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I first signed up for a free Leadsleap account more than two years ago. Being new and unfamiliar with the system, I was relatively inactive for several weeks after I signed up. While searching for ways to generate traffic and leads I again came across leadsleap several times and read some reviews about the website. My curiosity was triggered by several positive reviews so I decided to seriously explore and study how leadsleap works. It was then that I realized how Leadsleap could help generate targeted traffic and leads for free in exchange for some extra effort and time. The additional benefits and perks offered also convinced me to upgrade to a Pro account.

So far I am very satisfied with the results my leadsleap Pro account is giving me. I got my first few commissions within a few days of promoting my marketing funnels in leadsleap.

I have spent almost a year trying to earn my first affiliate commission by following methods promoted in video tutorials of many known YouTube influencers but none of them seem to work.

With Leadsleap, I finally did it!

I am now more motivated to work harder on my Leadsleap account and earn more commissions. What's even more remarkable is that leadsleap allows me to build my email list at the same time with a few people opting into the programs I'm promoting almost every day!

LeadsLeap Member Benefits

Leadsleap is free to join and its free membership unlocks doors and opportunities which in other similar platforms will certainly cost you a hefty price tag. You can remain a free member for as long as you want and continue to use all the resources available to free members.

Upgrading to Pro membership is optional and costs $27 per month, New members can upgrade to Pro at a discounted price of $23 per month if they upgrade within 24 hours after joining. It's a one-time offer that does not repeat. Upgrading to Pro is advisable if you want to take advantage of the additional benefits and resources available to Pro members and maximize the utilization of Leadsleap for your advertising and marketing campaigns.

Leadsleap offers an advertising platform and a whole array of marketing tools that any newbie can dream of. Here are a few to mention:

1. ) Free advertisement

This is available to both Free and Pro members. Create your ad text and banner or image and post it for viewing by all members. There are two types of ads:

  • Credit Ads - available to both Free and Pro members and is credit-based with 1 credit required for each ad view.

  • Pro Ads - no required credits and will be shown on the network 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. This is available to Pro members only.

Credit ads will expire after 14 days and need to be updated. Credit ads of Pro members are not subject to this rule. Free members can post a maximum of 3 credit ads while Pro members can post 10 credit ads and 10 pro ads.

How to Earn Credits

  • By Surfing Ads - The first 5 seconds earn you 0.2 credits (0.4 if Pro). Thereafter, you earn 0.05 credits every additional 5 seconds for up to 1 minute.

  • Reporting Problem Ads - 1 credit per problem ad reported. False report will earn no credit.

  • Adding a PPC Ad Widget to Your Website - You earn credits when people click the ads in the widget.

  • Using Leadsleap Link Tracker With Ad Widget Activated - You earn when people click the ads in the widget.

  • Overriding Credits - These are credits you earn whenever your followers view ads. They are also used in the calculation of your Daily Active Bonus. The more personal referrals you have, the more overriding credits you'll earn.

Credits earned will expire after 6 months so make sure to encash the remaining credits not used for advertising credit ads before they expire.

2. Social Review Platform

You can use this platform to write reviews and share your assessments and observations about the programs or products that you have tried. Writing reviews can help you improve or boost SEO traffic.

3. The Link Tracker

Using link tracker enables you to detect if you are getting real visitors instead of bots and also lets you know how long they spend surfing on your link.

4. Email Marketing

Leadsleap offers a free email marketing system (SendSteed) which you can use to build your email list, set up autoresponder, create automated follow-up emails, and send broadcasts to your list.

5. Page Builder

Leadsleap page builder allows you to create almost any kind of web page you can think of, such as an opt-in page, thank you page, capture page, landing page, splash page, bridge page, etc.

6. Funnel Builder

The funnel builder allows you to organize your pages by creating a marketing funnel that you can share with others. This is a feature available to Pro members only.

7. Form/Popup Creator

This tool lets you create animated opt-in forms and/or popups and add them to your website, blog, tracker, or pages created using Leadleap page builder.

8. Hosting Service

Leadsleap provides hosting for images and PDF files so that you can use them in your landing pages, popups and SendSteed emails.

Five Ways To Make Money in LeadsLeap System

  • Daily Active Bonus - view at least 10 ads a day to qualify for this bonus.
  • Credit encashment - convert credits into cash if you don't use them to advertise your credit ads.
  • PPC Earnings - add a Leadsleap Ad Widget to your website or use Link Tracker to earn when your visitors click on the ads in the widget or tracker.
  • Affiliate Commissions - promote LeadsLeap and earn recurring commissions when your direct referrals upgrade to Pro membership. Free members get 25%, while Pro members get 50%.
  • Promote your Leadsleap Coop Link in manual traffic exchanges, safelists, or other traffic networks. You earn Coop income only when a 3rd-party visitor surfs through your Coop Link for at least 5 seconds. The earning typically ranges from $0.10 to $8 CPM (cost per 1000 clicks), depending on the uniqueness, location, surfing duration of the traffic and our earnings.

