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Kat McNeil's review...
My experience with the program so far

So far, the program has been awesome! The product itself is a really great marketing tool to have in my arsenal and has increased my click rate because of the personalized images I am able to send out to my list. They also have several marketing tools such as swipes, banners, etc. within the platform that you can use.

There is also an affiliate compensation plan that makes it almost impossible not to earn income because you are placed in a team with 6 other marketers. Any time one of your team members earns an income, everyone on that team also earns. I actually earned to commissions within minutes of signing up while I was still working my way through the extensive directions for how to get everything set up! Talk about awesome!

What I Like

I like the multiple options available for creating the personalized images. I can choose to use the images already available within the platform, or I can choose to create my own.

I also like the compensation plan and the fact that I earn anytime anyone on my team of 7 earns (these are not people I recruited).

What I Dislike

It does take a bit of time to figure out how the whole system works and many of the directions are written out in text with very few videos to follow. This can be challenging for those of us who have trouble concentrating for long periods of time. :-)

Final Verdict

Overall, I'm really liking the product for being able to create personalized images for emails and other advertising. Not to mention the compensation plan and the ability to earn every time one of my assigned team mates earns. I highly recommend adding to your repetoire of marketing tools!


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Tom Lindstrom's review...
This review will help you learn more about one of the biggest and best sites where you can purchase high-quality email solo ads to promote your online business opportunity.

In this Udimi review, I will share my personal experience of buying solo email ads (see my results at the end of this review), what I especially love about Udimi, and things that could be improved.

Personally, I think is one of the best places you can buy email solo ads; for around $50, you can get 100 clicks to your offer. Buying traffic is an investment in your business. Free traffic will also get you results, but it is very slow and time-consuming.

Only 100% targeted traffic!

You can be 100% sure that only people who are truly interested in what you have to offer will click through and read your message; bots and fake traffic will be automatically filtered out.

The traffic you receive from Udimi is highly targeted because your offer is sent to people who are interested in what you have to offer.

I have purchased 29 email solo ads so far (see my results at the end of the review). I especially love their rating system; it gives me the opportunity to read reviews from other Udimi customers before I place my order.

Quick Results!

You can expect a high volume of traffic. In some cases, the traffic starts within a few hours of ordering. The seller must deliver your traffic within 100 hours of accepting your offer.

Your goal is, of course, to get as many leads as possible to sign up for your offer. If your opt-in page looks professional and you have a great offer, you can expect to get a high opt-in rate (and sales down the line).

When your traffic order is finished, you have the opportunity to rate the seller. This will help others determine if this particular seller's traffic is converting. After rating the seller, you have a 50% chance to win a $5 discount on your next traffic order.

A Few Helpful Hints

When you order clicks at Udimi, you will get the best results by choosing a vendor that offers traffic in your niche. So, if you have an offer in the "make money online" niche, you need to pick a vendor that offers traffic in that particular niche.

The Udimi website is also very easy to use; you can do a search to find sellers in your own niche, and your old solo ads and payment information are saved in the system for later use.

The site also has a chat feature that allows you to chat with the vendor and get more information about the traffic. The support team helps with any questions you may have. also has many in-depth tutorials available for solo email ad buyers. I especially recommend reading the "How to Buy a Solo Ad" tutorial before you do anything else.

You will learn lots of useful tips and avoid costly mistakes. Buying email solo ads is very effective, but it must be done correctly in order to get great results.

Another great tip I can give is to read the forum regularly. The forum is the best place to learn about email solo ads and ask questions. Other members (both buyers and sellers) will answer any questions you may have.

There is also an affiliate program available if you are interested in earning commissions for referring new members.

Always start small!

When you find a seller that has an email list that matches your offer, be sure to read the reviews from other customers before you place your order. It will give you an idea if this seller delivers what he or she promises and if recent customers have received sales and opt-ins from their solo ads.

It is always a good idea to start with a small campaign first to see if it converts or not. You can always buy more clicks later.

Buying email solo ads is always a bit risky; you can never be 100% sure of the outcome. If you are serious about building an online business, then you must invest money in it.

Udimi is one of the best places to buy advertising; you can really build a responsive email list just by investing a small amount per month. Email is probably the quickest way to build a responsive email list.

