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IM Tool
Iryna 's review...
My Experience with AXLE So Far

I recently started using AXLE to help grow my affiliate marketing and video creation, and I'm honestly impressed! AXLE is designed to simplify everything, from creating videos to driving traffic, and it has been a smooth ride. The setup is super simple—after signing up, I just followed a few steps, and it was ready to go!

What makes AXLE stand out is that it does so much work for you. Once you've submitted your links, it handles the traffic generation automatically. It's ideal for people who want to earn income online but don't want to spend hours managing campaigns.

What I Like

Easy Daily Traffic: AXLE makes it so easy to drive consistent traffic to your affiliate links. Once everything is set up, you start seeing clicks come in regularly.

Simple Setup: I didn't need any technical skills to get started, which is a huge plus! Just a few clicks and I was ready to go.

Cost-Effective: For a relatively low investment, you get high-quality traffic without having to spend a fortune on ads.

Comprehensive Training: The step-by-step video tutorials really helped me get the most out of the platform.

Automated Features: Once I activated the automation, AXLE started working on autopilot, bringing in traffic without me having to constantly monitor things.

What I Dislike

Nothing at this point.

Final Verdict

AXLE is a fantastic tool for anyone looking to streamline their affiliate marketing strategy and start driving traffic without the hassle. It's simple, affordable, and really effective at getting the job done. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced marketer, AXLE is definitely worth trying out.


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Edward Mckinney's review...
I started with LeadsLeap in 2016 and never looked back since! It was my very first approach to Internet Marketing, thanks to the numerous useful articles I found in the blog. I use it to promote my network marketing opportunities and have grown my down lines greatly!
I have also been able to get a ton of free traffic to my website(blog), which gets me more clicks on my ads!


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JJ Kinseth's review...
My experience with the program so far

I am one who likes to find the best traffic sources for getting subscribers and signups. I promote products online that provide a residual commission. I have tried many sources, some which were decent and others not so much. I finally found the best converting traffic I have experienced. This traffic source has proven leads specifically for your offer.

What I Like

Trafficzest was so easy to use. You don't need to write some fancy ad or title. You simply copy and paste your affiliate link and they take care of the rest. They have a stats page showing the clicks and you will get notice in your email autoresponder for the referrals coming in. I had 76 referrals in less than 30 days and had 5 sales that came in. You start out and deposit $100 and then you can choose how slow or fast you want the traffic to come in. You put in a bid price, and typically 49 cents or more is a good price to get traffic going. I found this to be tremendous traffic and will continue using this to build up my subscribe lists and profits each month.

What I Dislike

Trafficzest isn't the cheapest, but like the old adage... You get what you pay for. There are some of those safelists that will get traffic at a cheaper price, but the conversions are usually pretty low. So even at 49 cents per click it may seem high but the quality and conversions are exceptional.

Final Verdict

If you are looking to not spend hardly any money then this program isn't for you. But if you have $100 to buy their traffic it is definitely worth it. This has proven to me to be a great way to build your subscriber list quickly and profitably.


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Safelist Mailer
Scott Dubois's review...
150 Mailer Review: My Personal Experience

I've been using 150 Mailer for about two weeks now, and let me tell you, I'm beyond thrilled with it. Frank's sites have always impressed me, but this one takes the cake.

From the moment I logged in, I was hooked by the intuitive user interface. Setting up and managing campaigns is a breeze. The variety of advertising options blew me away – there are so many ways to promote my products and share updates.

But what truly sets 150 Mailer apart is the community aspect. It's not just about sending emails; it's about forging connections with like-minded individuals who are also eager to grow their businesses. The networking opportunities have been priceless, opening doors I didn't even know existed.

And then there's the customer support – it's stellar. Whenever I had a question, the team was lightning-fast with detailed, helpful responses. Knowing that support is always just a click away gives me immense peace of mind.

Using 150 Mailer feels like wielding a secret weapon in my marketing arsenal. The platform's ease of use and effectiveness have completely wowed me. In just a short time, I've noticed a significant boost in engagement and interest in my campaigns, which is exactly what I was aiming for.

What I Like:

  • Intuitive user interface: Super easy to navigate and use.
  • Strong community and networking opportunities: Connect with like-minded marketers.
  • Excellent customer support: Quick, detailed, and helpful responses.
  • Rapid and noticeable results: Immediate impact on my campaign engagement.

What I Dislike:

None so far, but I'll update this review if I find any issues.

