We launched the Traffic Coop on last Friday.
On Saturday, the Coop Traffic reached 40% of our usual daily traffic.
On Sunday, it was 100%!
On Monday, it was 200%!
In just 3 days, the traffic that we sent to our members tripled!
With such traffic, our Pro Members will receive 4000 visitors in a month, or even more because the growth seems unstoppable.
If you are not a Pro Member, what are you waiting for?
Upgrade now and get a share of this traffic surge!
Good news aside, below are some common questions we’ve received these few days. I thought I should clarify them.
1) How much will I earn from Coop Earning if I send 1000 hits?
This is the most common question being asked in various forms.
Although we have provided the details in the Introduction and Tutorial, we have not explained enough.
First, understand that only visitors that surf the Coop Link for at least 5 seconds are counted.
If you promote in sources such as popup, popunder, autosurf etc, in which the links are hardly surfed, most of the hits will not be counted.
Assuming all the 1000 hits are real visitors who surf at least 5 seconds, then you will earn $0.10 to $8 for that 1000 visitors, depending on the uniqueness, location, surfing duration of the traffic and our earning.
Why the huge range? Because 1000 duplicated visitors from a country with low purchasing power is very different from 1000 unique visitors from a country with high purchasing power.
Can we give a more precise earning estimate? Unfortunately we can’t. On every Friday, our algorithm will study the integrity of the traffic and calculate the corresponding earnings. Nobody, including me, can predict individual’s earning until the algorithm is run.
2) Why am I not getting traffic from the Coop Network?
Firstly, understand that you get traffic from the Coop Network through your Credit and Pro Ads. This means there is no extra ad set up for Coop traffic.
Secondly, as the Coop Links are shown in other traffic networks, your Credit or Pro ads have to meet certain requirements before they can be shown.
The requirements may change as we try to comply to as many networks as possible.
To find out if your ads can be shown, go to your Credit Ad or Pro Ad set-up form.
Under the URL field, you can see the link shown below:

Click on it to find out if your ad can be shown in the Coop Network.
If your ad is a Credit Ad, you need to participate in the Coop Program before your Credit Ad can be shown.
If your ad is a Pro Ad, it will be shown automatically as long as it meets the above requirement. If not, please contact our support.
3) What is the exchange ratio for Coop Traffic?
The exchange ratio is 2:1. This means every 2 traffic you send to your Coop Link will bring you 1 traffic to your Credit Ad, provided you have at least 1 Credit.
You are more likely to run out of Credits than hitting the exchange ratio limit.
So just focus on keeping your Credit fueled.
Then, how to keep your Credit fueled?
This is not a new topic but if you don’t know how, here’s how:
1) You earn credits from ad surf (personally or through the Coop Program). First 5 seconds earn 0.2 credits. Subsequently, you earn 0.02 credits every 5 seconds for up to 1 minute.
2) You earn credits from rating ads and reporting problem ads.
3) You also earn overriding credits when your 10-levels of referrals view ads.
For more details, please refer to the Tutorial at My Click & Credit Stats
4) Should I participate in the Coop Program if I am a Pro Member?
If you are satisfied with the traffic from your Pro Ads, the answer is no.
If you want more traffic, the new Coop Program can really send you a lot more traffic from your Credit Ads.
Some members are getting thousands of traffic from their Credit Ads every day.
The Coop’s potential seems limitless. I am still trying to adapt to the new norm.
To Free Members,
if you want to tap into this traffic surge,
click here to upgrade now.
Thank you for the feature and this update!
Will be exciting to see what is the earnings, so far after 3 days i bring in 400 hits approved by the network how many did you make?
I’m excited and nervous.
I didn’t expect that much traffic from Co-Op, and it is still increasing furiously.
There is a limit to what we can pay. Think about how much you pay as a Pro Member, and how much traffic you can now receive from your Pro Ads.
Just hope Friday comes soon. Then we will know how our first payout turns out.
I think that a Coop in advertising is always profitable for the members of a Coop. Everybody
will get profit from the other members’ activity on condition you are personally active too.
I am thrilled with all the possibilities of this program and will have it finished today.Thank you.
Nancy Anne
LeadsLeap just gets better and better! Thank you Kenneth!
You can’t find a program like this anywhere else but here at Leadsleap.
Hi Kenneth,
As a Pro member, are you automatically in the coop, or is there something that one needs to do to join or participate?
Automatic, provided the advertised link meets the requirement. See the post above on how to check if your Pro Ads meet the requirement. Basically, the site must be https and must not block iframe.
In all my year’s promoting online. This is by far the best advertising source created. It help’s new and experience marketer’s with traffic generation. (Plus, this new coop is the icing on the cake!)
I’m a free member in leadsleap. Plz help me how to setup.
Please start with the Tutorial in the Dashboard. It will direct you based on what you intend to do with LeadsLeap at the moment.
I am loving this new feature and the volume of traffic we’ll receive as Pro Members!
For the last two days I am promoting Coop in some mailers and traffic exchanges. Waiting for the hits and earnings. Thank you for keeping Leadsleap members working joyfully.
I have been learning and understanding your marketing system with each new innovation you add to the Leadsleap system. Thank you.
I got so confused at starting out I am still confused but I am a man with a purpose to go on and on
You are playing a catch-up game. It’s normal. Go to your Member Area, start with the tutorial in the Dashboard page. Do one thing at a time. We will see you at the top soon! :)
great decision for launcing traffic-coop by leadsleap we are happy for more eaning in this platform !!!
thanks LeadsLeap.com you are the boss of internet Advertising & earning platform !!!!
From a guy who once hated LeadsLeap with a passion, but now points all external links to LeadsLeap, thanks again Kenneth! LeadsLeap already kicks ass on everything else out there and you just continue to make it better and better.
Awesome, I tried it and noticed more traffic to my sites.
Keep up the good work!
Co-op is an excellent addition to our extra traffic source, my sign-ups are up 100% on last week
So if you are still sitting on the fence, I recommend upgrade to pro and join L/Leap Co-op and take advantage of the latest list building potential to build a stronger team list, and revenue income.
Thank you Ken.
Glad to hear that! Keep it up. More traffic are on your way!
Congratulations Kenneth! And thank you for sharing your success with us LeadsLeap members. I am so glad I found this Platform. It took me some time to get started, but the tutorials explain everything in a way that, if you just stick with it, you’ll get it. The knowledge I’ve gained from LeadsLeap for free is truly priceless.
Thanks again Robin. Your comments are always ‘marketable’ (like an instagramable photo, LOL).
I hope more members read this comment and use our Tutorials. We really designed it to be ‘if you just stick with it, you’ll get it’.
Hi Kenneth!
Awesome and great addition. My traffic has surged in the last days dramatically, due to the traffic coop – and nothing to do from my side, besides being a Pro member. LOVE IT!
It would be very helpful to get a list of such “Manual Traffic Exchanges” to know what to join, which are worth it and not a waste of time. Can You provide such a list of some exchanges?
For a selfish reason, I’m not sure if I want to have such a list available.
If such a list is available, everyone will flock into those websites. We will just be getting the same traffic over and over again.
It’s better to get traffic from diversified sources.
Please note that we have no whitelist nor blacklist. Our real visitor detection system is so far sufficient to do the job.
Traffic Ad Bar is good. Results depend on how much you use it, but it’s good traffic.
Thank you, Kenneth! LeadsLeap is by far, the best platform online!