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Save Money
William Berg's review...
My experience with the program so far

I recently had the opportunity to join the VIP savings club program, and overall, my experience has been quite positive. This program is designed to help members save money on everyday purchases while providing an opportunity to earn additional income through referrals and team building.

What I Like

Significant Savings: The primary allure of the VIP savings club is the potential for substantial savings on a wide range of products and services. From groceries and household items to travel and entertainment, the discounts are real and can lead to considerable monthly savings for diligent users.

User-Friendly Platform: VIP savings club online platform is intuitive and easy to navigate. Members can quickly find deals, track their savings, and monitor their earnings from referrals. The mobile app is particularly convenient for accessing discounts on the go.

Community and Support: One of the standout features is the supportive community. Members frequently share tips, success stories, and encouragement, creating a positive and motivating environment. Additionally, the customer support team is responsive and helpful, addressing queries and issues promptly.

Earning Potential: For those interested in the aspect, there's significant potential to earn additional income. The compensation plan is well-structured, offering rewards for direct referrals and team-building efforts. This dual benefit of saving and earning makes the program attractive to a wide audience.

Training and Resources: The provides excellent training resources for new members. Webinars, tutorials, and mentorship from experienced members help newcomers understand how to maximize both their savings and earning potential.

What I Dislike

Initial Investment: There is an upfront cost of $50 to join the, which might be a deterrent for some potential members. While the savings and earning potential can quickly offset this investment, it's important for prospective members to be aware of this initial expense.

Time and Effort Required: Like any network marketing opportunity, success with the VIP savings club requires time and effort. Members who actively seek out deals and work on building their referral network will reap the most benefits. This might not be suitable for individuals looking for passive savings or income opportunities.

Limited Availability: Some deals and discounts are region-specific, which means members in certain areas might have access to more or better offers than others. This can lead to an uneven experience depending on where you live.

Final Verdict

The VIP savings club program offers a compelling combination of savings and earning potential. It's particularly suited for proactive individuals who are willing to invest time in learning the system and building a network. While the initial cost and required effort might not appeal to everyone, those who commit to the program can find themselves enjoying substantial benefits.

Overall, I would recommend the to anyone looking to save money on everyday purchases and interested in a side income opportunity. It's a well-rounded program with a supportive community and a clear path to both savings and earnings.


Categorized under:
Marketing System
Marc Clarysse's review...
My experience with the program so far

Lee Murray's Your New Traffic Funnel is a solid, no-nonsense guide to online marketing, specifically targeting individuals looking to drive traffic and convert that traffic into paying customers. Written with a practical and direct approach, the guide distills what could be complex digital marketing tactics into easy-to-understand strategies, making it accessible even for beginners.

Structure and Content

Murray's book is structured in a step-by-step manner, focusing on key elements of funnel creation, traffic generation, and lead conversion. The first sections break down the anatomy of a traffic funnel, ensuring that readers understand what it is and why it's essential to a successful online business. Murray explains each part of the funnel — from the landing page to email opt-ins and follow-up sequences — in a way that is easy to digest.

Key Strengths

One of the book's main strengths is its focus on practical, actionable advice. Murray doesn't waste time with fluff or theory; instead, he offers a blueprint that readers can implement right away. The funnel strategies discussed rely heavily on tried-and-tested methods, which adds to their credibility. Additionally, Murray includes real-world examples and templates that further simplify the learning process.

The book also highlights a variety of traffic sources, both paid and organic, giving readers options based on their budget and experience level. Murray's insights into traffic-building are invaluable, particularly for those who may be struggling to grow an audience or find their niche.


Your New Traffic Funnel stands out in its ability to cater to both beginners and intermediate marketers. For someone new to digital marketing, Murray takes the time to explain essential concepts without overwhelming the reader with technical jargon. However, for more experienced marketers, there are still nuggets of wisdom that can be applied to existing funnels for better optimization and performance.

Areas for Improvement

While the book is filled with practical advice, it sometimes lacks depth in terms of specific case studies or examples that would illustrate the strategies in action. Additionally, some of the traffic sources Murray mentions may feel outdated or oversaturated, given how quickly the digital marketing landscape evolves. A bit more focus on current trends, like social media influencers or video content marketing, would have been helpful.

