One of the challenges in advertising is to be able to ‘presell’ to the prospects. Why is presell important? You see, if you advertise something, you must think it is good and beneficial. But the prospects looking at your ad do not feel the same. How do you transfer your belief to the them? The answer […]
Author: Kenneth (Admin)
LeadsLeap Widget Can Now Work On HTTPS Sites + More Updates
Some updates on what has been happening in LeadsLeap. 1) LeadsLeap Widget can now work on HTTPS sites. Previously members with their websites secured with HTTPS were unable to add the LeadsLeap Widget to their websites. We’ve just acquired the SSL certification. If your website is secured with HTTPS, you can now add LeadsLeap Widget to […]
Compulsory Review Of New Free Ads
Let’s start with the important updates… 1) Compulsory Review Of New Ads By Free Members In the past, we allowed ads to be shown immediately upon submission. But recently, there has been an increase in the number of problem ads. This is affecting our reputation and more importantly our members’ experience. Enough is enough. From […]
One More Way To Make Money In LeadsLeap 2.0
It is almost a week since LeadsLeap 2.0 beta is released. It has been an exciting week. Basically I have been working almost non-stop, debugging, monitoring and improving the system. My wife isn’t too happy though… Just to keep you updated on the progress, the click-through in the network quadrupled. Both Free and Pro Members […]
LeadsLeap 2.0 Is Ready. Check Out What’s New…
After months of hard work, LeadsLeap 2.0 is finally ready! In this blog, I will highlight some of the new features that will thrill you. 1) Everyone Makes Money, Guaranteed How can everyone makes money? There is only one way – we share our revenue with everyone, without members buying anything or referring anyone. In […]
Improved Statistics For The Real Tracker
The Real Tracker has been very well received by our members since its inception. Thank you. It has been an eye opener for many, as they realize that many clicks they have been getting are not real visits. Today we’ve made the tracker even more useful, with some improved statistics. Before Change… Prior to today, […]
New Feature: Now you can see how many clicks are rejected.
If you have been using The Real Tracker to track your ads in LeadsLeap, you may notice that there are some traffic with 0-5 seconds stay duration. These are usually clicks with no real visit. Some members simply click links but they never really look your ad. Our system do not reward such clicks. Hence, […]