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Andy Caden's review...
This is my updated review after years of participation in the OLSP system and discontinuing my promotion around late December 2022. I earned around $1,456.62 USD as an affiliate using various marketing skills such as YouTube video guides, email marketing, and traffic exchanges like Leads Leap. I also had a blog site I used for promotion.

However, I withdrew from the program as I encountered difficulties accessing my account after it transitioned to a fee-based monthly model. Despite spending over $2,000 on products and upsells, I couldn't access the paid features,

For over two years, the OLSP system was a free affiliate platform, which was impressive in 2022. Wayne Crow, the main product owner of OLSP, taught many people how to make an income from home during the COVID-19 era.

Wayne consistently provided value to the community in 2022, offering free tutorials, traffic, and leads through the OLSP Domination Group on Facebook and other platforms, including YouTube.

While this was the best free system I had encountered in 2022, I had reservations about the upsell and other products that didn't align with the main training.

During my time with OLSP, I learned to build a profitable email list, create email messages that convert, and generate free leads through YouTube videos. My Click-Through Rates (CTR) reached 5.6%, but many leads didn't convert, mainly because they were free offers to join.

Recently, there has been an influx of new members who seemed to engage in questionable marketing practices, bordering on multi-level marketing. The OLSP community comprises people from diverse backgrounds, and I enjoyed interacting with them on Facebook.

It's essential to note that the OLSP system is not a get-rich-quick scheme and requires effort. What's changed is that it's no longer entirely free, with a monthly fee.

OLSP's main training covers affiliate marketing, email marketing, and digital marketing skills highly sought online, such as driving traffic. I stumbled upon OLSP in my spare time during COVID-19 in 2022, and it helped me generate additional income.

For those starting out, OLSP offered a free seven-day email Bootcamp, which provides participants with a $20.00 incentive. This appeared to be a great way to get started, but as a current member, I could not access my account to see updates or communicate with the team I built.

Now, let's delve into what you actually get with the OLSP system.

The initial steps guide you on how to set up and share your link on social media platforms. Finding clients who join your team is as simple as striking up a conversation on Facebook. Helping your team grow as a community fosters collective growth within OLSP.

Updated: After taking a break after over 2 years I'm still making small commissions of $1,200 so this is still a great business to take part in


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List Building
Scott Dubois's review...
My Experience with Vita Vee's Optin Dojo

Hello and welcome to my review of Vita Vee's Optin Dojo. I'm excited to share my personal experience with this program and explain everything I've discovered since becoming part of his site.

I must start by saying I love all of Vita's online tools, especially the one I'll discuss in a moment. Anytime you see his name in reviews or associated with any tool, I highly recommend picking it up because he creates amazing things.

At the beginning of my affiliate journey, I heard about Vita Vee through the Rapid Profit Machine and learned about his Optin Dojo. Initially, I wasn't interested and continued using ClickMagick. However, after some time, Vita's name resurfaced within the Rapid Profit Machine, and by then, he had launched Traffic Zest. Being part of Traffic Zest, I was curious and did some research.

One night, despite my success with Traffic Zest, I couldn't resist diving deeper. My research led me back to Optin Dojo. While checking out a few solo ad vendors from Traffic Zest, I stumbled upon an online report authored by Vita Vee, priced at just $5, titled "Solo Ad Mastery: Overnight Hacks. " This report links to Optin Dojo, and I believe every online entrepreneur should grab it.

The report, though inexpensive, was packed with six or seven hacks for solo ads that transformed my business. Following Vita's advice in the report, I saw a dramatic improvement in my conversion rates and email performance. This report is a must-have, as it guarantees front-end sales and enhances backend email and follow-up sales. My capture and bridge pages, modeled after Vita's suggestions, converted between 45% and 90%.

For instance, during a Traffic Zest campaign, my pages converted at 70-80%, and solo ads from James Neville-Taylor converted at 45%. Additionally, Vita's Optin Dojo guides you on selecting the right products, a crucial skill for success in the Make Money Online niche.

The Optin Dojo

Optin Dojo is a comprehensive software that tracks your links and offers more features than ClickMagick, all at a lower cost. It's user-friendly and highly effective. I highly recommend both the Optin Dojo and the solo ad report, as they provide exceptional value and innovation.

What I Like

  • The simplicity of Vita Vee's tools, especially Optin Dojo.
  • The report's groundbreaking hacks that dominate the solo ad space.
  • Optin Dojo's superior tracking compared to ClickMagick.
  • The affordability of Optin Dojo at $37 a month versus $60 for ClickMagick.
  • Vita Vee's consistent creation of outstanding tools.

What I Dislike

There's nothing I dislike about the Dojo or the report. Both are exceptional!

Final Verdict

If you grab the report, you might see my testimonial on the page, as Vita Vee kindly agreed to feature it. My final verdict is a strong 5/5 stars. Both Optin Dojo and the solo ad hack report are masterpieces, packed with value and innovation.

Optin Dojo has genuinely revolutionized my approach to affiliate marketing. The tool's simplicity and effectiveness in tracking and improving conversion rates have given me a competitive edge. It's rare to find a tool that not only meets but exceeds expectations, and Optin Dojo does just that. The hacks in the solo ad report are practical, actionable, and designed to produce immediate results, which has been a game-changer for my campaigns.