What I Like

  • Comprehensive training on lead magnet creation
  • DFY funnel system for easy monetization
  • Step-by-step guidance for quick implementation
  • High-quality product from a respected expert
  • Suitable for beginners and experienced marketers

What I Dislike

  • Requires an investment of time and effort to see results
  • May not be suitable for those who prefer hands-off approaches

Final Verdict

Overall, Your New Traffic Funnel by Lee Murray is a highly useful guide for anyone looking to improve their online marketing game. It provides a clear roadmap to building traffic funnels that work, with an emphasis on simplicity and execution. For those new to the concept of traffic funnels, this book offers an accessible entry point, while more seasoned marketers will still find plenty of value.

It's a recommended read for anyone serious about driving traffic and making sales online, though it would benefit from more up-to-date traffic strategies and in-depth case studies.


Categorized under:
Safelist Mailer
Clive Anderson's review...
ListJumper: A Highly Active Free To Join Viral Traffic and List Building Platform That Is Used By Many Of The Internets Top Marketers.

ListJumper is owned and managed by Darren Olander who is a well known, trusted and highly respected online program provider.

Darren owns and runs several unique and worthwhile traffic and lead systems that are focused on providing high quality effective results, and that is exactly what ListJumper does.

An extremely effective and uniquely developed traffic system that provides members with exceptional global results for their businesses and/or offers.

Certainly far from run-of-the-mill, which becomes instantly apparent the moment a person joins, logs in, and gains access to the back office.

Once inside the back-office, scrolling down the main menu listing reveals an array of features and benefits, some of which almost appear to interlink providing members with not only a powerful array of business promotional tools, but also a selection of in-house marketing solutions, which increase a users ability for securing results.

ListJumper is free to join and members can start utilising all the programs features straight away. Even by just logging in each day and reading one of the messages listed under "Member Inbox" you are gradually elevated to a higher position within the system. This in turn provides you with greater exposure for your own messages (emails) and premium ads that you submit within your back office.

When I first joined I started by using ListJumper as my very first daily activity, I read between 15-25 messages, and over the week this provided enough activity to gain effective results from the systems, as well as elevating my profile within the systems premium ad portion. Even now as an upgraded member I still read 15 to 25 messages a day. (It's just a good habit).

You can upgrade in 3 different levels. There is a Bronze, Silver, and Gold, all of which provide superb value for money as well as excellent additional exposure and results.

For instance. As a Gold member you will be able to send out 6000+ emails every 3 days. This is certainly geared up for high impact results...

Login page ads are also another great way to get everybodies attention to your promotions, as with any system that provides them they change a negative return to a positive very quickly.

There is also a monthly referral contest that not only gives members the opportunity to gain additional income, but also the system rewards for getting in the top 5 positions range from an extra 1000 credits up to 16000 credits. This is certainly NOT to be sniffed at.

In essence I have only really scratched the surface of ListJumper here and tried to point you towards what I believe are some of the most important factors within.

One other thing I would add is that the premium ad system within works exceptionally well and is well worth exploring deeper so as to optimise when placing your ads. (This is high-class exposure).


Here's a Tip: If you join ListJumper be sure and check out the second promotional email (Listed under "Promotional Tools" on the menu). It contains a reward code that will get you 300 extra credits straight away.

The back office also provides a link to a site where you can gain further additional reward codes that you simply add to your ListJumper system, which in turn will provide you with even more free credits for your activities within.

My Thoughts:

Personally I've found using Listjumper as an extremely easy method with which to gain highly exceptional results. These are results that go above and beyond what you will be expecting. The unique way it has all been mapped together puts it as a must have system in my book.

Clive Anderson


Categorized under:
Safelist Mailer
Dominic Kristianto's review...
My experience with the program so far

I am quite pleased with Mailer.g0ld and that means something because typically I don't use Safelist as my main traffic source.

Apparently, I did change my mind and started using Safelist because I managed to make consistent sales from it.