Leadsleap lets you build your network within the system, with you at the top. Your direct referrals form the first level of your network. Those that your level 1 refer personally will form level 2 and this goes on until level 10. Everyone in levels 1 to 10 are your followers and this has the potential to grow exponentially. You will earn commissions when your direct referrals upgrade to pro membership. You will earn credits when your followers surf ads, which you can use for credit ads or encashment.

Spillover Level (For Pro Members Only)

A member can theoretically have ten associates or uplines. However, not every member will have ten uplines because some of them may be at the top of the network, or some of their uplines may have had their accounts terminated. As a result, there are 'empty' upline positions. These vacant positions will be appropriated to Pro members, which will comprise the Spillover Level, and it will grow continuously as the system allocates followers to this level automatically.

With LeadsLeap It is highly possible to start earning as soon as within a week after joining, as I did.

Leadsleap has about 171,400 members worldwide which means your ads can be viewed by a huge number of people who are all interested in the same niche you are promoting. Furthermore, your ads will also be exposed to people outside of the Leadleap network through the use of the Ad Widgets in your website, or link tracker if you don't have a website.

Leadsleap has been around since 2008 and it is constantly being upgraded with additional tools and features to keep it updated and relevant. Rest assured that it will be around for many years more considering the high number of satisfied users as reflected in the very high ratings it is getting from reviews (4.1 Trustpilot rating) which you can readily verify by searching online.


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IM Tool
Scott Dubois's review...
My Experience with This Revolutionary Program

This Is Going Viral!

Imagine my surprise when I stumbled upon this incredibly lucrative system online. On July 29th, I was busy with my usual tasks when I received an email about a program with a $20 one-time fee. The potential seemed fantastic, so I decided to give it a shot.

From the email swipes I received through safelists, the system promised 300% commissions for each new sign-up. Essentially, you pay $20 once and earn $60 for every person you bring into the system. Intrigued, I watched a YouTube review and joined through the reviewer's link. As I clicked through to the payment page, I was shocked – it confirmed my payment without charging me a single cent!

I thought something must have gone wrong, and the person who referred me wouldn't get their commission. However, I quickly discovered that the $20 fee had been waived, and the program was now completely FREE to join. Even better, you still earn $60 for every referral, plus a recurring $15 monthly for each of those free referrals. And it gets even better: when your referrals bring in others, you earn another $15 monthly for each of their referrals!

Breaking It Down

If you bring in five referrals today, you'd get $300 instantly. Additionally, you'd earn $75 every month from those referrals. If those referrals each bring in one new person, that's another $75 monthly, doubling your earnings to $450 a month with minimal effort!

What Exactly is This System?

You might be wondering, what is this system? It's the next-gen AI marketing tool designed to be your ultimate virtual assistant. Picture hiring an employee who never calls in sick, never complains, and works tirelessly 24/7, 365 days a year without you paying them a dime.

What Does This Next-Gen Employee Do?

Generates 50 leads a day

Runs marketing campaigns

Closes sales for you with just a few clicks

Currently, the system is still in beta, which means it's not fully operational yet, and servers are a bit overwhelmed with new referrals. However, the developers are working hard to stabilize and scale up the system quickly.

My Personal Experience

So far, my experience has been nothing short of mind-blowing. The system has already generated 150 leads for me, continuously working around the clock. Every 24 hours, it gears up to fetch the next batch of 50 leads without missing a beat.

Why is it Free and How Do They Pay Affiliates?

Corey Price, one of the masterminds getting the word out there, explained that it's currently closing sales in the real estate sector, allowing them to pay affiliates generously. Plus, they have a major investor who pumped $1 million into the system, recognizing its brilliance and potential.

What I Like

Simplicity: The system is incredibly user-friendly.

Ease of obtaining leads and commissions: Generating leads and earning commissions has never been easier.

Support and Community: The system offers support via Telegram, live Zoom calls, and a community group for questions and interactions.

Reliability: This system acts like a full-time employee that never takes a break.

What I Dislike

Beta Phase: Being in beta means it's still under development. However, the team is making daily improvements. I am sort of a person who doesn't like beta phases because I love to jump in both feet and get started on the whole thing ESPECIALLY SOMETHING THIS EXCITING!

