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IM Tool
Iryna 's review...
My Experience with AXLE So Far

I recently started using AXLE to help grow my affiliate marketing and video creation, and I'm honestly impressed! AXLE is designed to simplify everything, from creating videos to driving traffic, and it has been a smooth ride. The setup is super simple—after signing up, I just followed a few steps, and it was ready to go!

What makes AXLE stand out is that it does so much work for you. Once you've submitted your links, it handles the traffic generation automatically. It's ideal for people who want to earn income online but don't want to spend hours managing campaigns.

What I Like

Easy Daily Traffic: AXLE makes it so easy to drive consistent traffic to your affiliate links. Once everything is set up, you start seeing clicks come in regularly.

Simple Setup: I didn't need any technical skills to get started, which is a huge plus! Just a few clicks and I was ready to go.

Cost-Effective: For a relatively low investment, you get high-quality traffic without having to spend a fortune on ads.

Comprehensive Training: The step-by-step video tutorials really helped me get the most out of the platform.

Automated Features: Once I activated the automation, AXLE started working on autopilot, bringing in traffic without me having to constantly monitor things.

What I Dislike

Nothing at this point.

Final Verdict

AXLE is a fantastic tool for anyone looking to streamline their affiliate marketing strategy and start driving traffic without the hassle. It's simple, affordable, and really effective at getting the job done. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced marketer, AXLE is definitely worth trying out.


Categorized under:
Marketing System
Matthew Culliton's review...
My experience with the program so far

This system was created by 7 figure marketer Jeff Aman, it creates multiple passive income streams.

I joined the Easy Commission Funnel on July 9th. Since I work a full time job, I did not do anything with it until the next evening. I started following the steps, going thru the training and entering my affiliate id's for the programs that I was already a member of. The next day I started promoting thru the various safelists I belonged to already, which resulted in 2 referrals into the ECF. I then decided to give step 6 a try, and purchased an advertising campaign.

As of time I am doing this review on July 28th, I now have 56 referrals in the ECF, which has resulted into 5 new sign up for leadsleap ( step7), 1 new paid sign up into Livegood ( step3), and 1 new paid sign up into Sendshark ( step 2).

What I Like

What I like most about the ECF, is that it all just makes sense. Promote things that people want, need, and basically can not do without. Lets be real, every online marketer must have a quality autoresponder, high quality traffic, a great platform to create their pages, and correct training materials on how to make it all work.

You bring them into the system, and let the system do the selling and telling for you. They start to follow the steps and eventually start joining the various programs, and you get the commissions.

Your prospects will receive daily emails from Jeff, as well as your own emails that you choose to send to them

What I Dislike

At this point there really is not a single thing not to like about the ECF

Final Verdict

I believe that every marketer should join the ECF, even if they just do it to get the free trainings from one of the best affiliate marketers in the business.


Categorized under:
Safelist Mailer
Scott Dubois's review...
My Enthusiastic Review of Mailer Gold

Hey there, fellow marketers!

If you're on the lookout for an exciting way to drive traffic to your offers, you're in for a treat. Today, I'm spilling the beans on my fantastic experience with Mailer Gold. So grab a coffee, sit back, and let's dive in!

Stumbling Upon a Game-Changer

I discovered Mailer Gold last fall but didn't fully dive in until January this year, and it has genuinely been a game-changer in my marketing journey.

This safelist website isn't just another face in the crowd; it has a unique twist that sets it apart – Click Credits.

While free members use regular credits, paid members use these magical Click Credits. What's the big deal, you ask? Well, with just 5 Click Credits, paid members can send emails, making the process a breeze.

From the moment I signed up, Mailer Gold became one of my top tools for driving traffic. The results? Absolutely phenomenal! I've seen a significant boost in my list and offers, and I couldn't be happier.