What I did was send an email as a Free Silver member and track the result. To my surprise, I managed to get 3 clicks and 1 sale out of 600 members to whom I can send my email!

This is nuts! To think that a new Safelist help me make a sale is not my intention. I just want to see the CTR (3 out of 600 is small, but mind you, this is completely cold traffic that never heard about me before).

And for that reason, I decided to upgrade to Lifetime Gold membership for just $16 at the time I write this review.

You see, Mailer.g.ld increases the price with the increment of 0.01 for every new upgrade sale. So the next upgrade price would be $16.01, then $16.02, and so on.

What I Like

Well, I see some "gold" inside this safelist waiting for me to dig it lol. I mean, I did get a sale from the free account, so I can easily justify my decision to upgrade as a No-Brainer one.

Besides the regular email, Gold members will also get 5 text ads and 5 banner ads to get more eyeballs to the offer, and there are also Guaranteed Visitors plus Downline Builder tools that we can use to add some more exposure.

Overall, I like the member's area and the navigation is clear and easy to follow. I guess that is because the owner (Frank Bauer) has done this for a long time. He definitely knows what he is doing.

What I Dislike

Well, since it's still new (less than a year since the launch date), there are less than 3K members right now and that is a low number for a safelist.

Nevertheless, that also means that there is room for improvement and if they become bigger, the founder members will also reap the benefits such as bigger commissions and low initial investment ($16 as I write this review).

Other than that, I don't see any disadvantage of using mailer.g.ld right now.

Final Verdict

Safelist has been known as one of the low-cost methods to get traffic to your offer and build your list. It still is even today. No wonder there are new safelists emerging every year.

I joined mailer.g.ld because of the credibility of the owner and decided to upgrade for a very low investment after I get a good result as a Free Silver Member.

If you want to know whether this is worth it or not, you can just create a free account and test it.

You may get lucky and make one sale or two. Track your result and let it be the final judge before you make decision to upgrade or not. Easy peasy right? ;)


Categorized under:
IM Tool
Scott Dubois's review...
My Exciting Journey with the Rapid Profit Machine

Hey everyone! Today, I'm thrilled to share my incredible journey with the Rapid Profit Machine.

If I had to describe my experience in one word, it would be 'phenomenal. ' This system has truly revolutionized my approach to online marketing, and I can't wait to tell you all about it!

From the Beginning

From the very beginning, the Rapid Profit Machine blew me away. The vendor provides free traffic and a super easy-to-follow walkthrough on setting up the system. This step-by-step guide helped me generate a ton of leads and members right off the bat.

And the extra training? Absolute gold! The mindset videos, in particular, have been a game-changer, helping me think more clearly and make smarter decisions, which has led to even more sales.

What I Love About the Rapid Profit Machine

The simplicity of this system is what really sets it apart. Even though I had some prior knowledge, the training is incredibly beginner-friendly. It's packed with valuable insights into email marketing and business strategies that anyone can benefit from.

This makes it perfect for boosting your online presence, whether you're just starting out or looking to up your game.

Anything Not to Like?

Honestly, I couldn't find a single downside. The system's value, simplicity, and the sheer number of sales it has generated for me leave no room for complaints. It's a well-rounded package that truly delivers on its promises.

My Final Verdict: Give It a Try!

I wholeheartedly recommend the Rapid Profit Machine to everyone, whether you're a seasoned marketer or a complete newbie. The value it provides is immense, and the support system is top-notch.

There's a vibrant Facebook group where I, along with many others and the vendor, regularly check in on each other's progress and offer help whenever needed.

The system includes Done-For-You (DFY) funnels and email swipes, making the setup process a breeze. Plus, you can always reach out to me, the group, or the support staff for assistance.

This system has not only helped me pull in numerous commissions, but it also provides knowledge and skills applicable to any online venture. And here's the cherry on top: I'm offering some fantastic bonuses if you get the system through my recommendation! Interested?

Just download the Rapid Profit Machine, and you'll gain access to these exclusive bonuses, including an extra income source.

Exciting Update!

