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Health & Fitness
Joe Marujo's review...
My experience with the program so far

Let's get one thing out of the way up front: A lot of marketers are advertising this as a way to "make $2000 without enrolling anyone. "

While that is a mathematical possibility, it's not going to happen. No one is going to make $2000 per month just by joining. I'm sure that's going to upset some folks, but we need to be real.

Having said that, if you do market this program, you will make money. No program ever created by Ben Glinsky did not make people money. This one will be no different.

The Powerline fear of loss model is very convincing and will convert lot's and lot's of people.

What nobody is talking about is that there are some very good products that are reasonably priced, especially for an MLM. Ben has a licensed pharmacist on staff that probably wouldn't risk his professional association if the products weren't legit.

I also like the fact from a marketers standpoint is that you can promote this without any additional tools, which makes it very newbie-friendly.

The email follow-up provided by the company is also very good, again, using the fear of loss as a very compelling motivator.

What I Like

You might not really understand what we have here with LiveGood...

That is, unless you see it like I do.

You see, I've been an on and off member, fan, and yes, victim of the MLM/network marketing business model for more than 3 decades.

This is not my first rodeo.

In all those years I, like many, have searched for "the unicorn. "

The company where the average person can actually win.

It never really existed.

Don't get me wrong, there are some really great companies occupying the MLM space.

The problem is, they're filled with roadblocks that keep the average person constantly chasing a dream that never comes true.

Roadblocks like:

Expensive starter packs, where you are encouraged to buy huge qualifying product purchases if "you really want to succeed... "

Overpriced products so they can pay commissions to the top, like hundred-dollar protein shakes that you can buy at Walmart for 22 bucks...

Monthly autoships that can cost hundreds of dollars just so you can stay active in the comp plan.

Monthly recruiting quotas that the average Joe (no relation) just can't keep up with.

You get the picture.

With LiveGood, they literally threw out the old, broken MLM model.

Instead, they took a page from the Amazon book. This is the Amazon Prime Business Model.

Charge a small monthly membership fee ($9.95) and sell quality products at below-wholesale prices.

You only buy products when you want to and when you need to. No quotas. No autoship.

Does it work? Ask the 100,000 people who joined in the last 90 days. Get on the Zoom calls and watch the countless people that never had success before and are finally winning.

So even if you've seen it before and you think you know, watch the video and take the free tour. This time, pay attention to what's really going on here.

What I Dislike

I find the company provided websites a little cheap-looking but since most of us create our own marketing, this shouldn't be a deal breaker for you.

Final Verdict

What we have here though, is a no-brainer.

For just $10 bucks a month you have a very marketable program and get to buy some very good products at very-wholesale prices.

Imagine if you had the opportunity several years ago to market "Amazon's new Prime Membership Program. "

Now imagine if you were getting paid $.25 per month for all the Prime memberships active today...

This might be the closest thing ever to the elusive unicorn.

I look forward to winning with you!


Categorized under:
List Building
Linda Bomba's review...
My experience with the program so far

I recently joined the list auction because this is another tool my mentor has been using to generate leads and sales and he is the #1 recruiter in several programs and I know using these he is getting 100 leads a day!

The List Auction is a powerful list-building and traffic-generating system that helps you build an enormous list of double opt-in prospects that are looking for what you have to offer... And you can start for free.

Think how fast your list will grow and how many sales you can rake in - especially when the people who are reading your emails have a track record of being action takers.

What makes The List Auction unique is not only getting traffic to your offers but you can also earn not just money but credits, buy and sell on auctions, send emails and run text and image ads.

There are 3 membership types starting with a free account where you get downline ads, earn 20% commissions, can send 26K emails a year.

The second membership is a silver account where you get downline and featured ads, 30% commissions, can send 109,500K emails a year for $12 a month, $29 for a 3 months or $57 for a 6 month package,

The third membership is a gold account where you get downline, featured, top mail ads and special offers, 40% commissions, can send 365,000 emails a year for $22 a month, $47 for a month's or $87 for 6 month's.

What I Like

The fact I have the ability to send 365K emails out per year.

What I Dislike

Nothing so far but they commissions mostly via crypto currency or a payeer, fayad, wise accounts which a lot of people may not be familiar with these.

