We have launched the ad rating system for some time now and some members were asking why they can’t see the ratings for their ads. Sorry for the delay. This feature is now available. If you go to the ad setup page, you will see the rating of your ad under the ad text, like […]
Are you getting real visitors or just clicks? Find out how…
One of the most requested features from our members is a link rotator. Now you have it! Today I’m thrilled to release a powerful link tracker, with rotation and cross promotion capabilities. We call it… The Real Tracker! “Booooooo!!!! We have Google Analytics, who needs another tracker?” Yes, GA gives you many stats. But it […]
New feature: Get ready for more downline traffic
I have been thinking what is the best way for members to reach out to their 10-levels of downlines. We used to have a private message system. It didn’t work. Too much spam. We replaced it with the current Downline Message. Members got some traffic from that, but it’s far from my expectation. My ideals… […]
LeadsLeap Widget is now responsive and mobile-friendly
Everything online is becoming mobile-friendly. Blogs, websites, social networks and even Google Adsense. Now, LeadsLeap Widget is mobile-friendly too. What does it take to be mobile-friendly? 1) The widget and its content should be able to fit into any window dimension. 2) It should be able to resize dynamically as the window dimension changes. In […]
Attraction Marketing + LeadsLeap Advertising = ?
You probably have come across the term of Attraction Marketing. It is the strategy that almost ALL successful IM gurus and network marketers use. The basic principle of Attraction Marketing is to ‘teach’ instead of to ‘sell’. You position yourself as someone who knows the subject well and share your experience (note, it’s experience, not […]
How To Customise Your Offers Based On Different WordPress Pages, Posts or Categories
Recently we discussed how to customize the offers for subscribers and non-subscribers by leveraging on a web technology called Cookie. Today I am going to show you how you can customize based on different WordPress pages, posts or categories. What’s The Difference? The former is customization based on audience. The latter is customization based on […]
How To Customize The Offers For Subscribers And Non-Subscribers?
How good would it be if you can show one offer to your existing subscribers and another to non-subscribers? For example, you can ask non-subscribers to opt-in to your list, and those who are already in your list to buy something. Here is what’s happening to most blogs that actively build a list: They have […]