Final Verdict

This is a very, VERY lucrative offer you can't afford to miss. It's only free for a limited time, so act now to bring in referrals and earn $60 per free sign-up, plus recurring monthly income. I've never seen anything this big, this promising, and completely free to join and promote. I, for one, love this system already.

Don't hesitate – join now while the opportunity is fresh and the potential is limitless. This top-notch software is a game-changer in the AI marketing world.

For more insights, check out my YouTube channel @civicedge1991. One of my videos includes a resource page to help you promote Smart Desktop AI, with additional income streams. You can also email me at for any questions.

Thanks for reading!


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Howlin Mike Howell's review...
My experience with this program:

I probably failed over 50 different online business opportunities before trying Secrets of The Big Dogs.

It was a game changer for me!

This is how I made my first sales and commissions; and I still make sales with it today and use the foundational tactics that I gained. It was a great online marketing boot camp!

This is a must if you're interested in affiliate and email marketing. It provides the necessary know-how to make it work.

You will use this as long as you do online business!

What I like:

The beauty of this $7.00 e-book?

It gives you real and doable "secrets" that the top marketers use every day.

You will learn how to get:

  • Plenty of real traffic to whatever opportunity you want.
  • Multiple sources of income through promoting one link.
  • A time-saving strategy (Adapt it to your business! )
  • Apply the necessary email and affiliate marketing tactics.

If you have zero online marketing experience, with a reasonable effort - using these strategies you should have success or at least find out if you really have the willpower to make it happen.

Internet Marketing is a fast-flowing river of constant change and can be frustrating. However, this valuable biz-smart info will clear any confusion.

It breaks down all the hype that distorts the truth about making $ online!

This is not another Shiney Toy promise... It reveals strategies that really work!

What I dislike:

This is jam packed with about everything you need to know about the basics of Internet Marketing, however; one extremely important subject is left out!

... It deals with lead generation and mailing lists. Since the ceo of the website handles this task, he doesn't focus on it.

But you will eventually need this skill. In fact, every seasoned marketer knows starting your own mailing list is important for success. Perhaps he sees this as an advanced skill.

Secondly, there is no video training. However, this is probably to keep everything as simple as possible.

My final verdict:

You're Not going to be an instant millionaire with this, but with consistent effort you have the potential to make a modest $2000 a month, or with serious focus, you can make a possible six-figure income.

It will provide the mindset to go to the next level.

This is the "Bible" for email/affiliate marketing, and I highly recommend it for every newbie or person who may be frustrated online.

These are foundational basics every successful marketer must know!


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Home Biz
Scott Dubois's review...
My experience with the program so far

My Experience with this program has been great. It is packed full of great value and can honestly rev up anyone's earnings. Now I started out with this system and literally in 3-4 days I had ended up promoting it and got a 1000$ sale.

The webinar on the next page is 100% correct you can earn big commissions if you implement what is shown and be consistent in finding traffic.

That is the key to success in this online world which is CONSISTENCY you will see it everywhere and being consistent in everything you do will find you the commissions and sales you need and want.

What I Like

I like how easy it is to implement everything. Now I know in most of my reviews so far I have put into them that it is easy to implement mostly everything but that's also because I've been working with computers since I was 3 years old. Now I am not saying at all that it isn't easy for someone who doesn't have tech skills because honestly, this system doesn't need any high-tech skills or a PhD in technology.

DFY Stuff? Who doesn't like DFY stuff? I love it, especially traffic? Yes, there is done for you traffic, done for your email swipes, done for you just about anything!

I like the teachings of the fellow who runs the webinar. He is very soft-spoken and very good to learn from. I have worked closely with him for a year now and honestly, most of his things on the internet he is very soft-spoken and very easy to learn from.

What I Dislike

The stuff I learned from this webinar worked for me. I can say that honestly there isn't much I found that I disliked other than the fact that he has traffic from a blog that you can put your own blog into... I am not much of a blogger and haven't been ever so it is hard to know just what to write...

Thank goodness for AI stuff now huh? I just go and have GPT write the blog for his blog traffic and boom.

Final Verdict

Final verdict is You can learn a lot from this webinar. I did and I am thankful I did. When I had found this gentleman I had been in the industry (On real affiliate marketing) For a whole month... That is it... I learned and learned well and eventually found myself earning money from the stuff he mentioned in the webinar!

To be honest I have sought after much information because in a new world it is best to gain as much knowledge as possible and I learned from many people in this online world. Knowledge is power as they say and that is no different when learning a new business or whatever have you.

This webinar will teach much and the system will teach more. You can be earning a 1000-dollar sale like I did in 3 days or more or less. I personally enjoyed this. And will continue enjoying it


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Marc Clarysse's review...
My experience with the program so far

One of the most useful "must have" solutions you'll want at your disposal when it comes to all parts of online activity, including extensive earning, exposure, list development, and much more, is LeadsLeap.