Why Mailer Gold Rocks

First off, the platform is incredibly user-friendly. The navigation is as smooth as butter, with clear buttons guiding you every step of the way. And if you ever feel a bit lost, the "Help and Training" section is like having a trusty sidekick – packed with detailed directions and explanations.

One of the biggest perks? The membership fee. For a one-time payment, you get lifetime access. I grabbed my membership for just $17, and trust me, it's worth every penny. The price increases slightly with each new signup (by 1 cent to be exact) – still a steal!

As a paid member, you get to email both free and paid members, expanding your reach exponentially. I've always preferred one-time fee safelists for their value, and Mailer Gold has not disappointed.

What I Absolutely Love About Mailer Gold

  • Simplicity at Its Best: The intuitive design is perfect for beginners.
  • Affordable Lifetime Access: A single fee for lifetime membership – it doesn't get better than this.

  • Boosted Traffic: It's been amazing for driving traffic to my list and offers.

  • Stellar Support: The support team is always ready to help.
  • Earning Opportunities: You can earn by getting others to sign up.

  • Click Credits: Paid members can send emails with just 5 Click Credits – talk about efficiency!

Any Drawbacks?

Honestly, I haven't encountered any issues so far. If anything comes up, I'll be sure to update you. But for now, Mailer Gold is hitting all the right notes.

Final Thoughts

If you're serious about generating traffic for your sales and capture pages, Mailer Gold is a must-have in your toolkit. It's been an invaluable asset for me, driving sales and offering fantastic compensation for Gold Members.

Free members earn 30% commissions, while paid members earn a whopping 60%. More traffic, more sales, more earnings – what's not to love?

Thanks for sticking around and reading my review. I hope you found it insightful and helpful. Happy marketing!


Categorized under:
Internet Marketing
Scott Dubois's review...
My Experience with Auto Affiliate AI: A Game-Changer for My Business

Hello everyone! Today, I'm excited to share my personal experience with Auto Affiliate AI, a product that has truly transformed the way I approach AI in my business.

Now, let me clear something up right from the start—Auto Affiliate AI isn't some magical "push a button and watch the money roll in" kind of system. I know, we've all been sold on those promises before, but let's be real: there is no such button that will magically download money into your bank account. If that's what you're after, you'll need to keep searching for that elusive unicorn—though I doubt it exists!

So, what exactly is Auto Affiliate AI? When I first came across it, I assumed it was just another app that used AI to drive sales automatically. But what I found was something much more valuable. Auto Affiliate AI is actually a comprehensive system created by Luther Landro that teaches you how to effectively use AI to generate income. It's about integrating AI into your business in a way that it works for you consistently, almost like having a background process running 24/7.

Yes, it's a set-and-forget system to some extent, but—and this is important—you do have to put in some effort. This isn't one of those 'get rich quick' schemes. You'll need to invest time in learning and applying what Luther teaches. But the payoff? Totally worth it.

Before diving into this program, I'll admit, I was pretty clueless about how to really harness the power of AI. And that's saying something because I've been tech-savvy since I was a kid. I've been building websites and handling tech tasks for years—things that would make a non-techie's head spin. But AI? That was a whole new ballgame for me. I was treating it like some omniscient entity, expecting it to do everything on its own, without realizing that the real power lies in the commands you give it.

Auto Affiliate AI completely changed my perspective. Once I started following Luther's guidance, I began to see where I was going wrong. I wasn't using AI to its full potential, and I had been expecting way too much from it without giving it the right instructions. But when I combined AI with the strategies Luther outlines, everything clicked. The results were almost immediate—I started seeing more sales, and my business became more efficient. AI is now an integral part of my workflow, saving me time and mental energy, and allowing me to focus on what really matters.

One thing I've got to mention: forget about all those so-called 'AI prompt pages' floating around the internet. They don't hold a candle to what Luther teaches in Auto Affiliate AI. His methods are unique, practical, and, most importantly, effective.

