Today’s update is about making your landing page mobile responsive. Before I go into the updates, I want to briefly touch on how our Page Builder creates mobile responsive pages. It’s a short refresher course for those who are new to our Page Builder. How LeadsLeap Page Builder Creates Mobile Responsive Pages LeadsLeap uses the […]
How To Add Video To Background Using Page Builder
More and more members want to use video as the background for their page design. Some advanced members managed to do it with some tweaks. Now all of you can do it with just a few clicks! There are 2 types of background that you can add video to. 1) Page Background2) Row Background What […]
How to send broadcast to people who did not read another broadcast?
We have just boosted the tagging function in SendSteed. Below are the new features: 1) You can now easily add a tag to people who have received, opened or clicked a particular broadcast you’ve sent. See the quick demo below. 2) You can now send a broadcast to active subscribers WITHOUT certain tags. 3) You […]
[New Feature] Share Code Replacer And Share Code 2.0
We have just revamped our Share Code system. Let’s call it Share Code 2.0. Check out the changes. I’m sure you’ll love it, especially if you have been using Share Code. 1) Share Code Replacer The most important change is the introduction of Share Code Replacer. Imagine you can create a form like this: When […]
Private domain for tracker and page links
We’ve just added a new option call ‘Private Domain‘ to your tracker and page manager. The Private Domain option allows you to show your track links, rotators and page in your own domain name. What does that mean? It means, instead of Your track link will now look like this: Same goes for […]
Credit Follow-Up And Introduction To VA Password
Two things to update today. 1) A follow-up on the change in Credit reward that we made last week. 2) An introduction to VA Password. 1) A follow-up on the change in Credit reward Last week, we improved our Credit reward program. Read here. Members can now earn more credits and enjoy a better exchange […]
Important Changes To Our Credit System
As you know, our Traffic Coop program has been a great success. What do I mean by “great success”? Our Pro Members are now getting an average of 5000 visitors a month, up from 1300. Coop traffic now accounts for 77% of our total traffic. Since we now no longer have to depend heavily on […]