Final Verdict

If your looking for more exposure and your opening to learning how to do auctions on this site I would highly recommend it and you start for free so there really isn't any risk to try this out. Some people may not understand how doing auctions could benefit them and skip this over.


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Bob Hurst's review...
My experience with the program so far

I've started with Connect United as a way to expand my financial portfolio. What I have learned so far is that Connect United promotes a culture of entrepreneurship and empowerment through its network marketing model. By becoming a member of Connect United, I have the opportunity to not only build my investment but also to share the system with others who are looking to build their business networks, share the benefits of blockchain technology with others, and earn rewards for their efforts...

What I like:

In a sea of lotion, potion, and pill businesses saturating the network marketing industry, Connect United stands out as a beacon of innovation and authenticity. What sets Connect United apart and makes it a superior investment for people lies in several key factors:

1. Focus on Cutting-Edge Technology: Connect United distinguishes itself by its emphasis on cutting-edge technology, particularly blockchain. While traditional lotion, potion, and pill businesses often rely on age-old formulas and marketing tactics, Connect United harnesses the power of blockchain to offer truly groundbreaking solutions. By aligning with a company at the forefront of technological innovation, investors position themselves at the vanguard of an industry poised for exponential growth and disruption.

2. Tangible Value Proposition: Unlike many other businesses that rely heavily on hype and exaggerated claims, Connect United offers a tangible value proposition rooted in the transformative potential of blockchain technology. Rather than peddling miracle products with dubious efficacy, Connect United provides real solutions to real problems, such as secure transactions, decentralized applications, and financial empowerment through network marketing.

3. Sustainable Business Model: Connect United's business model is built on principles of sustainability and long-term viability. While other businesses in the network marketing industry may experience fluctuations in demand or regulatory challenges, Connect United's focus on technology ensures relevance and resilience in an ever-changing market landscape. By investing in Connect United, individuals align themselves with a company positioned for sustainable growth and longevity.

4. Empowerment Through Education: Connect United empowers its members not only through financial opportunities but also through education ( The "Intro to Blockchain" Academy. 12 mini-module. No Charge) and knowledge sharing. Unlike businesses that prioritize recruitment over education, Connect United prioritizes the empowerment of its community members through comprehensive training, resources, and support. By equipping individuals with the knowledge and skills to succeed in the blockchain industry, Connect United fosters a culture of empowerment and self-reliance.

5. Transparent and Ethical Practices: In an industry often plagued by questionable practices and lack of transparency, Connect United stands out for its commitment to ethical conduct and integrity. From transparent compensation plans to clear communication with its members, Connect United prioritizes honesty and accountability in all its dealings. By investing in Connect United, individuals can trust that they are aligning themselves with a company that values integrity and ethical behavior.

What I Dislike:

I haven't found anything yet, I know my investments are just that, I'm as prepared for a loss as I'm banking on many years of Gains. I also know that not everybody will have the stomach to get in early and ride the wave. The blockchain is the most disruptive technology I have ever seen. - Salim Ismail and The most interesting intellectual development on the internet in the last five years. - Julian Assage.

Conclusion: Elevating the Network Marketing Experience

In conclusion, Connect United offers a refreshing departure from the typical lotion, potion, and pill businesses that dominate the network marketing industry. With its focus on cutting-edge technology, tangible value proposition, sustainable business model, empowerment through education, and commitment to transparent and ethical practices, Connect United sets a new standard for excellence in the industry. For investors seeking a superior opportunity that combines innovation with integrity, Connect United emerges as the clear choice.

Thank you for your time.


Categorized under:
Internet Marketing
Elena Lisheva's review...
I joined My Online Startup two years ago. It is the best training platform and affiliate program I've ever being involved to! Believe me, the creator and our mentor Chuck Nguyen shares a lot of extra "nugglets" of value to help you expedite your success.

Product Name: My Online Startup

Founder: Chuck Nguyen

Product Type: Affiliate Marketing, make money online

Best for: Affiliate marketers, people wanting to build an online business, for freedom seekers, leave their 9-5, Entrepreneurs.

What I like

There is an amazing step by step video training inside to follow. If you actually watch, study and take action you will be properly positioned to make money as you build your own online business.

• You will learn how you can generate the highest quality targeted traffic without spending a single cent. You'll do this by becoming and positioning yourself as an ‘Authority Affiliate'.