Moreover, the affordability of Optin Dojo, especially compared to other tools like ClickMagick, makes it accessible for marketers at any level. Vita Vee's dedication to providing high-quality, user-friendly tools is evident in every aspect of Optin Dojo. His ability to anticipate the needs of online entrepreneurs and address them with innovative solutions is truly commendable.

In summary, Vita Vee's Optin Dojo and the solo ad hack report are essential for anyone serious about succeeding in affiliate marketing. The insights and tools provided have not only improved my business but have also instilled a greater sense of confidence in my marketing strategies. I strongly recommend these resources to anyone looking to enhance their online marketing efforts. Thanks for reading, and I hope this review helps you make an informed decision about Vita Vee's Optin Dojo and the solo ad report.


Categorized under:
Affiliate Marketing
Chris Stepanescu's review...
More than 8 years ago, I started my adventure in internet marketing. I started doing investigations and research on how I could make money.

I joined many specialized sites, I took many courses, and for all this, I learned very little. I spent a lot of money and wasted my time. However, we have created free sites (WordPress and Blogger) and promoted many affiliate products. But, the result was zero. How do some succeed, and I fail? I was still a beginner. However, I did not lose confidence. But...

I finally found the solution. That was five years ago when I discovered Super Sales Machine. Here I learned all the secrets, and from a novice beginner, I reached the advanced stage.

I am now able to teach anyone who wants to.

What are the advantages of SuperSalesMachine?

Anyone who joins will have to create their membership account and will be able to obtain:

- Video courses for beginners - starting with creating a site and everything related to it to show a professional site (loading platforms, posting articles, images, videos, protection and proper functioning of the site, plugins, software, and more).

- Personal development and specialization courses in IM (internet marketing), obtaining traffic and subscribers. (Text and video).

- Advanced courses - all of the above but at a higher level. (Text and video).

- For members, offers free (2 each month) sites and emails ready created with affiliate products.

- It offers free specialized video courses in all IM fields for members.

- Provides for anyone who wants ready-made sites and emails with the orderer's name, including his PayPal payment button. All this loaded with dozens or hundreds of valuable products on the orderer's website, including follow-up emails, are uploaded to the autoresponder in his Aweber account. (For members, the costs are reduced by 40% - 60%). They are all created, so you don't have to do anything.

- Create the product store for each member.

- For members, offers by email a lot of valuable information and tips for free.

- Offers affiliate programs for all products, including tips for promotion and traffic.

What do I like?

The courses cover everything in IM, but you can only follow those that interest you because they solve many content and technical problems.

For all of the above, prices are the lowest in the industry. Anyone can create their own successful online business site in any niche or field.

What I Dislike

All sites for each member have the same content, so the competition is high to sell a product. Although, you can turn to them, and they will help you with some tactics.

Final Verdict

I continue to be a member of this site because I receive emails with new sources, information, and valuable advice. Also, I receive new offers from them, and thus I increase my product base with all the technical installation problems. My store now has hundreds of products to sell and make money.


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Home Biz
Scott Dubois's review...
My experience with the program so far

My Experience with this program has been great. It is packed full of great value and can honestly rev up anyone's earnings. Now I started out with this system and literally in 3-4 days I had ended up promoting it and got a 1000$ sale.

The webinar on the next page is 100% correct you can earn big commissions if you implement what is shown and be consistent in finding traffic.

That is the key to success in this online world which is CONSISTENCY you will see it everywhere and being consistent in everything you do will find you the commissions and sales you need and want.

What I Like

I like how easy it is to implement everything. Now I know in most of my reviews so far I have put into them that it is easy to implement mostly everything but that's also because I've been working with computers since I was 3 years old. Now I am not saying at all that it isn't easy for someone who doesn't have tech skills because honestly, this system doesn't need any high-tech skills or a PhD in technology.

DFY Stuff? Who doesn't like DFY stuff? I love it, especially traffic? Yes, there is done for you traffic, done for your email swipes, done for you just about anything!

I like the teachings of the fellow who runs the webinar. He is very soft-spoken and very good to learn from. I have worked closely with him for a year now and honestly, most of his things on the internet he is very soft-spoken and very easy to learn from.

What I Dislike

The stuff I learned from this webinar worked for me. I can say that honestly there isn't much I found that I disliked other than the fact that he has traffic from a blog that you can put your own blog into... I am not much of a blogger and haven't been ever so it is hard to know just what to write...

Thank goodness for AI stuff now huh? I just go and have GPT write the blog for his blog traffic and boom.

Final Verdict

Final verdict is You can learn a lot from this webinar. I did and I am thankful I did. When I had found this gentleman I had been in the industry (On real affiliate marketing) For a whole month... That is it... I learned and learned well and eventually found myself earning money from the stuff he mentioned in the webinar!

To be honest I have sought after much information because in a new world it is best to gain as much knowledge as possible and I learned from many people in this online world. Knowledge is power as they say and that is no different when learning a new business or whatever have you.