What I Like About Auto Affiliate AI

  • The method is incredibly effective at generating revenue with AI.
  • The system gives you that 'set-and-forget' feeling—though, as I said, some initial work is required.
  • I've learned to use AI more effectively than ever before.
  • Luther provides top-notch support. He's the only person handling support for his product, but he's incredibly responsive and genuinely cares about your success.
  • Luther goes above and beyond to ensure you succeed with this system. He's not just selling a product; he's invested in your results.

What I Dislike About Auto Affiliate AI

Honestly, I can't think of anything negative at this point. The content within the system is highly informative and has met all of my expectations.

Final Verdict

If you're serious about improving how you use AI in your business, Auto Affiliate AI is a must-try. Luther has developed a system that not only works but also demystifies AI, showing you how to leverage it to achieve real success. Plus, if you've been struggling to find that winning product that actually converts, Luther covers that too, helping you pinpoint the products that will make you money.

Overall, Auto Affiliate AI is well worth the investment. Yes, some of the upsells might seem a bit pricey, but trust me, they're worth every penny. Luther provides such detailed guidance that you'll feel fully equipped to make AI work for you—or your investment is practically risk-free.

Give it a try and see for yourself. Dive in, learn, and start succeeding. Thanks for taking the time to read my review—I hope it helps you make an informed decision!


Categorized under:
Home Biz
Scott Dubois's review...
My experience with the program so far

My Experience with this program has been great. It is packed full of great value and can honestly rev up anyone's earnings. Now I started out with this system and literally in 3-4 days I had ended up promoting it and got a 1000$ sale.

The webinar on the next page is 100% correct you can earn big commissions if you implement what is shown and be consistent in finding traffic.

That is the key to success in this online world which is CONSISTENCY you will see it everywhere and being consistent in everything you do will find you the commissions and sales you need and want.

What I Like

I like how easy it is to implement everything. Now I know in most of my reviews so far I have put into them that it is easy to implement mostly everything but that's also because I've been working with computers since I was 3 years old. Now I am not saying at all that it isn't easy for someone who doesn't have tech skills because honestly, this system doesn't need any high-tech skills or a PhD in technology.

DFY Stuff? Who doesn't like DFY stuff? I love it, especially traffic? Yes, there is done for you traffic, done for your email swipes, done for you just about anything!

I like the teachings of the fellow who runs the webinar. He is very soft-spoken and very good to learn from. I have worked closely with him for a year now and honestly, most of his things on the internet he is very soft-spoken and very easy to learn from.

What I Dislike

The stuff I learned from this webinar worked for me. I can say that honestly there isn't much I found that I disliked other than the fact that he has traffic from a blog that you can put your own blog into... I am not much of a blogger and haven't been ever so it is hard to know just what to write...

Thank goodness for AI stuff now huh? I just go and have GPT write the blog for his blog traffic and boom.

Final Verdict

Final verdict is You can learn a lot from this webinar. I did and I am thankful I did. When I had found this gentleman I had been in the industry (On real affiliate marketing) For a whole month... That is it... I learned and learned well and eventually found myself earning money from the stuff he mentioned in the webinar!

To be honest I have sought after much information because in a new world it is best to gain as much knowledge as possible and I learned from many people in this online world. Knowledge is power as they say and that is no different when learning a new business or whatever have you.

This webinar will teach much and the system will teach more. You can be earning a 1000-dollar sale like I did in 3 days or more or less. I personally enjoyed this. And will continue enjoying it


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Tom Lindstrom's review...
This review will help you learn more about one of the biggest and best sites where you can purchase high-quality email solo ads to promote your online business opportunity.

In this Udimi review, I will share my personal experience of buying solo email ads (see my results at the end of this review), what I especially love about Udimi, and things that could be improved.

Personally, I think is one of the best places you can buy email solo ads; for around $50, you can get 100 clicks to your offer. Buying traffic is an investment in your business. Free traffic will also get you results, but it is very slow and time-consuming.

Only 100% targeted traffic!