Usually, when buying email solo ads from Udimi or some other place, you will get sales over time when your subscribers receive more information about your offer and get to know you. It takes time to build a relationship with your subscribers.

Always write down from which seller you buy ads and what results you get from each mailing. When you find a good seller, you can easily buy more leads and scale your business

My Udimi Email Solo Ad Results:

Solo ad 1: I ordered 125 clicks and received 149; this resulted in 54 leads and 1 sale so far.

Solo ad 2: I ordered 175 clicks and received 188; this produced 50 leads and 0 sales so far.

Solo ad 3: I ordered 125 clicks and received 168; this gave me 47 leads and 0 sales so far.

Solo ad 4: I ordered 100 clicks and received 108; this produced 37 leads and 0 sales so far.

Solo ad 5: I ordered 100 clicks and received 104; this produced 41 leads and 1 sale so far.

Solo ad 6: I ordered 150 clicks and received 162, which gave me 48 leads and two sales so far.

Solo ad 7: I ordered 125 clicks and received 135, which gave me 33 leads and 1 sale so far.

Solo ad 8: I ordered 100 clicks and received 110; this resulted in 42 leads and 1 sale so far.

Solo ad 9: I ordered 150 clicks and received 165; this produced 49 leads and 2 sales so far.

Solo ad 10: I ordered 150 clicks and received 165. This solo ad run has produced 43 new leads and 1 sale so far.

Solo ad 11: I ordered 125 clicks and received 125; this solo ad generated 68 new leads and 1 sale so far.

Solo ad 12: I ordered 200 clicks and received 230; this solo ad gave me 39 new leads and 0 sales so far.

Solo ad 13: I ordered 125 clicks and received 137; this resulted in 18 new leads and 1 sale so far.

Solo ad 14: I ordered 150 clicks and received 168; this produced 33 new leads to my offer and 1 sale so far.

Solo ad 15: I ordered 200 clicks and received 235. This ad run produced 47 fresh leads to my offer and 1 sale so far.

Solo ad 16: I ordered 150 clicks and received 175; this email about the solo ad run generated 51 new leads and three sales so far.

Solo ad 17: I ordered 100 clicks and received 107; this solo email gave me 38 new leads and 1 sale so far.

Solo ad 18: I ordered 500 clicks and received 553; this solo ad generated 187 new leads for my list and six sales so far.

Solo ad 19: I ordered 275 clicks and received 302, and this solo ad generated 114 new leads for my email list and 7 sales so far.

Solo ad 20: I ordered 150 clicks and received 165. This email solo ad generated 43 new leads for my email list and two sales so far.

Solo ad 21: I ordered 275 clicks and received 301; this email solo ad generated 51 new leads and 3 sales so far.

Solo ad 22: I ordered 350 clicks and received 372; this solo email ad generated 87 new leads and 6 sales so far.

Solo ad 23: I ordered 225 clicks and received 254, a nice overdelivery! So far, this email solo ad has generated 102 new leads for my offer and four sales.

Solo ad 24: I ordered 150 clicks and received 178; this solo email ad generated 65 new leads and 5 sales so far.

Solo ad 25: I ordered 225 clicks and received 257; this Udimi solo ad produced 125 new leads and four sales so far.

Solo ad 26: I ordered 250 clicks and received 251, and this solo email ad generated 92 new leads and 6 sales so far.

Solo ad 27: I ordered 500 clicks and received 552. This email solo ad produced 258 new leads and 5 sales so far.

Solo ad 28: I ordered 500 clicks and received 558; this solo email ad generated 284 new leads and 6 sales so far.

Solo ad 29: I ordered 450 clicks and received 490; this email solo ad delivered 197 new leads to my email list and four sales so far.

Solo ad 30: I placed an order for 500 clicks and received 557. This solo email generated 207 fresh leads and five sales so far.

Solo ad 31: I ordered 250 clicks and received 264. This email solo ad has generated 143 new leads and three sales so far.

Solo ad 32: I placed an order for 500 clicks and received 556. This solo email ad delivered 176 new leads so far and 4 sales.

Solo ad 33: I ordered 200 clicks and received 223. This email solo ad generated 108 new leads and 3 sales so far.