• You will learn how to build your biggest asset online, your own email list. And with your own email list, you'll be able to build a long term sustainable online business by simply sending out emails.

• You will learn how to be a ‘Conversion Master'. More specifically, you'll learn specific skills that will allow you to generate commissions by sending out carefully crafted emails that converts leads into buyers!

MOS team will build for you the exact same Email List Buidling System that I'm using right now in my own online business. It comes with over 250+ Automated Daily Email Follow Ups as well as all integrations, tracking and automation. MOS team will also set up for you an entire blog with most of the industry's premium plugins already installed. And both services are FREE!

As an affiliate of My Online Startup, you can earn by simply sharing the Free Course. It's as simple as that. You're not selling anything to anyone. All you're doing is giving away the Free Course that people need to also build their online business.

I am Partner inside MOS and I receive an additional 1-1 personal coaching from Chuck and get paid commissions from over 50+ income streams (all tools and services mentioned in the training).

What I dislike

It can get a little overwhelming cause of all the training modules.


Thanks to My Online Startup I am on my way of creating a job-replacing income like I always dreamed of. It has really helped me see that there are so many legit ways to make money online, despite what other people say.

I recommend this program to any beginner who is looking to start a long-term business online. If you're just starting out give My Online Startup a go and you will be surprised at how easy it is to start earning.


Categorized under:
List Building
Cris Wood's review...
I joined CLB Learning in August, 2023. Since then I have added over 100 quality subscribers (and counting) to my list and have gained many referrals in the programs I promote thru the CLB funnel system. And that has been with minimal use of the system on my part. Because of the results I have been seeing with the CLB Learning system, and all of the list building skills I have learned thru the owner and community, I am now focusing primarily on CLB to help build my list into the thousands thru 2024 and beyond.

Contact List Builder, or the CLB Learning system, is a free email list building program that was created by Janet Legere in 2003. It is marketed as a 3-step blueprint that teaches it's members the time-proven methods on how to set up funnels, best ways to get traffic to these funnels, build their list, and promote their programs at the same time.

This is a true self-funded list building and money making system!

The CLB Learning program uses Leads Leap as it's primary list building platform. The CLB funnel pages have share codes for capture pages, landing pages, and email series. Having a Leads Leap Pro account is highly recommended, however, the CLB Learning system works great with free Leads Leap accounts.

Janet is a very pro-active and hands on owner/admin. She does live weekly trainings where members learn how to effectively use the CLB Learning system, in-depth training on using Leads Leap, how to use mailers, and anything else that member's may ask for training on. For those who would like to share their areas of knowledge, or to work on their presentation skills, Janet even gives members the opportunity to step up and give some training during these lives.

Although CLB Learning has all the tools and resources needed to build a list at the free level, there is an option to upgrade to Lifetime Pro for a one time fee of $97. The Pro level comes with the following additional benefits:

1. A personally branded blog.

2. Lifetime upgrades at Janet's 4 mailers.

3. Members' affiliate link added to the CLB Rotator.

4. Personal consultation with coach Janet Legere.

There is nothing in the CLB Learning system that I am unhappy with or dislike. It is the best list building system I have been in for over 20 years online.

I would highly recommend CLB Learning system to anyone who is serious about building their email list, or wanting to improve their list building skills while building up their primary business at the same time. The price is unbeatable at free, and the very affordable lifetime upgrade offers much more than other similar programs I've seen that charge the same price on a monthly or annual basis.


Categorized under:
Ray Trainer's review...
In the world of online marketing, I have found Leadsleap to be one of the best platforms for online marketers. It has cutting-edge technology and proven marketing strategies.

The Leadsleap system has brought me a steady stream of high-quality leads. Whether it's PPC ads, banner ads, or text ads, the platform provides comprehensive analytics and tracking tools.

I like the fact LeadsLeap has a revenue-sharing program, where members can earn passive income by simply engaging with the platform. Leadleap equips businesses with the tools they need to optimize their campaigns and achieve better results.

I like that Leadsleap is very cost effective. The many marketing tools under one roof is a blessing.

Lastly Leadsleap has a very good customer support team. I really have no negative complaints against Leadsleap.

I suggest you sign up. It is totally free to join. Try it out! You will be glad you did.


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