This webinar will teach much and the system will teach more. You can be earning a 1000-dollar sale like I did in 3 days or more or less. I personally enjoyed this. And will continue enjoying it


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Joy Healey's review...
Update March 2024 AND June 2024

Just been reviewing my reviews at LeadsLeap :-)

Some I have deleted as they didn't stand the test of time, but The Downliner is still firmly on my favourites list and sending me traffic (especially from the Social Posts). I am still getting renewal commissions from people I have recommended to The Downliner, so they are presumably as happy as I am with it.

My experience with the program so far

I first joined this program five years ago, then left it while I had a break from online business, but I always remembered it fondly.

So when I came back online and was reminded of it, I was pleased to restart my paid membership, and, within my first month, someone who found a site I'm advertising on The Downliner joined my business. That's more than covered the cost of my first month's membership.

I have, since then, paid to become a lifetime member, eliminating monthly costs.

Within my own contacts I have recruited two TDL team members who have been equally impressed with the site, Both have upgraded too, and stayed long term members. My commission was registered promptly (can be withdrawn when it reaches $20), although I tend to use it to buy further advertising. I found several 'free' members too, but it's not uncommon that T/E members stay free.

What I Like

  • There are 3 levels of membership, one is free and the other two are extremely good value.
  • Free members can earn from their referrals
  • There's a low ($20) threshold to withdraw your commissions
  • You're only 'charged for' unique views, other views are classed as Free Views.
  • There's a lot to get my head round, but within the site dashboard another member has provided an extremely helpful explanatory video
  • Support is excellent, I even had prompt answers over the weekend
  • Paid members TDL can join the 'TDL Machine' which gives access to All In One Profits, a complete suite of business tools with plans starting at just $10 a month and paying an amazing $10 a month commission (even more for the higher plan levels). The TDL Machine will find you 6 paying members to get your AIOP business off to a flying start. I didn't join this as I already have an auto-responder, but for anyone with no a/r this would be a great benefit.
  • The TDL detailed stats show where my link is being seen and how long visitors stay on my site
  • You can earn 'shop points' to use in your own promotions, by promoting a co-op link
  • Otherwise you can buy 'shop points' at an extremely low cost, or by upgrading
  • You can 'win' points with a daily wheel spin, and I win regularly - maybe 75% of the time.
  • You can also earn points by clicking on solo-ads that come to my in-box, clearly labelled.
  • Traffic is coming from a vast array of sources including PTCs, Safelists, Traffic Exchanges, Classified Ads, CPC traffic and well as social media I received thousands of clicks in just a few days for 5 minutes 'work' placing my social media post link on the TDL ads section.
  • Most important of all, my links are being rotated on more traffic exchanges than I've even heard of. There's no way I could cover afford the time or money to promote on all those sites personally.

What I Dislike

I wish there was a way that I could target specific countries, but nothing else.

Final Verdict

Advertising on the Downliner is saving me a ton of time and money while building my list, and - most important of all - I know it's genuine traffic because I have already had an email exchange with a lead who took a paid upgrade.

Highly recommended.


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IM Tool
Gary Nugent's review...
My experience with the program so far

You must have noticed the rise of AI in marketing since late 2022 when ChatGPT was first launched. AI Cash Machines is a course that teaches you how to leverage the power of AI to build an affiliate marketing business using 2024 technology.

If you're not using AI yet, then you are going to be left behind. Unlike other things that have come along over the years, AI is here to stay and will ultimately pervade every aspect of our lives.

AI Cash Machines is a video training course that contains 49 lessons in 3 modules. It covers mindset, affiliate marketing fundamentals, how and where to drive free traffic from, the integration of ManyChat to automate part of your online business and how to use AI to write the right type of content to bring in visitors, subscribers and sales.

The aim of the course is to get your business up and running as quickly as possible and to use AI to perform tasks much faster than you can, and often with better results, as I have surprisingly found.

It will take a good few hours (there's over 7 hours of video training) to go through the course and you will need to do some some work to set things up. You'll also have to do daily tasks to build your business so being consistent with this is key. It's not difficult work but you will need to dedicate 2+ hours per day to building your business.

What I Like

  • The course was created by a person I trust: my own mentor
  • There is no fluff. The strategies described here are what are working today and what my mentor is doing himself (he's transparent about what he does and why)
  • As strategies change due to the rapidly evolving AI landscape, the course will be updated with new or revised training
  • The price: a one-time $27 for thousands of dollars worth of learning and expertise
  • A mentor who genuinely cares about the success of his students and doesn't just pay lip-service to it
  • This is a low-cost a course that you'll find that is worth multiples of what you pay for it. It it not a fly-by-night course like you'll find on WarriorPlus. My mentor wants to create 100 millionaires and 1,000 6-figures earners by 2026 with this

What I Dislike

  • Nothing. I really can't think of anything I dislike about this course.

Final Verdict

If you're looking to start an online business in 2024 or you're an established marketer but are finding that the old ways of doing things just aren't delivering as well as they used to (which is what I've been finding), then this is a course that is well worth checking out. The guy behind it has your back (I speak from experience) and is one of the most successful affiliate marketers in the business. It's hard to go wrong with this one


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