Solo ad 34: I ordered 275 clicks and received 323. This email solo ad generated 154 new leads and 5 sales so far.

Solo ad 35: I ordered 300 clicks and received 330. This email solo ad generated 174 new leads and 4 sales so far.

Solo ad 36: I ordered 500 clicks and received 553. This solo email ad generated 226 new leads and 3 sales so far.

Solo ad 37: I ordered 250 clicks and received 277. This solo email ad generated 143 new leads and 2 sales so far.

Solo ad 38: I ordered 500 clicks and received 559. This solo email ad generated 243 new leads and 4 sales so far.

Solo ad 39: I ordered a 500 click solo ad and received 554 clicks. This email solo ad generated 256 new leads and 3 sales so far.

Solo ad 40: I ordered a 300 click solo ad and received 324 clicks. This solo email ad generated me 149 fresh leads and 2 sales so far.

Final Verdict:

Hopefully this Udimi solo ad review gave you some insight into how effective email solo ads can be and why this is one of the fastest ways to generate targeted traffic to your offer that converts into leads and sales. If you are looking to get fast results, then I highly recommend you check out Udimi today.


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IM Tool
Scott Dubois's review...
My Exciting Journey with the Rapid Profit Machine

Hey everyone! Today, I'm thrilled to share my incredible journey with the Rapid Profit Machine.

If I had to describe my experience in one word, it would be 'phenomenal. ' This system has truly revolutionized my approach to online marketing, and I can't wait to tell you all about it!

From the Beginning

From the very beginning, the Rapid Profit Machine blew me away. The vendor provides free traffic and a super easy-to-follow walkthrough on setting up the system. This step-by-step guide helped me generate a ton of leads and members right off the bat.

And the extra training? Absolute gold! The mindset videos, in particular, have been a game-changer, helping me think more clearly and make smarter decisions, which has led to even more sales.

What I Love About the Rapid Profit Machine

The simplicity of this system is what really sets it apart. Even though I had some prior knowledge, the training is incredibly beginner-friendly. It's packed with valuable insights into email marketing and business strategies that anyone can benefit from.

This makes it perfect for boosting your online presence, whether you're just starting out or looking to up your game.

Anything Not to Like?

Honestly, I couldn't find a single downside. The system's value, simplicity, and the sheer number of sales it has generated for me leave no room for complaints. It's a well-rounded package that truly delivers on its promises.

My Final Verdict: Give It a Try!

I wholeheartedly recommend the Rapid Profit Machine to everyone, whether you're a seasoned marketer or a complete newbie. The value it provides is immense, and the support system is top-notch.

There's a vibrant Facebook group where I, along with many others and the vendor, regularly check in on each other's progress and offer help whenever needed.

The system includes Done-For-You (DFY) funnels and email swipes, making the setup process a breeze. Plus, you can always reach out to me, the group, or the support staff for assistance.

This system has not only helped me pull in numerous commissions, but it also provides knowledge and skills applicable to any online venture. And here's the cherry on top: I'm offering some fantastic bonuses if you get the system through my recommendation! Interested?

Just download the Rapid Profit Machine, and you'll gain access to these exclusive bonuses, including an extra income source.

Exciting Update!

The Rapid Profit Machine continues to impress! It has been newly revamped with exciting changes that make it better than ever.

This system remains a reliable recurring income machine for me, and I can't stress enough how important it is to put in the work. As James, the creator, always says, the system works only if you do. If you slack off, don't expect results.

I've also created a detailed video review on my YouTube channel, CivicEdge1991, where I explain how the Rapid Profit Machine works and why it's so effective. On my channel, you'll find other tutorials and reviews that I've made to help people navigate the online marketing world.

So, because I've put in the effort, I'm now reaping the rewards, and I still 100% recommend this system to everyone! If you're curious to see those tutorials, programs, and reviews, check out my YouTube channel, CivicEdge1991.

Ready to take your online business to the next level? Dive into the Rapid Profit Machine and start your journey to success!


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IM Tool
Scott Dubois's review...
My Experience with This Revolutionary Program

This Is Going Viral!

Imagine my surprise when I stumbled upon this incredibly lucrative system online. On July 29th, I was busy with my usual tasks when I received an email about a program with a $20 one-time fee. The potential seemed fantastic, so I decided to give it a shot.

