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Internet Marketing
Mike Merz Sr's review...
A Quick Word Or Two From Mike Merz Sr.

I've been an Affiliate Marketer since 1998, became an Internet Marketing Start-up Consultant in 2000, and began focusing on JV Brokering & Affiliate Program Management in 2003, resulting in the creation and launch of JVNotifyPro in 2005.

In an effort to stay on top of the latest Online Business strategies, I've invested my share of time and money into what I considered quality products and services. Just because I've been at this for the last 26+ years, doesn't mean I've learned all I need to know to continue doing business at a high level. Every day there's something new popping up, and if you don't stay ahead of the pack by continuing to be open to learning and trying new things you can quickly fall behind.

That being said, I've recently decided to invest in becoming a MAP (Master Affiliate Profits) backer. MAP is currently in the 2nd of 3 phases, and you have a very limited time to get in at the Platinum level for a one-time investment.

IMPORTANT! Just because I've known, and worked with, MAP creators John Thornhill, Omar & Melinda Martin for many years does not mean I was comped, or offered a special discount to get on board. I gladly paid what every one of the other 900+ MAP backers (thus far) has paid, and I consider it a bargain.

MAP focuses on helping its members become better Affiliate Marketers, which has always been the heart and soul of my work with JVNP/JVNW, so I consider it a match made in Heaven, featuring beginner to advanced training in list building, email, ad, & video marketing, blogging, social media, traffic generation and conversion, and more.

Additionally, if you decide to join me as a backer before they enter Phase 3, you'll have access to advanced features and benefits like a higher commission %, a 2-tier referral option, gratis traffic, and more advantages than I have time and space to reveal here, all for a one-time only investment.

Hey, listen you know that I don't directly sell to fellow affiliates and JV partners. The only reason I'm mentioning this is because I've personally invested in MAP, and I'm inviting you to do the same period.

If this is something you feel you and your business might benefit from, you can find out everything you need to know about MAP right here, including a webinar featuring John and Omar.

If not enjoy the rest of your day. ;)

Mike Merz Sr


Categorized under:
Health & Fitness
Glenn Murphy's review...
LiveGood - My Experiences and Review

I joined LiveGood in November of 2023 mainly because I was interested in both getting healthier & losing weight. And to be honest, I had experienced a cardiac event earlier in 2023 and the vitamins and supplements interested me because they were so inexpensive compared to what I was buying at the time.

I will tell you that I used a combination of LiveGood Products, intermittent fasting, and the carnivore diet and have lost 85 pounds so far. Quite amazing as it has been easier to lose than I've ever experienced in my entire life!

What I Like About LiveGood

First, the member pricing of the full line of vitamins, supplements, and other products.

Second, all of the products I've tried are, in my opinion, of excellent quality and purity.

Third, I enjoy watching the videos of Dr. Ryan Goodkin, Director of Product Development, and Director of Product Education Lisa Goodkin every Monday at Noon EST. These videos have taught me much about LiveGood products and many aspects of human health.

Fourth, the entire LiveGood team from Ben Glinsky, CEO down the line seems very focused and concerned about the health of the people they serve. This is nice to see as we in the United States have some serious health issues facing us.

Fifth, I am proud to tell others about LiveGood because of its high quality and low price points. As a member, I am saving a considerable amount of money over what I was paying for my monthly vitamins and supplements.

Sixth, I love that you can promote the products and opportunity for a one-time affiliate fee of $40.00. I paid my membership for the entire year in addition to the affiliate fee because by doing so you get 2 months free.

What I Dislike About LiveGood

I was led to believe that you can make money via "spillover" without referring anyone. This I have found to be untrue to date. I'm not saying it doesn't happen because I read other reviews where people are getting spillover. That said, I have seen zero spillovers thus far.

Hopefully, as the company grows and adds additional products outside of the health niche this will happen with every member.

Final Verdict

I am excited about what I'm hearing about the planned growth of LiveGood and I'm happy with everything else about the company and its leadership so I plan to stick around and renew for another year.

If you are considering LiveGood I hope this review has helped you in your decision-making process. And, I would say go for it with one caveat...

Just don't expect to make money by doing nothing, if spillover happens let that be a nice surprise.

I wish each of you all the best in your health and wealth.


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Edward Mckinney's review...
I started with LeadsLeap in 2016 and never looked back since! It was my very first approach to Internet Marketing, thanks to the numerous useful articles I found in the blog. I use it to promote my network marketing opportunities and have grown my down lines greatly!
I have also been able to get a ton of free traffic to my website(blog), which gets me more clicks on my ads!


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Iryna 's review...
My Experience with The Click Cafe So Far

I recently signed up for The Click Cafe to help boost traffic to my affiliate links, and it's been a smooth ride so far! For just $5 a month, I can have my link sent out daily to top mailers, which is pretty impressive. The process is incredibly simple: after purchasing, I submitted my link, and they handle the rest. Plus, for only $8, I was able to submit two links for even more exposure.

I've already started noticing some consistent traffic coming in from their daily mailers, which is fantastic, especially at such a low cost. It's a hands-off system, so I don't have to worry about constantly monitoring or tweaking anything.

What I Like

Daily Traffic: Once your link is in the rotation, it gets sent out daily to top mailers. This ensures constant traffic without waiting for monthly campaigns.

Simple Setup: All I had to do was submit my link, and they took care of the rest. There's no complicated process or technical know-how required.

