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Blog Tools
Costas Alba's review...
Diving into the world of WordPress development, I stumbled upon WorldPressIT, and it's been a game-changer. From the moment I signed up, I felt like I had unlocked a treasure trove of resources that were previously out of reach due to high costs. The platform's user-friendly interface and extensive library of themes and plugins have made my WordPress journey smoother and more enjoyable.

The affordability of WorldPressIT is unmatched. With discounts up to 90% on popular plugins and themes, it's a haven for those looking to enhance their WordPress sites without emptying their wallets. The security measures, including daily scans by Norton and McAfee, ensure that all downloads are safe, providing peace of mind. The 24/7 live chat support is another highlight, always ready to assist with any queries or issues, making the platform incredibly reliable.

While WorldPressIT offers an impressive range of products, the reliance on third-party developers means that some updates and support are not directly from the original authors. This can occasionally lead to delays in receiving the latest features or fixes. Additionally, while the platform encourages purchasing directly from developers for premium support, it can be a bit of a hassle if you're looking for immediate assistance.

Overall, WorldPressIT has significantly enhanced my WordPress experience. The combination of affordability, security, and comprehensive support makes it an indispensable resource for anyone looking to elevate their WordPress sites. Despite a few minor drawbacks, the platform's benefits far outweigh any negatives. Whether you're a novice or a seasoned pro, WorldPressIT is a platform that truly empowers its users to create and manage extraordinary websites.


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Isabel Miranda's review...
I have tested this traffic source for 3 months, I bought the upsell for two links and for 6 months traffic.

I am not going to talk about conversion since that depends on the offer you are promoting.

But I want to focus in the quality of the traffic that you will not get...

Thanks to The Real Tracker that I have with Leads Leap I detected that I will not waste my money anymore with this low quality traffic source.

I am ok, if it delivers just a few visits every day , what it is unacceptable is to send visits that are not real.

Here are my stats of the last 30 days:

Total Visits: 115
Unique: 16
Real: 0
Stats by Country:
South Africa Total : 103 Unique: 8 Real : 0
United States Of America: Total: 6 Unique: 4 Real: 0
United Kingdom: Total: Total: 5 Unique: 3 Real:0

Hope this review is helpful for you.


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Andy Caden's review...
This is my updated review after years of participation in the OLSP system and discontinuing my promotion around late December 2022. I earned around $1,456.62 USD as an affiliate using various marketing skills such as YouTube video guides, email marketing, and traffic exchanges like Leads Leap. I also had a blog site I used for promotion.

However, I withdrew from the program as I encountered difficulties accessing my account after it transitioned to a fee-based monthly model. Despite spending over $2,000 on products and upsells, I couldn't access the paid features,

For over two years, the OLSP system was a free affiliate platform, which was impressive in 2022. Wayne Crow, the main product owner of OLSP, taught many people how to make an income from home during the COVID-19 era.

Wayne consistently provided value to the community in 2022, offering free tutorials, traffic, and leads through the OLSP Domination Group on Facebook and other platforms, including YouTube.

While this was the best free system I had encountered in 2022, I had reservations about the upsell and other products that didn't align with the main training.

During my time with OLSP, I learned to build a profitable email list, create email messages that convert, and generate free leads through YouTube videos. My Click-Through Rates (CTR) reached 5.6%, but many leads didn't convert, mainly because they were free offers to join.

Recently, there has been an influx of new members who seemed to engage in questionable marketing practices, bordering on multi-level marketing. The OLSP community comprises people from diverse backgrounds, and I enjoyed interacting with them on Facebook.

It's essential to note that the OLSP system is not a get-rich-quick scheme and requires effort. What's changed is that it's no longer entirely free, with a monthly fee.

OLSP's main training covers affiliate marketing, email marketing, and digital marketing skills highly sought online, such as driving traffic. I stumbled upon OLSP in my spare time during COVID-19 in 2022, and it helped me generate additional income.

For those starting out, OLSP offered a free seven-day email Bootcamp, which provides participants with a $20.00 incentive. This appeared to be a great way to get started, but as a current member, I could not access my account to see updates or communicate with the team I built.

Now, let's delve into what you actually get with the OLSP system.

The initial steps guide you on how to set up and share your link on social media platforms. Finding clients who join your team is as simple as striking up a conversation on Facebook. Helping your team grow as a community fosters collective growth within OLSP.

Updated: After taking a break after over 2 years I'm still making small commissions of $1,200 so this is still a great business to take part in


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IM Tool
KASH EMPIRE's review...
My experience with the program so far

I joined on the day of launch. In my first 24 hours of joining I made $70 without sponsoring a single person! This got me excited and made me take a deeper look into it and how it works.

For starters, is a imaging service that allows you to create personalized images that you can use within your email campaigns when email marketing. I set my first image to use for one of my businesses and from that very first email with the image I used I generated 2 SALES that day! I was impressed by the effectiveness of the service and software.

What I Like

What I like about this platform is that it is a one time cost of $147, so you don't have to worry about any monthly payments to remain active in the system. There are 2 upgrades that you can participate in as well. The Pro Plus membership which is $397 and the Platinum Pro membership which is $497. Both of these memberships allow you to earn even more in commissions from the Profit Lines.