You can truly unlock doors that would otherwise have remained tightly closed or, at the absolute least, come with a large price tag with a LeadsLeap subscription (which is completely free).

Be not deceived. Although it is free to sign up, LeadsLeap is far from a low-value service. In fact, it features a lengthy number of extremely special advantages that can make anyone's online experience considerably superior to their expectations.

You can use the dynamic system tools provided by LeadsLeap at no cost in order to develop nearly any kind of business, including LeadsLeap.

Almost ANY other online system is outclassed by the promotion capability alone.

Up to 10 of your programs, services, or opportunities can be listed for free and promoted by being displayed to LeadsLeap members first (of which there are currently over 171 thousand).

Additionally, your advertisements will show up on member-promoted pages that have LeadsLeaps PPC advertisements on them. These figures are absurdly high, offering you incredibly broad exposure across almost all internet advertising platforms.

When you upgrade, you get an additional 10 slots for advertising programs. However, as a Pro member, you will get 10 of your 20 spaces viewed as previously described entirely automatically.

Therefore, it is unlikely that you would find anything that can either compete with or compare to this industry giant, even if you were just seeking effective advertising.

LeadsLeap recently debuted its own unique internal co-op system, which will undoubtedly quickly make other co-op systems available online jealous. This is just another fantastic addition to the already limitless advantageous array of power tools housed in one building. (And by using it, you can generate still another extra source of cash! )

Among the tools offered by Leadsleap are:

Internal promotion to all members. Members are urged to examine other sites for more than a quick glance for reciprocating credits when creating their own ads, so your own site will receive legitimate views rather than fleeting glances from people browsing for credits.

Page builder. This tool is a true gem with a ton of extra features, including templates, and it's incredibly simple to navigate and use whether you want to create a splash page, capture page, or any other type of page.

A full email marketing system with the ability to create your own email series for any of your LeadsLeap pages and tie it to a hosted autoresponder on your own premises that you are in total control of.

The list keeps on. A blog, a funnel builder, a form and pop-up maker, image hosting, and PDFs Create evaluations, suggestions, and much more.

Additionally, there are many ways to make actual money online, such as through referrals, site views, and ratings.

In addition to the referring, LeadsLeap offers a variety of ways for you to use its marketing capabilities, such as choosing particular groups of people to introduce the system to.

Sincerely, I've barely scratched the surface of what makes LeadsLeap essential, but the fact is that all the features serve as a powerful booster system for any online advertising campaign.

It would be an understatement to say that the Pro upgrade, which costs less than $30 a month, is worth every penny if you want to take things seriously. You can enter 10 Pro advertising into the system, and they will be regularly watched completely automatically. That's one teaser for you.

The rest of the Pro advantages just seem to go on forever.

Even though I am a Pro member, I continually discover new tools that are quite valuable and worthwhile.

If there is a drawback to LeadsLeap, I haven't found it yet, and I imagine that all Pro members would concur.

I've tried a lot of all-in-one programs in the past, but I haven't found anything that even comes close to matching the total advantages of LeadsLeap.

Final Verdict

Do yourself a favor and give LeadsLeap a shot if you absolutely must have traffic, leads, and sales—otherwise, you wouldn't be reading this. Don't be a non-believer like I was. I firmly believe in LeadsLeap right now, and I promise you won't regret joining.


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Iryna 's review...
My Experience with ClickMachine So Far

I have been using ClickMachine for the few months and am very impressed with the results. I have noticed a significant increase in traffic and sales to my website. I highly recommend ClickMachine to anyone looking for a reliable and affordable traffic generation solution

What I Like

Real Buyer Traffic: ClickMachine is designed to send traffic from real buyers interested in making money online, increasing your chances of conversions.

Affordability: ClickMachine is one of the most cost-effective traffic generation services available, starting at just $4.90 per month.

Ease of Use: ClickMachine is very user-friendly. Simply create an account, submit your website link, and start receiving traffic.

Targeted Traffic: You can target your traffic to specific countries, niches, and demographics, ensuring your offers reach interested audiences.

What I Dislike

Didn't find yet.

Final Verdict

Overall, ClickMachine is an excellent traffic generation service for anyone looking to drive real buyer traffic to their website at an affordable price. It is easy to use once you get past the initial setup and provides high-quality, targeted traffic. The platform's effectiveness is highly praised by many users, and my experience aligns with these positive reviews. If you're seeking a reliable way to drive traffic to your website, I highly recommend ClickMachine.


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