The Rapid Profit Machine continues to impress! It has been newly revamped with exciting changes that make it better than ever.

This system remains a reliable recurring income machine for me, and I can't stress enough how important it is to put in the work. As James, the creator, always says, the system works only if you do. If you slack off, don't expect results.

I've also created a detailed video review on my YouTube channel, CivicEdge1991, where I explain how the Rapid Profit Machine works and why it's so effective. On my channel, you'll find other tutorials and reviews that I've made to help people navigate the online marketing world.

So, because I've put in the effort, I'm now reaping the rewards, and I still 100% recommend this system to everyone! If you're curious to see those tutorials, programs, and reviews, check out my YouTube channel, CivicEdge1991.

Ready to take your online business to the next level? Dive into the Rapid Profit Machine and start your journey to success!


Categorized under:
Scott Dubois's review...
Welcome, everyone, to my review of Big Monster Traffic by Dawud Islam. If you've read my previous reviews on Dawud's products, you'll know I'm a big fan of the value and deliverability they offer.

Once again, Dawud has delivered a product focused on boosting your website traffic. From my experience with his other products, I've consistently seen great results.

Running a business requires cost-effective strategies that also add significant value, and Dawud's products consistently tick both boxes.

Big Monster Traffic is no exception. It cuts through the noise of other traffic systems that promise the world but often fall short. This system is straightforward to set up and gets you going quickly—all you need to do is purchase the system and submit your links.

Don't forget to include your receipts to confirm your purchase—it's a simple step to get started. Additionally, I recommend checking out the upgrades, which can further enhance your traffic flow.

Using a rotator to promote your links is a smart move, especially for platforms like safelists. Rotators, as I've learned, are particularly effective with systems like The Click Engine and The Click Generator, as well as Dawud's own rotator products.

Once inside the system, you'll find yourself on the main page after creating your login. The setup process involves watching some instructional videos. Before submitting your links, Dawud provides a website to test them, ensuring they work seamlessly.

Personally, I tested my LeadsLeap rotator link, and it's been driving steady traffic to my site non-stop.

Submitting your details is quick, and Dawud is prompt in confirming everything. Once your link goes live, you'll start seeing results.

Beyond the traffic benefits, the members' area contains additional training and bonuses, including Dawud's flagship email marketing course—an added value that's worth exploring.

What I Like:

  • The simplicity of setup, purchase, load, and go.
  • How quickly everything can be up and running.
  • The added value through bonuses and training.
  • The one-time fee, plus any upgrade costs, which I believe is a steal considering the ongoing traffic.
  • Traffic comes in consistently, especially if you're using a rotator with multiple products like I do.

This system is perfect for catching the attention of potential buyers, especially if you're new to the online industry.

Final Verdict:

I highly recommend this system. It's an affordable source of buyer traffic that's hard to beat. Combined with other strategies like The Click Engine, The Click Generator, and safelists, this can significantly boost your online presence.

Remember, building your list takes time. But with patience and the right approach (the KTL factor—Know, Trust, Like), you'll see conversions.

For the current price, this is a no-brainer for anyone serious about driving quality traffic to their offers.

In business, cost-effectiveness is crucial, and Dawud's product offers just that—quality traffic without breaking the bank.

While soloads might offer quicker results, for those on a budget, having multiple traffic sources like this is better than none at all.

I hope this review has been insightful and helpful. Good luck with your ventures, and stay tuned for more reviews from me!

*June 2024 Update*

I am still getting daily leads from this on my capture pages. I am still having great success using Dawud's Big Monster Traffic. It was one of the best ones he has released and I have gotten all his rotators in the past because the guy knows traffic well and helps you get noticed!

Not all the signups buy something but when they do I get that cha-ching message in my email inbox saying I got a sale on whatever it is they signed up to on his traffic! I will keep updating this as we go along!


Still with this amazing product I am getting people to my lists, making sales and still making money. This is great considering that we are in the dead of summer and if you have been marketing for a long time you will know... The summer is SLOW

But The daily grind continues and this product continues to deliver constant traffic. Still really happy with it!


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