending or paid.


Categorized under:
IM Tool
Iryna 's review...
My Experience with AXLE So Far

I recently started using AXLE to help grow my affiliate marketing and video creation, and I'm honestly impressed! AXLE is designed to simplify everything, from creating videos to driving traffic, and it has been a smooth ride. The setup is super simple—after signing up, I just followed a few steps, and it was ready to go!

What makes AXLE stand out is that it does so much work for you. Once you've submitted your links, it handles the traffic generation automatically. It's ideal for people who want to earn income online but don't want to spend hours managing campaigns.

What I Like

Easy Daily Traffic: AXLE makes it so easy to drive consistent traffic to your affiliate links. Once everything is set up, you start seeing clicks come in regularly.

Simple Setup: I didn't need any technical skills to get started, which is a huge plus! Just a few clicks and I was ready to go.

Cost-Effective: For a relatively low investment, you get high-quality traffic without having to spend a fortune on ads.

Comprehensive Training: The step-by-step video tutorials really helped me get the most out of the platform.

Automated Features: Once I activated the automation, AXLE started working on autopilot, bringing in traffic without me having to constantly monitor things.

What I Dislike

Nothing at this point.

Final Verdict

AXLE is a fantastic tool for anyone looking to streamline their affiliate marketing strategy and start driving traffic without the hassle. It's simple, affordable, and really effective at getting the job done. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced marketer, AXLE is definitely worth trying out.


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Linda Bomba's review...
My experience with the program so far

I recently learned about this program however I did have a free account for a long time and never used it.

Boy have I been missing out!

I actually went PRO today and set up 10 ads and started getting leads immediately!

I had no idea how powerful this system is and using it to grow my online business.

What I Like

I like all the different features you can use. I have been able to upload high converting pages that I have a share code.

This has to be one of the most powerful systems I have seen in the 12+ years I have been online. I am paying way more for just my auto responder!

For $27 you get a funnel and page maker, an auto responder, a tracking tool, a rotator tool and advertising through being able to set up 10 days and by giving reviews of products/services you use.

Not only do they pay you for referring people through their affiliate program, they pay you to surf 10 ads everyday with their daily action bonus. They also pay you through promoting their COOP, PPC and credit encashment.

There is not other affiliate program in this industry that does this so again there so many features and tools with this system it is worth way more than $27 per month.

What I Dislike

So far NOTHING but if I had to pick something and would like to see they pay faster there is currently a 60 day hold on commissions.

Final Verdict

I think is an outstanding system that every online business owner needs for a price that can't be beat!

I am so impressed with this whole system and the longer I use the more value I see there truthfully is anything else out there like this in our industry. I wish I found this when I got online in 2011.

If I was just starting out I would use this and not invest the thousands of dollars I have put into having auto responders, funnel makers, tracking tools and advertising. This is the best resource I have to date in this industry the value for the price is outstanding.

Leads Leap is a platform that will help you get more leads and sales and give you exposure for your business. It's the ultimate leverage I love it! there isn't anything else out there like this!


Categorized under:
Save Money
KASH EMPIRE's review...
I got started with the VIP Savings Club on 07-14-2024. It took awhile for me to grasp the concept of what it was and the comp plan, but I am thrilled that I got started with it. It's been a slow start as people are only looking at the name of it and thinking its another useless travel company. This is much more than that! You not only get travel savings but also local savings as well. You save on everything you already buy and access to an app you can download and search for what's close in your area. It has been a fantastic decision for me. This program has genuinely delivered on its promise to help members save on everyday purchases while providing a great opportunity to earn extra income.

What I Like:

Initial Investment: The $50 upfront cost is affordable for everyone! If a person cannot afford $50 then they might want to look into something else. The savings and earning potential can quickly make up for this initial expense so it is not something to deter anyone from joining.

The Savings: The variety of discounts available is impressive, covering everything from groceries to travel and entertainment. The potential for savings is remarkable, and the sheer number of ways to cut costs is truly astonishing!

User-Friendly Platform: The online platform is incredibly intuitive and easy to use. Finding deals, tracking savings, and monitoring earnings is straightforward. Plus, the mobile app makes accessing discounts on the go a breeze.

Customer Support: The support team has been pretty good, providing quick and helpful responses to any inquiries.

Earning Potential: The program offers impressive income potential. The compensation plan is well-structured, rewarding both direct referrals and team-building efforts. This dual benefit of saving and earning makes the program appealing to a broad audience.

Affiliate Resources: I like that the company has put together things like banners, capture pages, and emails that us marketers can use to share our business. That is always a plus and helps to jump start your marketing. Something they thought about for the people who aren't afraid to put in some work and build their business.

What I Dislike:

No Social Media Presence: There is no online community for its members. I have my own team groups, but a place for all members of the business is nonexistent. Members actively share tips, success stories, and encouragement, creating a positive and motivating atmosphere. I don't know if that is something they are working on but it would help in making the business look and feel more professional.

Limited Availability: Some deals are region-specific, meaning access to offers can vary depending on your location. Mostly people in the USA and Canada. This might result in an uneven experience based on where you live.

Final Verdict:

I love the idea of the company and look forward to its growth and where it is going. VIP Savings Club offers a unique combination of savings and earning potential which is what attracted me to it to begin with. It's the perfect opportunity for individuals who are willing to put in the time and effort to build their business and build a network. While the initial investment and required commitment might not suit everyone, those who fully engage with the program can enjoy significant long-term benefits.

Since joining I have earned $940 and it continues to grow month after month. I highly recommend VIP Savings Club to anyone looking to save money on everyday purchases and interested in a rewarding side income opportunity. With its supportive community and clear path to both savings and earnings, it's a valuable investment. Its an A+ platform and the BEST SIDE HUSTLE you could ever have!


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