You can be 100% sure that only people who are truly interested in what you have to offer will click through and read your message; bots and fake traffic will be automatically filtered out.

The traffic you receive from Udimi is highly targeted because your offer is sent to people who are interested in what you have to offer.

I have purchased 29 email solo ads so far (see my results at the end of the review). I especially love their rating system; it gives me the opportunity to read reviews from other Udimi customers before I place my order.

Quick Results!

You can expect a high volume of traffic. In some cases, the traffic starts within a few hours of ordering. The seller must deliver your traffic within 100 hours of accepting your offer.

Your goal is, of course, to get as many leads as possible to sign up for your offer. If your opt-in page looks professional and you have a great offer, you can expect to get a high opt-in rate (and sales down the line).

When your traffic order is finished, you have the opportunity to rate the seller. This will help others determine if this particular seller's traffic is converting. After rating the seller, you have a 50% chance to win a $5 discount on your next traffic order.

A Few Helpful Hints

When you order clicks at Udimi, you will get the best results by choosing a vendor that offers traffic in your niche. So, if you have an offer in the "make money online" niche, you need to pick a vendor that offers traffic in that particular niche.

The Udimi website is also very easy to use; you can do a search to find sellers in your own niche, and your old solo ads and payment information are saved in the system for later use.

The site also has a chat feature that allows you to chat with the vendor and get more information about the traffic. The support team helps with any questions you may have. also has many in-depth tutorials available for solo email ad buyers. I especially recommend reading the "How to Buy a Solo Ad" tutorial before you do anything else.

You will learn lots of useful tips and avoid costly mistakes. Buying email solo ads is very effective, but it must be done correctly in order to get great results.

Another great tip I can give is to read the forum regularly. The forum is the best place to learn about email solo ads and ask questions. Other members (both buyers and sellers) will answer any questions you may have.

There is also an affiliate program available if you are interested in earning commissions for referring new members.

Always start small!

When you find a seller that has an email list that matches your offer, be sure to read the reviews from other customers before you place your order. It will give you an idea if this seller delivers what he or she promises and if recent customers have received sales and opt-ins from their solo ads.

It is always a good idea to start with a small campaign first to see if it converts or not. You can always buy more clicks later.

Buying email solo ads is always a bit risky; you can never be 100% sure of the outcome. If you are serious about building an online business, then you must invest money in it.

Udimi is one of the best places to buy advertising; you can really build a responsive email list just by investing a small amount per month. Email is probably the quickest way to build a responsive email list.

Usually, when buying email solo ads from Udimi or some other place, you will get sales over time when your subscribers receive more information about your offer and get to know you. It takes time to build a relationship with your subscribers.

Always write down from which seller you buy ads and what results you get from each mailing. When you find a good seller, you can easily buy more leads and scale your business

My Udimi Email Solo Ad Results:

Solo ad 1: I ordered 125 clicks and received 149; this resulted in 54 leads and 1 sale so far.

Solo ad 2: I ordered 175 clicks and received 188; this produced 50 leads and 0 sales so far.

Solo ad 3: I ordered 125 clicks and received 168; this gave me 47 leads and 0 sales so far.

Solo ad 4: I ordered 100 clicks and received 108; this produced 37 leads and 0 sales so far.

Solo ad 5: I ordered 100 clicks and received 104; this produced 41 leads and 1 sale so far.

Solo ad 6: I ordered 150 clicks and received 162, which gave me 48 leads and two sales so far.

Solo ad 7: I ordered 125 clicks and received 135, which gave me 33 leads and 1 sale so far.

Solo ad 8: I ordered 100 clicks and received 110; this resulted in 42 leads and 1 sale so far.

Solo ad 9: I ordered 150 clicks and received 165; this produced 49 leads and 2 sales so far.

Solo ad 10: I ordered 150 clicks and received 165. This solo ad run has produced 43 new leads and 1 sale so far.

