Many gurus say the IM niche is overcrowded and advise that newbies should start from non-IM niche. I beg to differ. Here are the reasons why Internet Marketing niche is the best niche for anyone trying to start an online business. 1. Easier To Build A List Probably millions of people are looking for ways […]
Author: Kenneth (Admin)
How To Create Banners That Get Clicks
It’s nothing new. People have been banner blind long ago. Creating banners that get clicks requires some skills. Today we will discuss what they are. (Disclaimer: I’ll be using sample banners to illustrate my points. They are for educational purposes. Please don’t be offended if you are the owner/creator of these banners). 1) Headline is […]
Basic Copywriting Tricks That All Marketers Must Know
Personally, I think copywriting skill is something every marketer should learn. I know some people may disagree and they prefer to outsource copywriting. It’s probably the right thing to do if you have the budget. But if you are just starting out, it is better to know how to do it yourself. Below are some […]
8 Online Sales Tactics That Are Proven To Work
If you are selling something online, do you simply put a price tag to it and wait for someone to buy? You may say no, but I’ve seen too many people doing that. Yet they are wondering why no one is buying their products/services. In online selling, or any kind of selling for that matter, […]
Ways To Make Your Website Sticky
Back in the old days, I’m talking about early 2000, everyone was saying a successful website must be ‘sticky’. Nowadays, I seldom hear people using such term. Instead, everyone is talking about making a website ‘sociable’. There is nothing wrong with adding a social aspect to a website. If fact, that’s the viral aspect from […]
A Simple, Effective And Lasting Traffic Generation Strategy
There is a simple, effective and lasting traffic generation strategy that I think every marketer should consider. We use this strategy since 2009 and till now, this simple strategy is still bringing us traffic. The strategy I’m talking about is rebrandable ebook. Since 2009, our members have been able to rebrand the ebook, One Signup […]
Best Free Website Promotion Tips With No Product
The best free website promotion strategy is joint venture. But for joint venture to work, you need to have a product that people are willing to promote. Most online newbies start off without a product of their own, so joint venture is not something that they can do. In our discussion today, we will look […]