From the email swipes I received through safelists, the system promised 300% commissions for each new sign-up. Essentially, you pay $20 once and earn $60 for every person you bring into the system. Intrigued, I watched a YouTube review and joined through the reviewer's link. As I clicked through to the payment page, I was shocked – it confirmed my payment without charging me a single cent!

I thought something must have gone wrong, and the person who referred me wouldn't get their commission. However, I quickly discovered that the $20 fee had been waived, and the program was now completely FREE to join. Even better, you still earn $60 for every referral, plus a recurring $15 monthly for each of those free referrals. And it gets even better: when your referrals bring in others, you earn another $15 monthly for each of their referrals!

Breaking It Down

If you bring in five referrals today, you'd get $300 instantly. Additionally, you'd earn $75 every month from those referrals. If those referrals each bring in one new person, that's another $75 monthly, doubling your earnings to $450 a month with minimal effort!

What Exactly is This System?

You might be wondering, what is this system? It's the next-gen AI marketing tool designed to be your ultimate virtual assistant. Picture hiring an employee who never calls in sick, never complains, and works tirelessly 24/7, 365 days a year without you paying them a dime.

What Does This Next-Gen Employee Do?

Generates 50 leads a day

Runs marketing campaigns

Closes sales for you with just a few clicks

Currently, the system is still in beta, which means it's not fully operational yet, and servers are a bit overwhelmed with new referrals. However, the developers are working hard to stabilize and scale up the system quickly.

My Personal Experience

So far, my experience has been nothing short of mind-blowing. The system has already generated 150 leads for me, continuously working around the clock. Every 24 hours, it gears up to fetch the next batch of 50 leads without missing a beat.

Why is it Free and How Do They Pay Affiliates?

Corey Price, one of the masterminds getting the word out there, explained that it's currently closing sales in the real estate sector, allowing them to pay affiliates generously. Plus, they have a major investor who pumped $1 million into the system, recognizing its brilliance and potential.

What I Like

Simplicity: The system is incredibly user-friendly.

Ease of obtaining leads and commissions: Generating leads and earning commissions has never been easier.

Support and Community: The system offers support via Telegram, live Zoom calls, and a community group for questions and interactions.

Reliability: This system acts like a full-time employee that never takes a break.

What I Dislike

Beta Phase: Being in beta means it's still under development. However, the team is making daily improvements. I am sort of a person who doesn't like beta phases because I love to jump in both feet and get started on the whole thing ESPECIALLY SOMETHING THIS EXCITING!

Final Verdict

This is a very, VERY lucrative offer you can't afford to miss. It's only free for a limited time, so act now to bring in referrals and earn $60 per free sign-up, plus recurring monthly income. I've never seen anything this big, this promising, and completely free to join and promote. I, for one, love this system already.

Don't hesitate – join now while the opportunity is fresh and the potential is limitless. This top-notch software is a game-changer in the AI marketing world.

For more insights, check out my YouTube channel @civicedge1991. One of my videos includes a resource page to help you promote Smart Desktop AI, with additional income streams. You can also email me at for any questions.

Thanks for reading!


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Owen 's review...
My experience with the program so far

My experience with Traffic Zest program so far has been great!

What I Like

I like Traffic Zest because it has changed the game for me. I absolutely love how user friendly the platform is, it makes it easy for me to navigate and utilize all of its features. The detailed analytics provided have been extremely insightful in helping me understand my website traffic and engagement levels.

Traffic Zest helps to pull in more leads without wasting lots of money and to me that's always a good thing, I also like the video that helps you to get started.

I like the laser targeted visitors idea which works by getting me 276 new leads.

What I Dislike

What's there not to like about it, more leads and more money its thumbs up from me.

Final Verdict

I would highly recommend Traffic Zest to anyone looking to drive more traffic to their website and improve their digital marketing strategies. It's a fantastic program that truly delivers results for you.


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Edward Mckinney's review...
I started with LeadsLeap in 2016 and never looked back since! It was my very first approach to Internet Marketing, thanks to the numerous useful articles I found in the blog. I use it to promote my network marketing opportunities and have grown my down lines greatly!
I have also been able to get a ton of free traffic to my website(blog), which gets me more clicks on my ads!


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