Affordable Pricing: For $5 a month, I'm getting daily traffic, and upgrading to $8 gives you the ability to promote two links—super cost-effective!

No Rotators Allowed: They only use direct links, which makes it more efficient for getting clicks.

Consistent Results: I've started seeing traffic steadily increase from the daily broadcasts, which feels like a good return on investment.

What I Dislike

Basic Features: This service is quite straightforward. If you're looking for advanced tracking or more comprehensive marketing tools, you'll need to supplement with other services.

Final Verdict

The Click Cafe offers a simple and affordable way to generate consistent traffic without spending a fortune. For just $5 or $8 a month, having your links sent out daily is a great value, especially for those who don't want to handle everything manually. If you're looking for an easy traffic solution that delivers without breaking the bank, I highly recommend giving The Click Cafe a try.

Ready to boost your traffic? Submit your link to The Click Cafe today and start seeing the difference!


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PLR & MRR Products
Beverly Taylor's review...
My experience with the program so far

I've been a member then a lifetime member of Big Product Store for many, many years (I don't remember how many, but perhaps 10 years). Out of all the PLR programs I've used, this is my favorite. BigProductStore has a huge library of PLR products, including eBooks, video courses, software, graphics, and more. If you're looking to add content to your blog, offer bonuses for your affiliate promotions, or resell products for a profit, BigProductStore has something for everyone.

What I Like

One thing I like is that they add new PLR assets daily. Also, I can search for everything from their whole history (not like some PLR services that only show the most recent month or so). I love that there is such a huge library that I can always find something for my needs. As they have assets for virtually every niche, I've been able to find multiple choices every time I search. You can search by a keyword and/or by type of asset.

What I Dislike

I like everything, but I would prefer a small change. While they do tell you the main licensing, sometimes you need to download it to find out all of the licensing details.

Final Verdict

If you need any PLR or any content for anything, I highly recommend this. BigProductStore is, in my opinion, the best PLR membership site available today. You'll gain access to a wealth of resources that can help you grow your business, save time, and increase your profits.


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Marc Clarysse's review...
My experience with the program so far

One of the most useful "must have" solutions you'll want at your disposal when it comes to all parts of online activity, including extensive earning, exposure, list development, and much more, is LeadsLeap.

You can truly unlock doors that would otherwise have remained tightly closed or, at the absolute least, come with a large price tag with a LeadsLeap subscription (which is completely free).

Be not deceived. Although it is free to sign up, LeadsLeap is far from a low-value service. In fact, it features a lengthy number of extremely special advantages that can make anyone's online experience considerably superior to their expectations.

You can use the dynamic system tools provided by LeadsLeap at no cost in order to develop nearly any kind of business, including LeadsLeap.

Almost ANY other online system is outclassed by the promotion capability alone.

Up to 10 of your programs, services, or opportunities can be listed for free and promoted by being displayed to LeadsLeap members first (of which there are currently over 171 thousand).

Additionally, your advertisements will show up on member-promoted pages that have LeadsLeaps PPC advertisements on them. These figures are absurdly high, offering you incredibly broad exposure across almost all internet advertising platforms.

When you upgrade, you get an additional 10 slots for advertising programs. However, as a Pro member, you will get 10 of your 20 spaces viewed as previously described entirely automatically.

Therefore, it is unlikely that you would find anything that can either compete with or compare to this industry giant, even if you were just seeking effective advertising.

LeadsLeap recently debuted its own unique internal co-op system, which will undoubtedly quickly make other co-op systems available online jealous. This is just another fantastic addition to the already limitless advantageous array of power tools housed in one building. (And by using it, you can generate still another extra source of cash! )

Among the tools offered by Leadsleap are:

Internal promotion to all members. Members are urged to examine other sites for more than a quick glance for reciprocating credits when creating their own ads, so your own site will receive legitimate views rather than fleeting glances from people browsing for credits.

Page builder. This tool is a true gem with a ton of extra features, including templates, and it's incredibly simple to navigate and use whether you want to create a splash page, capture page, or any other type of page.

A full email marketing system with the ability to create your own email series for any of your LeadsLeap pages and tie it to a hosted autoresponder on your own premises that you are in total control of.

The list keeps on. A blog, a funnel builder, a form and pop-up maker, image hosting, and PDFs Create evaluations, suggestions, and much more.

Additionally, there are many ways to make actual money online, such as through referrals, site views, and ratings.

In addition to the referring, LeadsLeap offers a variety of ways for you to use its marketing capabilities, such as choosing particular groups of people to introduce the system to.

Sincerely, I've barely scratched the surface of what makes LeadsLeap essential, but the fact is that all the features serve as a powerful booster system for any online advertising campaign.

It would be an understatement to say that the Pro upgrade, which costs less than $30 a month, is worth every penny if you want to take things seriously. You can enter 10 Pro advertising into the system, and they will be regularly watched completely automatically. That's one teaser for you.

The rest of the Pro advantages just seem to go on forever.

Even though I am a Pro member, I continually discover new tools that are quite valuable and worthwhile.

If there is a drawback to LeadsLeap, I haven't found it yet, and I imagine that all Pro members would concur.

I've tried a lot of all-in-one programs in the past, but I haven't found anything that even comes close to matching the total advantages of LeadsLeap.

Final Verdict

Do yourself a favor and give LeadsLeap a shot if you absolutely must have traffic, leads, and sales—otherwise, you wouldn't be reading this. Don't be a non-believer like I was. I firmly believe in LeadsLeap right now, and I promise you won't regret joining.


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