Solo ad 11: I ordered 125 clicks and received 125; this solo ad generated 68 new leads and 1 sale so far.

Solo ad 12: I ordered 200 clicks and received 230; this solo ad gave me 39 new leads and 0 sales so far.

Solo ad 13: I ordered 125 clicks and received 137; this resulted in 18 new leads and 1 sale so far.

Solo ad 14: I ordered 150 clicks and received 168; this produced 33 new leads to my offer and 1 sale so far.

Solo ad 15: I ordered 200 clicks and received 235. This ad run produced 47 fresh leads to my offer and 1 sale so far.

Solo ad 16: I ordered 150 clicks and received 175; this email about the solo ad run generated 51 new leads and three sales so far.

Solo ad 17: I ordered 100 clicks and received 107; this solo email gave me 38 new leads and 1 sale so far.

Solo ad 18: I ordered 500 clicks and received 553; this solo ad generated 187 new leads for my list and six sales so far.

Solo ad 19: I ordered 275 clicks and received 302, and this solo ad generated 114 new leads for my email list and 7 sales so far.

Solo ad 20: I ordered 150 clicks and received 165. This email solo ad generated 43 new leads for my email list and two sales so far.

Solo ad 21: I ordered 275 clicks and received 301; this email solo ad generated 51 new leads and 3 sales so far.

Solo ad 22: I ordered 350 clicks and received 372; this solo email ad generated 87 new leads and 6 sales so far.

Solo ad 23: I ordered 225 clicks and received 254, a nice overdelivery! So far, this email solo ad has generated 102 new leads for my offer and four sales.

Solo ad 24: I ordered 150 clicks and received 178; this solo email ad generated 65 new leads and 5 sales so far.

Solo ad 25: I ordered 225 clicks and received 257; this Udimi solo ad produced 125 new leads and four sales so far.

Solo ad 26: I ordered 250 clicks and received 251, and this solo email ad generated 92 new leads and 6 sales so far.

Solo ad 27: I ordered 500 clicks and received 552. This email solo ad produced 258 new leads and 5 sales so far.

Solo ad 28: I ordered 500 clicks and received 558; this solo email ad generated 284 new leads and 6 sales so far.

Solo ad 29: I ordered 450 clicks and received 490; this email solo ad delivered 197 new leads to my email list and four sales so far.

Solo ad 30: I placed an order for 500 clicks and received 557. This solo email generated 207 fresh leads and five sales so far.

Solo ad 31: I ordered 250 clicks and received 264. This email solo ad has generated 143 new leads and three sales so far.

Solo ad 32: I placed an order for 500 clicks and received 556. This solo email ad delivered 176 new leads so far and 4 sales.

Solo ad 33: I ordered 200 clicks and received 223. This email solo ad generated 108 new leads and 3 sales so far.

Solo ad 34: I ordered 275 clicks and received 323. This email solo ad generated 154 new leads and 5 sales so far.

Solo ad 35: I ordered 300 clicks and received 330. This email solo ad generated 174 new leads and 4 sales so far.

Solo ad 36: I ordered 500 clicks and received 553. This solo email ad generated 226 new leads and 3 sales so far.

Solo ad 37: I ordered 250 clicks and received 277. This solo email ad generated 143 new leads and 2 sales so far.

Solo ad 38: I ordered 500 clicks and received 559. This solo email ad generated 243 new leads and 4 sales so far.

Solo ad 39: I ordered a 500 click solo ad and received 554 clicks. This email solo ad generated 256 new leads and 3 sales so far.

Solo ad 40: I ordered a 300 click solo ad and received 324 clicks. This solo email ad generated me 149 fresh leads and 2 sales so far.

Final Verdict:

Hopefully this Udimi solo ad review gave you some insight into how effective email solo ads can be and why this is one of the fastest ways to generate targeted traffic to your offer that converts into leads and sales. If you are looking to get fast results, then I highly recommend you check out Udimi today.


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