Every aspect of 150 Mailer seems designed with the user in mind, making it an absolute joy to use. The positive results I've experienced in such a short time are a testament to the platform's quality.

Overall, my experience with 150 Mailer has been fantastic. Frank consistently delivers top-notch products, and 150 Mailer is no different. It's now an essential tool in my marketing toolkit. If you're serious about marketing, 150 Mailer is a game-changer you won't want to miss.


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Joy Healey's review...
Update March 2024 AND June 2024

Just been reviewing my reviews at LeadsLeap :-)

Some I have deleted as they didn't stand the test of time, but The Downliner is still firmly on my favourites list and sending me traffic (especially from the Social Posts). I am still getting renewal commissions from people I have recommended to The Downliner, so they are presumably as happy as I am with it.

My experience with the program so far

I first joined this program five years ago, then left it while I had a break from online business, but I always remembered it fondly.

So when I came back online and was reminded of it, I was pleased to restart my paid membership, and, within my first month, someone who found a site I'm advertising on The Downliner joined my business. That's more than covered the cost of my first month's membership.

I have, since then, paid to become a lifetime member, eliminating monthly costs.

Within my own contacts I have recruited two TDL team members who have been equally impressed with the site, Both have upgraded too, and stayed long term members. My commission was registered promptly (can be withdrawn when it reaches $20), although I tend to use it to buy further advertising. I found several 'free' members too, but it's not uncommon that T/E members stay free.

What I Like

  • There are 3 levels of membership, one is free and the other two are extremely good value.
  • Free members can earn from their referrals
  • There's a low ($20) threshold to withdraw your commissions
  • You're only 'charged for' unique views, other views are classed as Free Views.
  • There's a lot to get my head round, but within the site dashboard another member has provided an extremely helpful explanatory video
  • Support is excellent, I even had prompt answers over the weekend
  • Paid members TDL can join the 'TDL Machine' which gives access to All In One Profits, a complete suite of business tools with plans starting at just $10 a month and paying an amazing $10 a month commission (even more for the higher plan levels). The TDL Machine will find you 6 paying members to get your AIOP business off to a flying start. I didn't join this as I already have an auto-responder, but for anyone with no a/r this would be a great benefit.
  • The TDL detailed stats show where my link is being seen and how long visitors stay on my site
  • You can earn 'shop points' to use in your own promotions, by promoting a co-op link
  • Otherwise you can buy 'shop points' at an extremely low cost, or by upgrading
  • You can 'win' points with a daily wheel spin, and I win regularly - maybe 75% of the time.
  • You can also earn points by clicking on solo-ads that come to my in-box, clearly labelled.
  • Traffic is coming from a vast array of sources including PTCs, Safelists, Traffic Exchanges, Classified Ads, CPC traffic and well as social media I received thousands of clicks in just a few days for 5 minutes 'work' placing my social media post link on the TDL ads section.
  • Most important of all, my links are being rotated on more traffic exchanges than I've even heard of. There's no way I could cover afford the time or money to promote on all those sites personally.

What I Dislike

I wish there was a way that I could target specific countries, but nothing else.

Final Verdict

Advertising on the Downliner is saving me a ton of time and money while building my list, and - most important of all - I know it's genuine traffic because I have already had an email exchange with a lead who took a paid upgrade.

Highly recommended.


Categorized under:
Safelist Mailer
Calvin Merrick's review...
My experience with the program so far

Email List Pros is owned and maintained by Frank Salinas. While you can create a free account, I joined as an upgraded Gold member.

This option provided me with mailer access every 48 hours to 1,000 members, 250,000 mailer credits, 107 solo ads, and several login, banner and text ad slots. To date, I can honestly say that this is one of the most responsive mailers I use.

When I send a mailing every two days, I generally get from one to three opt-ins. The same applies when I send a solo ad. Even though the mailer only allows me to send to 1,000 members, I get better results than I do when sending to Herculist's 270-thousand-plus member base.

What I Like

Extremely responsive member base.

What I Dislike

I only get to send to 1,000 members. Even so, the solo ads allow me to send daily. However, when the 100 or so I got with my upgrade run out, I will need to buy more to continue daily mailings.

Final Verdict

With the consistent signups I get after each mailing, I am about to upgrade again. This next upgrade will allow me to send regular mailings on a daily basis.

I highly recommend this mailer. Join free and track your results. I think you will come to the same conclusion.


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