Another thing I am liking about this platform is how members are retired out of the Profit Lines after earning their portion of commissions and everyone in the Profit Line is promoted to the next position to your right until you retire. Once you retire you won't be able to earn until you yourself sponsor someone into the platform. This was implemented to keep tire kickers and people looking for a free lunch out of Profit Lines and only keeping active Profit Partners in Profit Lines. Pure Genius because that is what worries most people about these platforms. If no one is recruiting, no one earns. Well you don't have to worry about that here.

Now I want to talk more about the Image Software. Before joining this platform, I never knew that imaging software was a "thing". But since I have joined and began using it, I have seen a big difference in my clicks and conversions. Definitely seeing more conversions when I use images in my emails. Since this is new to me, I am having a hard time thinking of what kind of images I can use. So far I just place myself on an image for branding, but I do want to be more creative.

What I Dislike

What I dislike about the platform is it is alot to take in. Not so easy to really understand right out the gate nor explain to someone. People don't really like reading now a days and there is a LOT of text on the platform. But if you take your time to go thru the information, everything you need it there.

Final Verdict

My final thoughts on this platform is that it is a completely innovative project that took a lot of planning and thought. I think it is perfect for anyone to get started with and earning. I have referred 14 people personally and don't plan to stop there as the compensation plan on this is incredible! If you are looking for a unique platform that allows you to earn from the efforts of others who are building and also teamwork then this is for you! You will be showered with commissions and passive income.


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IM Tool
Gary Nugent's review...
My experience with the program so far

You must have noticed the rise of AI in marketing since late 2022 when ChatGPT was first launched. AI Cash Machines is a course that teaches you how to leverage the power of AI to build an affiliate marketing business using 2024 technology.

If you're not using AI yet, then you are going to be left behind. Unlike other things that have come along over the years, AI is here to stay and will ultimately pervade every aspect of our lives.

AI Cash Machines is a video training course that contains 49 lessons in 3 modules. It covers mindset, affiliate marketing fundamentals, how and where to drive free traffic from, the integration of ManyChat to automate part of your online business and how to use AI to write the right type of content to bring in visitors, subscribers and sales.

The aim of the course is to get your business up and running as quickly as possible and to use AI to perform tasks much faster than you can, and often with better results, as I have surprisingly found.

It will take a good few hours (there's over 7 hours of video training) to go through the course and you will need to do some some work to set things up. You'll also have to do daily tasks to build your business so being consistent with this is key. It's not difficult work but you will need to dedicate 2+ hours per day to building your business.

What I Like

  • The course was created by a person I trust: my own mentor
  • There is no fluff. The strategies described here are what are working today and what my mentor is doing himself (he's transparent about what he does and why)
  • As strategies change due to the rapidly evolving AI landscape, the course will be updated with new or revised training
  • The price: a one-time $27 for thousands of dollars worth of learning and expertise
  • A mentor who genuinely cares about the success of his students and doesn't just pay lip-service to it
  • This is a low-cost a course that you'll find that is worth multiples of what you pay for it. It it not a fly-by-night course like you'll find on WarriorPlus. My mentor wants to create 100 millionaires and 1,000 6-figures earners by 2026 with this

What I Dislike

  • Nothing. I really can't think of anything I dislike about this course.

Final Verdict

If you're looking to start an online business in 2024 or you're an established marketer but are finding that the old ways of doing things just aren't delivering as well as they used to (which is what I've been finding), then this is a course that is well worth checking out. The guy behind it has your back (I speak from experience) and is one of the most successful affiliate marketers in the business. It's hard to go wrong with this one


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Home Biz
Iryna 's review...
My Experience with Azon Auto Sites So Far

As someone who promotes products online for a commission, I understand how tough it is to start a successful Amazon affiliate website from scratch. You have to find good things to sell, write compelling articles, ensure your website shows up in search engines, and get backlinks. It's a lot of work, even for experienced marketers. That's where Azon Auto Sites can help. It's a smart computer program that does a lot of the hard work for you. With just a few clicks, it can make a website that features popular products on Amazon and ranks well in search engines.

What I Like

Azon Auto Sites has several features that stand out. The ease of use is remarkable; you can create an Amazon affiliate website in under a minute without needing any technical skills. The AI technology is sophisticated, automatically generating high-quality content and reviews, which saves an immense amount of time and effort. The sites are optimized for SEO, meaning they rank well on Google, which is crucial for gaining organic traffic. Additionally, the program keeps the content updated with the latest products and reviews from Amazon, ensuring your site remains relevant and engaging. The ability to access over 30,000 categories and 350 million products allows for a broad range of niche sites, all of which can be monetized effortlessly.

What I Dislike

While Azon Auto Sites offers many advantages, there are a few drawbacks. The initial price is very affordable, but there's a possibility that the price may increase over time. Additionally, while the platform is user-friendly and requires no technical skills, there might still be a learning curve for absolute beginners in affiliate marketing. Moreover, depending on the niche, the competition for top Google rankings can still be tough, even with the program's SEO optimization.

Final Verdict

Azon Auto Sites is a powerful tool for anyone looking to make money with Amazon affiliate marketing. It simplifies the process significantly by automating site creation, content generation, and SEO optimization. While there are some minor downsides, the benefits far outweigh them, making it an excellent investment for both beginners and experienced marketers. If you're looking to streamline your efforts and maximize your affiliate earnings, Azon Auto Sites is definitely worth considering.


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