Page Update – No Right Click, No Drag, No Select

From time to time, we have members asking how they can stop people from copying their page design.

While there is no way to stop that, there are ways to prevent.

It is done by disabling the right click, drag and select function on the page.

How To Disable Right Click, Drag And/Or Select?

1) Go to the Page you want to edit. Click the edit button (arrow 1).

2) Scroll down to ‘Other Settings‘ (arrow 2).

3) Choose the functions that you want to disable.

That’s all.

No Select – All Contents Vs Image Only

For the ‘No Select‘ option, you have a choice of no select for all contents or image only.

If some of the content of your page are meant to be copied by the visitors, such as a Share Code or a HTML or JS code, you can choose ‘No select (image only)‘.

Otherwise, you can choose ‘No select (all contents)‘, which means nothing on the page can be selected.

Other considerations

This setting applies to all the Designs in a Page.

For example, if you disable right click, all the Designs in that Page will have right-click disabled.

That’s all.

Happy page building!

37 thoughts to “Page Update – No Right Click, No Drag, No Select”

  1. Ken, I am impressed at how your customers are at your heart. ❤️ I always see you in action working hard to satisfy us. I am sure that other members have noticed that.

    In my language I will say “AYIKOO” (well done)! Keep it up…

    Greetings @legitebusiness

  2. Hi Kenneth,

    That is the excellent features you have added to the landing page which will prevent in copying the landing page contents by the visitors.

    Appreciate your work and looking for more updates in future

    Great work keep it up


  3. Thank you for sharing this post . Personally i think it is a very good step taken by your team to give the opportunity for every one to prosper in their own way throughout their unique blog .

  4. I just stumbled upon this system and I don’t know much yet, but I know this is the last system I will ever use and I am superduper excited. Can’t wait to learn so much more.

  5. It’s super easy for us to add those security measures to our pages. Just a few mouse clicks. Thanks.

    1. I see that you have not started using our Page Builder. This update is not for you. As a new member, please start from the Welcome Message in your Dashboard.

  6. Hey Kenneth,

    I was just trying to check the right click function in Leadsleap which is a great update that you have provided. But I was also worrying about the videos that I add on the Pages where the user can use the right click on the video to copy the url of the video or of the embed url of the video Is there any solution for this issue in order to stop using the video url from the leads leap page.

    Awaiting you reply on the same



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